Water Margin Survival

Chapter 430 This One Is Extravagant

Although Zengtou City is the number one hotspot of green forests nowadays, for Liang Shanbo, there is no need to pay too much attention here.It was originally agreed in advance that Shi Qian would stay and continue to monitor, but Ma Ling was worried about his partner's safety because of his own shortcomings in martial arts, so he said anyway, asking him and Yuan Lang to take the brothers back to the mountain first, while he led the Five or seven people stayed here and continued to observe the development of the situation.

Let's say that Shi Qian and Yuan Lang took the brothers from the Diting camp to live in Xiaoxing all the way at night, and galloped back.At noon that day, he had already entered the territory of Yunzhou. Seeing the sun was shining brightly and the spring breeze was blowing, Shi Qian said, "I remember that brother Zhu Gui opened several hotels in this Pingyin County. Let's look for them again. Wait until we get back." I left my own hotel, told the guys in the store to fly pigeons back to the mountain, and told my brothers to rest assured that we don't have to hurry!"

Yuan Lang nodded, and said: "You are right! Brother Shi, the brothers in your camp are really not built. In this short period of time, we have traveled to Qing, Yan, Zi, Ling, Qi, Yun and other seven or eight state capitals. No one is left behind, just for this endurance, my brothers in the camp are far behind! If you have any tricks, you have to tell us when you go back!"

"Congratulations, congratulations!" Shi Qian had a rare moment of modesty, and he was in a very happy mood. Yulu and Yuan Lang talked and laughed, and finally their hard work paid off. They asked them to find a Liangshan branch on the side of the road, and the two were quite happy. , hurriedly greeted everyone to enter the store to rest, at this time the waiter at the door found out that it was his own family, and came out to greet him very attentively.

This hotel is not considered a prominent hotel, so naturally there is no leader on duty, and there are very few leaders other than the immediate supervisor entering the hotel on weekdays. When you come here, you naturally dare not be negligent, and you will come forward to ask about your health, and the service is very thoughtful.

Shi Qian saw that the business of the hotel here was pretty good, and there were many mules and horses in the stables in the courtyard, so he pulled the little leader over and said, "You do your own business, don't give away your identity for these trivial matters, let's rest for half a day and then leave! You report the news of our return back to the cottage!"

Hearing Shi Qian's words.The little boss felt relieved, and hurriedly said: "Do as the two brothers say!"

"Go ahead, I'll pick up the head and eat!" Yuan Lang nodded.

The little boss heard the words and went in to prepare wine and meat, Shi Qian and Yuan Lang led the brothers and opened the curtain to enter.I saw that the business of the hotel was really good. There were more than a dozen big seats in the lobby. Although there were vacancies for the rest of the small seats, Shi Qian's group of more than 30 people definitely couldn't fit them.

Seeing this, the waiter in the store hurriedly stepped forward to negotiate with the customers who had vacant seats. Most of the people saw that this group of people were very tough and aggressive, and they were very easy to talk. They stood up and gave up their seats. seat.By the way, I thanked others, and myself and Shi Qian went to a small seat, ready to rest their legs, but at this moment, a violent voice sounded, saying: "There is also a first-come, first-come-first-served one. What kind of official's companion, you want to change the seat? The master will not change!"

Yuan Lang and Shi Qian looked at the man when they heard the words, and saw that the man was wrapped in a pig's mouth scarf, with two Taiyuan mansion gold twisted wire copper rings on the back of his head; Knee pads and eight hemp shoes; a short stick is leaning on the table; a clothes bag is placed on the horizontal head, which is about eight feet long.Pale yellow bone cha face, a pair of bright eyes, no mustache.Shi Qian said with a smile: "It's the body of a hero!"

Yuan Lang nodded his head when he heard the words. After all, the two of them are people who are used to big winds and waves. Don't pay attention to this point of dispute, and immediately shouted: "If you don't change it, you don't change it. Little brother, just find other customers and ask!" "

That Xiao Er didn't have the stamina of Yuan Lang, but he wanted to earn face in front of the two elder brothers, so as not to let people say that he couldn't even handle this kind of thing, so he said with a smile on his face: "Up and down. Zhouquan villain's business, in exchange What's the point of changing it?"

The man gave up when he saw other people's guests. There is no reason for the shop to change blindly. He patted the table and said, "You are a bird, a man and a woman, you don't know people! Up and down, who is up and down? The master is blind, so he went to the government." , you think I am a gentleman! To tell you the truth, the master only allows two people in the world, and the rest are used as mud under the feet!"

Shi Qian was amused to hear it, and said with a smile: "Man, who are the only two people in the world?"

That man had a good impression of these two people. After all, there were more than 30 people in this group. They were all domineering quacks, but they did not bully others. He nodded immediately and replied: "One is the grandson of Chai Shizong, Henghai County, Cangzhou. , Chai Daguan called Xiao Xuanfeng Chai Jin!"

Shi Qian and Yuan Lang looked at each other, nodded, and said in unison: "This person really wants to let go!"

Seeing that the two of them agreed with his point of view, the man was very happy, and said: "So they are friends from the Jianghu, come here, come and sit!"

Shi Qian and Yuan Lang laughed, feeling that this person was interesting, immediately got up, sat on his seat, and asked with a smile: "Who is the one you want to let go?"

The man patted the table and said, "This one is extravagant, and it's a white-clothed king scholar at Liangshanbo, Jizhou, Shandong!"

Shi Qian and Yuan Lang couldn't help laughing, and the brothers in Diting Camp also paid attention to this side, and they burst into laughter when they heard the words. The man was puzzled by their laughter, and he said angrily, "Why, shouldn't this one be let go?"

Everyone was still laughing, and even the other guests joined in at this time, and they couldn't help laughing. The man couldn't help but slapped the table again, and said angrily: "Although the white-clothed king Xiushi was funded by the Chai officials in the past, but Now that Liang Shanbo is in full swing, why can't he be on a par with him?"

Yuan Lang shook his head, got up and looked back at the crowd and said: "You should eat, you should drink!" After speaking, he grabbed the man's wrist with one hand and pulled him into the shop. Subconsciously, he was about to break free, but who knew that the other party's five fingers were like iron hoops, how could he break free?The man has always been proud of his strength, but when he met a strong opponent, his face flushed immediately, and he was about to reach out to fetch the short stick from the table, but Shi Qian had snatched it from his hand, looking at the man and laughing.

The man was about to get angry, when he loosened his hand suddenly, the yellow-bearded man let go, handed him a bowl of wine instead and said, "Do you dare to go to the back hall to talk?"

"I'm afraid you'll eat me!?" The man rubbed his wrists, took the wine bowl and said.

Yuan Lang chuckled, and went in with Shi Qian. The man drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, ignored the luggage, and followed the two of them in. There is a large flat land with a radius of tens of feet in the middle, a well in the middle, and a shelf next to it, with branches and vines on the top, and a stone table below, with a few stone benches around it. Seeing this, Yuan Lang remembered that he was in Jingnan. Looking at the old residence, I couldn't help sighing: "Although this place is simple, it also has a unique view!"

"Wu Na man, why did you ask me to come here?" The man who came in after the two men was a bit unpleasant.

Shi Qian chuckled, and said: "There are too many people in front, so it's inconvenient to say some things! Hold on, let me ask you, you mentioned these two people, but I recognize them all, where did you meet them? "

The man was startled when he heard the words, thought for a while and said, "Since you recognize me, I'm not lying! I just came out of Chai Daguan's mansion, but I have never met Wang Xiushi!"

"This place is very close to Liangshan Po. What do you mean by coming here? To meet the Lord Wang, or to pass by?" Yuan Lang sat on the stone bench and asked.

"I have a great relationship with me, so I want to go up the mountain to find the king's village master!" The man stared at Shi Qian and Yuan Lang for a while, and revealed the truth.

Shi Qian and Yuan Lang looked at each other, saw the other party nodded slightly, and heard Shi Qian say: "I am Shi Qian, the drum on the drum at Boshang, Liangshan, and this is also Yuan Lang, the red-faced tiger, the leader of my cottage! Good man, what do you need to see my brother?" !"

When the Han heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Brother, the villain's surname is Shi, and his name is Yong. He is nicknamed General Shi, and he was originally from the Daming Mansion. Because of his admiration for the prestige of Chai Daguan, he went to seek refuge in his village years ago. I am very happy to be favored by him. Unexpectedly, a big incident happened to his family not long ago. His uncle in Gaotang Prefecture was blackmailed by scoundrels. The villain lived for nothing for a long time. So he went with him, who knew that the scoundrel relied on his brother-in-law being the magistrate of Gaotang Prefecture, so he didn't pay attention to Chai Daguan at all. Chai Daguan said that his family had iron coupons of Danshu, and the scoundrel was frightened at first Well, Mr. Chai thought that he had retreated in spite of difficulties, and didn't take it seriously. But not long after, Nazhizhou suddenly led troops to surround the mansion. As long as Mr. Chai was arrested, the villain would kill him at that time Siege, come to Liangshanbo to report the news, brother Wang Lun, please, for the sake of loyalty, save the officials!"

Shi Qian's hearing became more and more strange, so he pulled Shi Yong and asked, "The rascal is Yin Tianxi, known as Yin Zhige?"

"It's this bird man, how does brother know?" Shi Yong jumped up and asked.

Shi Qian pressed Shi Yong, and asked again: "Then why Yin Tianxi blackmailed Uncle Chai?"

"I heard that this rascal's house was set on fire not long ago. He simply didn't repair it. He just lived in his sister's house. Later, he took a fancy to the house of Chai Huangcheng, the uncle of Chai Daguan, so he wanted to force him. !” Shi Yong said tenaciously.

"I've seen a ghost. In this way, I actually killed Mr. Chai?" Shi Qian patted his head and said.

Yuan Lang's mind turned quickly, he slapped his legs and said: "Brother, you went back to Gaotang Prefecture a few months ago, could it be that you burned down this rascal's house?"

Shi Qian didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How can I give up my sister as a concubine if he wants to take my sister as a concubine that day? Why don't I just do nothing and burn down this man's house, but I don't know that it will bring disaster to the Chai officials! "

Shi Yong was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't know what to say for a while, but he saw Shi Qian blamed himself: "Official Chai is my brother's nobleman, and he was the one who reached out to help my brother when he was in the most difficult time. Accidentally, I gave away my brother and nobleman, this..."

Seeing that the two of them were in a mess, Yuan Lang got up "huh", pulled the two of them outside, and said as he walked, "It's not too late, what are you waiting for? The three of us hurried back to the village and told my brother to know about it." , let’s make further calculations!”

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