Water Margin Survival

Chapter 459 Revenge

As the leader of the personal guard who followed Wang Lun at the earliest, Jiao Ting is undoubtedly very competent.He has no resistance to this kind of boring stance task, and he is still full of energy and meticulous in doing it.

Wu Yong's copper chain was tied around his waist, and he was not interested in taking a second look.If it weren't for the fact that Wang Lun was more polite to this man, the special weapon Wu used would have been abandoned by him long ago.Thinking of this guy's act of disarming the weapon just now, Jiao Ting could only sneer in his heart. As Wang Lun's personal attendant, he has the most right to say about Wang Lun's current martial arts.No, just now my brother played sword with Mr. Jin Jian's accompanying training, and he seemed very happy.

When Jiao Ting was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Guo Sheng rushing over, and before meeting him, he shouted from a distance: "Brother Jiao, is brother here? My little brother has an urgent military report!"

"Brother is talking about something, are you in a hurry?" Seeing this, Jiao Ting asked.

"It's urgent!" Guo Sheng rushed to the front and emphasized.

Seeing that Jiao Ting said, he just asked for details, turned around and knocked on the door, and said, "Brother Guo Sheng, come here, saying that there is an urgent military situation!" Before Jiao Ting finished speaking, the door opened from the inside, and Wu Yong's figure fell on both In the eyes of others, he stepped aside humbly and made a gesture of invitation.

Guo Sheng glanced at Wu Yong hastily, and didn't care to think about why he appeared here. He just stepped forward and bowed his hands to Wang Lun, and said: "I just received a letter from Feige, the third brother Zhang. Attack two words of blood!"

Wang Lun stood up suddenly when he heard the words, and said in an urgent tone: "Please head coach Lin and Han Shizhong take the headquarters directly to the rescue! You and Lu Fang go with Han Shizhong and tell them that it is the food delivery team from Erlong Mountain that was attacked. There are eight out of ten Ninth, Zengtou City is causing trouble, go directly to the south to search, be sure to rescue my brother Liu Tang and Zhang San, and report back as soon as there is news!"

Seeing this, Wu Yong volunteered and said, "Brother Wang Lun. How about younger brother leading the way?"

Wang Lun glanced at Wu Yong, seeing the pedant straightened up immediately, with an expression eager to try, thought for a while, and agreed: "You can go with the army to lead the way, remember what I just said, and pay attention to safety. !"

Now Wu Yong not only represents himself, but also maintains Chao Gai's safety, especially after the conversation just now.Wang Lun felt that if he was willing to work hard, Song Jiang might not be much better than this wise man in terms of conspiracy.

When Wu Yong heard Wang Lun's last words, pay attention to safety, he suddenly felt that he had a place in the heart of the boss's boss, and couldn't help being elated, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, brother, I will carefully follow Teacher Lin and Head Guo to lead them. Never add to the chaos!"

Wang Lun nodded and patted Guo Sheng on the shoulder.Said: "The few people in Zengtou City are not idlers. Everything is arranged by Coach Lin and Han Shizhong. Don't underestimate the enemy! While rescuing friendly troops, you must also pay attention to your own safety! Go. Tell Coach Lin and the others to set off directly, there is no need to come over !"

Guo Sheng nodded his head, and Wu Yongjian said that he had already left the house.Unexpectedly, Guo Sheng said again: "One more thing, Wang Qing woke up and wants to see his brother!"

"Understood. You go first, don't worry about family affairs!" Wang Lun nodded, and Jiao Ting sent the two of them outside the gate of the mansion. Just say that Wang Qing is awake, I will wait for them to come over and go to see him together!"

Jiao Ting nodded and went away, Wang Lun thought to himself at the door what is the plot of Zengtou City, to rob his food road?There is plenty of food in the city, enough to eat for several years!Besides, since I went to Lingzhou, I haven't dealt with Zengtou City yet. What are these guys eager to provoke?

However, he is quite relieved about the strong combination of Lin Chong and Han Shizhong this time. After all, his personal guard battalion and the Panshi battalion led by Lin Chong are the two most powerful teams in Liangshan cavalry.At this time, among the remaining two battalions, although Lu Junyi's personal martial arts skills are very outstanding, but the troops have not formed an army for a long time, and they have not fought a battle, so it is not safe to send them out to fight in the field.However, Hao Siwen's battalion has been in the army for a long time. It is one of the first batch of veteran horse battalions established by the Liangshan Army. Someone like Shan Tinggui who is familiar with the situation is needed to sit in the town. After all, there are still three thousand soldiers on the side, but they can't leave for a while.

Wang Lun lowered his head and thought about the current situation, and walked back and forth at the gate of the government office. He didn't know how long it had passed, but Jiao Ting reminded him: "Mr. Jin Jian and Liu Min are here!"

When Wang Lun saw that he looked up, the two of them came hand in hand. Liu Min walked up to him and said without asking about Wang Qing's condition, "Brother Wang Lun, I heard that your army has urgently mobilized four thousand horses. I don't know what's the matter. Military situation?"

It seems that two groups of people live together, and trouble is absolutely inevitable. If you don’t have a little soldier, there will be some commotion over there. Wang Lun smiled and said simply: "The team escorted by Erlong Mountain to bring food and grass, was arrested. Unidentified men and horses attacked."

Liu Min was relieved when he heard this, but Li Zhu was a little worried and said: "Junior Brother, do you want Brother Yu to send someone to help? The one who dares to rob Lingzhou at this time is probably Zengtou City!"

Seeing that Wang Lun smiled at Li Zhu, it was still heartwarming for his own family, and then glanced at Liu Min who lowered his head and didn't know what to think, and thanked him: "If necessary, please ask senior brother for help! This time it is Teacher Lin and me. Follow the leader Han Shizhong and lead the soldiers, senior brother, don't worry!"

Li Zhujian said that he was relieved, and said, "These two are capable of fighting, so I can rest assured! But if something happens, just let me know!"

At this time, a person came running in a panic, shouting: "Military division, Chief Liu, it's not good, it's not good!"

Everyone looked around after hearing the reputation, but it was Wang Qing's leader, whose surname was Liu, and his two names were respectful. Seeing that he was in a state of despair, Li Zhu frowned and said, "I have something to talk about, so what's the rush!"

Then Liu Yijing wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said: "That Ma Jin of the Ma family rebelled, threw the food along the street, didn't say hello, and hurried out of the south gate with a group of people! "

Li Zhu was taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled and said, "Show loyalty, good man!"

Liu Yijing still didn't quite understand, he said in a daze, "Military Master, what's the matter?"

But Liu Min understood, waved his hand and said, "Go down, it's okay!"

Liu Yijing was in a daze at the moment, how could he guess the charade they were playing, and still stood still, Liu Min said again: "You go and ask the Teng family brothers to lead people to strengthen the defense of the south gate!"

This sentence was very clear, Liu Yijing went in a daze.Wang Lun turned around and told Jiao Ting: "Ask Yan Xiaoyi to take the brothers and pick up the food along the road and send it back to Brother Ma Jin! Then send a letter to Coach Lin, the friendly army has already followed them, call Brothers, don't accidentally hurt yourself!"

Naturally, Jiao Ting would not keep asking questions like Liu Yijing, so he immediately ordered his brothers to pass the order.Li Zhu shook his head and said with a smile: "This kid! It can be said that he has found a place to repay his junior brother!"

Wang Lun was also a little emotional, nodded and said: "The two brothers in his family are really extraordinary!"

Liu Min also echoed a few words with a flat face, and the three of them talked for a while, then went directly to the place where Wang Qing was recuperating.The three of them opened the door and entered, only to see An Daoquan and three or five apprentices standing in front of Wang Qing, teaching them to heal their grief.At this time, when Wang Lun came in, everyone got up to say hello. Li Zhu held An Daoquan back with a smile and said many words of gratitude.

An Daoquan said a few words of modesty, told the disciples to go out first, and said to everyone: "I can't speak for the time being, I can only guess the general idea by the shape of my mouth. As soon as he wakes up, he keeps asking to see his brother!"

Wang Lun said that when he walked up to Wang Qing, he sighed secretly that this patient was completely different from when he met last year. He saw that the thick eyebrows with phoenix eyes had lost their spirits, and the red face and white face were all sickly. He said: "Leader Wang is good at recuperating, don't worry about other things, there is a genius doctor An Dao here, and your illness will recover sooner or later!"

Wang Qing stretched out his hand a little excitedly, but was speechless with a "hoo hoo" in his mouth, Li Zhu hurriedly stepped forward to hold Wang Qing's hand, and said: "Leader, don't worry, listen to my junior brother, so you can rest in peace! The army is out of danger now, and now we are in Lingzhou City, my junior brother broke the city, divided half of it into our army, and now the morale of the army has stabilized, we just wait for you, the leader, to recover!"

Li Zhu's few words had an immediate effect, Wang Qing was a little quieter than before, his thin hands like chicken feet shook Li Zhu's, but then stretched out towards Wang Lun.Wang Lun had no choice but to sit beside him, smiled at him, and tucked the quilt casually with him, until he covered his out-of-shape hands.

But Wang Qing became excited again, he pursed his upper and lower lips and made a few movements. Liu Min looked at it once and said for him: "My leader said, thank you, Chief Wang, for saving your life. You were saved, you are a true friend, a true brother! Back then in Huangzhou, I felt sorry for Chief Wang, and he told us to thank Chief Wang for his kindness no matter what..."

Wang Lun glanced at Liu Min in admiration. He didn't want Wang Qing to use so many words with these simple actions on his mouth. He was really convinced.At this moment, Liu Min was still chattering, coordinating with Wang Qing's nodding and blinking movements, it seemed to be more sincere, more sincere.

Wang Lun didn't know what Wang Qing wanted to say to him, after all, the two were not close at all.However, when seeing a patient, one must behave like one, so she sat in front of him and said a lot of words of consolation, to the effect that he would rest well and not worry about anything.It's just that there was really nothing to say later, and Wang Qing seemed to have more ideas, so Wang Lun had no choice but to bring the topic to An Dao's body, so he introduced his glorious past and classic cases, and listened to An Dao All a little embarrassed.

This conversation with little exchange in essence went on for more than half an hour, and An Daoquan finally couldn't stand it anymore, and proposed to let the patient rest.Unexpectedly, seeing that everyone got up to leave, Wang Qing stretched out those naked hands from under the quilt again, waved them randomly, and repeated two movements with his lips.

This time Wang Lun understood, Wang Qing clearly said the word "revenge".

The monthly pass is really awesome, and it immediately entered the top ten in history, thank you guys!Zengtou City is about to be fought, and I hope everyone will continue to support it! (To be continued..)

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