Water Margin Survival

Chapter 41 A water-milled Zen staff for collecting clothes?

As soon as the great monk heard Wang Lun's words, he stopped laughing suddenly, stopped talking, and just stared at Wang Lun back and forth again.

Seeing the monk's reaction, Wang Lun concluded in his heart that this person was most likely Lu Zhishen!It's just that at this time, besides being pleasantly surprised, he was also confused. Why did this person appear here?It doesn't make sense!

He vaguely remembered that since Lu Zhishen escorted the assigned Lin Chong to Cangzhou, he returned to Tokyo and still died in the Daxiangguo Temple.Later, Gao Qiu got a secret report to escort the officials Dong Chao and Xue Ba, and he really came to trouble him.Fortunately, Zhang San, Li Si and others reported the news, so they escaped.

In the following nearly a year, Lu Zhishen roamed the rivers and lakes, seeing the dragon's head but not his tail.Aside from appearing at Shizipo in Mengzhou halfway, and almost making Chengren meat steamed buns for the dominatrix, they didn’t appear in Erlong Mountain under the management of Qingzhou until around June of the following year.But now is the first day of the new year, and it has been at least three months since Lu Zhishen escaped from Bianliang, why is he still wandering outside Tokyo at this time?

Wang Lun only felt that this matter was difficult to measure with common sense, and there was a strange feeling everywhere. Could it be that his butterfly wings caused history to deviate from the original track?

Jiao Ting stood aside, seeing his elder brother and the great monk staring at each other without making a sound, he felt a little impatient in his heart, and then thought that the name Luda seemed to have been mentioned somewhere in the past, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration, Then he blurted out: "Could it be that you were beaten to death with three punches..."

But before he finished speaking, Wang Lun pulled him by the hand. Jiao was not stupid, but his surname was straightforward. After being reminded by Wang Lun, he suddenly realized that they were on the official road to the east of the capital, riding horses and horses. In a hurry, people came and went, and quickly swallowed back what they hadn't finished speaking.

Wang Lun led Jiao Ting to an inconspicuous tree shade by the side of the road, the monk came up to meet him, and the two faced each other, this time they finally stopped performing pantomime, only the monk said: "Aren't you Wang Xiucai from Jeju?" This is Lu Da's fine point, he automatically blocks the key words, even if he is heard, it will only be regarded as a meeting of acquaintances, and will not be associated with a gathering of strong men.

Wang Lun calmly looked at the fat monk who hadn't revealed his identity, and replied, "It's Xiao Ke!"

Hearing this, the monk slapped his thigh and shouted: "It's hard for the Sa family to find you! Look, it's been the third day, and the Sa family waits on this road going east from morning to night every day! Why don't you wear white clothes?" , don’t dress up as a scholar?”

Seeing his strange question, Wang Lun couldn't help laughing and said: "Tiha, maybe when my name, surname, clothing, and appearance will appear on the wanted notice, and I still act like that. Do you want to sell it!"

The monk laughed loudly when he heard the words, and said: "Unexpectedly, you, a scholar, can also joke and play tricks! Let me ask you, my brother's family members, why are there only two of you at this time?"

Seeing that there was no one around, Wang Lun said: "My brother's family has settled down, but there was something wrong last night. It’s up to the gelding, I’ll wait until the discussion is over, and I’ll leave after the limelight passes!”

"Give that little bastard to the pig?! Well, well! I'm really angry for my brother! But who did it, the Sa family wants to invite him to drink!" the monk said happily.

"Tiha also knows them, they are Zhang San, the street mouse, and Li Si, the green grass snake!" Wang Lun laughed.

The monk was shocked when he heard the words, and said, "It's them? Where are they now?"

Wang Lun replied: "They are staying with Zhang Jiaotou's family now, and they will follow me back to Liangshan when the news passes!" After finishing speaking, he briefly told this person about his meeting with Zhang San and others Made an introduction.

Seeing this, the monk slapped his bald head suddenly, and said, "It's the Sa family who dragged them down!" After regretting for a long time, he suddenly bowed to Wang Lun, "Thanks to the scholar who saved me, I am very grateful!"

Wang Lun hurriedly returned the gift, at this moment Jiao Ting picked up the mixed iron stick left by the monk and rushed up, and said angrily: "Monk, take the weapon, don't throw it around anywhere in the future, if it hits someone, it will be fine." alright!"

Seeing that Jiao Ting lifted his 62-jin water-milled Zen staff effortlessly with one hand, the monk felt a little happy, laughed and said to Jiao Ting: "Man, I am the only one who beat Lu Da to death in Kansai with three punches." ! You also know Sajia?"

"It's been rumored all over the world that you are good at punching and kicking, how can I not know!" Jiao Ting said, "It's just that I haven't finished talking just now, is this fight still going to be fought or not?"

"I've told you the name of the Sa family, and they're still fighting!" Lu Zhishen laughed loudly. It seemed that he had a good impression of this upright man with the same surname.

Najiao said angrily: "Then it's better not to ask your name, at least you will meet someone famous in the Jianghu, and I don't want to miss it!"

Wang Lun and Lu Zhishen laughed when they heard the words, Wang Lun invited Lu Zhishen to Wen Huanzhang's thatched hut, and met Zhang Jiaotou's family, Lu Zhishen happily went with him, Wang Lun took Jiao Ting and went back to the old road.

When the three of them were walking on the road, Wang Lun asked Lu Da why he appeared here, but he heard him reply: "A few days ago, the Sajia met a villager at the Yellow River ferry outside Huazhou City. It was him who faced the beast Yang Zhi. After having a chat with him without thinking, they sat down to drink together. The Sa family asked him about his background, and they heard him say that he wanted to go to the Daming Mansion to join Liang Zhongshu. Seeing that the Sa family didn't like to listen , He also talked about some deeds in the rivers and lakes, so the Sa family knew that the king led you to Tokyo, and wanted to take my brothers and family members out of the sea of ​​suffering. The Sa family was very grateful, so they thought about meeting you! Listen to Yang Zhi Scholar, you like to wear white clothes, and you have a companion with good fists and feet, who looks without eyebrows and beard, so you can easily identify him, so the Sa family will follow what he said, and wait for you every day on the official road going east!"

It was really a wave of ups and downs and another wave, not caring about being polite to Lu Zhishen, Wang Lun hurriedly asked: "Tiha, envoy Yang Zhi didn't say how to vote for that Liang Zhongshu?"

Lu Zhi shook his head deeply, and said: "The Sa family blamed him for being too utilitarian, unable to see the current situation clearly, and said a few words to him, and he didn't have anything to say!"

Wang Lun nodded silently. Although he only got incomplete information from Lu Zhishen, he finally knew where Yang Zhi was going.During those few days in Beijing, he had been sending Zhang San and others to inquire about him in the city, but Yang Zhi seemed to have disappeared.Unexpectedly, he went north to vote for Liang Zhongshu. It seems that this historical habit is really hard to shake!That's fine, presumably he will still escort the birthday gang to Tokyo in a few months, and there will always be a chance to meet at that time.

Thinking of this, all the doubts in Wang Lun's mind these days disappeared, and his mood gradually became high. On the way, he said some happy things to Lu Zhishen, and suddenly caught a glimpse of the weapon in Lu Zhishen's hand: a long iron rod, forked at the top Wang Lun held back a smile in his heart and asked, "Tiha, your weapons are strange!"

Lu Zhishen chuckled, and said: "This is a 62-jin water-milled Zen stick made by the Sa family in the blacksmith shop at the foot of Wutai Mountain. I originally wanted to make a one hundred and ten catties heavy, but the blacksmith said that it would not look good or work well if it was too fat, so the Sa family insisted. He meant to hit this one!"

Wang Lun said he was amazed, it was completely different from the kind of Zen stick with a crescent moon in the front and a shovel in the back that he saw in later generations.No wonder the blacksmiths on Mount Wutai said that it looks fat if it is too heavy. It turns out that there is no place for this weapon, and the weight is all concentrated on the iron rod.If it is heavy, the body of the stick must be very thick, and it is not easy to hold it, so naturally it will not be easy to use.

"Tiha, this is the first time I've seen this kind of Zen staff. I don't know what the little fork in front is for?" Wang Lun asked again.

Lu Zhishen saw that he walked to a big tree by the side of the road and turned the water-milled Zen stick upside down. The tail of the weapon rested on the big tree, while the two ends of the small fork were in contact with the ground, and they were placed there firmly. In mathematics, three non-collinear points determine a plane law?

Lu Zhishen saw Wang Lun's almost collapsed appearance, and said from the side: "Xiucai, you are not from my Buddhist school, so naturally you don't know the beauty of the Zen stick!"

Wang Lun finally recovered from the shock, pulled Lu Zhi to squat on the ground, drew a new-style Zen stick with a crescent in front and a spatula in the back with a branch, and asked him, "Tiha, is there such a weapon in the world?" ?”

Lu Zhishen looked at it for a long time before saying: "It's the first time I've seen this kind of weapon!" After speaking, Lie Xin said happily: "But it looks quite powerful!"

Wang Lun continued: "Tiha, I can buy good quality iron from the Western Regions in Tokyo, why don't you follow me up the mountain and I'll build one for you?"

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