Qiu Xiancheng, who was mixed in the crowd, did not know what kind of mood he had, and he swallowed this gluttonous meal with force.Witnessing with his own eyes during the banquet that Hegong transformed from his initial fear, apprehension, and embarrassment to the expression of gratitude, shock, envy, and yearning from the bottom of his heart, Qiu Xiancheng lowered his head in despair. I have thoroughly experienced the majesty of this bandit leader who will sooner or later become a confidant of the imperial court.

It turns out that eating more than 500 shi for a meal yesterday was still a sample, and this morning's meal is the final sample.A famous chef in Yanjing served a group of servants and workers who would never be able to go to the lobby of a famous restaurant several times by themselves. It was a great anecdote, but it really happened to him. On this day, it happened right in front of my own, the county magistrate of the Great Song Dynasty.

Perhaps, for these poor people who are struggling on the verge of life and death, this day may never be forgotten in their entire lives.

Because of this, Qiu Xiancheng was extremely angry!

What's the use?

What can it do in the end?

What white-clothed scholar, what Liangshanpo, can take care of these people for a lifetime?With that corner of the land, it is not as simple as catching a turtle in a jar for a serious court.Even if you broke Dengzhou in Liangshan yesterday and daimyo today, can you survive a defeat?Compared with Liang Shanbo, the Song court with a population of tens of millions and [-] military prefectures can withstand the defeat of one, two, five, and ten battles, as long as one victory is enough.

Since it is the fate of destruction after all, why do you have to drag these people to be buried with you?When Liangshan is broken, where will these people be left by you?At this time, Qiu Xiancheng's anger towards Wang Lun had reached its peak.

"Okay, everyone listen to me!" Qiu Xiancheng was clenching his fists, filled with anger, when he suddenly saw dozens of officers walking into the crowd, saying roughly the same words:

"Half an hour's rest, we will be divided into several parts and go to different places in the city. We have agreed in advance that we will pay one stone of grain a day, and you can pick it up when you have lunch at noon! Our part will be transported to the granary later. food!"

"Why is there still a meal at noon?" After the meal, Xiao Si, who was much more courageous, cautiously asked the second uncle's two drinking buddies for an explanation.

Chen Da laughed, and said: "It turns out that your Daming Mansion also has a custom of eating only two meals a day?"

Xiaosi thought to himself: "Eat three meals if conditions permit, and eat two meals if conditions do not. It has nothing to do with customs!" But he dared not say this, because he was bored in his stomach. His face was flushed, and he emboldened himself with alcohol, "Listen to the accent, the king is also from Hebei?"

At this time, Chen Da was a little drunk, he slapped the table, and said: "It's not just from Hebei, I'm from Xiangzhou (Zhisuo Ye County), how far do you think it is from your Daming Mansion? What is my relationship with you? "

Xiangzhou, also known as Yezhou in the Northern Song Dynasty, is west of Daming Mansion, and the two states form a border.Seeing that, the second uncle said "Oops", stood up abruptly, and shouted: "That's a fellow!" Then he pointed excitedly at the people on the table and said, "This... these are all fellows, fellows!"

Suo Chao held a wine bowl and watched the excitement. Although he was from Hebei, he also served in the army in Daming Mansion, but his hometown was [-] miles away, which was too far away, so he didn't join in the fun.

Chen Da laughed loudly, motioned everyone who had stood up to sit down, and said, "We are all fellow villagers, don't be afraid! Rest for half an hour, and General Suo will send you on your way..."

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and they all looked at the fellow in fear. Chen Da was taken aback, and quickly patted his mouth and said: "Look at my mouth, don't panic, I'm taking you to do something serious!"

The second uncle got a little drunk, and then said: "I don't think it looks like a meal with a broken head! How can there be such a money-losing business?" As the saying goes, when drunk, the heart knows, and the second uncle's words hit everyone's heart , In fact, everyone understands in their hearts that a person like himself is not worth being teased at such a high price by others?

When everyone was meditating silently, the high commander came over again, smiled at the people sitting on the head and asked: "Brothers, which one tastes better, recommend it to our brothers who haven't eaten!" Because There are not enough places, and Tang Bin's battalion has not eaten yet.

Unexpectedly, the result was very surprising. Almost all the people present insisted that the dishes on their table were the most delicious, which made the commander a little hesitant. At this moment, Suo Chao stood up and said, "Old Gao, let me Guaranteed, our table has the best taste!" Speaking of which, this high commander used to have the same official rank as himself when he was in the Imperial Army, and Suo Chao felt close to him from the bottom of his heart.

Commander Gao said, clapped his hands, and said, "That's it!"

Suo Chao laughed, stood up and greeted: "Let's make way, let the brothers who haven't eaten sit down!"

Seeing this, the people at the same table hurriedly got up. They didn't expect that they were full. The kings of the cottage still had nothing to eat.

Qiu Xiancheng was also caught in the crowd who got up and gave in, and his mood fell to the bottom at this time.According to his careful observation, people like Liang Shan really don't seem to be pretending, because no matter how hard your leader puts on the show, at least you can see the real situation from the faces of the soldiers. It's impossible for everyone to pretend to be invisible. ?It's a pity that the final result disappointed him who was trying to find a flaw.

And this result is the most terrible!He is not afraid that Liangshan is full of robbers who deceive the world, because the fake ones cannot be real!As a master adjudicator, he once engaged in judicial work in Binzhou firmly believes that there are clues to follow in everything, and if he follows the clues, he will definitely see the true face of Mount Lu.

He was afraid that Liang Shan was coming for real, but the premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

A lofty goal can attract people, and attract many people, but at this time, he seems to see the tragic state of these people after their dreams are shattered: either die tragically on the road to Liangshanbo from Daming Mansion, or live a few more years on Liangshan at most , and was finally wiped out by the court in one fell swoop.

The young county magistrate frowning tightly just followed the flow of people with his head down, but because he was too focused, he accidentally bumped into a big man. The man turned his head and looked in surprise, "What the hell! Where did you come from?" Are corrupt officials mixed in with the team?"

Chen Da's curse caught Suo Chao's attention. When he saw this low-level civil servant, he stopped Chen Da and said, "This is an upright official, an upright official!"

Chen Dajian said that Suo Chao was going to give Suo Chao the face of not moving forward at the moment.Suo Chao looked at the county magistrate and said, "Qiu Qian, were you arrested?"

"Suo Pai Jun, you are a strong general in my Daming Mansion. You have to have the integrity of a soldier. How can you surrender to a bandit when you are defeated? You also call the bandit a brother and brother, have a good chat?" Qiu Qian didn't answer Suo Chao's words, but just looked at him road.

When Suo Chao heard it, he was furious and said: "Fairness and integrity, I am angry with you every day, and I have to keep the festival with him! I am not a surrender, how can I not fall into the grass!? I just give this life to those who know the goods. This One life is enough!"

Lin Chong and Tang Bin saw the commotion here, they looked at each other, and they both rushed over, but just in time they heard Qiu Qian persuade Suo Chao: "A man of seven feet should serve the country and gallop on the battlefield to be a hero." ! General Suo, don’t fall into the wrong path and become obsessed with your mistakes!”

"Fart you! Who here doesn't want to serve the country well? This coach Lin, the coach of the 80 forbidden army in Tokyo, is a master of martial arts, a pillar of talent, you go and tell Gao Qi, tell him to behead himself, and give this pillar Apologize, and then send him to the frontier, so that he can serve the country!" The good-tempered Tang Bin saw that Qiu County Prime Minister persuaded Suo Chao to surrender, and it was extremely rare to get angry. At this time, his anger did not diminish, and he said:

"I, Tang Bin, was originally an officer in the Pudong Army, and I also came from the Imperial Army. When the powerful framed me, the superiors didn't care about injustice. They sold me for a little money. I want to serve the country well, but now those who represent the court are all messed up. The bird man!? You are an eighth-rank county magistrate, come to me and say something, don’t be obsessed with it? Wait for you to replace Cai Jing’s old thief, and then come and say this to the military master! Do it!”

Seeing that Tang Bin ran away violently after finishing speaking, Lin Chong couldn't imagine that he still had so much bitterness in his heart. He seemed to be living a carefree and unrestrained life on weekdays, so he hurriedly followed him to persuade him. Tang Bin picked up a jar of wine , shook it, feeling that it still had some weight, poured it straight into his mouth, Lin Chong sighed, didn't stop him, just dispersed the surrounding onlookers.

Tang Bin drank heavily, feeling a little more at ease in his heart, put down the wine jar, and said to Lin Chong: "Forget it, I don't know why I was suddenly picked up by this guy. When I met this guy, all the officials in charge of the river work ran away. Well, this guy is a caring person who went back to raise food and grass. I blame him, but he still has merit. I have already sent someone to inform my brother to see if this person can surrender to him! "

Seeing that he had spoken, Lin Chong felt relieved. He patted Tang Bin on the shoulder. Tang Bin shrugged and said, "I'm too lazy to bother with him. Tell the brothers to eat! Coach Lin, please watch over me so that you don't have to worry about it." Brother Hui wanted someone, but told him to run away without a trace!"

When Lin Chong returned to the place where Tang Bin was yelling at Qiu Qian just now, he happened to hear Suo Chao and Chen Da exclaiming: "This is Tang Bin? It's better to meet him than to be famous. No wonder Yang Zhi, a boring gourd, wants to make him better!"

Chen Da spread his hands and said, "To be honest, this is the first time I've seen Tang Bin get angry!" Seeing that Suo Chao wanted to ask, Lin Chong said, "Brother, since you and him are acquaintances, this person will be handed over to him." You, watch carefully, brother may want to see him!"

Suo Chao heard the words, and replied: "Coach Lin, this man has a stubborn temper, Wang Wancang can't do anything about him, he will never fall into the grass, I think it's better to let him go..."

"Thank you Suopaijun for your kindness!" Qiu Qian interrupted Suo Chao, "Does Wang Lun want to see me? Just right, I want to meet him too!" (To be continued.)

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