Water Margin Survival

Chapter 351 Chao Tianwang went mad, Li Tianwang fell into the grass

Sending away Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye who ran away angrily, Liu Tang hurried back as if lost. .When we arrived at Erlong Mountain, it was already dark.The lights in Baozhu Temple were brightly lit, it was obvious that Chao Gai was calling all the leaders at home to discuss important matters, after all, too many things happened in one day today, there were joys and sorrows, laughter and tears.

When Liu Tang made three steps in parallel and stepped into the gate of Baozhu Temple, he suddenly heard a male voice questioning Wu Yong: "Mr. Instead of inviting Lu Junyi to come up the mountain, and almost breaking Brother Liu Tang, he made a wedding dress for Liang Shanbo instead! This matter, no matter what, is a little unreasonable?"

Seeing that it was Wang Daoren who brought the flames of war to him, how could Wu Yong be willing to be a coward, and immediately retorted: "This time when the Shanzhai attacked the empty city of Dengzhou, Brother Gongming almost took the whole village with him. Wang Daochang is also a person who witnessed this , this battle will be counted as a great victory! But..." At this point, Wu Yong emphasized, "How many brothers we have lost, you know it well, and everyone knows it! Brothers Wen and Cui Don't you think Daoist Wang doesn't feel any guilt about running away?"

Wang Daoren hadn't answered yet, only to hear Mu Hong interjected at this moment: "They are thinking about the people who came from Baodu Mountain. There are many casualties in this battle, and there are not a few brothers who died in Qingfeng Mountain and Taohua Mountain. !"

Upon hearing this, Wu Yong was overjoyed, and said, "Of course! This is our great victory in Dengzhou!"

When Mu Hong saw that the other party exploited the loopholes in his words, he couldn't help being furious, and said: "Since the military master thinks that the younger brother's trip is futile, and the younger brother also thinks that the military master has missed the plan, he is willing to be punished together!"

Wu Yong sneered in his heart and ignored him.If you want to be punished together, you have to go to the expedition coach Song Jiang to come down in person. You are not qualified.

At this time, the cottage fell into a deathly silence, except for the dancing candles, no one moved. Chao Gai sat on the top spot, his face was flat, and he didn't say a word, but Song Jiang, who was watching him all the time, couldn't figure it out. The idea in the mind of the big brother came.

Song Jiang laughed dryly, and was about to break the embarrassing deadlock in front of him, when he suddenly saw Liu Tanglai at the entrance of the hall, he immediately got up to greet him, and enthusiastically said from a long distance: "Brother Liu Tang is back, come here! Tell us Talking about the affairs of the Daming Mansion will also open the eyes of the brothers!"

Liu Tang has always had a complicated attitude towards Song Jiang.In his heart, he was grateful to Song Jiang for his great kindness in tipping off the news that day, but he couldn't understand how he formed a clique in the cottage and threatened Chao Gai's brother's status.Seeing that the two sides were almost swearing again, they just nodded to Song Jiang, but didn't say anything else, and went forward to report to Chao Gai: "Brother, younger brother sent Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye away, come back and give orders! "

"it is good!"

Chao Gai only said one word lightly, then stopped talking, and just signaled Liu Tang to sit down with his eyes.

"Brother, little brother has something to say!" Liu Tang didn't go back to his seat and asked instead.


Chao Gai only uttered one word again, the words were so concise that even the leaders of the village were not used to it.Seeing this straightforward man suddenly cherish his words like gold, everyone knew that tonight might be a little unusual, not to mention that this man is still sitting at the top of the cottage.

"Brother Mu Hong just said that the military master's plan is useless, and my younger brother thinks his words are too unreliable!" Liu Tang didn't look sideways, and didn't look at Mu Hong's expression, and continued: "My younger brother and Dai Zong brought more than 20 brothers. I went to the Daming Mansion. But when I come back this time, my little brother is accompanied by more than 2000 people, half of them are elite soldiers from the Daming Mansion, and the other half are heroes from the rivers and lakes recruited by Yu Lu!"

Song Jiang could hear what Liu Tang meant, it was for the two thousand strong men he brought back from his trip to Dengzhou.Everyone knows that the forbidden army and the green forest minions must be stronger than the ordinary people they recruited.Song Jiang couldn't help laughing wryly at this time, this straight Han Liu Tang, when did he learn so many twists and turns, pointing and cursing.

Chao Gai gave a "hmm" and didn't make any comments, but Liu Tang went on to say, "When I was saying goodbye to the Liangshan Brigade in Shen County, Brother Wang Lun was not there. It was a bloody battle between soldiers. It was Xiao Jiasui, the military commander of Liangshan, who sent me farewell. At that time, he took 500 high-quality war horses as gifts! Brothers here, I, Liu Tang, would like to ask you, if we are asked to buy these horses, let alone buy them. If you can’t buy a horse of this quality, even if you can, you’ll have to spend 500 to [-] guan! You’ve been staring at the military division, saying that he made a mistake and wasted [-] taels of gold from the cottage, so I’m going to ask everyone , What is this [-] taels of gold worth? Can it be exchanged for so many war horses? I don’t know how some people settle accounts in their hearts!”

Mu Hong was annoyed when he heard the words. After all, Liu Tang used him as a target and wanted to organize a verbal counterattack. Unfortunately, this time Liu Tang really brought back so many things that are not easy to buy with money. He hesitated, and suddenly saw Wang Daoren winking at him, and pouted his mouth. Mu Hong was awakened by him, and he was overjoyed, and said to Liu Tang:

"Wu Junshi went to Lu Junyi at the beginning, and our cottage kept him drinking and made friends with him. Which leader didn't work hard on him? If he got the number one rich man in Hebei to vote for, the benefits would be more than the present ? Now it’s good! Liang Shanbo took the big head, but he threw some scattered money with us, so it’s possible that we should be grateful?”

Hearing this, Liu Tang blushed with anger, and shouted: "Okay, okay! Reasons can be twisted like this, so let's just talk about it! Let me ask you, is it because I took 20 people to Daming Mansion for distribution?" Robbing Lu Junyi on the way? Since he was robbing him outside the city, even God would help me and tell me to rob Lu Junyi. How can I get his million-dollar wealth in the city with only 20 people? How can I get any benefit!? You, Mu Hong, followed Brother Song Jiang thousands of people, and you have never broken through the empty city of Dengzhou. Do you want me to break the heavily guarded Daming Mansion with twenty people? What fucking joke are you talking about in front of me!"

Mu Hong was born as a local bully. When had he been scolded in such a tone before, his face suddenly became angry, and he almost couldn't help going forward to join Liu Tangsi. Suddenly, a Taoist on the stage coughed and said something Said: "Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. Just listen to the poor Taoist!"

Ever since Wu used Erlong Mountain, Gongsun Sheng seldom went out on horseback in person, but now some people only care about stalking, and Liu Tang may not be able to understand what he said, so he decided to speak, it is better to explain some things clearly .

"What is the relationship between our Erlong Mountain and Liang Mountain? I think many of the brothers here have no idea! At the time when I was in trouble with brothers such as Tianwang and Liu Tang, there was no way to go to the sky, and there was no way to go to the earth. At the critical moment, brother Wang Lun ignored the past. Extend a helping hand and donate Erlong Mountain to the Heavenly King! Later, the village experienced several catastrophes, but which time did Liangshan get out of the catastrophe? Who here has not received the kindness of Brother Wang Lun? Who dares to say this ?”

"Everyone has to remember a fact. It's not that Liangshan owes us anything, but that I, Erlongshan, owe Liangshan, and everyone here owes Brother Wang Lun. We can't do the bastards of 'pick up the bowl to eat, and throw the bowl after eating' Thing! Don’t always think that Liangshan is good to us and should be loyal to us! If this is always the case, how can he look like an upright and heroic man walking in the rivers and lakes? I think it looks like a child who doesn’t know what to do and is acting like a baby with his father! "

As soon as Gongsun Sheng's words fell, Baozhu Temple fell into silence again, but Song Jiang understood that this was a dangerous omen that anger was about to erupt, and he immediately rushed in front of everyone and said sharply: "We heroes in the Jianghu should be like Gongsun Daoist!" As I said, loyalty comes first in everything! Liangshan is kind to us Erlongshan, if anyone does such stupid things again, and speaks such stupid things, I, Song Jiang, will be the first to not go around him!"

After Song Jiang finished speaking, he turned his eyes like hungry eagles one by one from Mu Hong, Yan Shun, Wang Daoren, Kong brothers and other bad-tempered direct descendants. Rin, although he doesn't understand why the eldest brother said such words, but at this moment, no one dares to jump out to question.

Seeing that the situation was fine and not out of his control, Song Jiang heaved a sigh of relief, and glanced at Chao Gai with a complicated expression. The man in front of him who had known him for many years must never confront him head-on.Ever since his reputation was ruined by Wang Lun on Qingfeng Mountain, Song Jiang has spent a lot of effort to restore the remedy!Now it is absolutely impossible to bear the reputation of big brother Huo Bing again, so that even if he recruits An in the future, he will also stink.

What's more, behind this person is a behemoth that he can't afford to provoke at the moment.

"Brothers are used to being free and unrestrained in daily life, and they can't hold back their mouths. Brother Chao Gai is making fun of him!"

"Brother Gongming, whose joke do I see? This is my cottage after all!" Chao Gai finally uttered a long sentence of more than one word, but Song Jiang's heart beat when he heard it.

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment, and found that there was an expression of displeasure on Chao Gai's face, and immediately took the lead to bow down and said, "Brother Chao Gai, please give me a lecture!"

Song Jiang took the lead, whether it was the leader who cared about Chao Gai or Song Jiang's direct descendants, they all stood up one after another. Even Sun Li, Cai Fu, and Cai Qing, who participated in this kind of occasion for the first time, imitated everyone's appearance and showed a model. I bowed down like this, but I didn't see the slightest strangeness or discomfort.

It was rare for Chao Gai not to ask everyone to get up, got up and left their seats, and said directly: "It's a good two big victories, you blame me, I blame you, what are you planning? Do you have to break up this cottage? Are you all satisfied?"

"Brother Gongming is in Dengzhou, what does it matter if he breaks the city or not? The important thing is that he won the powerful general Sun Li and Sun Tiju, and he has harvested more than [-] yuan in money and food. Why is it not a great victory? Even if some brothers failed When I came back, I was also deeply saddened, but didn’t Gongming and Xiandi make amends afterwards, the two thousand people who brought to the cottage were made of mud?”

"Let's talk about Wu Junshi's strategy. He really ran to Lu Yuanwai at the beginning, but we are not strong enough to save him. Is it very rare for someone to vote for his own savior? Thanks to the good brother of Liangshan King, brother Liu Tang traveled a long way. We brought back 2000 horses from the Daming Mansion, not to mention more than 1000 pieces of high-quality armor, and [-] good horses, and Cai Fu and Cai Qing from the two houses of the Daming Mansion to vote. What are you not satisfied with? If it wasn't for the strategist's strategy, would we have this fate?"

Chao Gai got angry very rarely, and hit both sides with another [-] slaps, so that everyone in the audience dared not say a word.At this time Chao Gai has not spoken, and everyone can only maintain this posture of bowing down.Until this moment, in some people's minds, it was the first time to appreciate Chao Gai's majesty. .

After waiting for everyone to hang out for a while, after fully demonstrating the authority of the village owner, Chao Gai let go, and everyone took their seats.Everyone didn't dare to speak again in this fire, even Song Jiang was very quiet, and finally when Chao Gai finished his instruction and proposed to arrange a seat for the new leader who came up the mountain, Song Jiang only said a few words on the scene, and then said that everything was up to Chao Gai. .

Seeing Chao Gai's rare display of courage as a big brother made Wu Yong and Gongsun Sheng feel a little happy. Just when they were about to see how Chao Gai planned to arrange the new leaders who came up the mountain, they suddenly saw Liu Tang He patted his head and shouted: "Look at my brain! Brother, in fact, there is another hero who is not inferior to Lu Junyi in name and status, and was invited to the cottage by my younger brother!" After Liu Tang finished speaking, he looked at Cai Fu, Cai Qing complained: "I don't remember things in my head, and I encountered so many things, I was interrupted, why didn't your brother tell your brother?"

The Cai brothers couldn't explain their hardships. They are both newcomers to the matter of reporting credit in front of their superiors. How could they dare to take the credit?It was also specially reserved for Liu Tang to announce the good news.Unexpectedly, the "sensible" people were criticized by the "ignorant" people for what they thought they did right, which made them both a little dumbfounded.

Chao Gai was stunned, and when he heard the words, he glanced at Song Jiang, but Song Jiang only had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't mean to speak. I'm afraid he thought Liu Tang was just trying to flatter the public. What else is there on the way from Qingzhou to Daming Mansion? Can the person's name and status not be lost to Lu Junyi?

At this time, Gongsun Sheng and Wu Yong looked at each other, only to hear Wu Yong say: "Who is it that brought you up the mountain? Brother Liu and Tang, please don't be a fool!"

Liu Tang chuckled, and said: "There are so many strange things, I am confused! This person's name, status, and martial arts may not be lost to that jade unicorn Lu Junyi, this person is Li Cheng, the Heavenly King of the Military and Horse Superintendent of the Daming Mansion! "

Are the soldiers and horses in the Daming Mansion willing to fall into Erlong Mountain?

Song Jiang couldn't help being ecstatic in his heart. Now the Shanzhai lacks such middle and upper-level military generals to join the court. He knew that these people would undoubtedly be his natural allies in his efforts to recruit security. , such a well-known hero, will Chief Wang let you bring him back to the village?"

"Brothers Cai Fu and Cai Qing, who were born and bred in Daming Mansion, are here, so can this Li Cheng be a fake?" Liu Tang laughed loudly, "I don't know why, Brother Wang Lun is very dissatisfied with both members of Daming Mansion. I value it, but they just accepted a small card army under them, called the vanguard Suo Chao, so I took advantage of it this time! Li Cheng is still injured, but he verbally agreed to me, willing Stay in Erlongshan, where my brother is, and take the top spot!" (To be continued.)

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