Water Margin Survival

Chapter 4 Zhu Gui Recommends His Brother

Today is definitely a good day for the nearly thousand people in Liangshan, and it can be said to be very happy.

First of all, the owner of the village, Wang Lun, recovered and struggled back from the life and death line, which saved the village from turmoil.Secondly, the two leaders, Du Qian and Song Wan, increased their responsibilities and promoted the harmony and stability within the cottage.In the end, Zhu Gui was promoted successfully, and the Shanzhai had another leader from then on. This gave many small leaders the hope of becoming a leader, and they will naturally work harder to express themselves in the future and add glory to the Shanzhai.

These happy events are gathered together, and it is not necessary to hold a banquet to celebrate. I am absolutely sorry to the five internal organs that have not been touched by oil and water for a long time.

"Tell the cook to make a meal at noon, with enough wine and meat, let the children eat to their heart's content!"

Seeing that the newly promoted Chief Song who was in charge of the kitchen had spoken, Zhou Zhi, the head of the kitchen, quickly took orders, and asked before going down, "Boss Song, tell the kitchen to slaughter two cattle, five sheep, one hundred fat chickens and one goose each, and enough wine , how are you?"

Song Wan laughed loudly and said, "Zhou Zhi, don't be stingy! It's rare that everyone is happy today, so they killed three cattle and ten sheep, what the hell!"

Zhou Zhi scratched his head in embarrassment, and peeked at Wang Lun. The head of the cottage was smiling and blinked slightly. Let’s do it, make sure that the sons are full and eat well, and make Chief Song satisfied!”

Song Wanyi patted the table, shouted "Okay!", then looked at Wang Lun, and said with a smile, "Today, I must eat a few more bowls with my brother!"

Wang Lun waved his hands with a smile, and said, "I'm afraid I won't have a good time today, brothers, eat and drink well!"

Du Qian also said: "Brother Song Wan is confused? My brother has been lying in bed for three days without a drop of rice. How can he enjoy wine and meat as soon as he comes up, without fear of slipping his intestines?"

Song Wanyi patted his head and shouted: "That's right, brother, why don't we hold a banquet a few days later, and have fun together when brother recovers?"

"That's not necessary. It's rare for Brother Zhu Gui to go back to the cottage. Don't change the date. It's better to hit the other day. Since everyone is happy today, let's come to him to get drunk!" Wang Lun said with a smile.

"Since elder brother is not feeling well, younger brother thinks it's better to change the day!" Zhu Gui hurriedly stood up and confessed.

"Sit, sit, sit, brother Zhu Gui, sit down and talk!" Wang Lun waved his hands, got up and asked Zhu Gui to sit down, and said, "It happens that our leaders are all here today, and we have something to discuss together!"

When Du Qian heard it, he said nonchalantly, "Brother is the owner of the cottage, so if we say it, we will do it, and we can even discuss it!"

Song Wan also said: "Brother Du's family said that if you have any ideas, you can go and deal with them directly. We are all rough people, and talking all over the place is not a big deal for brother!"

Wang Lun thought to himself that these two are really people with straight surnames, and there is a process in the literati's reciprocation. It is too fast to avoid the appearance, but these two don't have the complicated red tape. If you value him, he will help you wholeheartedly. It's really straightforward. , Quickly kill people.

Wang Lun smiled, and then said: "This matter has something to do with Brother Zhu Gui, so we should discuss it!"

As soon as Zhu Gui heard that it was related to him, he hurriedly said: "Brother, please tell me, I will do it by beheading and draining blood!"

Wang Lun saw that Zhu Gui stood up again unconsciously, smiled and got up and asked him to sit down, and said, "It's not as serious as brother Zhu Gui said, the thing is this: I think brother, you are good at inquiring about news, and you are also good at hotel management." Experts, many people in the Shanzhai are not as good as you. What I mean is that the Shanzhai will fund and build three more hotels around the water, so that there will be one in each of the southeast, northwest, and four sides. Brother, please work hard and manage together. In addition In Jeju City, I am also planning to arrange a hotel so that I can inquire about the news of the imperial court, brother, what do you think?"

This is a very good thing, Zhu Gui saw that he felt refreshed.Among other things, if this matter is implemented, the weight of money, rights and human rights in his hands will undoubtedly be greatly increased, and the weight of speaking in the cottage will also be different from the past.Just now he was still thinking that Du Qian and Song Wan are now in charge of their own business. He didn't know whether Wang Lun meant that he should first assume the title of leader and manage the hotel at the foot of the mountain, or return to the mountain to be a full-time leader. Make a good draft, and plan for yourself in charge of duties in the future.Thinking of this, he felt another wave of emotion in his heart. It is really that Wang Lun shocked him too much today, which made it difficult for him to equate the person in front of him with the old lady in white.

Just when Zhu Gui's heart was surging, Wang Lun said again: "I will ask Brother Du Qian to allocate a thousand dollars for the operation of the hotel. In addition, Brother Song Wan should send someone to build the hotel next to the water park. As for the one in Jeju City, you have to choose some smart and fresh people to run it yourself, brother Zhugui! In the future, if Brother Zhugui finds a place he likes, he can open another branch, don’t worry, me and The two brothers Du Qian and Song Wan completely believe in your vision!"

Of the four newly built hotels, only the one in Jeju City needs to spend some capital, and the other three are contributed by the cottage, and they don't cost a thousand guan at all. The reason why they are so generous is that Wang Lun has his own considerations in his heart.

Du Qian and Song Wan knew about this matter for a long time. After hearing Wang Lun's words, they all patted their chests, and said to Zhu Gui that there was no problem, and sent someone to deal with it after drinking.

One thousand coins!Hearing this amount, Zhu Gui was very surprised, not that he had never seen money, but that this amount of expenditure was almost [-]% of the current cottage warehouse, from which he could deduce his position in Wang Lun's heart.

Wang Lun showed his sincerity again and again, which made Zhu Gui very moved. He pondered for a moment, finally put aside his doubts, and said to Wang Lun sincerely: "My younger brother has a real younger brother who opened the door outside the west gate of Yishui County, his hometown. I went to a hotel, and I also like to dance guns and sticks on weekdays, and I worshiped the head of the county as a teacher to learn martial arts. What's more rare is that he is a clean person and has no lawsuits. If I write a book and recruit him, invite him Hosting that hotel in Jeju City, brother, how would you like it?"

After hearing Zhu Gui's words, Wang Lun was slightly surprised. According to the book, Zhu Gui had never recommended his younger brother to the leader of the mountain!

He thought about it carefully in his mind, and gradually got the answer in his heart.

It is said that before Lin Chong went up the mountain, Zhu Gui himself was just a small boss who was dispatched from the cottage to run a hotel. His starting point was not high. Even if he brought his younger brother over, he would at most be equal to himself after going up the mountain. Without external force, he voluntarily gave up the hotel business and his status as a good citizen. To be a small boss with a criminal record in the gang of robbers is somewhat like going downhill.

Not long after, Zhu Gui took the fifth position after Lin Chong went up the mountain, and he was considered to be a member of Liangshan's leadership. But in his own opinion, Zhu Gui's promotion this time was more or less like buying one and getting one free.If my predecessor wanted to promote Zhu Gui, why did he have to wait for Lin Chong to come before letting him take the position?It was nothing more than a sudden change in the situation, and the old village master acted accordingly, changing the first choice for suppressing suspicion from Zhu Gui to Lin Chong.At this time, by the way, Zhu Gui, who has been promoted for a long time, may have the effect of turning waste into treasure and wooing him to form a group with himself to check and balance Lin Chong.It's just that such a hasty method, people with discerning eyes can't fail to see the entanglement in his heart, let alone a delicate person like Zhu Gui?So after seeing through Wang Lun's mind, he finally kept silent about that he had a brother.

In the era of Chao Gai, Zhu Gui's status became a bit embarrassing, and he became a survivor of the former court.It should be said that although Zhu Gui is not speechless in front of Chao Gai, he really can't afford to make Chao Gai look high on him.As for the so-called support, don't mention it.It must be known that in Chao Gai's heart, the friendship that helped him seize the throne will only and only belong to Lin Chong, and it is good for Zhu Gui and others to turn around and seek refuge.The smart Zhu Gui knew that his situation was just like this, and his younger brother would naturally not be favored by the Chao Gai Group, so he did not take the initiative to ask his younger brother to go up the mountain in the end.

Until Song Jiang brought a large number of people to join forcefully, during which Zhu Gui looked for an opportunity to help Song Jiang's number one thug Li Kui succeed, and it was considered to be an indirect bond with Song Jiang, and he was awarded a certificate of honor, so this was the last Zhu Fu went up the mountain one thing.

It seems that Zhu Gui has realized that he thinks highly of him, Wang Lun secretly said in his heart.Because of his importance, Zhu Gui had the confidence to find a good position for his brother on the mountain, so he made up his mind to show Zhu Fu. It seemed that this person had already included himself in his camp.

Finally, there is no winking to the blind man, Wang Lun secretly sighed, and at the same time he felt a little sense of accomplishment in his heart, and smiled at Zhu Gui: "Could it be that someone in the world gave him the nickname Smiling Tiger, and paid homage to Li Yun, the head of the capital?" As a teacher, Zhu Fu who runs a hotel in Yizhou? Why, he is the brother of Zhu Gui's brother?"

"Huh? Could it be that my brother has heard of my brother's ugly name? To tell you the truth, my brother is Zhu Fu who owns a hotel in Yizhou!" Zhu Gui was taken aback, not understanding how Wang Lun knew his brother's name. The county is not a county in a big state, and the younger brother is not like him who has been in the rivers and lakes. He has a smile on his face, but the villagers have nothing to do, how can the village owner know?

Zhu Gui subconsciously looked at Wang Lun, on top of the top spot in the Juyi Hall, this figure that made him feel very kind today, but with an added layer of unfathomable brilliance.

Wang Lun didn't answer in a hurry, but just smiled at Du Qian and Song Wan: "I've heard a lot about the name of the smiling tiger, and he's a good guy! But I don't think he's the brother Zhu Gui's direct brother, what a coincidence!"

Both Du Qian and Song Wan were a little confused, wondering where did this smiling tiger come from?Good guy, I've never heard of such a character!But seeing Wang Lun and Zhu Gui talking lively, firstly, they didn't want to embarrass the newly promoted fourth master, and secondly, they didn't want to show that they were too ignorant, so they all agreed: "We've heard of this good guy. Daming, it's a pity that we don't have the chance to meet each other. Brother Zhu Gui, this is your fault! Since you are your biological brother, why don't you introduce us?"

Zhu Gui really didn't expect that his younger brother, who runs a hotel outside the county, suddenly became a hero in the rivers and lakes that everyone said, and he didn't know how to respond, but where was he stuck? Performance fell short.

Seeing that Zhu Gui was stunned, Wang Lun smiled and said, "Brother Zhu Gui, just invite your younger brother with a smiling face. If he is willing to go up the mountain, first invite him to host the hotel in Jeju City, and we will gather here sooner or later. Sit in the top chair in the hall! Brother Du, Brother Song, don’t you think so?”

"That's how it should be! When the time comes, there will be another tiger in the cottage, so why worry about it not prospering?" Du Qian and Song Wan yelled, and after echoing Wang Lun's words, the two began to criticize Zhu Gui again.

The poor smart man has completely become an honest man at this moment, sitting there upright, being blamed and complained by the two rough men.


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