Water Margin Survival

Chapter 398 The Package From Tokyo

The leaders of the cottage are now in charge of their own stalls, and they are busy on weekdays, and there is always too little time for the whole group to get together. Now, taking advantage of Ling Zhen's welcome banquet, it is not a good time to have a good time, and I am sorry for the beautiful scenery on this beautiful day.

Two hours passed in a flick of a finger, and the big men who were full of food and drink and in high spirits left the gate of the gathering hall in twos and threes. A busy figure during the meeting.

"It's a pity that Zou Run, Zou Yuan and uncle and nephew are in the deserted Qingyun Mountain, who knows how lively the cottage is!" Deng Fei, who was supported by Meng Kang out of the Juyi Hall, stared at the full moon in the sky with bloody eyes, and suddenly proposed Sigh.

"They have their important affairs, and we also have our responsibilities. If everyone stays in this cottage, they will be happy on weekdays, but after all, there will be no development, and it will not be a long-term solution!" Yang Lin said: "I think this is a good idea." , seeing that our cottage is getting more and more prosperous, we can all have a future in the future, right?"

When Deng Fei was drunk, he knew in his heart that what this brother said was right, but when he remembered that uncle and nephew Zou and Pei Kongmu were far away in Yizhou, alone, he felt a little uncomfortable. He only heard him complaining to Yang Lin: "It is said that businessmen value profits. Take your parting lightly, you are not a businessman, why do you take parting lightly?"

Yang Lin patted Deng Fei's shoulder, smiled and said nothing, saw Meng Kang snickering beside him, and asked: "Brother Meng, just now I saw you talking with brother with a bitter face, I don't know what to talk about! "

"Brother asked me about the progress of the shipbuilding, and I told the truth. Looking at my brother, he seemed a little dissatisfied. We had no choice but to explain it!" Meng Kang replied after seeing the question.

"Brother, you came from Yinmachuan. You are more capable than me. We rely on you to stretch our face! As the saying goes, 'Buddhas fight for a stick of incense, and people fight for their breath'. In front of my brother, you must never Don't be discouraged!" Deng Fei broke free from Meng Kang's support, and said very seriously, as soon as he finished speaking.Unable to stand upright, he leaned to one side.

Seeing this, Meng Kang and Yang Lin hurried forward, holding Deng Fei from left to right. Deng Fei still wanted to say something, but Meng Kang patted him on the back and said, "I know, I know! Don't be discouraged. It's just a little stressful!"

"I heard that our Shanzhai may use troops against Korea. Of course, warships and horses are indispensable for sending troops across the sea. My brother has his own considerations. But he is not the kind of person who doesn't care about the actual situation. Don't be too stressed!" Yang Lin persuaded.

"It's because my brother didn't put pressure on me that I have pressure!" Meng Kang said with a bitter face: "He never said a single harsh word, he only said that he needs people and materials. He needs money and money. With such support, I will I'm a little scared, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to complete the task, and I won't have the face to meet you!"

"Who is shameless to meet?" At this moment, a black guy who couldn't be happier came up and asked.

"I don't have the face to meet Brother Hei!" Yang Lin said with a smile, "Think about it, you have worked so hard to inform all of us in the village to come over for a drink. In the end, we didn't drink well with you, and you can still be light and sweet." Come out of the hall, naturally you will have no face to meet!"

"Speaking of drinking, who am I, Tieniu, afraid of! When I go to pay respects, I can still have a drink!" Li Kui said, patting his chest in a wrong way.

The three of Yang Lin shook their heads and smiled wryly.Pointing at Li Kui, he didn't know what to say. Li Kui was feeling proud when he suddenly felt a strong slap on the shoulder. When Li Kui turned his head to look, he could only smell a strong smell of alcohol.Even Li Kui told him to smoke too much, only to hear someone laughing: "Tie Niu, didn't you drink well? Come on, go to my house and drink!"

"No, no, your family...your family's Jinlian dislikes me... anyway, I won't go!" Li Kui knew Wu Song's drinking capacity, and he guessed that he couldn't handle him, so he wanted to rub the soles of his feet with random excuses.

"I said you are boring! Just now you said you can drink, but now you are acting strangely and blaming my wife, so unreasonable!" Wu Song refused, stepped forward and dragged Li Kui, and then left.

Yang Lin and the other three laughed when they saw this. It seemed that Li Kui had met a ruthless person this time. Sure enough, they only heard Li Kui's shout from a distance: "Erlang, Guan... Guan Sheng's army is coming, I... I still have to train my brothers tomorrow, I want to go back to sleep!"

"It's just that Guan Yunchang is here, we brothers, we will stand up for you! Don't talk about it, it's useless, tonight's meal is guaranteed! It's not too late to go to the dead body after drinking!" Wu Song knew that Li Kui was dead this time, With his big mouth, he still doesn't know how to arrange his wife in the future.

There were quite a few leaders going back and forth on this road to go back to the subordinate courtyard. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help being happy, clapping their hands and laughing, full of belly laughs.

"Boy, this is..." The old man who walked with Shi Qian was a little uneasy when he saw this, and asked in a low voice.

"Uncle, this is a joke of the cottage leaders! You can relax and live with me. When the next batch of boats arrive, you will send your family to Jeju Island!" Shi Qian comforted his uncle. His uncle has been kind to him since he was a child, but he is a little timid.

"Why does the king here treat us so well? Wouldn't he like your sister..." The old man was still a little worried.

"Uncle, what kind of talk are you talking about? Just put 1 hearts at ease! When our sister comes here, she has entered the safest place in the world! You don't know, although most of our cottages are rough and strong, but everyone They are all gentlemen! They are ashamed to mention what the bird people in Gaotang Prefecture did, so you and your aunt just rest assured!" Shi Qian knew that his uncle was bitten by a snake once and was afraid of well ropes for ten years, so he was lenient at the moment. Xindao.

"Hey, if you don't remember our family, if you go back to see us, I'm afraid you, my sister, will be gone. That villain who suffered a thousand knives, relying on Zhizhou's power, actually did something worse than pigs and dogs... ..." Shi Qian's uncle was still trembling with anger when he thought of the injustice he suffered that day.

"what happened?"

Lin Chong was walking in front, but when he heard the old man's words, he turned around and asked.Xu Ning and Yang Zhi who were traveling together also stood still, looking at Shi Qian's uncle.

Seeing the extraordinary momentum of these three people, the old man shrank his head a little. Seeing this, Shi Qian smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, Uncle, these are brothers from my nephew's cottage. This is Teacher Lin, this is Teacher Xu, and that is Yang Zhishi, by the way, Yang Zhishi is still the grandson of Yang Laoling!"

The old man was shocked, and even claimed to see the nobleman, Yang Zhi smiled wryly, and greeted the old man with Lin Chong and Xu Ning, Lin Chong asked again: "Brother Shi Qian, what's going on?"

"It's okay, a tyrannical thing saw my cousin's beauty, forced her to snatch her, was bumped into by me, and saved my uncle's family! It's been a long time since this happened, and my uncle is still very sad!" Shi Qian waved his hands. "That fellow has already asked me to punish him. As for whether he will live or die at this time, it depends on his fate!"

The three of them were relieved after seeing each other.Gossip along the way, when everyone was walking to the courtyard, suddenly the guard stopped Xu Ning and Yang Zhi, the two walked towards the gate in confusion, Shi Qian smiled, bowed his hands to everyone, and led his uncle straight in up.

"Bosses, there is a package from Tokyo, please accept it!" The little leader at the door is a non-staff disciple of Lin Chong's father-in-law, Coach Zhang, who is very close to Lin Chonggong at the moment.He went inside to pick up the package.

"What?" Yang Zhi wondered, "I don't have any relatives in Tokyo anymore, so what package are you bringing? Teacher Xu, what about you?"

Xu Ning was also at a loss. It was rumored that his name was Gao Qiu, who was murdered to death. He usually wears a mask when he goes down the mountain to hide it from the world.How can anyone in Tokyo know that he is falling grass in Liangshan and send a package up the mountain? !At the moment, he was as puzzled as the monk Zhang Er, and looked at his best friend Lin Chong in amazement, only to see Lin Chong shrugged, and said, "If you don't see it, you will know!"

Fortunately, Yang Zhi and Xu Ning were not confused for too long, and after a while, they saw the little boss coming out with two things in his arms.Yang Zhi had sharp eyes, and when he saw the familiar scabbard, he yelled, "My ancestral sword!?"

Xu Ning was so startled by Yang Zhi's shout that his heart jumped wildly, and he subconsciously thought of his Sai Tang Nilai, and walked forward uncontrollably, just because his expression was too excited.Unexpectedly, he stumbled on the threshold under his feet and almost stumbled, but fortunately Lin Chong hurried to catch up and stepped forward to hold him, Xu Ning came back to his senses.Looking at Lin Chong who was full of joy, he smiled wryly, and said, "Good job, Coach Lin, you and your brother have made it difficult for me to hide it from me!"

Seeing that he understood everything, Yang Zhi sighed immediately, and didn't rush forward. At this moment, he only felt mixed feelings in his heart.This knife was his last reliance on his future, but instead of getting the golden road, it was a lifetime of shame. Seeing this knife now, he felt a little unable to take a step forward.

"I knew about this matter an hour earlier than you two. Anyway, things are not in the Juyi hall. If I tell you earlier, I'm afraid you won't be able to sit still!" Lin Chong shook his head and smiled, telling the whole story.

"I don't want my brother to keep my little brother's thoughts in my heart..." The treasure he had been thinking about day and night was right in front of him, but Xu Ning didn't take a step forward, but trembled slightly with excitement.

Seeing that the two of them did not intend to retrieve the treasure, he thought it was because they were in agitated mood, so Lin Chong winked at the little boss, and the little boss immediately understood, called someone back, and sent the treasure to the two families.

"Brother, what's the matter, why don't you go in?" One-armed Tang Long passed by the gate of the compound at this time, saw Xu Ning was still in the gatehouse, and came over to say hello.

"Brother, we... found our family's Yan Ling Golden Ring Armor!" Seeing Tang Long, Xu Ning rushed over.

"Ah!?" Tang Long was surprised when he saw that, he had never seen Xu Ning lose his composure before, and murmured: "It's good to get it back, it's good to get it back!"

Xu Ning suddenly remembered something, let go of Tang Long, and ran towards the Juyi Hall. Yang Zhi followed after seeing this. At this time, many leaders returned from the banquet, and everyone was drunk. People bumped into each other, Qin Ming was half sober when he saw this, thinking that something serious happened, pushed away Huang Xin who was supporting him, and a thunderous voice echoed over the family courtyard:

"Has Guan Dadao come yet!? Huang Xin, take... take my mace!"

This cry only attracted all the leaders who had entered the house and those who hadn't yet entered the house. When everyone heard this, they were excited, and the impatient ones shouted: "Catch this guy alive while you're drunk!"

Li Kui managed to snatch it out of Wu Song's house with some excuses. When he saw this scene, he shouted the names of Bao Xu, Xiang Chong, and Li Gun with joy.

It’s just that many sophisticated leaders secretly wondered, Han Shizhong from the pro-army, Zhang Shun from the navy, and Yuan Lang from the infantry were on duty tonight. Show up!

Seeing that the scene was in a mess, Lin Chong walked into the crowd and yelled, "Everyone is here! Teacher Xu and Yang Zhishi's treasure armor and sword have been recovered! They are in a hurry to find brother !"

Everyone was in an uproar, and Tang Bin and Hao Siwen breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone clamored to see these two treasures.Because Xu Ning was not around, and it was not easy to dampen everyone's interest, Tang Long decided to invite everyone to watch.Disappointed, Li Kui really didn't want to go back to Wu Song's house, so he pretended to be stupid and said in a daze: "A precious sword and a precious armor are rare treasures in the world, but I don't know how it would be to use Yang Zhi's knife to chop Xu Ning's armor. What result! Haha, I have to go and see, Wu Erlang, don't pester me!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and dragged Li Kui to Xu Ning's house together. Only Ling Zhen stood there, looked at Wang Jin in surprise and said, "The theft from the mansion of the capital captain in Tokyo turned out to be the work of our cottage!?"

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