Water Margin Survival

Chapter 435 Gao Li's Assassin

Gao Lian had his reasons for choosing to flee north.

If you break out to the west or south, although the distance from the capital is the closest, at the same time, these two directions are also closer to the sphere of influence of Liangshanbo, and there are no powerful cities to live in along the way. There may have been a Daming Mansion before, but now But don't even think about it, the largest accompanying capital of the Great Song Dynasty, it is not bad to be able to protect itself at this time.

But going north is different. Not to mention Enzhou, which is close at hand, has heavy troops stationed there, and a little further north, there is also a border town of Yizhou that can take advantage of it.Although the request for help was sent very early, and the other party has not moved, but they fled to the front, it is impossible for them to ignore the life and death of an incumbent Zhizhou.

Although Gao Lian came from a humble family background, at least his IQ is still sufficient. At this critical moment of life and death, he can have a clear judgment on the situation in front of him.

Like his uncle and brother Gao Qi, he also has some three-legged kung fu. Although he has no great achievements, he can handle it when he is running for his life.But his family members were different. Some of the relatives who were not allocated horses and carriages all complained and fell to the back of the team, crying and crying.

"Sister... brother-in-law... going on like this is not a problem!" Yin Tianxi caught up with Gao Lian and complained, "Why are we running desperately? Didn't Liang Zhongshu also abandon the city back then, and now he is still doing his best to stay in Beijing? "

"What do you know!? Return Liang Zhongshu! Can I compare with him now? Lin Chong and my Taiwei have a sworn feud. This guy is very favored in Liangshanbo, and he can't wait to get rid of me! Do you think he can come after me?" Me?" Gao Lian said unhappily, if he said the matter was caused by this fellow, if it wasn't for the fact that the house was burnt down because of the rape of the women, would he be able to take a fancy to the house in Chai Huangcheng?

Generally, those who make things according to others are the best at observing words and demeanor, but at this time Yin Tianxi changed his face when he saw Gao Lian.Sensitively guessing what was going on in his mind, he became flustered at the moment, and hurriedly spoke out to curry favor: "Brother-in-law, since my younger brother takes care of you so much, I only regret that there is nothing to repay! At this juncture, I would also like you to help!"

When Gao Lian saw this, he couldn't help laughing for a while, and asked, "How do you contribute?"

"We are divided into two groups. I will take my family members and pretend to be passers-by, and go to Tokyo to join the Taiwei. No one knows us on Liangshan, so brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about us. And it happens that we old and weak women and children also Don't use brother-in-law's hind legs any more!" Yin Tianxi flattered and flattered Gao Lian.

When Gao Lian heard what his brother-in-law said, he couldn't guess what the plan of the fight was, wasn't he afraid that his goal would be a drag on him!It's just that what this guy said made some sense, Gao Lian's life and death are in danger now, and he didn't dare to risk his family, so he said immediately: "Forget that I read you right, I sent thirty confidantes to protect you. Be sure to protect your sister !"

"That's, that's, she's my own sister after all! No matter how ineffective I am, I can't hurt my doting sister, right?" Yin Tianxi flattered.Unconsciously, his eyes glanced at the heavy cage on the sister's carriage, and he thought to himself that the brother-in-law saved so much gold and silver, but he has no children, how will he spend it in the future?This is busy.I really want to help him.

Gao Lian has made up his mind, and without hesitation, he ordered his confidants around him.Going to the front team to ask the commander to come over to give some important instructions, and not long after, I saw a strong and strong man rushing over, Gao Lian squeezed out a rare smile on his face, looked at the man and said: "Old Li, officer... ..."

Unexpectedly, Gao Lian's words were interrupted by this man, and he blurted out in a Kansai accent, "Second Lord, a group of people of unknown origin were bumped into the east. The number is about the same as ours, although they are all dressed as imperial guards. , but it is by no means our soldiers and horses in the city, and please make preparations early!"

Yin Tianxi saw that he was almost lying on the ground, but Gao Lian was still stable at this time, and said: "Old Li, you were killed from the dead people in the west. In the past, you often boasted to me that if you were pulled out to compete , You don’t pay attention to any battalion in our Great Song Dynasty!” At this point, Gao Lian suddenly stopped talking and just stared at the commander.

"Men, let's see what we do!" The commander couldn't bear the provocation, he slapped his chest, saluted immediately, and went back to make arrangements.

Yin Tianxi's calves were trembling uncontrollably, he pulled Gao Lian and said, "Brother-in-law, is... this old Li reliable?"

"Reliable, rely on others all day long! If you know how to rely on yourself, you will not be in today's trouble!" Gao Lian angrily taught his brother-in-law a few words, seeing him looking like mud, looking at himself pitifully , couldn't help sighing, and said:

"He was my elder brother's personal soldier when he made contributions to the west in the past, and he was pulled up step by step. When I took office last year, my elder brother saw that there was no one around me, so he sent him with his men to help me. Not only him, but more than 500 of his men The men are all killed by thousands of troops, and they are many times stronger than those pustules in our city!"

"I said that this group of people is dragging around all day long, but they have lives in their hands. Brother-in-law, you said it earlier, but I was so scared that I almost peed my pants!"

Yin Tianxi looked at Gao Lian, pretending to complain.He was born with a dog face on the outside, but in front of Gao Lian, he used to shake his head and tail. He seemed so docile, and he could always scratch Gao Lian's itchy spot, so Gao Lian didn't just look at him. On the whole face, there is still a little taste of appreciation in it.Otherwise, in the original track, when Gao Lian heard the news that Yin Tianxi ordered Li Kui to beat him to death, he would be furious immediately, and it doesn't seem like he was completely pretending.

Not to mention that the pair of Uncle Lang are talking to each other here, just say that when Old Li returned to the front team, he saw that his scouts had come back. Looking carefully at the wound, he said angrily: "There is a magic arm bow, what is the origin of this group of people, are they Liangshan bandits?"

"It looks like a group of 500 people, and a flag hanging high in the team says something about Fuhu. I don't know if it's Liangshan troops, but San'er and Xiao Liu failed to come back!" The man's face was distorted with pain, But still unambiguously reported the military situation.

The commander asked someone to take the wounded scout down to bandage him, and summoned the officers around him and said: "I heard that there is a Wusong who beats the tiger in Liangshanpo, and he leads a group of thieves, and the leader of the thieves, Wang Lun, values ​​it very much. I'm afraid we'll bump into this group of people!"

"But I've also heard that a small capital, with a few unsatisfactory arrests, plus some idlers, long-term tenants, dares to call himself subduing dragons and subduing tigers, but it's not ridiculous!" There was only one officer. Pulling out his saber, he sneered endlessly.

"This guy has also seen blood. It seems that the last time he invaded the Daming Mansion, there were these people among them. Let's not underestimate him, especially that Wu Song who beat the tiger!" Another leader exclaimed.

"If those bird soldiers from the Daming Mansion are pulled to the northwest, I'm afraid they won't even be able to do it! These guys just survived well, and don't have to fight for their lives like us!" A bearded man said angrily.

"Okay! Don't talk about it, this time we are protecting Xiang'an and evacuating to Enzhou safely. However, since we met this group of people, since they are Liangshan people, we can't ask them to go back to deliver the letter! Lao Huang, take 50 people to stay and protect Xianggong. Others follow me first and finish this gang!" The commander's face remained unchanged while speaking, and his voice seemed as simple as killing a chicken.


"Your posture is standard. You learned it from Pohan Wu? But your mind is unstable, and your hands are unstable, so it's inevitable that the crossbow will flutter!"

Brother Yun lowered his head and listened to Wu Song's instruction, and he didn't dare to speak back. After all, the targets that the other brothers aimed at lay down with arrows, and the only scout who escaped was let go by himself.

"I said it would be good for you to follow my brother, and it would be better to take your father to Jeju Island together, but you want to come to my camp! Brother Yun, to be honest, you are really not suitable for this job! Go back today, by yourself It's better to think about it!" Wu Song immediately said a few more words because the other party was an old friend of Yanggu, and at this moment the commander stepped forward and asked: "Brother, do you want to release the arrow and call other brothers to come for reinforcements?"

"At the moment the army is attacking the city, and only Lu Yuanwai and I are patrolling the city outside the city. Everyone has their own errands, so let's not trouble others!" Wu Song is a very strong person. This word can't help but make me laugh, it's not that I met the imperial army, [-] people, just with this group of leaking fish in front of me, do I need to go to war?

"Then do you want to call our own cavalry?" The commander asked again.

Wu Song subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly saw Brother Yun at the side, thought for a while and said, "Brother Yun, take ten brothers and go and inform my battalion of horses to come here!"

Brother Yun begged: "Brother Dutou, since I went up the mountain, I haven't achieved an inch of merit, so you just let me do it with a real knife and a real gun, otherwise how can I have face when I meet the village master?"

Wu Song's heart softened when he heard the words, and he couldn't help thinking of himself back then. He was brought up by a cowardly elder brother (father), and he also developed such a strong character. He sighed and said without hesitation, "That's all! Send two brothers over there! Others are ready, come forward with me and wipe out this group of leaking fish!"

Brother Yun cheered happily when he heard the words, and quickly turned the bow in his hand upside down, and stepped on the bowstring with his feet with difficulty. Throw it to Brother Yun, just waiting for everyone to rectify their equipment and prepare for the fight.

Unexpectedly, at the edge of the forest in front of him, a group of men and horses suddenly appeared, and they came straight to kill here.Wu Song was taken aback when he saw this, thinking to himself that this is a rare event, instead of running away, this group of people came forward to meet them. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, so he immediately ordered: "Form a second formation and meet the enemy!"

Immediately, there were only 30 crossbowmen in a row, holding divine arm bows, ranked in front of the line, and then two hundred archers, less than a few feet away from the crossbowmen, began to stand, and the rest of the gunmen separated the two wings of the line. , Protect the front with a shield, and only wait for the crossbowman to back up to make up for the hand-to-hand combat with the opponent. (to be continued..)

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