Water Margin Survival

Chapter 439 The thief actually took care of my enemy

To Gao Lian, the funniest thing in the world is undoubtedly that yesterday he was able to dominate the other party's life, but today, he changed his mind and fell into the other party's hands.

It's just that he was born as a rascal, so he was a bit ruthless to admit defeat. He ignored Chai Jin at the moment, but stared fiercely at his subordinate Lin Ren, who was in charge of the two colleges, and cursed: "Lin Ren! How did you fight with me last night? What did the officer say?" If eyes could turn into sharp knives, Gao Lian would have stabbed this subordinate who had clearly betrayed him to pieces.

"Good deeds have good deeds, and evil deeds are rewarded with evil. The law of heaven recurs, and the laws of heaven are just! Kochi Prefecture has endless good deeds in its life, how can it be blamed for the rapid retribution of evil?" Lin Ren faced Gao Lian's vicious eyes without any shame, Said frankly.

"Okay, okay! I was blind and misunderstood the nonsense of the former magistrate, and kept you until now! Today you have the upper hand, and the master admits it! But Lin Ren, if you betray me this time, in the future, my brother will definitely die!" Kill your whole family to avenge your hatred!" Gao Lian cursed out of composure, Yin Tianxi shuddered when he heard the words, secretly thought that his brother-in-law was really confused, the whole family was safe at this time, but the lives of his own family were still in the hands of the other party!

Lin Ren sneered, and was about to argue with Gao Lian when Wang Lun suddenly said, "You are dead, but Gao Qi will avenge you! But if Gao Qi's thief dies, who will avenge him? Please give him In a dream, say that I, Wang Lun, are waiting for him in Liangshanbo!"

Gao Lian gave a strange laugh, and said: "Wang Lun, even a failed scholar like you dares to kill an official of the imperial court without authorization! Make your tricks clearer, and you will offend the Cai family if you break through the Daming Mansion. Come to Gaotang Prefecture today." It offended my Gao family! Now the most trusted official in the Song Dynasty, Wu, has offended you. You are so stupid that you are digging your own grave! In the future, you will end up no better than me. !"

"Dig your own grave?" Wang Lun laughed loudly, staring at Gao Lian and said, "Don't you think you have answered this sentence now?"

Gao Lian gritted his teeth upon hearing this.He was speechless for a while, and only focused on cursing, which would expose his naughty nature. Here, Li Kui and Shi Yong are both famous for their violent tempers.How can Gao Lian be presumptuous here?I saw one person holding a double axe and the other holding a short club, and they were about to come forward to teach this guy a lesson. All the heroes were happy to hear it, and they watched with their chests folded, but Wang Lun walked up to Chai Jin.Said: "Don't worry, senior officials, this guy won't survive today!"

Chai Jin gritted his teeth and nodded heavily, remembering what Gao Lian said just now to offend the Gao family, but it was not unreasonable, so he choked up and said, "My dear brother, you offended the court for me..."

Seeing that Wang Lun interrupted Chai Jin's words, he comforted him and said, "What are the officials talking about? We have already fought openly with the court, and we still care about him, a little Gao Lian? It's Gao Qiu. If I fall into the hands of my cottage, I will definitely kill him!"

Chai Jin just held Wang Lun's hand and couldn't help sobbing.Suddenly remembered something, and said in surprise: "My uncle named Yin Tianxi was beaten to death, and his family is still locked in the prison! And some of my confidantes were also..."

Wang Lun nodded, thinking that he had to ask Lin Ren about this matter, and immediately turned his head to look at the two courts of the state, but Lin Ren seemed a little hesitant, Chai Jin was anxious when he saw it, and said: "Could it be that something happened to them?" ACCIDENT?"

"Uncle Ling's family has suffered a bit, but it's fine. It's just a few farmers around the high officials..." Lin Ren hesitated at this point, but he couldn't resist the urging of Wang Lun and Chai Jin. , and finally revealed the truth:

"At first they were tough and refused to slander high-ranking officials. Later, they found that Gao Lian didn't care about their attitude at all. If they have testimony, they will do harm with testimony, and if they have no testimony, they will do harm without testimony. In the end, I don't know why. , Gao Lian has released them all because they have made meritorious deeds, but they are only imprisoned in Gaotang Prefecture and are not allowed to leave the city without authorization, in case they will be reviewed in the future!"

Lin Ren originally thought that telling Chai Jin the truth would cause great emotional fluctuations in him, but Chai Jin just sighed and said, "Everyone has his own ambition, and it's useless to force it! Please trouble Lin Jie, let them go out of the city!"

Lin Ren was quite surprised, and looked at Wang Lun unconsciously, but he heard Wang Lun say: "If you are at the Lin Jie level, do as the officials say!"

Seeing this, Lin Ren cupped his hands and got up to go.But Chai Jin said calmly: "I know that many people in the world laugh at me, saying that I am a little Mengchang with no eyesight. Although there are many idlers in the village, none of them are useful at critical times!"

Wang Lun couldn't answer these words for a while, so he just tucked the corner of his clothes for him, but Chai Jin nodded his head to express his gratitude, and continued: "But I want to say, in my life, I only know one person, Enough!"

An Daoquan was cleaning Chai Jin's wound at the side, but when he heard this sentence, he knew that Chai Jin and Wang Lun might have something to say, so he quickly applied the medicine to the important part, got up and wanted to leave, but suddenly saw the burning Ting still stood behind Wang Lun, and said: "Old Jiao, I see that your nose is red, and I'm afraid it's a deficiency of spleen and stomach yang, come with me, I'll get your pulse!"

Jiao Ting was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said: "God, no wonder my stomach has been feeling unwell today!" Touching his nose while talking, he went to ask An Daoquan.

Wang Lun glanced at An Daoquan and Jiao Ting, did not make a sound, but said to Chai Jin: "The officials are serious!" It's better to be calm.

Sure enough, I saw Chai Jin propped up his hands, sat up and said: "My dear brother, I am not Mr. Meng Chang, nor do I have his ambitions! The thing I have been repeating all my life is to be angry with people, and I want to expose their hearts. This scar, but until now, I realize that they don't have this scar in their hearts at all!"

"It's a crime of great treason to usurp the ruler by making noise, and seek to usurp the throne. It's only natural for a high official to feel angry!" Wang Lun comforted him.

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, Chai Jin's complexion changed, he lived up to the gloomy look just now, looked at Wang Lun energetically and said, "My dear brother, don't forget what you said today!"

Wang Lun was startled when he heard the words, and didn't understand what Chai Jin meant for a while, but Chai Jin closed his eyes and stopped talking. Wang Lun made him feel a little confused by his actions, so he had to laugh at himself, seeing Li Kui and Li Kui over there. Shi Yong got excited and shouted: "Okay, let's go to the government office to settle down!"

Only then did An Daoquan come with a stretcher and asked someone to bring Chai Jin up. Jiao Ting kept chasing after An Daoquan's ass and asked, "Emperor doctor, you said I was sick, why didn't you prescribe any medicine?"

An Daoquan didn't turn his head back and said: "I'll go back to the cottage. Eat well, work and rest regularly, and heal without medicine!"

Hearing this, Jiao Ting said depressedly: "Then you are serious enough to call me over!" An Daoquan shook his head and smiled, just making fun of his eloquence.

Seeing Wang Lun got up, Xu Guanzhong and Wu Song came over.Meet with Chai Jin.Seeing Wu Song, Chai Jin sighed, "Erlang!"

Wu Song arched his hands, and said without arrogance or slander: "Grand officials are good at recuperating!"

Chai Jin sighed, said nothing more, closed his eyes and went to sleep, Wang Lun pulled Wu Song over and said: "It's over, it's over. Don't always worry about it, or you will be underestimated!"

Wu Song glanced at the stretcher walking away, and said calmly to Wang Lun: "The big man in the past, that man, now Erlang...Brother, Wu Song is not a heartless person. It's just that the high officials don't like me, so go ahead It's also meaningless. But I've been thinking about his kindness. At the beginning, when he was desperate, he was taken in by high-ranking officials. Wu Er is not an ungrateful person, but kindness has nothing to do with friendship!"

Wang Lun knew that Wu Song was a man with strong self-esteem, and if people respected him a foot, he wished to pay back a foot.But the only thing he can't bear is the contempt of others, if he wants to accept a person who has despised him very much from the bottom of his heart, it is also extremely difficult.But fortunately, this man can tell the importance of the importance, the so-called sounding the drum does not need a heavy hammer, Wang Lun can't say anything more, but said: "You also know that the big man in the past, Erlang today, shows that today's high-ranking officials are no longer what they used to be. Senior officials, the barrier is too deep, if you let it go, you will be the one who hurts yourself!"

Wu Song nodded and stopped talking. Wang Lun patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go to the government office and sit down, and talk about how you caught Gao Lian!"

Wu Song let out a "huh".Walking out with Wang Lun, suddenly heard commotion in front of them, Wang Lun and Wu Song looked at each other, and hurried forward. When they arrived at the scene, they saw that it was Lin Chong, Xu Ning, and Shi Jin, holding sharp knives. If you stand in front of the team, you will surely take Gao Gao's life.The soldiers of the personal guard camp did not have Wang Lun's military order, so they did not dare to call Gao Lian to die here, they all came forward to persuade him.

Wang Lun saw Lin Chong and the others' eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on their foreheads were bulging. He threatened Gao Lian with a knife, but he refrained from making a move. Of course, Wang Lun would not let Gao Qi go in front of Lin Chong like Song Jiang did back then. Immediately said: "Three, this person will be handed over to you!"

Lin Chong and Xu Ning bowed to Wang Lun to the end, and refused to get up for a long time, until they were finally supported by Wang Lun and Wu Song. , slapped several times in the face, and said: "Let's use you as an example for Gao Qi, and let him know what 'fear' is!"

"Lin Chong, give me a good time!" Gao Lian was more courageous than Yin Tianxi who fainted from fright, knowing that begging for mercy would not bring back a life, so he simply asked for a good time.

"Your brother is not the only one who owes you a debt of blood! The three of you here each have a sworn feud against that Gao Qi of yours, and it happens to be avenged on you, a corrupt official!" Lin Chong yelled angrily.

"It's really a wall and everyone pushes it! Tell me, apart from you and Chai Jin, who else is at odds with my Gao family!" Gao Lian said angrily.

Xu Ning, who is known for his good temper, couldn't bear it any longer at this time, and he lifted the mask on his face and said, "You dog thief, do you know Xu Ning from the Tokyo Imperial Golden Spear Class?"

Gao Lian couldn't help being shocked when he heard it, and lost his voice: "You... didn't you die in Mengzhou?"

"Heaven has eyes, tell brother Xu to collect your body alive!" Shi Jin slapped Gao Lian again.

Shi Jin's hand was very heavy, and he beat Gao Lian until he was in a mess, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, only to see Gao Lian gritted his teeth and said, "Master Xu Ning accepted the account, how did you take the risk, you bastard?" It came out! My brother dug up your ancestral grave again!"

Seeing that his death was imminent, Shi Jin kept his mouth shut and slapped Gao Lian again with his backhand, causing Gao Lian to spit out a mouthful of blood, with a few white teeth in it. Kill, pretending to be a vengeance!"

Shi Jin took a sip and said, "This slap is for the coach of the 80 Imperial Army..."

It's good that Gao Lian didn't listen, but when he heard it, he struggled fiercely and cursed: "Lin Chong broke his hands and feet, I want you to show me your courtesy!"

"Professor Lin naturally doesn't need me to do it for you! But my master..." At this point, Shi Jin hit Gao Lian's chest and abdomen with his knee, and the pain made Gao Lian's face distorted and hideous. Instructor Wang Jin of the Forbidden Army, ask me to greet you!"

Gao Lian was stunned when he heard the words, ignored Shi Jin, and just shouted at Wang Lun: "Wang Lun! You bastard! My family's enemies have told you to keep you in secret until now. My Gao family swears not to divorce you." !"

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