Water Margin Survival

Chapter 368 The aborigine who has seen the world

After more than ten days of voyage, the Liangshan Fleet finally arrived at the destination of this voyage. .

Wen Huanzhang, the leader of the four major military divisions who stayed on Jeju Island, led the construction battalion leader Tao Zongwang, the nine-tailed turtle, and Li Yun, the head of the general capital, to greet him at the pier.Ou Peng from the amphibious camp personally boarded the [-]-material flagship and piloted Wang Lun's fleet off the coast.

Not long after, more than 20 large ships of the Qianli class docked at Tao Zongwang's newly renovated pier. Looking around, it was spectacular.

Ruan Xiaoqi's flagship was all officers and soldiers from the mountain battalion, and he was under the command of Jie Bao, so he didn't worry about it, he ordered a few words to his confidants to find the location of Wen Huanzhang, and came ashore alone.

"I almost vomited after eating pig food for ten days on the boat. What delicious food did Dalang prepare for me?" Ruan Xiaoqi joked when he saw Wu Song's elder brother standing behind Wen Huanzhang.

"It's such a big pancake, enough!" Wu Dalang said with a naive smile.

Ruan Xiaoqi made a thankful and insensitive expression, and cupped his hands again and again, everyone couldn't help laughing. At this time, Wang Lun had already disembarked with Jiao Ting, Yan Jiao and others.Everyone rushed to welcome them, Wen Huanzhang greeted Wang Lun first, the two smiled knowingly, Wen Huanzhang found that the mother of Yan Jiao had also got off the boat, and went up to greet Wang Lun solemnly.Everyone greeted for a while, only to see Wen Huanzhang looking at a scribe dressed as a civil servant behind Wang Lun with a smile on his face, and asked, "This looks strange, I don't know which county's parent official it is?"

Ruan Xiaoqi was very surprised when he saw what he said, and looked at Wen Huanzhang and said, "Military Master, how do you know his origin? When I first saw his demeanor, I thought it was the magistrate!"

All the leaders of Jeju Island were amused by Ruan Xiaoqi's words, but Ruan Xiaoqi didn't smile at all, and turned to Qiu Qian and said, "It was the first time I saw you and Wang Wancang standing together. I think he is the magistrate, and you are the magistrate! If you want me to say, what is the future of working with that stupid king? You are a small official, although you can't get angry with him, but those big headscarves under his command are in power, how easy is it for you to be a good official? Now that my elder brother values ​​you so much, your achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to those famous magistrates!"

At the end, Ruan Xiaoqi asked Qiu Xian with a playful smile on his face, "Now, can I always call you Brother Qiu?"

Wen Huanzhang roughly heard something, and after exchanging eyes with Wang Lun, he looked at the county magistrate in front of him with great interest. Any response, as if in a trance, just heard Ruan Xiaoqi chuckle and said: "It's lucky to meet someone who knows you, otherwise in this world, no matter how tough you are, I'm afraid you will suffer a lot!"

Suddenly Qiu opened his eyes at this moment, stared at Ruan Xiaoqi and said: "This is my sorrow, to be abandoned by the court, and to be appreciated by the grassroots!"

"What kind of grassroots bandit? That bird head is an official named Zhao, who was only a guard of the Chai family back then, and dared to force the orphans and widows to give up the dragon chair. This guy is not a grassroots bandit, but he is the real thing Anti-thieves! Our Chai officials from Cangzhou almost gritted their teeth when we mentioned these thieves, but who can we turn to for reasoning? Can you please?" Ruan Xiaoqi shouted.

Momentarily occupied by Ruan Xiaoqi, Qiu Qian sighed and remained silent.Ruan Xiaoqi spoke slipperyly, and was about to scold him, but saw Wang Lun shaking his head slightly at him, so he stopped talking.Unexpectedly, at this time, the scorpion also got excited and scolded:

"Exactly! Say I'm a grassroots bandit, but your Niaoguan family is still a traitor! It's no better to follow my brother-in-arms than to be with that traitor! I don't understand this, you just read too much... "

Before he could finish cursing, he suddenly got a thump on the head. It turned out that the old lady got angry: "My son is so rude. Qiu Xianggong is a scholar, how can he be insulted? Even if he has something wrong, he has his own king. The Lord enlightens, I want you to talk more!"

After the old woman had taught her son a lesson, her complexion softened, and she said to Wang Lun: "The bad boy is rarely disciplined, and there is no one who can tell the door. The village master should not take it to heart!"

"Old lady, it's so unreasonable. I scold myself for this enemy. What have I got to do with my elder brother? Could it be that he will take offense at me!" said Yan Jiao, stroking his head.

"Shut up! Talk again! Didn't I really get mad at you?" The old woman hated iron for not being steel.Poor parents all over the world, the old woman was scolding her son on the surface, but actually she was protecting her son, for fear that her son's "reading too much" would irritate Wang Lun.

How could Wang Lun not hear it at this time, the feeling of licking a calf is the most warm feeling in the world, which made him a little envious for a while, but seeing the slightly frightened look in the old woman's eyes, Wang Lun turned back immediately The god came, and said to Yan Tiao: "When you are here, you have to look a little bit. Don't show the way you usually behave when you are with us and other brothers!"

Hearing Wang Lun's "complaint" about her son, the old woman felt relieved, turned her head to look at her son who was smiling silly, sighed, and said, "I won't disturb you when you talk about important matters. Go down!"

When Wang Lun saw this, he asked Li Juan to take his old mother down to rest in person. Wen Huanzhang also called Li Yun, and told him to settle down with Li Yuan's mother and son. Li Yun was much more cheerful than when he first went up the mountain. Please let the mother and son go down.

Qiu Xian was relieved when he was interrupted by Yan Jiao. At this time, the people had already disembarked one after another. Seeing this, Qiu Xian asked to go to settle down the people. Ruan Xiaoqi cursed in a low voice. At this time, Jiao Ting was the closest to him. , I heard it clearly, it turned out that Ruan Xiaoqi was scolding "another Yang Zhi who is not happy!" Jiao Ting grinned and almost laughed out loud, Yang Zhi was the most familiar to him from the beginning to the end Well, what Ruan Xiaoqi said is really not ordinary.

Unexpectedly, Qiu suddenly looked back at Ruan Xiaoqi at this moment, and didn't know if he heard that sentence, but his eyes stayed on Ruan Xiaoqi's face for a moment, seeing that Ruan Xiaoqi was a little puzzled, and was about to ask each other , Suddenly heard Qiu Xian said: "I am not as old as you, and I dare not be called a brother, so just call me Qiu Xian!"

Ruan Xiaoqi was taken aback when she saw this, then laughed loudly, and said repeatedly: "Okay! I call you Qiu Xian, and you can call me Xiaoqi!"

Qiu Xian nodded, and said to Wang Lun: "I would like to admit defeat. I will do what the boat promised you! But I am still a little worried. Are you sincerely treating these people well, or do you just want to use them for a short time? Now you Use them to keep me, I will! But if you change in the future, don't blame me for changing!"

Wang Lun felt that this enmity was really interesting, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Just put all your sense of responsibility on them! When I'm on the island, I'll back you up. When I'm not on the island, Wen Huanzhang Master Wen will back you up!"

Qiu Jianxian said that he bowed solemnly to Wang Lun and Wen Huanzhang, then turned around and strode towards the ranks of the people.

Ruan Xiaoqi was speechless when she saw this, stretched her waist, and said, "Brother, I'm going to settle the children too!"

Wang Lun nodded and said: "You go and meet Li Jun, take the brothers ashore to have a good meal, and then sleep well. Brother Ou Peng is here to warn you, you can rest assured!"

Ruan Xiaoqi smiled and bowed to Wang Lun, then nodded to everyone, stepped forward to hold Wu Da, and said to him, "Da Lang, I haven't seen you for a while, and you still give me cooking cakes, be careful, I will go back to Wu Er Sue!"

"Why did my brother find such a difficult subordinate for me?" Wen Huanzhang looked away from Ruan Xiaoqi and asked Wang Lun with a smile.

"I recruited this person specially for you!" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled. Seeing Qiu Qian going straight to the ranks of common people, he turned around and said to Jiao Jiao: "Tell Lao Zhang to follow. I don’t know him, but with street rats around, it’s much easier for him to do things!”

Jiao Ting heard that he had gone to look for Zhang San, Wen Huanzhang smiled while holding his beard, looked in Qiu Xian's direction for a while, and said with a smile: "This Qiu County Chancellor is quite personable. People like him are not the only ones, It’s hard to make friends, if you use it well, you can save a lot of worry, if you don’t use it well, it’s a troublesome basket!”

"What's the matter? He is a county magistrate, but he was sent by the daimyo prefect to take charge of the river workers. His name is not right, and I don't know what kind of eye drops his immediate boss gave him behind his back!" Wang Lun shook his head and smiled, He continued: "However, although this man was born as a son of an official, he loves the common people very much. He is diligent and honest, and he is proficient in the law. He is born to be a good shepherd!"

Qiu Xian is really a rare expert in local work.When he was just a fledgling and engaged in judicial work in Binzhou, he tried cases carefully and tolerantly, which made the reputation of the yamen of "don't come in without money" soar in the hearts of the local people; He left; when he was the county magistrate in Wuzhi, the imperial court dispatched hundreds of thousands of troops, Qiu Xian fulfilled his duty to ensure the food supply of the transiting army; as the magistrate of Luzhou, he refused Liu Guangshi's order to abandon the city and flee, and recruited the defeated army. Bing Xiang bravely guarded the city, and finally contacted Niu Gao who was crossing the border to repel the coalition forces of Jin and Puppet Qi.Later in Mingzhou, it was justified to defeat the powerful and reward the kind.

So many deeds prove from different aspects that this person is definitely a rare all-round talent in governing the region.Wang Lun was very pleased that such a person could be used for himself.

Wen Huanzhang was also a little happy to see his elder brother's expression of joy, which is rare. Since Wang Lun dared to make a judgment on this man, no matter how bad this man is, he can't be that bad. After all, past experience can prove that he This elder brother has never been wrong in judging people.

That being the case, it seems that I may save a lot in the future.

Wen Huanzhang sighed, and briefly reported to Wang Lun what happened on Jeju Island these days. Wang Lun listened very carefully, and finally reported the recent major events in the cottage to Wen Huanzhang.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for a few months, and the two chatted for more than half an hour. Wen Huanzhang apologized and asked Wang Lun to go back to the city to rest and have a meal. Wang Lun readily agreed, and the two walked towards the city At that time, he suddenly saw thirty or fifty small boats approaching in the sea, densely packed. Seeing this, Wang Lun stopped and asked Wen Huanzhang, "Is this the aborigine on the island who came to me to sell fish?"

"Exactly, the leader is Zhao Xian, in his 40s, who traveled across the sea more than ten years ago to our Song Dynasty, and was later repatriated by the magistrate. Therefore, this person can speak Chinese and is quite friendly with us. ! Lord Tamra came to my place to have an interview with Xiao Ke, and he was the one who edited the text!" Wen Huanzhang replied.

Guessing that "Runwen" might mean "translation", Wang Lun thought for a while and said, "The former commander of the Dengzhou Ping Navy, Hu Yanqing, is proficient in various languages, so I don't know if he can understand the Tamra language. It just so happened that he came with the boat and introduced him to the military adviser tonight! By the way, that Zhao Xian is also invited to meet at night!"

I really want to recover two days and three chapters, but I can't sit for a long time. I really have more energy than energy. I can only change it these days. I will see if the situation will improve after going to the hospital for a review next week. (To be continued.)

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