The grateful people refused to disperse for a long time, but spontaneously stepped forward to help the Liangshan Army carry the remains of the soldiers who died in battle.Wang Lun has not been dealing with ordinary people for a day or two. He understands the simple thoughts in their hearts, and it is far better to let them participate in this battle than to isolate them from this battle.

After these few days of personal experience, Li Zhu, Du Po, Wei He and others have become immune to the situation in front of them, and feel that it is normal in their hearts.

But Guanghui and Sun An are different, after all, there is a big difference between hearing and seeing.The two were quite shocked by the scene in front of them. After a long time, Guanghui and Sun An looked at each other, nodded at each other, and suddenly knelt down to Wang Lun and said, "Looking at the vast territory of the Song Dynasty, you can see it alone in the dark." A ray of light, how can the common people not look forward to me in Liangshanbo? I will hand over the two hundred and ten catties of my younger brother to my elder brother!"

Sun An was fine, after all, it was the first time he met Wang Lun.Guanghui is an old acquaintance, but it is the first time to call Wang Lun "brother". In the eyes of Li Zhu and others, it can be regarded as a formal defeat.Wang Lun stepped forward to help the two generals, and said happily, "It's really a great fortune for Liang Shanbo to have two heroes accompany us on this journey!"

The taciturn Du Po stood aside, and suddenly sighed: "Those who make friends with each other will lose all their benefits! Only those who make friends with their hearts can last forever!"

Hearing what his eldest brother said, Wei He subconsciously muttered: "How can there be so many people who can talk to each other..." In fact, he didn't say a word because Li Zhu was present, that is, among the coalition forces, most of them are friends of interests How can it be possible that Liangshanbo is different from other places, because they all came out of the green forest?

"There are many people who make friends with profit, but few people who make friends with heart! My junior brother's path is obviously different from that of the green forest comrades for thousands of years!" Li Zhu obviously heard Wei He's unsatisfactory meaning, but But he didn't say anything, instead he echoed with emotion.

"I really hope that Liangshanbo can go farther!" Du Po said silently, and suddenly heard the sound of noise coming from a distance.At this moment, only sentry cavalry came to report: "Erlongshan military commander Wu Yong, leader Baisheng, and Fangshan leader Liu Yijing, each brought more than [-] minions to join us!"

Wang Lun nodded.He waved his hand to tell the sentry to disperse, only to see him turn his head and focus on it and said: "Go and invite Brother Liu Tang to come over and talk!"

Liu Tang, who had just been freed from the chaos, was currently picking out a mount from among the seized horses on the pasture. It was Wang Lun's gift to this brother to suppress the shock.At this time, he was in a dilemma among the three horses he had chosen, he didn't know which one to choose, but Jiao Ting was urging him, Liu Tang couldn't help but shouted: "Brother Jiao, don't just rush, you don't care See if my little brother has any ideas?"

At this time, Suo Chao happened to pass by and heard the conversation between the two people here.Stopped the horse and said, "I'll give you an idea!"

Hearing this, Liu Tang looked up and saw Suo Chao's armor was stained with blood, a large ax dipped in gold was black and red, and the remaining blood was not clean, matching with a puff of black smoke behind him.Like a god of war, he couldn't help admiring him, and said, "Just listen to Suo Xianfeng's orders!"

"Take all three of them to the ball, why are you just so anxious? You're not picking on the guy!" After Suo Chao finished speaking, he glanced at the three "BMWs" beside Liu Tang with disdain, and urged the real BMW under his crotch to grow up. and go.Only the dumbfounded Liu Tang was left on the spot.Seeing that Wu Yong and Bai Sheng had arrived at Wang Lun's place, Jiao Ting said, "Take them all! Horse selection is a trivial matter, don't miss out on a major one!"

Immediately, Liu Tang came to a sudden realization, laughed foolishly, got on his horse, led the other two horses and rushed to Wang Lun with Jiao Ting.Seeing this, Wang Lun led the crowd out, first saw the horse under Liu Tang, and asked, "Is this the good horse raised by the Zeng family?"

It should be said that he has been in this era for a long time, and he has some common sense of horse hunting. In fact, the three horses Liu Tang selected are all good in quality.It is a head higher than the horses used by ordinary cavalry in Liangshanbo, but the key point is that these three horses were carefully selected by Liu Tang from more than [-] captured horses, but they don't look very satisfactory, so it is inevitable It looked a little shabby.

"Little brother just selected for a long time, and found that the horses of the Zeng family are all about the same quality, neither too top-notch, nor too slow! I finally chose these three horses, and I was just undecided. Forget it!" Liu Tang hurriedly said.

"What do you think of the remaining horses?" Wang Lun asked after hearing the words.

Liu Tang scratched his head, not knowing how to express his feelings, when he suddenly saw him pointing at the knights of the Panshi Battalion in the distance and said, "I think they are a little stronger than the horses of the general sergeants under Coach Lin!"

Hearing what Liu Tang said, Wang Lun had a preliminary understanding of the horse-raising skills of the Jurchens in the Zeng family's mansion.Objectively speaking, there are many reasons for the lack of top quality horses. It may be that the stallions are not good, or the environment for raising horses is not as good as that of the Northland. It should not have much to do with the skills of this group of people.But being able to raise a herd of horses with a similar starting line is a bit higher than other horse herding supervisors. It seems that their specialty has not degraded.

Wang Lun remembered that he hadn't used the great pasture on Jeju Island, what was missing was the horse herders?The group of Jurchens in front of them have done all kinds of bad things, so it's time to do some human affairs.

"Give it up first! I'll keep a good horse for you in the future!" Wang Lun nodded to Liu Tang, then turned to Li Zhu and said, "Brother, it's getting late, let's go if there is nothing to do! Fight for it! Can come back in the evening! I also need a thousand horsemen, brother, please pay attention to me!"

Li Zhu nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Don't worry, junior brother, I will keep this matter in mind!" After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the group of ordinary people called Zengtou who had been oppressed for a long time in the distance, his face was as cold as ice, and his eyes scanned The generals gathered in front of them took a long time to say a few words: "What you are doing today is a matter of accumulating virtue, you can handle it yourself! But what I want to emphasize is that this matter is different from what you have done before. There is no difference in the matter, but the nature is fundamentally different, that is, this time is to make decisions for our folks, and to accumulate virtue for yourselves! Who dares to slack off, contributes without efforts, or conceals the seizure, privately takes property, and ends up I will not say much!"

All the generals knew what Li Zhu was referring to, and they all shouted excitedly when they heard the words, leading in unison. When Li Zhu saw this, he waved his hand, and the crowd dispersed immediately. Wang Lun nodded to Wu Yong, and Wu Yong also took the lead. Follow Liu Tang and Bai Sheng to go down and get ready to go.

Not long after, Wang Qingjun and Erlongshan troops marched towards Zeng's mansion. At this time, the people who were busy on the battlefield stopped one after another. They knew what this team was doing, and their eyes were full of gratitude, which made the gangsters of the coalition army think There is a fire burning in my heart, and for the first time, I equate myself with a positive character in my heart.At this time, he couldn't help but straighten his back, and the shouting of the reining horse became more powerful. He wished he could rush to Zengtou City in no time, and vent his anger on behalf of the local people.

There was only one army horse left in Liangshan on the pasture, Sun An looked at the retreating figure of the coalition army, and couldn't help sighing: "I'm convinced, brother's plan is good, isn't this Zhou Chu eliminating three evils!"

Jiao Ting was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in puzzlement, "What is Zhou Chu eliminating the three evils?"

Wang Lun smiled and said: "At the end of the Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period, there was a man named Zhou Chu in Yangxian City. He was tall and strong, with extraordinary arm strength and martial arts skills. He was good at galloping and hunting. The folk song said: "Xiao Zhouchu, with strong physical strength, used knives, bows and guns by day and guns by night. He punched Li and kicked Zhang, like a tiger pouncing on a flock of sheep. The villagers were so frightened that they all complained, and no one dared to argue with each other.' Therefore, the villagers collectively called him the "Three Evils" together with the Nanshan Tiger and the Xijiu Jiaolong. Later, when the news spread to Zhou Chu's ears, he repented and went into the mountain alone to shoot the tiger, and went down the mountain to fight the Jiaolong, and finally killed the Tiger and the Niejiao. .In the end, he himself also corrected the evil and returned to the righteous. This way, the "three evils" in the city were eliminated, so there is an allusion of "eliminating the three evils in Zhou Chu"!"

After Jiao Ting heard it, he suddenly realized that he couldn't help applauding. Wang Lun smiled and said, "Go ask Coach Lin to see when you can start!" Jiao Ting responded and went.

Seeing that he hadn't seen his apprentice for a long time, Guanghui asked, "Brother, where did Han Wu go?"

Wang Lun patted his head and said, "There are too many things, but I forgot about this! Master, I don't know. During the battle just now, the fifth brother of the Zeng family fled and took more than a thousand cavalry to the east. Afterwards, I sent Han Shizhong and Lu Junyi and Lu Yuan led a team to pursue, our army is several times stronger than the enemy, and there are these two generals leading the team, master, don't worry!"

Guanghui heard the words and said: "Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze will regenerate! If this group of people don't cut him off, we will be fine when we leave, but it is the local people who are suffering! It is my brother who has thought carefully!"

"Let him become a climate again, won't he become a new Zengtou City?" Wang Lun replied.

Both of them nodded in agreement, and the three chatted again. At this time, Lin Chong brought someone over. Under Wang Lun's introduction, Lin Chong met Guanghui and Sun An. Heard of Lin Chong's name as the coach of the 80 Imperial Guards, and knowing that he was the key to annihilating Zengtou City in this battle, he respected him very much in words.

Lin Chong saw that there were two more leaders in the village. Although Sun An had never heard of them, Guanghui had long admired his name. He was also in a good mood at this time. Shi Wengong who caught him said: "Brother, how do you deal with this guy!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun thought for a while, and said, "Take it down and hang it with Su Ding!" At this moment, Shi Wengong opened his red and swollen eyes and looked at Wang Lun, wanting to see his end from the other's face. But Wang Lun met his gaze and said a word:

"If you are just confused, you can turn back. If you are already numb, then it is useless for me to save your life!"

Thank you sun and boy for your rewards, and the rewards you have been giving all the time!I would also like to thank all the heroes who subscribed, rewarded, and voted. Thank you very much for your support for this book!Thanks!

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