Water Margin Survival

Chapter 360 The Best Candidate for Tokyo Trip

When everyone heard this, they suddenly realized. .

Wang Lun didn't make this point clear, and most of the leaders really didn't notice this phenomenon: Although the cottage is booming now, and there are talents from all walks of life, but it seems that the civil servant who vomited blood just now can't find a single one.

Although the origins of Pei Xuan and Sun Ding are closest to this person, Kong Mu is in the category of "officials". It seems to be very close to "officials", but there is an insurmountable gap.However, although it is difficult for officials to become officials, the imperial court still left a back door for "officials": allowing them to transfer to low-ranking military positions.But this kind of situation is also rare. Basically, if you squeeze your head, you may not be able to squeeze in.

Apparently, the current Liangshan has broken away from the ordinary green forest and grass bandits. Not only does it have its own political program, but also nearly [-] people live and work in peace and contentment under Liangshan's sphere of influence.However, there is an extremely lack of this kind of people-friendly officials among the leaders, which is inseparable from the current unfavorable role of "rebels" and "grass bandits" in Liangshan.

As the saying goes, "The winner is the king, and the loser is the king." Before the king was king, he was still the king in the eyes of the world, not the king in the eyes of future generations.

It will take time to change the image of the Shanzhai in the eyes of the world, but the nearly [-] people cannot afford to wait, because the Shanzhai cannot keep them in a state of laissez-faire for a long time.

Wen Huanzhang's power alone must be limited. As the number of people increases, he will definitely not be able to manage it.Xiao Jiasui and Xu Guanzhong, who are also talented in internal affairs, also have heavy responsibilities on their shoulders, and it is impossible to help each other independently. If the other heroes in the cottage who charge forward without frowning are asked to share Wen Huanzhang's worries, they will be caught in trivial civil disputes all day long , Wang Lun feels unreliable even if he thinks about it casually.The legend of Li Kui's longevity in Zhang County's office can only be a legend. If he is asked to insist on being an official for a month, and to be a good official, it is estimated that this guy will have the desire to drink poisonous alcohol.

So for the appearance of Qiu Xian at this time, for Wang Lun, simply being overjoyed is not enough to explain his urgent mood.

"Brother thinks long-term! We now have a lot of people under our command. In the future, brothers will follow my brother to become generals and envoys! But to be sour Confucian civil servants, except for Mr. Wen and Xiao Daguan, the others Brothers still can't do it!" Du Qian is Du Qian, he is indeed the person who has followed Wang Lun the longest, and even Xiao Jiasui got involved in it as a joke.

Seeing Xiao Jiasui shaking his head with a wry smile, Wang Lun couldn't help laughing, "Where is the official Xiao sour? The ancients also talked about generals, which is the highest praise for a man's talent. The few military advisers in our cottage are quite Relics of the past!"

Xiao Jiasui repeatedly said "ashamed", but at this time Li Kui's loud voice shouted: "I don't know what will happen, but my brother is also a scholar, and it will be sour if he doesn't succeed!"

As soon as the Hei Si finished speaking, the leaders present couldn't help laughing so hard that they couldn't get back to their senses for a long time.Wang Lun knew what this big victory meant to the cottage, and what kind of mental state it would bring to the whole mountain, so when everyone was beaming and expressing their joy, Wang Lun chose to stand out from the crowd. Fun.

Although he knew very well in his heart that the cottage would soon face revenge from the imperial court, but at this moment, the tense bowstring needed to be relaxed.

"In addition, I announce that from now on, the whole village will rest for three days except for the navy!" Wang Lun's words once again aroused cheers from the crowd. Swollen.All four of them got up and said: "There is nothing to say, brothers, take a good rest, and let our navy protect you!"

When everyone heard what was wrong, there was a burst of laughter and curses. These four people looked at each other and looked at you, all with smug expressions on their faces, and they sat back on the chairs without paying attention.

Wang Lun is happy to see the competition between various military branches, and between different battalions of the same military branch, all of which stem from the sense of military honor that proud leaders instill in their soldiers.And in this era when warriors are hit hard, how precious is this kind of emotion that will bring people infinite power.

"The reason why I, Liang Shanbo, was able to win the Daming Mansion this time is not only thanks to the dedication and bloody battle of all the brothers in the expedition, but also the contribution of Master Zhu and all the brothers who stayed behind in the village! Master Xiao and the leader of the Military Law Department should meet as soon as possible. In this battle, all the soldiers of the army will be rewarded for their meritorious deeds and punished for their demerits! As usual, Shanzhai will give out [-]% of the seized rewards to the brothers of the Fourth Army. The two brothers Jiang Jing have to work harder and check out the exact amount as soon as possible. In addition, the pensions of the brothers who died in this battle cannot be delayed, and should be settled as soon as possible!"

After Wang Lun finished speaking and specifically explained the matter of Baodu Mountain to Du Qian, Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye stood up excitedly. These two are straight people. They didn't know what to say on this occasion. Du Qian got up when he saw this. He said to the two: "In a word, when you hand over the list, we will allocate funds!"

In front of fifty or seventy brothers, the two big men cried to death for the more than 500 brothers who died. Most of them were good men who shed blood, sweat and no tears, but no one despised them because of this.

Tang Bin and Suo Chao persuaded them. The brothers Suo Chao brought to the Panshi Camp also suffered more than 40 casualties in the battle at Yukou. As soon as the army went up the mountain, Lin Chong asked him to take the brothers who died in battle. The hometown and the address of relatives were reported. Looking at Wen and Cui who lost their composure, Suo Chao felt for the first time that he could understand the feelings of the people around him.

"Daming Mansion is the accompanying capital with the most prosperous population and wealth in the Song Dynasty, and Liang Zhongshu is Cai Jing's son-in-law. This time, the city was broken by Liangshan, and the treasury was emptied by me. It is for public and private. The court and Cai Jing will never I will let it go. I estimate that there should be about three months before the court dispatches troops and generals to send a large army to attack. In order to know ourselves and the enemy, we need a few brothers to go to Tokyo to inquire about the news and see who the court plans to send as generals. How many soldiers are you leading, come and attack me in Liangshan!"

Wang Lun actually has a bottom line in his mind about the imperial court's corruption, and he has a bottom line and a bottom line.If Cai Jing still adopts the suggestion of Ma Xuanzan, the ugly county, and sends Dadao Guan Sheng to bring [-] Tokyo imperial troops to attack, then the problem will not be big.It’s just that it’s been almost two years since I came to this world, and Wang Lun can’t tell whether everything is still happening step by step according to the original track. Although Cai Jing is now fighting for power with Tong Guan, it doesn’t mean that he has nothing against the Western Army. In terms of influence, even if [-] Western troops are dispatched at that time, their combat power will be far better than the original three times the Tokyo Forbidden Army.

"My little brother has just arrived, and brother Meng and all the brothers love him so much. My little brother is willing to go to the capital to find out the news. If he meets that old Cai Jing thief, tell him to eat me as well!" Ma Ling stood up and begged for a fight.

"This guy has received countless gold from others, but he probably never took bribes like this!" Although Wang Lun responded to Ma Ling with a smile, he was not the best candidate in Wang Lun's mind to go to Tokyo to inquire about news.Because Ma Ling is not only good at lightness, but also good at martial arts, and Shi Qian has not yet returned to the mountain, Wang Lun intends to ask him to train the gangsters of the listening camp during this time to prepare for the big battle in three months.

When Wang Lun confessed his plan with a smile, Ma Ling cupped his hands and said: "Listen to brother, then I will bribe that old thief again in another day!"

Yan Qing noticed that Wang Lun's eyes were rolling around him from the very beginning, so he didn't mind going to Tokyo for a while.It's just that when he went down the mountain by himself, the master had to bear the hard work of leading the troops alone. He couldn't bear it, so he didn't show up. After Wang Lun rejected Ma Ling, Yan Qing realized that the village master might still belong to him, and was about to reach out I went to pat the owner in the front row on the shoulder, but at this time Lu Junyi had already stood up, and said, "My little brother would like to recommend someone to go to Tokyo!"

"But Brother Yi?" Wang Lun asked with a smile.

"It's my Xiaoyi, and my elder brother knows him. He is the one who does such fine things! Even if he stays in the cottage, he is not familiar with military training. Why don't you send him to do a big job and help Lu Repay my brother's kindness!" Lu Junyi clasped his fists and said.

"The official's words are serious!" Wang Lun waved his hand, asked Lu Junyi to sit down, looked at Yan Qing and said, "Little Brother Yi, would you like to go with me?"

Seeing that the master had spoken, Yan Qing lost her worries and said: "But according to the village master's order! The village master can call the villain "Xiao Yi", and if you call him like that again, you won't lose the fodder for killing the villain?"

Wang Lun chuckled, waved his hands and said, "I will add a helper to Little Brother B. This brother is also a smart person in every way. Along the way, Little Brother B hopes to take care of my brother!"

Yan Qing subconsciously looked at Lehe from Dengzhou, because the only person in the cottage who had a similar temperament to her was this good man from Dengzhou. As expected, Wang Lun said: "The prodigal Yanqing, Tiejia Zile He Tingling, this time I ordered the two of you to go to Tokyo to inquire about the imperial court's movements, and if there is any news, immediately fly pigeons to report, and the required funds and personnel can be reported to Chief Zhu Gui!"

When Lehe came, he was afraid that he would not find his place in Liangshan. He was afraid that he would be like "Sun Tihat's wife and brother" when they introduced himself by those people in Erlongshan. I left it to myself, and asked Yan Qing to take care of me along the way. I was quite excited, and I managed to stabilize my restless mood. I stood up with Yan Qing to take orders, and then greeted my immediate boss Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui smiled, and didn't make a long speech. He said to the two of them very concisely: "If you want money, you need money, and you need people!"

The manpower to go to Tokyo to inquire is settled, and it is time to talk about the expansion of the battalions. This is also the capital of Liang Shanbo's fight against the imperial army in the near future.Wang Lun turned around and asked, "Guan Zhong, tell me about this military expansion!"

Hearing Wang Lun say this, the hall suddenly fell silent.Whether it is the leader of the horse army or the infantry army, they all want to see if the long-awaited matter in their hearts can be finalized at this meeting. (To be continued.)

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