Water Margin Survival

Chapter 418 Donor, You Are Trapped By Love

When Jin'er smiled and came to talk to Wan'er and Xiaohuan, outside the house, she saw the scene she least wanted to see. She saw the patient's family member, Lao Liu, pulling An Daoquan and strongly demanding to go down the mountain.

"Uncle, isn't it good to live on this mountain? You don't have to worry about food or drink, and my village owner takes care of you like this, and my aunt is happy to live, so why are you in such a hurry to leave!?" Jin'er couldn't figure it out. .

Old Liu Jian said sighed, Liang Shan's life-saving grace is hard to repay, even if he was asked to pay with his life, he would not hesitate.

But the crux of the problem is that the master's daughter can't stay here with her family all the time. This girl's life is miserable since she was born without a mother. Therefore, Cheng Zhifu regards her as more important than her life. In the deep boudoir, it is not easy for her to see the faces of strange men. In the past few years, many high-ranking officials and nobles in Tokyo have come to ask for marriage, and they have asked her father to return them, in order to find a good home for the real her.

Such a daughter of a thousand gold who has not left the court has stayed in this strong man's den for a long time, and if it spreads in the future, can there be any good words?At that time, if the gossip spreads, wouldn't the reputation be completely ruined?Lao Liu felt that no amount of gratitude could be overstated for his own affairs, but he couldn't harm the master's daughter.

Therefore, no matter how Ren Jin'er tried to stay at this time, he wanted to leave with all his heart, for fear of delaying any further, and if something went wrong, he would lose his husband and wife's wealth and lives, and it would be irreversible.

The matter between the village owner and the girl has been spread all over the cottage. How can An Daoquan not know, he also wants to stay with the family for a few more days, but this old Liu has to go down the mountain every now and then, and today he even talked about mobilizing the patient. Asking to go down the mountain made him feel a bit in a dilemma.

"The condition has stabilized. The main thing is to prevent the wound from being infected. I'll prescribe some medicine for you to take with you. After you go back, you should rest and exercise in moderation!" Living.No more futile moves.

Old Liu saw that An Daoquan's tone was a bit calm, and he also realized that what he had done was too unreasonable, so he knelt down in front of An Daoquan and said, "The villain is not an ignorant person at a young age. Regardless of the cost, I did my best to save my wife's life, it is difficult for a villain to repay a great kindness, if there is something that can be done in the future, I will never dare to shirk!"

An Daoquan smiled lightly and didn't answer him.He just said: "Clean up, I'll send someone to take you down the mountain later!" After speaking, he turned and left, but he didn't go home or go to the camp. Sanxiong's old lady was pushing the door out, and shouted upon seeing this: "Prince doctor, how is the condition of that girl's nanny?"

"I'm making a fuss about going down the mountain! Auntie, have you ever met the village master?" An Daoquan asked.

"Ah!?" The old lady of the Ruan family was taken aback.Immediately said: "That's impossible! These two children look so good, it's impossible to break up! No, I have to ask where this girl's house is! By the way, my eldest nephew seems to have gone to the Juyi Hall Mile!"

An Daoquan thanked Mrs. Ruan's family.Hurriedly coming to the Juyi hall, he suddenly saw that the number of posts in front of the Juyi hall has suddenly increased a lot, and the door that has been open all year round is also closed, An Daoquan is secretly puzzled.This kind of situation is rare, so he went straight up and asked the little leader of the garrison: "What's the matter?"

"The owner of the village and the three military advisers are discussing important matters inside, except for the leader of the village. No one else is allowed to enter! If the genius doctor wants to go in, the villain will open the door!" The little boss reported very respectfully.

Just kidding, if you want to ask who is the least offending person in the cottage, I guarantee that nine out of ten people will say An Daoquan, and who can guarantee that they will not get sick.

An Daoquan nodded when he saw that, and the little boss courteously invited him in. When An Daoquan entered, he didn't dare to take a look inside, and then closed the door.

"Brother, all military advisers, what is so mysterious!" An Daoquan greeted.

"Emperor doctor, come and take a look!" Wang Lunjian said, winked at the three military advisers, and handed the treasure in his hand to An Daoquan to observe.

An Daoquan saw that it was Yuxi, and said: "I opened my eyes last time, and it's better not to show your face for such an astonishing treasure!"

Having said that, An Daoquan still stepped forward to take the astonishing treasure in his mouth, looked at it with a little awe, and sighed: "Look at this surface is smooth and flawless, and it has not been known for thousands of years. How many pairs of imperial hands have appreciated it!"

Xiao Jiasui couldn't help laughing, and said: "As far as I know, I've only played with four hands, and you are the fifth pair!"

An Daoquan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he is a very smart person, otherwise he would not have achieved today's achievement, and he realized it immediately, he just put the jade seal in front of his eyes over and over again, and said after a while: "Jin Dajian's skill is really rare in the world. I am convinced that such a new thing can make him taste the vicissitudes of a thousand years!"

"The vicissitudes of the millennium?" Xu Guanzhong smiled when he heard the words, and said: "The imperial doctor is really right. His skills are hard to change! It can be said that he has a specialization in the art!" After Xu Guanzhong finished speaking, he couldn't help but glanced at Wang Lun, secretly Thinking about how Jin Dajian, An Daoquan, Huangfuduan, Tang Long, Meng Kang, Hou Jian, a series of professionals in various fields, recruited up the mountain in just two years, which made him puzzled. , suddenly felt extremely lucky.

An Daoquan echoed with a laugh, handed the false seal to Wang Lun, shook his head and said, "The Li Daitao of the 36 Strategies is stiff, I don't know who will make this Li, could it be that Wang Qing?"

Wang Lun smiled, and said, "Why did the imperial doctor think it was Wang Qing?"

"On the night of [-], I heard that Jinghu Ma Xie's father scolded his son severely in his brother's house and asked him to join our cottage. Did my brother plan to exchange this jade seal with Wang Qing for the Ma brothers to go up the mountain?" Ando Quan laughed.

"If others voluntarily offer this jade seal, no one dares to accept it. They will secretly suspect that there will be some conspiracy! Only by stealing it and snatching it by yourself can I be at ease and feel at ease! Even if I take this jade seal If you change it with Wang Qing, there are [-]% chances that he won’t dare to take it! Imperial physician, do you believe me or not!” Wang Lun asked, shaking his head and smiling.

"That's all! It's too deep here, so it's not my little brother's worry!" An Daoquan sighed, and said, "I won't disturb my brother and the three military advisers to discuss important matters, but I just want to tell my brother about something. We are in the backyard. The sick family is in a hurry to go down the mountain, let's see if my brother has any instructions!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Wang Lun with a smile when he heard the words, wanting to see Wang Lun's reaction.Xu Guanzhong had heard Wang Lun tell the truth, and felt that it would be too difficult for the two of them to unite, unless her father and daughter were taken up the mountain.

"There is always a banquet in the world! It's time to come! Let's go, I'll take her down the mountain!" Wang Lun couldn't see any special expression on his face, but everyone present could hear the slight displeasure in his words Otherwise, even if it is Cheng Wanli's daughter, does the village master need to send it off in person?

"Well, anyway, I don't have a clue about Yuxi's matter, so it's good for my brother to go down the mountain to relax!" On the matter of the relationship between men and women, Xiao Jiasui couldn't say anything, but just followed Wang Lun's words.

"You two think about what to do. After the new year is over, the imperial court will take action sooner or later. We have to think of a countermeasure in advance!" Wang Lun handed the jade seal to Xiao Jiasui, and said to An Daoquan: "I will wait for them at the golden beach Family!"

Jiao Ting let him rest at home, and did not take him with him. Wang Lun was walking alone in Wanzi City.For this girl, to be honest, he has a lot of feelings. Not to mention she is beautiful, she has a very good personality. When the nanny is sick, she can sneak out and ask famous doctors for help.The grandma was afraid of things, so she showed up everywhere, but she disappeared afterward.No wonder the husband and wife were out of treatment, and they insisted on going down the mountain. I'm afraid not only because they were afraid of difficulties to explain to Cheng Wanli, but in fact, they also loved her deeply.

But Wang Lun is soberly aware that it is difficult for two people to get together, not to say that there is no chance, but it is indeed too difficult.Later generations fall in love and get married, especially the woman, who cares about their parents' blessings very much. Let's not talk about Cheng Wanli at this time. I'm afraid that the grandma in front of me is a hundred thousand sorry, even though Liang Shanbo is still the nanny's savior.

After all, this is an irreconcilable contradiction in position, not a solid ice that can be softened by communication.

It has been more than two years since I came to this world, and three New Year's Eves have passed. I watched the people around me slowly find their destination, from Du Qian first, to Tang Bin later, and even Jiao Ting, Wang It would be a lie if Lun said that he was not touched. Unfortunately, the only girl he met who made his heart move was that he was shackled too heavily by fate. Maybe she is not aware of these things now, but as a man, Wang Lun, It is inevitable to think a little more about this girl whom I have a crush on.

"The wind hurts your body, and the snow dazzles your eyes! Benefactor, you are trapped by love!" A solemn and loud voice sounded from behind Wang Lun, which surprised him for a moment, and he turned his head dumbfoundingly and said, "Master, you Just like them, playing tricks on me?"

"Sometimes this good thing will turn into a bad thing, and sometimes this bad thing will turn into a good thing. For example, what you see as extremely difficult now may be solved in the future! So don't mind the benefactor, there will always be a day when the clouds will be cleared!" After Lu Zhishen finished speaking seriously, he suddenly smiled and said:

"This is what Senior Brother Zhizhen of the Sa family said when he was persuading a young couple. Let's encourage each other, brother!"

"Elder Zhizhen of Wutai Mountain is an eminent monk in the world, and he also understands the relationship between men and women?" Wang Lun asked.

"If you don't understand the relationship between men and women, how can you see through the mortal world and become a generation of eminent monks?" Lu Zhishen flicked his sleeves and said, "The Sajia doesn't understand, so the Sajia can't become a Buddha. I should eat meat and drink with you, and walk the way for the heavens. !"

"To become a Buddha or become a sage, there are different paths. Brothers are selfless in their hearts, and they will surely achieve positive results!" Wang Lun felt that it was very comfortable to chat with Lu Zhishen to get rid of the depression in his heart. While laughing, he suddenly made a decision in his heart Come. (To be continued..)

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