Water Margin Survival

Chapter 345 The crisis has not been resolved

The morning smoky wind was blowing the horse's mane, and the knights who had returned from victory looked solemn. .This almost blood-soaked army is filled with a bloody and murderous aura.Through the transmission of the smoked wind, it gradually diffused on the hills with lush forests, and the birds were so frightened that they circled and danced in the air, whining and calling.

Smelling the astringent smell in the air, Luan Tingyu's expression changed. She was restrained from feeling a little anxious about seeing Wang Lun again soon, and looked at the team that she had fought against not long ago, but now she is still playing against him. A completely different team.

murderous look!It's murderous!

Although the Liangshan Army in the past was still high in morale and its soldiers were fearless of death, it never made him feel invincible, because he felt that the Liangshan Army at that time lacked a kind of arrogant and murderous aura on the battlefield, so that it was defeated at that time. In Liang Shan's hands, he still felt a little unwilling.

To be hired as a teacher by Wanhuzhizhuang, Luan Tingyu naturally has his unique vision for military affairs, and the Liangshan army in front of him at this moment can be seen as having undergone bloody battles.The calm and sharp eyes of the knight on horseback seem to contain infinite power, which is a kind of squint that can only be cultivated after experiencing strong winds and waves.

It seems that they found what they lacked in the battle to the death.

It must be unusual for them to complete this fierce battle of self-transformation!Luan Tingyu sighed secretly, went up to several Liangshan leaders headed by Xiao Jiasui, cupped his hands and said to Wang Lun who was in front of the queue: "Village Master, don't come here without any harm!"

Because Ma Ling had informed him in advance, Luan Tingyu and his new apprentice Shan Shiqi came to help with reinforcements.Therefore, Wang Lun was not surprised to see Luan Tingyu at this time, and saw him jump off the horse.He stepped forward to greet him and said, "Teacher Luan is still as handsome as before! This time we meet, let's not let our fate go!"

Luan Tingyu sighed, and said: "Luan has spent half his life in a wasteland, and he originally lost his mind to make contributions. He suddenly heard Xiao Junshi's good words last night, and he was filled with emotion! At this time, the village master invited him, and he dared not refuse!"

Xiao Jiasui chuckled lightly upon hearing this.He said: "Teacher Luan is an invincible hero, and the court doesn't know him. Wouldn't it be a pity to leave the mountains and forests behind?"

Luan Tingyu shook his head and smiled wryly, and clasped his fists at everyone. Xu Guanzhong stepped forward to salute and said, "I have heard more about the teacher's hero from my brother. It is my blessing to be able to return to Dazhai together! By the way. I don't know where the teacher is now?"

Luan Tingyu told about Shan Shiqi going back to clean up his belongings, Wang Lun nodded slightly, this Shan Shiqi is also a rare fighter, originally he could fight Lin Chong for [-] rounds, it is not easy to get Lin Chong's praise.It's just a pity that when the Liangshan army went to conquer Wang Qing, Du Po's confidant and beloved general Wei He was first stabbed to death, and then died suddenly under the hands of the fierce general Feng Tai.

Unexpectedly, Shan Shiqi became Luan Tingyu's apprentice, Wang Lun secretly sighed.Luan Tingyu was originally famous in Jianghu for his iron rod, but was dubbed the iron rod Luan Tingyu.This Shan Shiqi is also a hero who is good at using iron rods, it seems that it is really a predestined fate.Now Du Po can be regarded as Liang Shan's acquaintance, and his left and right hands will not be enemies with Liang Shan. Shan Shiqi's fate seems to have changed quietly without knowing it.

After talking with Luan Tingyu about the past, Wang Lun focused on the five leaders who were trapped in the camp. Li Kui, who was originally the most talkative, was silent at this time, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

Seeing that the bloodstains all over his body had scabbed, making his dark complexion dark red, except for Fan Rui who was slightly stronger, the other three leaders also looked like this, Wang Lun stepped forward to tidy up their clothes A, said: "This time, I have made great achievements in the camp and defeated the enemy's elite three thousand. Not only did I show my power in Liangshan, but also ensured the safety of Xiao Junshi's army. The brothers really deserved it! When I return to the village, I will discuss the merits." Reward!"

"Master, with 4000 troops, broke through more than [-] chasing soldiers from the south, west, and north. What is our battle? Thanks to Master Xiao's plan to shoot and kill two battalions of enemy troops in the front, blocking the opponent's fierce generals in the rear, otherwise, we will also wait." It is impossible to win..." Fan Rui cupped his hands.It's just that before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the silent Li Kui, who snatched the broken "trapped" camp flag behind him and said to Wang Lun:

"They all looked down on me, saying that my brother arranged for me to be a battalion general, but I was mistaken! Brother, will this battle of ours give you face?"

Wang Lun took over the battalion flag that was torn to pieces by the fire, and said word by word: "Don't just give me a face, give us Liangshan a face! This Tanzhou army is a rare elite of the Hebei army. Enemy three, when the men in the Jianghu see you in the future, who wouldn't respectfully call you a hero?"

Only then did Li Kui's numb face come alive, and he looked proudly at Xiao Jiasui at the side, with a hint of pleasure in his eyes, only to see Xiao Jiasui spreading his hands and shaking his head with a wry smile. Seeing his reaction like this, Li Kui looked back contentedly Looking at the three buddies around them, the four looked at each other and laughed.

Wang Lun comforted the four people, his expression became a little heavy, and he said to the crowd: "Yizhou soldiers and horses have not yet appeared, and Brother Wu Song has been besieged by the Bozhou army. Military Adviser Xiao Jiasui led the people to go first, and went with you in the camp. When Instructor Lin and the others come up, let's rest for a long time, and then go to reinforce!" The horse army around Wang Lun rushed here overnight after half a day of bloody battle without rest. If they are called to fight again, they will undoubtedly take the lives of the brothers seriously.It's the same situation when you're trapped in the camp. It's not advisable to go into the battlefield repeatedly just after a fierce battle.

"If the village master does not give up, the more than 600 minions of my disciple's village are here, and they are worthy of a battle. I am willing to take them to reinforce Lu Tijutsu!" Luan Tingyu said at this time.

Seeing that he took the initiative to ask for a fight, Wang Lun thought for a while, then looked back at Xu Guanzhong and Xiao Jiasui, both of them nodded slightly, Wang Lun saw that they thought as he did, nodded and said: "Teacher Luan has worked so hard!"

Luan Tingyu didn't hesitate when he heard the words, he bowed his hands to the crowd, turned around to greet the minions, Wang Lun also ordered the five leaders of the trapped camp to prepare, and the army immediately moved out.

At this time, only Jiao Ting and the two military advisers were left beside Wang Lun, and he only heard him say: "It should be no problem to deal with the little-known Bozhou army with Master Lu, Brother Wu Song and Dalang's three battalions. With Teacher Luan’s support, I don’t think the focus is on Bozhou! On the contrary, the Yizhou army that has not arrived is a big problem. This state is a big state where the Masi army is stationed. There are ten battalions of horse troops in the whole state, which is equivalent to Enzhou And the sum of Maying and Tanzhou two states!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking, Xu Guanzhong and Xiao Jiasui exchanged glances, and they both agreed with Wang Lun's judgment, only to hear Wang Lun say again: "In this case, as I said just now, Mr. Xiao led the trapped camp and the people to leave first. , I have about [-] horses including my own and the captured war horses here, I will keep about [-] horses, and you will take the rest!"

In this fierce battle, not only many knights were killed and wounded, but as many as 7000 or [-] horses died in the battle. Tao Zhenting also led hundreds of cavalry to retreat from the battlefield. Therefore, when Wang Lun cleaned the battlefield, he found more than [-] horses without horses. The Lord's war horse was brought back by him.

Xiao Jiasui has no other good solution at this time. After all, guarding the more than 5 people and the more than 2 river workers, many things have become passive.But these people are the foundation of the future success of the Shanzhai, and they must not be abandoned at this time, not to mention that they have paid such a high price now. According to Wang Lun, the horse army in the rear of the palace may have lost more than half. These more than 4000 horses should be It is configured according to the specifications of one person and two riders.

"Why hasn't the reinforcements arrived yet? Could it be that the pigeons haven't received it?" Xiao Jiasui asked suspiciously.

"We sent the news twice. There are six pigeons in total. It is impossible that there will be problems on the way!" Wang Lun shook his head.If six pigeons have problems at the same time, the chances are a bit too outrageous.

Xu Guanzhong sighed, and said: "If they don't come again, our old foundation will be wiped out!" After getting along day and night these days, Xu Guanzhong and several leaders of the Ma Jun have established a good relationship. Seeing that their organizational system has basically reduced their staff by more than half, his heart is bleeding. At present, there are more than 2000 people, all of whom can be said to be treasures.

Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui looked at each other, both of them knew very well that Xu Guanzhong had doubts because of his unfamiliarity with the personnel of the cottage, which was normal, but both Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui believed that as long as Zhu Wu received the carrier pigeon, he would definitely There will be no delay.

"Soldiers are coming to stop you, water is coming to cover you! The most important issue at this time is to let us brothers rest and recuperate. Seeing that they are all holding on to their spirits, if they continue to endure, they may cause problems! Senior officials, when you leave, the camp Don't demolish it all, leave some for the more than 2000 brothers behind us!" Wang Lun said to Xiao Jiasui.

"You don't need elder brother's orders, younger brother will take care of himself!" Xiao Jiasui cupped his hands.

"No matter what, let Miracle Doctor An go first this time! Guan Zhong, you should do it yourself!" Wang Lun ordered.

Xu Guanzhong knew clearly that if An Daoquan hadn't appeared suddenly this time and deceived Deng Zongbi, more brothers might have died this time, but swords and guns have no eyes, and An Daoquan couldn't be so lucky every time. Bao, you must not be harmed in any way. Xu Guanzhong can understand Wang Lun's heart, and when he heard his words, he immediately nodded and obeyed.

After the discussion, the three of them split up and prepared to go. Not long after, Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui led the horse army and drove forward. Suddenly, they saw a horse galloping ahead. Wang Lun and Xiao Jiasui looked at each other and saw Seeing the worry in the other party's eyes, Xiao Jiasui slapped the horse's buttocks lightly, and went forward to meet him, recognizing that this person was the person next to Yang Chun, and asked, "What's the urgent report?"

The man rolled his saddle off his horse and hurriedly reported: "The horse came to report, there is a group of unknown men and horses looking for our army to come, the number of people is no less than five thousand, all of them are horse troops!"

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