Water Margin Survival

Chapter 347 If they attack Dengzhou, you also attack Dengzhou!

"Brother, let's come a little early? I'm afraid Song Yasi is still a little far away from here! It's getting cold now, brother, I'd better go back and rest, and I will go in and report when someone comes!" Gongsun Sheng looked at him. Looking forward to Chao Gai said. .

When Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye saw it, they also persuaded them, "Brother, just listen to Mr. Gongsun, go back and rest first!" The two of them didn't want to come out to meet Song Jiang, but they couldn't help thinking about those Song Jiang bandits. The old brothers who left, so I accompanied Chao Gai here early in the morning.

Chao Gai shook his head and said: "Don't persuade the three virtuous brothers, what is this coldness! I am very happy that the virtuous brother Gongming is willing to take the initiative to invite Ying to attack the state capital this time!"

Wu Yongjian said, and said quietly from the side: "Who knows what the intention of attacking the state and the government is, maybe it is to attract the attention of the court, so that the price can be raised!"

Hearing this, Chao Gai frowned slightly, with a look of hesitation on his face, Gongsun Sheng persuaded: "Mr. Jia Liang, you must calm down, the elder brother is in charge of the cottage, and whoever recruits or not, I'm afraid it can't be up to others! "

Wu Yong smiled helplessly, and sighed, "I don't know what happened to Brother Liu Tang!"

Wu used this sentence to poke the scar in Chao Gai's heart, only to hear Chao Gai regret and say: "If I knew today, I should have sent more minions to follow my brother!"

"Where are the minions sent to Brother Liu Tang? Didn't Song Jiang take them away? There are four or five hundred minions left, enough to guard the stronghold! Besides, it's no problem to go to thousands of people. Is Zhou an empty city? That’s Yanjing in the Great Song Dynasty!” Wu Yong didn’t know why, so he said something special today.Perhaps it was the news of Song Jiang's victory that made him suddenly feel a sense of frustration.

"What's the matter with Dai Zong? Regardless of my brother Liu Tang's safety, he fled back alone?" Chao Gai said angrily at this time.

"It's because he did something wrong. Baozheng Wanwang is looking at this little brother's face, so let him go this time! Fortunately, the head of Liangshan Po Wang's village broke down the Daming Mansion in time, and brothers Liu and Tang should be safe at this time!" Dai Zong said. After committing a scandal and fleeing from Daming Mansion overnight, it was Wu Yong who used his own face to wipe his ass in front of the leaders of the cottage.

Hearing Wang Lun's name, Chao Gai's mood improved a lot, and Liu Tang went to Wang Lun's place.Of course he doesn't have to worry.I saw him sighing at this moment: "I remember that more than a year ago, our brothers and Wang Xiandi were strangling you to death. I remember that there were not many people in the cottage at that time. He dealt with us. He also used the common people to join forces!" Speaking of here.Chao Gai smiled with emotion.After a pause for a while, he said again: "Then what is the Yanjing Daming Mansion? I don't think it will be broken in the hands of my virtuous brother! It's really unbelievable. But I can't believe it! "

Hearing Chao Gai talk about the past, Wu Yong was also deeply moved, but suddenly felt a pain in his buttocks, and his face flushed immediately. Seeing this, Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng were very concerned and asked him if he was uncomfortable. Wu Yong hurriedly shook his head. hand, falteringly said: "Nothing, nothing!"

Just at this time, Fulu's minions brought the news of Song Jiang's imminent arrival, which diverted the attention of Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng, and relieved Wu Yong.

"Play music!" Chao Gai waved his hand and told the young men to play gongs and drums to welcome Song Jiang's victory. Welcome, isn't this killing the little brother!"

"Brother Gongming is a great hero in my cottage, how can he be called brother to sit in the cottage?" Chao Gai laughed.

Song Jiang laughed, greeted Gongsun Sheng and Wu Yong, and invited the two people behind him. He saw the leader with a light yellow complexion, a beard, and a figure of more than eight feet. The other was shorter than him, but handsome, Smart and smart, Song Jiang pointed to these two people and said: "These two are heroes newly recruited by my younger brother in Dengzhou. Yong! This is his brother-in-law, known as Tiejiazi Lehe, who is born with a good voice and is proficient in playing, playing and singing!"

Qingzhou and Dengzhou both belong to Jingdong East Road, and there are two state capitals in the middle, but they are not far away. Therefore, Chao Gai had heard of Sun Li's bravery, and was overjoyed. To be voted for by a general is truly glorious!"

"I have heard for a long time that Chao Tianwang is a hero, and Sun has long admired him, but because of his family's burden, he can't see each other, and he hopes that the heavenly king will forgive him!" Sun Li responded enthusiastically.Generally, people who are ruthless in their hearts have very rich expressions on their faces, because they don't care about everything, they just play on the occasion, unlike people who value love and righteousness, they are full of burdens.

"Where is it!" Chao Gai had a good first impression of Sun Li. He seemed to be so capable and unassuming, so how could he not like it? He even looked at Lehe kindly: "This is Brother-in-law?"

"Exactly, he is the villain's wife and brother!" Sun Li replied.

"Playing and singing is also a good skill!" Chao Gai said with a smile, "I think it's okay to sit in the top spot!"

Song Jiangjian said that he felt sorry for Chao Gai in his heart, a straight person is a straight person, and an unintentional word may offend others.Even if he is sincere and courteous to the corporal, he is helpless because of his talent and surname. No matter how much he talks, he can't speak to the heart of the other party, and it may be harsh to others. How can he win people's hearts?

There was no sign of displeasure on Lehe's face, but he just thanked each other without saying anything.Seeing that Lehe was lukewarm, Sun Li was afraid that Chao Gai would have some ideas, so he had to drag Chao Gai to say a few more words, which made Chao Gai more and more happy, thinking that he had gained another confidant brother.

Le He listened quietly, not knowing what it was like in his heart, and how much his brother-in-law hated the group of people in front of him in his heart. They ruined his career in the officialdom, which he was so enamored of, but now he can get along with them without showing any trace ...Sister, sister, who did you marry?

Seeing that Chao Gai and Sun Li were chatting speculatively, although Song Jiang was not worried about Sun Li and asked Chao Gai to pull him away, he didn't want this situation to be played out in front of him, so he found a chance and laughed, After attracting everyone's attention, he said with a smile: "I don't know my brother and a few brothers, but thanks to Sun Tixia's great contribution this time, my cottage was able to gain a lot, it's really..."

"Song Jiang!!!"

Before Song Jiang finished speaking, Wen Zhongrong interrupted his words with a loud shout, the smile was still stiff on his face, and he apologized: "Brother Wen, why are you doing this?"

"Why!? Tell me, how many brothers did you take away when you left, and how many brothers have you brought back now? How many of the thousand-odd brothers who came with me and Brother Wen from Baodu Mountain are left!?" Cui Ye said angrily.When Song Jiang took people to fight Dengzhou, his two brothers were not on the mountain at all. They were practicing in Liangshanbo to lead soldiers. Who knew that Song Jiang was so rude and took all his thousand brothers away. At this time, there were only more than [-] people left, and the two brothers couldn't help being angry.

"Where are there no casualties in attacking the state? The children died in Dengzhou. Brother Gongming suffered as much as we did! You think you are the only ones who feel sorry for you!" Mu Hong said angrily.

Cui Ye was furious, and he was about to beat Mu Hong. Li Ying, Lei Heng, and Zhu Dian hurriedly stepped forward to pull the two sides apart, but Wen Zhongrong didn't do anything. ! While Lao Tzu is not around, you dare to abuse our brothers from Hedong like this!"

Chao Gai saw that there was a lot of trouble, so he stepped forward and asked Song Jiang, "Isn't it a great victory? Why did so many brothers die?"

Song Jiang first bowed to Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye, without raising his head, he kept this posture and said, "It's not that Song Jiang is ruthless, it's just that attacking a big city requires elite soldiers and strong generals. The strongest minions in my Erlong Mountain are the two Dong Jianer brought by the leader, Song Jiang is doing everything for the benefit of the cottage, there is absolutely no selfishness, if you two have anger in your heart, let it be on Song Jiang!"

Cui Yejian said that he really wanted to go up and hit someone. To be honest, he had disliked Song Jiang a long time ago. Before he was not there, Erlong Mountain was so harmonious and happy. If he dared to say this, Cui Ye dared to beat him up with words.

Seeing that Cui Ye really rushed over, Song Jiang was taken aback, and was deeply surprised by Cui Ye's reaction. He couldn't help but blame him for not following the routine, but at this time he couldn't escape. There would be no face if he escaped, so he had to hold back Now, with so many leaders in front of him, how can he really be beaten up?

Seeing that Cui Ye's fist was about to make close contact with Song Jiang, Hua Rong rushed forward to catch the punch. When Cui Ye saw it was Hua Rong, he said, "Hua Zhizhai, you have seen it yourself. Song Jiang is too bullying. He treats our brothers from Hedong as human beings! If you get out of the way today, you are still my brother. If you stop, you will be my enemy!"

Huarong looked embarrassed, he also participated in the battle of Dengzhou, he had a steelyard in his heart, although Song Jiang's actions were not so blatant, but it can't be ruled out that he really didn't target Hedong. With ulterior motives, he said that he is all selfish, so where can he go to sue?But Song Jiang was his elder brother, how could he just watch him being humiliated in front of him, so he had no choice but to stand in front of Song Jiang, and only said one sentence to Cui Ye: "Brother Cui, Song Gongming is my brother's elder brother! If you want to vent your anger, you hit me, I was there when you hit Dengzhou, and I am also responsible!"

"You...you, you..." Cui Ye was so angry that he couldn't speak, Chao Gai hurried forward, trying to persuade both sides to make peace, Cui Ye couldn't disobey Chao Gai's intention, but this battle lost the previous battle on Baodu Mountain. Five or six hundred brothers made his heart drip with blood, and when he was feeling aggrieved, he suddenly saw Wen Zhongrong pointing at the minions at Baodu Mountain in the Central Plains, and shouted: "From now on, without my order, No one is allowed to act without authorization!"

As soon as Wen Zhongrong finished speaking, he shook his hands and left. The remaining 400 people in the team followed the old village owner without looking at Song Jiang and Chao Gai. Seeing this, Cui Ye raised his head and looked He cursed in mid-air: "If someone beats Dengzhou, you also want to beat Dengzhou! He saved his brother out of loyalty, but you want to trap him!" After Cui Ye finished cursing, he spat and turned to leave, leaving everyone alone. Angry back.

Who knows that the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.Song Jiang hadn't blushed yet, but an imperceptible blush appeared on the pale yellow skin of a newcomer.

After such a incident happened, everyone present was very embarrassed, and everyone fell into silence. Suddenly, Wu Yong, who had been silent for a long time, spoke at this moment, "Brother Gongming, the news that the younger brother heard seems to be the great victory of Dengzhou. Huh? Why did so many brothers die? My little brother also wants to ask, what is the 'great victory' method?". )

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