Water Margin Survival

Chapter 423 Why did you play tricks behind your back?

For Wang Lun, who is in a strange mood, sometimes work can really fill up the temporary shortcomings of life. In the past two days, various occasions in the cottage, whether it was Tang Long's general prison, Huangfuduan's racecourse, or the very unpopular Hou Jian can be seen busy in his clothing and armor room.

It wasn't until this day that Chao Gai, the owner of the Erlong Village, and Wu Yong, the military adviser, came to pay New Year's greetings that Wang Lun was able to stop for a while.

"My dear brother, your Liangshanbo is really different every day!" Chao Gai looked at the prosperous cottage in front of him, and admired it from the bottom of his heart.From time to time, he bowed his head and whispered to Wu Yong, looked at each other and sighed, the look of envy on his brows made Wang Lun feel a little embarrassed.

"Erlong Mountain is not bad now! I heard that there are nearly four to five thousand people, and there are dozens of leaders. Murong Yanda has been huddled in Qingzhou City all day long. He heard that he even invited his sister to listen to the wind in front of the official's house. The activity is called out of Qingzhou!" Wang Lun seemed to know the situation of Erlong Mountain very well, and even the casual chatter made Chao Gai a little surprised.

"And this thing!?" Chao Gai wondered.

"The news about Zhaizhu Wang is sure to be close! Leader Zhu Gui is so capable, I'm afraid the shop is open under the eyes of the officials!" Wu Yong smiled from the side, and watched Wang Lun's eyes carefully after speaking.

Wang Lun knew that Wu Yong was observing him at this time, and he also knew that he had absolutely supported Chao Gai during this period of time, and he wholeheartedly supported him, which was very different from his previous turbulent performance. He didn't mind giving him a good face at the moment, and said calmly : "Military division will be free soon, go and pay New Year's greetings to Officer Lu!"

Wu Yong is a smart person who knows the strings and understands the strings. He heard from Wang Lun's words that he no longer had the strong sense of rejection towards him at the beginning. Please forgive me, thank you village master for reminding me!"

Wang Lun nodded and said nothing more.Just said "please" to Chao Gai, and took him for a walk in front of the three passes. Chao Gai pointed to a large camp set up on the beach at the foot of the mountain. The Tokyo official army captured by my brother?"

"Exactly, those who are sincere and strong are incorporated into the three armies of the village, and the rest of them are going to be incorporated into the engineering battalion to do some work like repairing the city!" Wang Lun nodded.

"Why don't we compare Xiaozhai with Liangshan!" Chao Gai sighed, the captives are precious human resources.It can be directly added to the ranks of minions.I didn't expect Liang Shanbo to just select carefully, and in the end so many people were left unused, and only sent them to do some rough work. I don't know whether Liang Shanbo's requirements are too high, or these people are really unusable. There was a strong taste of wealth and wealth, which made him envious, but at the same time heartbroken.

Wang Lun chuckled, seeing Chao Gai's shy gesture of embarrassment.He smiled immediately and said: "Well, if King Chao Tian thinks it is necessary, he will take thousands of captives with him when he leaves, and that will be my little brother's return to the big brother!"

Chao Gai came to pay New Year's greetings this time.He didn't come empty-handed. He also carried 3000 taels of gold and some other curious antiques. Wang Lun was thinking about how to return the gift.Seeing that he was interested in the captive, he simply followed suit.Anyway, the fresh troops that the Shanzhai can draw from these captives are all selected by Wang Jin, Lin Chong, Xu Ning, Guan Sheng and other vicious leaders.The rest, according to Liang Shanbo's standards, were only eligible to be included in Tao Zongwang's engineering battalion.At this time, it is a matter of favor and convenience.

Chao Gai was overjoyed when he heard the words, his cheeks were flushed, he didn't know whether it was because of the excitement, or because of the cold weather, in short, he rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at Wu Yong, both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Why don't Heavenly Kings send people back to the village at this time, and go to the Beiqing River to pick them up when the time comes, and I'll ask Erlang to send them to the shore, and also send them the matching armor and weapons. !" Thinking of Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye bringing their brothers to the mountain, Wang Lun felt that at least some compensation should be given to Chao Gai, which also made this big brother really think about it.

"Every time I come here, I eat and take it. I'm really embarrassed by Brother Yu. I won't dare to go up the mountain next time!" Chao Gai was relaxed in front of Wang Lun. They can take it calmly, and even smile knowingly, at this time they clasped their hands again and again.

"My brother, what is this worth?" Wang Lun smiled, turned to Lu Fang who was following him, and said, "Ask Lao Liu to arrange a boat and send the brother of the Heavenly King back to the village to report the news!"

"No hurry, no hurry!" Chao Gai was full of joy, bowed his hands to Lu Fang, and paid New Year's greetings to him by the way. Seeing this, Wu Yong was unwilling to be left behind, so he also greeted Wang Lun's side with a smile.

Lu Fang returned the gift enthusiastically, but he was very clear-headed. If he was still the down-and-out drug dealer back then, these two could be regarded as the village master and military adviser of the Green Forest Village. There will be such a bright smile on your face, and you will go down the mountain with a bright face and a feeling in your heart.

"Why is Brother Jiao Ting not here today?" Chao Gai asked with concern because he knew that Jiao Ting had been with Wang Lun the longest and he was not an outsider.

"He's gone to his future husband's house, let's see each other tonight!" Wang Lun told the truth with a smile, Chao Gai called out the good things, looked back at Wu Yong and said, "We are here to discuss a bowl of wedding wine for such a happy event." for drink".

Wu Yong echoed again and again, Chao Gai asked Wang Lun again, and said, "My dear brother, you are not young, why haven't you heard me yet? Brother Yu, I'm looking forward to drinking your wedding wine and looking forward to your hair." It's almost white!"

Chao Gai made an unintentional remark, but Wang Lun wanted to stop talking, but he said that the sky was cold and vague like autumn, but Chao Gai wanted to ask more carefully, but Wu Yong pulled down his clothes in private , Chao Gai looked at Wang Lun, and knew that there was something wrong, so it was not good to ask again, so he coughed and changed the subject:

"By the way, brother! Daoist Gongsun, Brother Liu Tang, and brother Gongming and other cottage leaders have asked me to take care of you and wish you a new year. Brother Hua said the same thing, but he told me to be Go sit with his brother-in-law!"

Wu Yong's petty actions did not escape Wang Lun's eyes, maybe he didn't intend to avoid Wang Lun at all, but Wang Lun nodded and smiled at him, and said to Chao Gai: "These brothers are so polite! The king of heaven will definitely take mine with him when he goes back." Thanks and gifts!"

Gongsun Sheng, Liu Tang, and Hua Rong said hello to themselves. Wang Lun knew it well, but this Song Jiang probably hated his teeth. Take you to visit your relatives, Wen Zhongrong and Cui Ye also miss you very much, and often talk to me about your old brother!"

When Chao Gai heard the names of these two men, he sighed deeply, shook his head, and then said: "Lehe's sister, please ask me to say hello to him too! I will also drop by to say hello to him tonight." Year!"

"Brother Lehe has something to go out and is not in the cottage for the time being. Please don't worry about his sister. This brother is here with me. I will not let him suffer!" The matter is undercover in enemy-occupied areas, and the fewer people who know about it, the safer he is.Although Chao Gai is absolutely trustworthy, but with Wu Yong's vacillating history in the past, it's really hard to say this in front of him.

"Brother Yu heard that Le He also went up to the mountain to take the top spot?" Chao Gai asked casually.

"Indeed!" Wang Lun confirmed with a nod.

"In my life, I'm afraid that I can't compare with Brother Xian. In front of you now, let me tell the truth. In fact, when I met this brother, I really didn't see any special ability in him. He was not shy. Say, there are still few words, but being a leader is almost enough! You are still a good brother who knows people, and you can give him a heavy responsibility as soon as you go up the mountain!" Chao Gai confided in his heart.

Wu Yongjian muttered to himself, thinking: "Brother, as long as you know Song Jiang, you will not suffer in this life! Fortunately, although you don't know people, you can be appreciated by others. It's a blessing among misfortunes!"

Seeing Wu Yong bowed his head, Wang Lun couldn't guess what he was thinking at this moment, and he didn't have time to think about Wu Yong's thoughts. As long as he showed his chariot and horses clearly, Wu Yong would automatically choose the stronger side. .Although Chao Gai is a little worse than Song Jiangqi, if his own tendency is added to the balance, even a fool can see who is stronger and who is weaker.

Putting Wu aside, Wang Lun raised the question of the Heavenly King Li Cheng to Chao Gai in a rather cryptic manner, and Chao Gai was beaming with joy, talking endlessly about the benefits of this very well-connected prisoner.Seeing that he couldn't make sense with Chao Gai, Wang Lun gave Wu Yong a meaningful look. Wu Yong understood Wang Lun's meaning and nodded silently, which made Wang Lun laugh and cry for a while, as if the two had a tacit understanding. of.

Chao Gai was still happily talking about the benefits brought by Li Cheng and Sun Li's joining. At this time, Wang Dingliu and Lu Fang suddenly ran up the mountain. When they saw Chao Gai who was beaming with joy, their expressions immediately changed, but they called Careful Wu Yong felt baffled. When Lu Fang just came down the mountain, there was no abnormality. Why did he come and go? He seemed to have a big opinion on Chao Gai. Wu Yong was in doubt. Brother Ni Yun and Brother Di Cheng have returned to the mountain, but they were attacked last night, brother should go and have a look!"

Wang Lun nodded to him, expressing his understanding. When Chao Gai heard this, he said: "There are still people who dare to attack Liangshan's troops!? My dear brother, let's go, Brother Yu also has to go and see!" Wang Dingliu was so angry when he saw this, he slandered: "I'm afraid you won't go!"

Wang Lun didn't say much, and asked Wang Dingliu to lead the way. He accompanied Chao Gai and took Wu Yong down the three passes. The five of them arrived at the Golden Beach. Ni Yun and Di Cheng were directing the sailors to unload the cargo. When Cheng Yi saw Chao Gai, his anger rose, he pulled out his long knife with a "shua", looked at this enemy and shouted: "Chao Gai, my brother respects you so much, why do you want to play tricks behind your back!"

My body is much better now, thanks to the heroes for their concern all the time!Normal updates will resume today, and there will be another chapter in the afternoon.In the future, I will try to break out from time to time and make up for the missing chapters! (to be continued..)

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