Water Margin Survival

Chapter 462 Shi Wengong in the Eye of the Storm

With a sound of "shua", Li Zhu had already drawn his sword in his hand, and the five or seven old men couldn't help but backed away in fright, only to see Li Zhu angrily said at this time: "I scolded the neighbor! I have a dog, and they don't Dare to bite the master! Now the imperial court has raised this group of dogs for more than a hundred years. After raising the dog master and raising the dog, after raising the dog and raising the dog grandson, they have raised a group of white-eyed wolves! You wait, I will definitely follow you Get out of this, or I'll be called Mr. Shit from now on!"

Although he usually doesn't care about the common people, but this matter is very different, it is an outsider bullying in, even a Song person can't bear it, let alone this Mr. Jin Jian who uses a sword like a god.

Seeing that Li Zhu was really angry, these common people knelt down and kowtowed, expressing their gratitude, Li Zhu suppressed the fire of ignorance in his heart, put his sword back into its scabbard, looked at Wang Lun and said, "Junior brother, what's going on with this? "

"There are thousands of ways to deal with the white-eyed wolf, but there is only one ending!" Wang Lun said with a serious expression, "I want this ending!"

Everyone understood Wang Lun's words. The ending of the white-eyed wolf will definitely not be a fairy tale. Of course, there can be no fairy tales in this era, and the people don't have this concept in their hearts. What they will never forget is: the cruel reality.

"Report! Traces of people from Zengtou City were found ten miles away!"

The scout Pegasus dispatched from Shan Tinggui's battalion came to report the news. Their battalion did not follow Wang Lun to join the battle, but stayed in Lingzhou City to guard the rear.Wang Lun only dispatched a team of brothers from Shan Tinggui who were familiar with Lingzhou's terrain, and he didn't even bring Shan Tinggui with him. He was afraid that Hao Siwen would have no helpers around him, so he couldn't separate himself to hold down Wang Qing's men, and three thousand surrender.

"How many people came out? Do you recognize Shi Wengong? Did he bring our brother?" Wang Lun turned around and asked three questions.

"Looking at the size of the march, I'm afraid there will be no less than 8000 to [-] people! Zengtou City teacher Shi Wengong is at the front of the line. I have seen him before, so I can be sure that he is coming! But I haven't found Brother Zhang San for the time being!" The scout clasped his hands.

"Seven to eight thousand people?" Du Pojian said, frowning slightly, and said: "He has a total of five to seven thousand people, and he fought with Tian Hu and our army three times. Han Shizhong, the leader of the king, beheaded another nine hundred people. How could he have any more?" Seven to eight thousand people? How could it be possible to fight more and more?"

"I'm afraid the apprentices and grandchildren have come out!" Wang Lun smiled coldly and said, "What is the ratio of infantry to horses among these seven to eight thousand people?"

"The number of the horse army is at least four thousand. It's just that the details are still unknown!" The scout replied, "The villain will go and investigate again!"

"Go! Just tell the brothers to pay attention to safety. The surrounding area is flat and there are no hidden places. Please pay attention to keeping a distance when investigating!" Wang Lun ordered, and the scouts went away after hearing the sound. The common people in the same place said: "Village elders, please take the villagers back to the village first! This place will soon become a battlefield, and it is very dangerous for you to stay here! We, Liangshanbo, will definitely give an explanation to the people of Lingzhou !"

Everyone heard the words.The old man was in tears and knelt down to thank Liangshan for his kindness. Wang Lun helped them up and comforted them with kind words, and then they were about to go to the Chinese army.But Du Po stopped him and said, "Brother Wang Lun, this group of Jurchens are really deceiving people, they dare to despise me, there is no man in Song Dynasty! No matter what happens later, I can't forget my little brother!"

Seeing that Du Po, who had always been calm, was a little excited, Wang Lun glanced at Li Zhu and said, "Don't worry, Boss Du! I won't forget you!"

Du Po nodded heavily and clenched his hands into fists.Said: "Little brother send Wang Lun brother respectfully!"

"You're welcome!" Wang Lun waved his hand, got on his horse, and left in a hurry. Li Zhu nodded at Du Po and followed Wang Lun.Du Po sighed and looked back at the lonely crowd.The fists were clenched with a "crack".

"This dog thief Shi Wengong, I used to have a personal enmity with him! I didn't expect this bird man to be so unbearable. He was cast under the hands of Fanzi to oppress his compatriots. When I saw him, I had to ask him what was going on in his head!" Li Zhu Immediately cursed.

This time Wang Lun did not make a sound.Just thinking about what kind of person this Shi Wengong is in his mind.


"Master, let's pull out all the young people in the family this time, won't Wang Lun take the opportunity to attack our Zengtou City?" Zeng Tu and Shi Wengong, the eldest of the Zeng family, are the best, so they lead the front team with him.

"There is indeed such a possibility!" Shi Wengong looked at the big apprentice with a complicated look, and said: "But right now, if you can't pass this test, it doesn't matter whether Zhuang Po is broken or not. Sooner or later, Liang Shanbo will take the blame!"

"As for it? Master, how many people have you tolerated in the past, why did this gang of Liangshan robbers just look at him?" Seeing Shi Wengong's pessimistic tone, Zeng Tu was very puzzled.

"Although I haven't fought against Liangshan people in the past, but just because he swallowed me nine hundred and strong in one go, this group of people can't underestimate him!" Shi Wengong remembered that no one escaped back yesterday, so he looked at Liang Shanbo soberly. I have a clear understanding of my combat power.

"You know how much effort I put into these 900 people! To put it bluntly, they are the most elite tribe in Zengtou City! Your father once promised me that when the government's way is cleared, I will come back to you in the future." After joining the army, these people all want to go with me! But they... Now that Qi Qi has been beheaded, I can only be cautious besides being angry!"

"Liang Shanbo is a killer these days. They can't kill without a head. They actually cut off the head of my hero in Zengtou City. I will definitely not give up with him today!" scolded.

Shi Wengong gritted his teeth and said to his apprentice, "Remember today, you are the only one who lives and dies, go forward bravely, there is no draw!" Zeng Tu was about to express his opinion, when he suddenly heard a chaotic sound of horseshoes behind him. When he looked back, he found It was Zeng Suo and Zeng Sheng, the two younger brothers from the rear team, who came together. At this moment, Zeng Sheng said: "What did the master and elder brother say, but they are discussing about rescuing the fourth child?"

"Yes! No! Master said, we will fight to the death with them today!" Zeng Tu was straightforward and couldn't hide his words.

Zeng Sheng was shocked, and hurried forward and said: "Master, didn't we agree to exchange our fourth brother and Yuxi with them today, and then make peace? Why did you change your mind?"

Shi Wengong saw that he took a playful look at his most troublesome little apprentice, yesterday he did not approve of sending troops to tease Liang Shanbo, after all, this is a force that once broke the Daming Mansion, and even broke Gaotang Prefecture and Lingzhou !Shi Wengong thinks that it should be more conservative. Anyway, this is his home stadium, so there is no need to exploit weaknesses and avoid strengths, as long as he sticks to Zengtou City!No matter how great Liang Shanbo is, it is also a guest army fighting, and he will not stay in Lingzhou for long, and when the time comes to cover up the killing, the jade seal will naturally be lost and recovered, and it will be dedicated to the imperial court in the future. Can't I fulfill my wish to serve the imperial court?

Unexpectedly, the old Wuyi couldn't bear it for a while, and urged the fourth child to attack Liangshanbo's food team together. He actually took it for granted that he could scare Liangshanbo away just like Tian Hu and Wang Qing.It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world. People who think they are smart can always successfully expose the people around them to danger.

And only later did I know that the food team was not from Liangshan, but from Erlongshan, but they came here under Wang Lun's order.This Wang Lun is known for his loyalty, how could he give up so easily when the arrow was stuck in his heart?However, these brats thought they could get whatever they wanted after taking a few of his bosses, they were so naive to the point of childishness.If Wang Lun was such an easy person to deal with, how could he still survive in this dangerous arena?It's not too early to annex people!

"I disapproved of your sending troops yesterday, not because of anything else, but because we have a better choice, why take the risk easily? If we win, it is nothing more than a grain team, but if we lose, let us be like this, without any trouble." There is room for change! So today I am going to fight Liang Shanbo to the death because we have no choice. If we don’t take advantage of Wang Lun’s presence this time, capture him alive and force Liang Shanbo to submit, Zengtou City will never have peace in the future!” Shi Wengong said. In a word, it's a pity that his five apprentices didn't even learn a single percent of his Jianghu experience and foresight.

"Damn! Liang Shanbo actually sent [-] cavalry, how did this guy get together!?" Zeng Mi, the second child, hurried back from the front line, and gave the general information to his master and brothers.

Shi Wengong couldn't help being shaken when he saw the four boys around him, and he quickly cheered them up: "You all grew up beating on horseback, and you wish you could sleep on the horse! And Liang Shanbo was unknown two years ago, even Baiqi It’s impossible to make it up, pulling up such a huge cavalry in two years is a joke! Do you believe this joke? Do you believe that your enemy is stronger than you?”

This group of people are all used to domineering, and they don't know how to write the word "fear" after living so long.Except for crabs, this family is the one who walks the most. It can be said that, except for Shi Wengong, they have no one in the world to be afraid of.He harassed the people on weekdays, but he had never met an opponent. This time he defeated the world-famous Tian Hu and Wang Qing again. All timidity disappeared at this moment.

I saw the four brothers heard the words, look at me, look at him, suddenly raised their heads and laughed, and after laughing wildly for a while, they saw them shouting in unison: "Shake the iron ring bell, all gods and ghosts will be shocked. The iron cart And iron locks, with sharp nails on top and bottom. Sweeping Liangshan and Qingshuibo, expelling Wang Lun and going to Tokyo. Captured the ferocious Tianhu alive, and captured the cunning Wang Qing alive. The Zeng family gave birth to five tigers, and it is famous all over the world!"

At first it was only these four people who sang and howled all the way, but gradually the army in Zengtou City joined in in unison, and the voices of these people could not help but fill the mountains and fields, frightening the rats and all the insects.

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