"Two generals, I wish you a victory in this expedition, and let my master not lose face in front of the officials!" The old man who still received the praise and Guan Sheng went in personally sent them out of the house. people. .As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. It seems that I have said these words so many times, so the tone is very well controlled, and it will not arouse the other party's rebellious psychology.

But on the contrary, Xuan Zan and Guan Sheng were tired of this kind of benevolent behavior, but because of the thoughts in their hearts, the two had no choice but to make false claims with him, and finally held their noses to deal with it a few words, The two said goodbye.

"We have to lead the troops out of the city earlier, otherwise Zhang Qian's affairs will be leaked, and it will be troublesome!" The two walked for a while, Xuan Zan whispered when he saw no one around.

"This time, I have caused my brother to worry about me, Guan is ashamed!" Under the night, Guan Sheng looked melancholy and heartfelt, and it was a great humiliation in his life to be humiliated in every possible way in front of Cai Jing.If it weren't for the original intention of serving the country in his heart and the support of his brother's loyalty, with his real name, he wouldn't be able to stay for a moment.

Xuan Zan chuckled with feeling, thinking of losing his wife in his prime, and then holding grudges for Bole, being alone all these years, with no relatives or reason in this huge Tokyo city, lonely for a long time.Suddenly, a little turbulence was added to his life, which made him forget his passion, and immersed himself in the warmth and longing of brotherhood, unwilling to withdraw.At this time, I saw him looking at the lights of Wanjia, and confided in his heart: "It is also a blessing for my younger brother to be able to worry and fear together with my elder brother! Otherwise, if I just hang around like this, wouldn't I be lonely in this life?"

Guan Sheng took a gratified look at the brother who had not heard from him for more than ten years, and sighed: "If the world is peaceful and the politics are clear, if we both serve as frontier generals and serve the country, we will die in the battle to expand the land and open up the frontier." It's better than suffering like this now!"

"There will be such a day!" Xuan Zan smiled wryly, echoing Guan Sheng's dream in an ethereal tone, but he was like a mirror in his heart, and it would be difficult for a person like him to integrate into the current incompatible environment no matter what. The joy of dying for the country is also a luxury.

But people have to have a thought when they are alive, even if it is used to anesthetize themselves.

"Go, go buy a whole sheep, ten altars of good wine, I want to be drunk with my brother...and these brothers from Pudong!" Xuan Zan threw out two big silver coins, and exhaled foul air.


"This guy is like a portrait of his ancestors, what are you sure about? It must be that Pudong Guansheng! Why didn't our cottage send someone to stop him? Could it be that Brother Yi didn't send out the news?"

At this time, two thin men walked out from the dark corner of the street, looking at the backs of the group of people who had not long ago, discussing in a low voice.Since Xuan Zan and Guan Sheng left Cai Jing's residence, they have been eyeing this group of people.

"The place where Guan Sheng settled down in Tokyo must be the mansion of this county horse, but we must not take it lightly. I will follow them there. Then you go back and report to Little Brother Yi and Brother Lehe to see if you want to take some action!" One of the men who seemed to be the leader spoke out, and the other saw that he had no objection, so the two broke up at the corner of the street.

The man who went back to report the news walked through the bustling market very skillfully. About half an hour later, he returned to the temporary stronghold. Seeing that Yanqing and Lehe were both there, he hurriedly told all the news he had found.

"Brother Yi, didn't the cottage receive the news?" Le He's first reaction was exactly the same as that of the spies who were ambushing near Cai Jing's mansion.

"There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that our cottage had contact with this person and let him go for some unknown reason. The second possibility is that the carrier pigeon had an accident on the road and the news was not delivered in time!" Yan Qing pondered.

"Then according to Brother Yi, how should we deal with it?" Le He was very concerned about Yan Qing's coping method. He figured it out by himself.

Yan Qing smiled and said only one word: "Wait!"

"Wait?" Lehe asked thoughtfully.

"Well, wait! If Shanzhai hasn't contacted Guan Sheng yet, we will definitely spoil the big plans of the brothers if we make up our minds! If Shanzhai has already contacted Guan Sheng, let's not act rashly, everything is under the word 'wait' Among them, just wait and wait, maybe the truth will come to light!"

Yan Qing said with a smile, for Le He, he has a natural sense of intimacy, and he can always inadvertently see himself when he was young from the other party. Perhaps this is the biggest reason why the village owner sent him to follow him Bar.Therefore, he never hesitated to say what he should say to this studious copycat brother.

Le He nodded with some understanding, and said, "We are the eyes of the Shanzhai. We are mainly responsible for feeding back what we see to our heads, so that my brother and a few military advisers can make decisions, and then send our hands and feet to do things?"

Yan Qing couldn't help laughing, the metaphor of Lehe is really appropriate, but there are still some flaws, and she pointed out: "Sometimes the eyes have to act as hands and feet. The Nai surname who grabs credit..."

Before Yan Qing finished speaking, she suddenly dodged and dodged something thrown from the window. Le He took a closer look and found that what was just thrown onto the table was a box wrapped in red cloth.Immediately, a skinny man came in through the window, looked at the two of them and said with a smile: "It's good not to grab credit... But if it were me, I would definitely not be able to sit still, and I should exercise my muscles and bones if I say anything!"

"Who is your Excellency! Dare to ask Gao's name!" Le He found that the subordinates around him had no ill feeling towards this person, and realized that this person might have some background, so he said politely.

The skinny man didn't answer, and threw a precious knife with a scabbard over it. Yan Qing lightly stretched the ape's arms, took the precious knife, and pulled it out, only to see a cold light, a new hair in the pit, holding a good knife , Yan Qing put the knife back into the scabbard, looked at the box again, and said with a smile: "I have heard for a long time that there is a flea on the drum and Shiqian, the leader of the time, but I don't see him. It's a pity! I didn't want to meet him in Tokyo outside the cottage. , what a pleasure to meet you!"

When Le He heard it, it suddenly dawned on him that it was him, but since he went up the mountain, the leader of the Listening Truth Camp has never shown his face.

"You recognized me in just a short while, Brother Yi is really smart!" Shi Qian laughed.

Yan Qing smiled and said: "You are not surprised when you see you from left to right. Naturally, it means that you are a brother in the cottage! But you can take out the treasured knife of Yang Zhishi and Teacher Xu's armor from Taiwei's house in Hua'er Wang Taiwei without anyone noticing. The person with this ability is none other than Your Excellency!"

Shi Qian chuckled, and said, "That's right, the sword is Yang Zhishi's family heirloom sword, and in this box is Teacher Xu's Yanling Golden Circle Armor! Little Brother Yi knows the work, it's really good, it's worthy of the name Yanqing, the prodigal son of Yanjing!"

"How can I be famous in Yanjing!" Yan Qing laughed at herself, "But the leader of the time did a great job. For this set of armor, Mr. Xu was wiped out and almost lost his life. Now that he has returned to Zhao, but Isn't it the love of the leader of the time?"

"Where did I think so far, I followed my brother's military order, so I did what I did tonight!" Shi Qian shook his head and sighed.

"It's still the village chief who forgives the brothers. If the two leaders see the old things, I'm afraid they will have no regrets in their hearts!" Yan Qing saw that it was Wang Lun's order, and couldn't help but sigh secretly. The world can consider so carefully for his brothers The owner of the village, there is no second person.

Shi Qian nodded in agreement, and said with a smile: "I used to work under Brother Zhu Gui for a while, so the children all recognize my ugly face! By the way, Brother Yi, I have actually heard of you last year. It's a pity that I can't see you. At that time, I just went to Cuiyun Building to meet my brother after finishing my work in Gaotang Prefecture. You and Xu Junshi had already left. Now you and Xu Junshi went up the mountain, but I was in Gaotang again. It's a coincidence that Zhou went to visit relatives, but it was wrong again! Therefore, I am in Tokyo now, no matter what, Xiao Ke will come to see you!"

"Thanks to the high opinion, Yan Qing really dare not take it!" Yan Qing cupped his hands and thanked him, afraid of joy and embarrassment, hurriedly stepped forward to introduce him to Shi Qian, Shi Qian smiled and said: "Uncle Le He, congratulations!"

Ever since Wang Lun called Lehe Uncle, all the brothers in the village followed suit. Even Shi Qian, who was not in the village at the time, knew about it. Shi Qian's claim brought the distance between the two of them closer. I just didn't understand what Shi Qian meant by congratulations.

Shi Qian chuckled and didn't explain, but said to Yan Qing: "Brother Yi doesn't know yet, Yuanwai Lu has also come down the mountain this time, and fought with Guan Sheng at Shizipo in Mengzhou!" Seeing Yan Qing's expression With a hint of concern, Shi Qian continued to inform Yan Qing and Le He of the news they didn't know yet.

When Yan Qing heard that Lu Junyi had defeated Guan Sheng, she was already on her way home, and she was completely at ease. She and Lehe looked at each other and asked, "Brother, you want to come to Tokyo?"

"Although my brother didn't meet Guan Sheng this time, Yu Lu made a small fortune. My brother said that it's better to spend all the money, so I want to come to Tokyo to buy some rare things!" Shi Qian smiled, and then Said, "At the beginning, the bird management took 1000 taels of gold from our cottage, but now it's good, but it was targeted by others, and the whole family was ruined. It seems that it is a blessing, so I have no blessing to bear it!"

Both Yan Qing and Lehe knew that the money was spent to save Xu Ning back then. The cottage was not rich at that time, and the money was not a small amount, but Wang Lun took it out as soon as he said it. What can I say?

The two looked at each other and sighed for a while. At this time, Le He suddenly thought that since the matter of Guan Sheng was over, the mission of his team was also successfully completed. Back to the mountain!"

Shi Qianjian said that Chao Lehe looked at it meaningfully, but didn't say anything. He just got up and said goodbye to the two: "Here is the treasure armor and treasure sword! You two know that the younger brother is a person who can't be idle. Since I came to Tokyo, I can't enter Baoshan empty-handed, if my brother comes these few days, Wan Wang will cover up for me, and I will go now!" (To be continued.)

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