"You didn't tell me to sleep for a long time, just to wait for this red-faced, cuckolded loser?" The boat carrying Guan Sheng, Tang Bin and four others hadn't landed yet, and Li Kui, who was impatiently waiting in the crowd, had already yelled away.

Seeing that everyone turned their heads after hearing the words, Bao Xu hurriedly pulled Li Kui, and said in a low voice: "These people are all capable. Don't you see that Brother Bian Xiang won a hundred rounds? Ting Yu and Wei Dingguo are both well-known generals in Lingzhou, and when I was in the dry tree mountain, I heard that these two have a good reputation!"

"What's the big deal? Isn't it a mess when you start a war? Fighting a war, what is it called a battle if you don't fight? Return to the famous general, once we kill them, the bird general's cowardly soldiers can't wait to surrender! Yesterday at noon, as much as possible I'm busy catching prisoners, my ax isn't stained with blood! Da Lang is also a thief, so he rushes to do meritorious deeds, and instead leaves us aside to watch him have fun!" Li Kui was obviously concerned about yesterday's noon He was bitter about not having a good time in the First World War, and he drank a whole night of celebration wine, the smell of alcohol was on his face, and his mouth could not be blocked.

Seeing that he refused, Shi Jin pulled Li Kui and said, "Brother Tieniu, you just stand and talk without pain in your back! When you were in the ambush, you said that there were many people coming from Tokyo, and you wanted to kill them all. Give it to me, now that I'm jealous of my meritorious service, why don't you ask how many of my brothers were killed or injured?"

Li Kui asked Shi Jin to tell the truth. He felt a little guilty for a while, and muttered, "How amazing is the Lingzhou army? Compared with Xin Congzhong's subordinates, I don't know where they are!"

"Okay, okay, you are awesome! You wiped out the enemy several times in the first battle, and let the Tanzhou elite eat buns. I am convinced of you! Okay, next time something like this happens, don't talk to me Three words, no discussion!" Shi Jin twisted his head and clasped his fists in the air.

Li Kui was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head.Looking back at his three buddies, he found that they were covering their mouths and laughing behind their backs, as if they were afraid of disturbing Wang Lun. At this moment, Fan Rui waited for Li Kui, and stepped forward to smooth things over. After speaking the truth, Fan Rui couldn't help it, so he brought Chen Da and Yang Chun together to say good things together.He kept wiping Li Kui's butt.

While everyone was laughing, the boat docked, Tang Bin jumped off first, and said to Wang Lun, "Guan Sheng and Shan Tinggui, who I want to invite, come here, brother!"

Seeing his worried face, Wang Lun knew that he might not have agreed on the road, so he didn't ask in detail at the moment. He just patted Tang Bin on the shoulder and nodded to Hao Siwen.Immediately said: "The two heroes have come from a long way, and I should be the landlord in Liangshanpo. The banquet has been arranged, and the two of you will go up the mountain with me?"

Guan Sheng had heard about Wang Lun for a long time.At this time, when they met under such circumstances, they didn't know what to say for a while, but just nodded slightly. This was the first time Shan Tinggui had face-to-face contact with Wang Lun.At this time, he looked at Wang Lun for a while, and said, "They are all scholars. Why can Liang Zhongshu and Liu Yu have no way to deal with you. They told you to gain the upper hand again and again? Is it because the older you are, the less courage you have!"

Wang Lun smiled, turned around and pointed, and said: "Nothing, it's just that I have more brothers than them!" When everyone saw this, they shouted:

"Wherever brother points, we will fight!"

"Hugh, that guy from Liang Zhongshu is embarrassing!"

"Who is Liu Yu, who can be compared with my brother!?"

"Is this guy still alive? Director Qin dared to release the water?"

"Shan Tinggui and Guan Sheng are about to surrender, I have to go back to sleep!"

In the end, someone yelled something, which immediately caused a burst of laughter in the crowd. Seeing Tang Bin and Hao Siwen looked embarrassed, Wang Lun looked back. Someone who is talking nonsense is not involved.

Guan Sheng's face was as usual, as if he had nothing to do with all this, but Shan Tinggui was deeply moved at this time, immersed in shock.Seeing that Wang Lun's influence in this cottage seems to be deeply ingrained, this is on the surface of Liu Yu, and there is no way to compare with the army, and the judgment is judged, so how can one's own side be undefeated in such a duel?

"May I ask the king, where are the two generals Wei Dingguo and Xuan Zan?" Shan Tinggui hesitated for a moment, but still asked, but his tone was much more relaxed.

"Just wait for the two generals at the Juyi Hall!" Wang Lun turned sideways and stretched out his hand, "Please!" Dozens of big men behind him immediately separated into a path. Shan Tinggui was still hesitating, but saw Guan Sheng took the lead and walked towards the front of the pass.Seeing this, Shan Tinggui immediately followed.

At this time, all the leaders looked at Wang Lun, waiting for him to leave first, but at this time Hao Siwen and Tang Bin came to Wang Lun, seeming to have something to say, Wang Lun waved his hand when he saw this, Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu understood, and took The leaders go ahead.

"Shan Tinggui is not a big problem, it's just that Guan Sheng... I'm not sure about it!" Hao Siwen said blushingly and sadly, not mentioning the friendship between the three of them, but only saying that Wang Lun had spent so much effort and effort on Guan Sheng. Countless manpower and material resources were spent, all for the sake of the two of them. If there is no explanation for today's matter, even if Wang Lun doesn't say anything in the end, he will feel sorry for him.

"He's going down the mountain now, it's a dead word! Brother, no matter what, we must keep him!" Tang Bin also said anxiously.He is good at fighting, and he is not afraid of killing the enemy, but he really has no idea how to persuade his brothers who are ashamed.

Wang Lun can quite understand the mood of these two people at this time, and he can also understand the entanglement in Guan Sheng's heart at this time. It seems that the three of them have froze, nodded immediately, and said: "Let's go up to drink, this time you must calm down, don't act rashly !"

Hao Siwen and Tang Bin looked at each other. Although Wang Lun didn't say anything specific, he didn't look discouraged at all from the beginning to the end. The two of them have been going up the mountain for a long time, so they naturally know what this means. Encouraged, he embraced Wang Lun and went to the Juyi Hall.

Walking slowly, the three of them entered the door and found that Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo were talking to Wang Jin excitedly, while Guan Sheng was investigating Xuanzan's injury. See how Wang Lun stepped forward to recruit these four people.

Unexpectedly, Wang Lun only made a brief opening speech before announcing the start of the banquet. The leaders ate wine in the middle of the night, so there was no room for them to eat at this time, so they all ate more politely this time, while Guan Sheng and the other four were With something in mind, it is naturally impossible to let go of eating. In less than half an hour, everyone has put down their chopsticks and waited for the subsequent development of the situation.

But Wang Lun seemed to be all right, seeing that everyone was almost finished eating, he announced the end of the feast, and let the brothers who were tired all day and night go back to rest.Everyone was expecting to see newcomers added to the cottage, but they couldn't help but look at each other after being told by Wang Lun. For a while, they didn't know whether to leave or stay. Just when everyone was at a loss, Wang Jin got up first, bowed his hands to Wang Lun and said goodbye , When passing by the "captive" seat, he did not forget to pat Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo on the shoulders.

As soon as Wang Jin took the lead and left, Shi Jin got up too.With Chen Da, Yang Chun and Wang Lun hand in hand to say goodbye, led by these four people, the leaders stood up and said goodbye. Not long after, only Wang Lun, Jiao Ting, three military advisers, and Guan Sheng who were at a loss were left in the hall. , and Tang Bin and Hao Siwen saw that the matter had not been resolved, so naturally they refused to let it go lightly.

At this time, Guan Sheng sighed, got up and said, "Leader Meng, don't blame the past. Guan is very grateful for the hospitality, but I just ask the leader to fulfill his promise and let the four of us go down the mountain!"

"What I said. Naturally I admit it!" Wang Lun said frankly, and then he turned his head and nodded to Jiao Ting, who then saw Jiao Ting standing up and shouting "Come out!" to the back hall before he finished speaking.I saw four big men holding a plate of gold and silver each, and walked up to Guan Sheng and the others, Guan Sheng remained calm.But there was a sneer in my heart, and I wondered how many people I'm waiting for can be bought by gold and silver?

Just as Guan Sheng was thinking, he heard Wang Lun say again: "The four generals are all good generals in the world. I am thirsty for talents in Liangshanpo, and I wish the four of you could go up the mountain to gather together..."

"Are the four of us people who can be bought with gold and silver? The king keeps saying that he values ​​us, so why humiliate me with this?" Shan Tinggui glanced at the gold and silver on the plate, interrupted Wang Lun's words, and said angrily .

"These vulgar things are not for the four generals, but for those who are greedy for them!" Xu Guanzhong got up at this moment and said: "The four of you will be attacked by treacherous officials when you return to Tokyo after such a big defeat. It is not worth much in the hearts of the four heroes, but it is the favorite of treacherous officials, since I, Liang Shanbo, ruined your future, these rights should be a small compensation!"

Shan Tinggui was stunned when he heard the words, and was stunned on the spot, but he heard Guan Sheng say hello, and said: "Thank you, Chief Wang, for your kindness!" Immediately took the gold and silver, and was about to go out, but just a few steps away, he called Tang Bin stopped him, but Tang Bin kicked the tray off Guan Sheng's hand without saying a word, and with the gold flying all over the sky, Tang Bin was trembling with anger, pointing at Guan Sheng and saying:

"These things are worth nothing in your eyes. You actually took them, for fear that Brother Wang Lun would keep you with you. You just ignored the friendship between Hao Siwen and me! Guan Sheng, tell me, what is better than brothers getting together?" Is being together even more important? Do you still have a place to go when you go down the mountain!? Whenever you tell me that brotherhood is not as important as your future, I, Tang Bin, will never force you to stay with me!"

Guan Sheng smiled miserably, without making a sound, bent down to the table, and picked up the gold ingots one by one back to the plate. Everyone just watched him busy for a long time, but no one spoke, even Xuan Zan held his breath, Looking at Guan Sheng with wide eyes, the whole hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

"I will go back to the court again, but I will die. If I stay here, I will die! How could my ancestors' fame in the first life be ruined just because I was greedy for life for a while!" Two lines of turbid tears appeared on the cheeks of this tough guy. Seeing him bowing deeply to Tang Bin, he paid homage to Hao Siwen again, weeping and said: "Brother, I, Guan Sheng, have never been wronged in my life, but today I have to let you two down! "

Who knows that men don't shed tears, but it's not time to be sad.Tang Bin and Hao Siwen were already in tears at this time, and couldn't help rushing forward, hugging Guan Sheng and howling, Guan Sheng gritted his teeth, broke free from the hands of the two, and gently lifted the tray Put it on the table, bowed to Wang Lun, turned around and left.This situation made Xuan Zan, Shan and Wei Er Jiang cry, and his heart ached unbearably.

"General Guan! Even if you want to leave, don't be in a hurry. I have a doubt in my heart, so I ask the general to teach me!" Wang Lun's voice fell into Guan Sheng's ears, making his heart tremble. , Ever since I set foot on Liangshanbo, I have been holding back. Are you really going to use your strength this time?

Guan Sheng hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped, but did not turn around, kept facing the outside of the hall, and said: "Don't dare, the king has something to say, but it's okay to say it!"

"I heard that in the past, when Zu had no choice but to surrender to Cao Cao, I came across the news of Liu Xuande in the future. After riding thousands of miles alone, he will return to his command. Do you remember?" Wang Lun's voice was still unhurried.

"The meaning of the king is that I can vote for Liangshan temporarily, and I will repeat it again when the imperial army comes back in the future?" Guan Sheng felt a little grateful when he heard that he was riding alone for thousands of miles. It was the first time he heard someone describe his ancestors like this. , It was lifelike and heroic, but unfortunately the other party's argument was a bit ridiculous, which made it hard for him to accept.

Although Guan Sheng couldn't see Wang Lun's movements, he still shook his head.Said: "Once a person dies, everything is over. If you go to Tokyo, Cai Jing will definitely spare you. Even if the best result, the world will say that you died for the country, what good is it? Let the ancestors leave a useful body, so that there will be a future If you die like this, you will not discredit the Guan family, but who will win the reputation for your Guan family?"

"Although I'm depressed and unsuccessful, I've been earning money for ten years. Could it be that today, if you rebel against the water, you will go to Tokyo with you and dismount the official family. If you become the emperor and I am a hero, I will make a name for the Guan family?" Guan Sheng He has always been very clear about things, but he is reticent and rarely has the opportunity to express his eloquence. At this time, Wang Lun forced him to speak.Had to speak very plainly.

Suddenly Wang Lun burst into laughter, Guan Sheng couldn't understand the laughter, and it took a long time before he stopped.I just heard him say: "A man who has great ambitions should carry a three-foot sword, open up thousands of miles, and lay down a fertile soil for my hundreds of millions of people to recuperate! If he only knows how to fight in the nest, let the strong neighbors covet him, take advantage of the fisherman's profits, and trap the people The common people are under the iron hooves of alien races. They are fools looking for their own selfishness! If I, Wang Lun, want to make a big move, I only look at the fertile land thousands of miles overseas. Let me put it bluntly, if I want to lay down a piece of land comparable to the territory of the Great Song Dynasty, I will just take it easy Your Guan family has been loyal and good for generations, and is admired by the people all over the world. If it is passed on to you, Guan Sheng, your aspirations will perish. Hengchan, penniless common people will give up these hundreds of catties? After all ages, even if you Guan Sheng cannot be called a loyal minister of the Zhao family, you will not be able to escape the reputation of a hero of the Chinese people! You say, this counts! Doesn’t count as making a name for Guan Junhou!?”

Guan Sheng was shocked by Wang Lun's words for a moment, and his mind was in a mess. Suddenly, Tang Bin slapped himself hard and said loudly: "Gaoli, Dali, Xixia, and Jiaozhi are all Han and Tang. The homeland, Zhao Song is incompetent, just sit back and watch it stand on its own, and we, the abandoned sons of the court, can't restore our country's prestige and create a world for the people?"

"You... Seriously?" Guan Sheng felt inconceivable. Over the past few decades, all he saw was that pieces of land were separated from the limbs of this huge country, which was the scar that Song Dynasty never healed: Yan In the sixteen prefectures of Yun, after Taizu Taizong, there were few people who were earnestly expecting and preparing for the restoration of the land.

"Really? We have already started to do it! Now we have fought several battles with Koryo, and the number of people who have moved out is 10 fewer! It is on a large island with a radius of [-] miles near Koryo. This island is the original Tamna Kingdom was taken over by Goryeo a few years ago, and now it is called Jeju Island, and there are five thousand strong men from Liangshan stationed on it! Are you coming? Are you going back to be a cowardly and loyal minister of the government, or will you follow us and regain China together? The homeland, create a foundation for all generations!?" Tang Bin said loudly.

In fact, Tang Bin screamed fiercely, but his heart was very fragile. He was afraid that Guan Sheng would be obsessed, so he looked at him very nervously.

At this time, a ray of early morning sunlight sprinkled on Guan Sheng's body through the doors and windows, coating him with a layer of holy gold. Guan Sheng faced the sunlight, closed his eyes, and immersed himself in this morning ray, as if he had become one with it.

However, the master did not respond to the words used to comfort Guan Sheng, but the others were excited. Shan Tinggui slapped the table and shouted: "Go, you have to know that there is such a thing, and you have to pay for it." What are you begging for, this Lao Shizi regiment is no longer doing training, and Liang Shanbo joined the gang in the morning! Anyway, now that Coach Wang is here, I am too lazy to go back and worry about being a scapegoat all day long!"

Wei Dingguo and Shan Tinggui are known as the two generals of water and fire, and their relationship is not as easy as it is. Hearing this, he was surprised: "What scapegoat? Who will take you as the scapegoat?"

Shan Tinggui snorted, and said: "Liu Yu pushed me away at first, and then he planned to arrest General Guan and push all the crimes of defeat on him. This guy has a sweet belly sword, and this time the scapegoat falls on General Guan's head." Come on, someday it will be the two of us's turn!"

Seeing this, Wei Dingguo opened his mouth wide open, and said after a long while: "I knew this guy was not thinking right, but I didn't expect to be so shameless. As the commander-in-chief of ten thousand people, he has no responsibility at all. His meritorious deeds belong to him, and his faults are ours." ? Let it go, it seems that Bai Dao can't get along..."

Guan Sheng seemed to be still immersed in reverie, Shan and Wei couldn't help turning their attention to Xuan Zan, Xuan Zan sighed, and made his own decision in his heart, but he didn't deal with Liang Shanbo once or twice. Wang Lun and Wang Lun are also considered acquaintances, and immediately stood up and saluted:

"Boss Wang, the younger brother was very grateful to Meng Shanzhai for being merciful several times before, this time he was defeated, and he returned to Tokyo with no face, so please have the audacity to take him in, Chief Wang!"

"The three are willing to stay in Xiaozhai, Wang is very honored!" Wang Lun was quite pleased, and stepped forward to help Xuan Zan, seeing that Shan Tinggui and Wei Dingguo also got up to salute, and went straight to Guan Sheng, pouted, water and fire The two generals agreed, their eyes met, they nodded, and they wanted to step forward to persuade Guan Sheng, but Hao Siwen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly got up, looked at Guan Sheng and said:

"Brother, there are many choices that people face in this life. You can think carefully. Those here are not your brothers, but people who appreciate you and understand you. No matter what choice you make, everyone can understand it now, but Get out of this door... Forget it, let’s not talk, let’s toast you one last time!” Hao Siwen took the initiative to pick up a glass of remnant wine, and drank it down towards Guan Sheng’s back. After putting down the glass, he couldn’t help but change his sentence Tang poetry said:

"Advise you to drink one more glass of wine, and go west to Liangshan without an old friend!"

Seeing this, Tang Bin also picked up a jar of wine, and said, "I will respect you for the last time too, but I want to change the wording, come on! I advise you to drink up one more glass of wine, because there are no good people in the west of Liangshan!"

After Tang Bin finished speaking, he lifted the wine jar, threw away all the worries in his heart, and drank heavily, but halfway through drinking, a big hand suddenly appeared, grabbed the mouth of the jar, grabbed the wine jar, and then Guan Sheng The voice reached Tang Bin's ears: "Since you have all respected me, then from now on, I can only respect you two brothers more!"

"This... is what I owe you!" (To be continued...)

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