The wind is evil, the clothes are thin, and Lu Changjia is cold and unbearable.

It is said that winter has never been a good day for marching.What's more, it's almost the end of the year now, these Forbidden Army of the capital who are used to being idle in Tokyo were sent out by Cai Jing to follow a leader and commander whom they had never met before marching on this vast plain. People, think they are unlucky.

It is not uncommon to see people who are really sick, those who pretend to be sick, those who are lazy, and those who are lazy along the way, which makes this army that has not yet met the enemy keep reducing its numbers. The situation changed slightly after dealing with several threatening and prickly commanders.

"Brother, I've wronged you by asking you to be my deputy this time!" All the way, I have to praise this veteran general of the capital for his dedication to help, otherwise I will let this group of arrogant soldiers be lazy Orders and prohibitions, sincere cooperation, no doubt nonsense.

Xuan Zan shook his head, stroked his beloved horse's mane, and said, "What are you talking about, brother? If you talk about martial arts and strategy, I can't keep up with you, brother! If you really want to talk about falsehood, brother I don’t want to take this muddy water anymore!”

At the beginning when he recommended Guan Sheng in front of Cai Jing, the main reason was that he couldn't bear to see this brother who had been depressed and frustrated, resigned to being a subordinate.As for the status, who is the master and who is the slave, he really didn't care about it.Otherwise, it would be unreasonable to call him a yamen defense envoy to serve as a deputy to a patrol inspector from the state capital below.

After Xuan Zan finished speaking, he laughed at himself mockingly, and said: "Although I am my brother's deputy, I have nothing to say, but in the end, I asked my brother to be Liu Zhizhou's deputy, and I have wronged my brother!" Xuan Zan knows Guan Sheng too well. The arrogance in his heart was quite similar to the strength of character of his ancestor Guan Yunchang.

Guan Sheng waved his hand and said: "I'm not that delicate yet, I can't bear to be angry! But who is this Liu Zhizhou, brother, do you know the clue?"

Xuan Zan thought for a while and said: "I have never dealt with him before. I only know that he is not a fool. I heard that this person is not sticky to his hands. He is good at figuring out what he wants, otherwise Cai Xiang would not have named him handsome!"

Guan Sheng nodded thoughtfully, and didn't continue to ask for information about this person, but said: "The two training envoys he brought are actually acquainted with me. I have met many times in the past, and they are both real people. One is called Shan Tinggui, General of Shengshui, who is good at the method of soaking soldiers in water, and the other is called Wei Dingguo. He is called General of Shenhuo, and he is proficient in the art of attacking with fire. The soldiers and horses brought by these two people are all practiced by themselves. Yes, it is an unexpected help!"

Speaking of the soldiers and horses that Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo brought with them, Guan Sheng couldn't help showing a trace of regret. His biggest regret in his life was that he never led an army alone, that is, he didn't have a field team directly under him.Tell him that he is full of ambitions and has no place to display them.

Xuan Zan sighed, and heard Guan Sheng's tone that he couldn't believe the team around him, and said with emotion: "There is still a war in the west, but the Imperial Army in the capital has become so corrupt. It's embarrassing to say! Brother doesn't know , these years the treacherous ministers have been in power, and even the imperial guards around Tokyo are very slack, they don't repair their armor. They don't do drills, don't talk about it, what do you think they do on weekdays? They are either repairing the private house of the chief official Gao Qiu, or doing coolies for the officials. When we build gardens and really want to go into battle, we might as well call in some frontier troops to be reliable!"

"At that time, I asked Cai Xiang for [-] elite soldiers. In the end, he only gave [-], and they were all forbidden troops in the capital. Liang Shanbo had the strength to break through the Daming Mansion, and then repeatedly broke through several states to pursue soldiers. Even Xiao general Xin Cong Zhongdu If they died at their hands, I guess they should have no less than [-] troops right now, and most of these minions are brave men who have experienced hundreds of battles, this battle may be a bit difficult to fight!" Guan Sheng sighed and said .

He was no stranger to Liangshan. After all, the two sworn brothers Tang Bin and Hao Siwen sent letters from time to time. Although they never revealed Liangshan's secrets, Guan Sheng was quite moved by the proud tone of their words.After all, it can make these two heroes with high vision full of confidence. How weak can Liangshan soldiers be?

"Brother, to be honest, 5000 people is not too small!" Xuan Zan said at this time an expert.

With Guan Sheng's qualifications, it is considered a break with the convention to bring tens of thousands of people to fight for the first time.This is Cai Jing's eagerness for revenge, which is why he tolerated Guan Sheng's initiative to "demand officials". After all, not everyone can casually lead more than 30 battalions of imperial troops into battle, and Guan Sheng used to be in charge of the local inspection department in charge of catching robbers. Hundreds of soldiers?First of all, you must have the grade and qualifications, otherwise it will be the responsibility of the advocate.

"For Guan, it's quite a lot. But for Liang Shan, it's too little!" Guan Sheng knew his lack of qualifications, and he also knew that Cai Jing was so "excellent" himself because of one purpose, that is, to level the ground. Liangshan captured the bandit leader Wang Lun, but this discounted force configuration put Guan Sheng at a great disadvantage before facing Liangshanbo.

"Report! Two generals, Lingzhou and Liu Zhizhou's army and horses have been stationed in Yunzhou, order our army to go to the round as soon as possible!" At this time, the spies came to report, bringing the latest military information.

Guan Sheng pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and then ordered: "Order the whole army to change course and go to Yunzhou as soon as possible!"

The dozen or so people on the left and right were all Guan Sheng's own people, and upon hearing the words, they hurriedly went down to deliver the order, Xuan Zan asked from the side, "Aren't you going to Jeju?"

"Although Zhang Shuye of Jeju is a virtuous state, Jeju is a small state. There are not enough troops, money and food. Let's go to him. It is a great burden for the people. Yunzhou is a big state with seven counties under its jurisdiction. At least food and grass supply The pressure is not too high! Besides, Shangguan is already in Yunzhou, so there is no reason for us to flash him before we meet!" Guan Sheng explained.

"Well, anyway, although Shuibo belongs to Jeju, Liangshan Island is closer to Yunzhou, so it doesn't matter if you go to Yunzhou!"

Xuan Zan had no objection, the two exchanged a few words, and then led the team to Yunzhou. The more than [-] people marched in the freezing Qilu land for three to five days, and finally arrived in Yunzhou smoothly. In Xucheng, the seat of the state government, the two tied up their soldiers and horses, rushed to the Lingzhou army camp, and met with the commander of the expedition.

As soon as they entered the camp, Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan saw a white-faced civil servant sitting in the middle of the tent, with a desk in front of him, on which were several volumes of documents, while Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo stood behind him, one on the left and one on the right, Seeing Guan Sheng, the two of them didn't make any special movements, they just stood up straight, but when Guan Sheng's gaze swept over, they blinked a few times.

Seeing this, Guan Sheng pondered for a while, and he and Xuan Zan stepped forward to greet Liu Zhizhou. Liu Zhizhou put down the scroll in his hand, stood up with a smile, stepped forward to help the two of them, and said: "My surname is Liu and my name is Yu. Jian Ba, together with General Guan and General Xuan to conquer the bandits in Liangshan, it is a fate! I am willing to cooperate sincerely with the two generals, and I hope that the two will not live up to this good relationship!"

Guan Sheng and Xuan Zan looked at each other, they both said they didn't dare, they were already familiar with this name, they didn't have any special feelings at this moment, but their first impression of Liu Yu was good, but they weren't bad either. Young people who are experienced, of course, don't know people by first impressions.

At this moment, Liu Yuxiao introduced Wei Dingguo and Shan Tinggui who were behind him to the two of them. Guan Sheng saw that they had behaved differently just now, so he didn't say anything at the moment. The four met Li again in front of Liu Yu.

After the ceremony, everyone sat down separately, and then Liu Yu said: "Although I am the commander in chief, General Guan and General Xuan are both veteran generals in the army. I don't know what plan you two have for this campaign against Liangshanbo?"

Seeing the question, Guan Sheng pondered for a moment, then asked without answering, "May I ask how many troops Mr. Xiang brought?"

Liu Yu chuckled, and said, "Two thousand horse troops, three thousand infantry, why, what advice does General Guan have?"

"The young general was ordered to bring more than 2 horse infantry, and he joined forces with Xianggong, less than [-]. According to the young general's inquiries these days, Liangshan's army has no fewer than [-] horses, twice as many as mine..." Guan Sheng replied, It's just that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Yu.

"I know all of this, but the mob in Liangshan is my match against heavenly soldiers? Regarding the general Huwei, and General Xuan's wisdom and bravery, why worry about the thieves and bandits?" Liu Yu laughed and said, "These two regiments of my regiment are not just for nothing. , will definitely help the two generals! So why don't the thieves worry too much, please ask General Guan to talk about the strategy of suppressing the thieves!"

"Since Mr. Xiang is not ashamed to ask, the young general will express some immature thoughts in his mind for everyone to laugh at!" Guan Sheng had nothing unusual on his face, but Xuan Zan could already hear a hint of impatience from his words.

"As far as I know, there are no fewer than 10 soldiers in Liangshan, but in the battle of Daming Mansion, Liangshanbo took away nearly 5 people from there! Calculated in this way, it can be said that there are [-] people gathered on the islands facing the water. People, the daily food consumption is a huge burden. I mean, contact Yunzhou, Jeju, Xiqingfu, and Puzhou near the water, and ask these three prefectures to carefully guard their respective areas, and don't let Liang Shanbo It is easy to get supplies. If a small number of Liangshan troops come down to borrow food, we will eat them in one bite. If a large number of people go down the mountain, we will mainly attack and harass them. The main reason is that we cannot let them carry food up the mountain smoothly. Over time, Liangshanpo will definitely not be able to support it. , when the time comes when they are eager to fight and change their offensive and defensive positions, we can rely on favorable terrain, such as cities, villages, and manors, to consume them to death!"

As Guan Sheng spoke eloquently, Xuan Zan's brows stretched, Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo nodded again and again, but Liu Yu frowned and asked, "Did the general plan to fight Liang Shanbo?"

"If all my subordinates are like the elite soldiers under Xianggong's command, Guan is willing to fight Liangshan! But..." Guan Sheng didn't mention the field battle just now, and this is what he was worried about.

"General Guan, your approach is good, but it's too slow! It's too negative! You must know that Enxiang asked us to come here, but he didn't ask us to fight Liang Shanbo! When the time is too long, Enxiang is afraid to wait. If it is not enough, there will be criticisms in the court, aren't we setting the favor on the fire?"

Liu Yu said these words with a smile, even though he was extremely unhappy at the moment.The army has all arrived in front of Liangshanbo, but they are just blindly passive and slack, what kind of revenge is this?If I don't have a firm attitude at this time, if the news reaches Tokyo in the future, will I still be in front of Cai Jing? (to be continued..)

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