After finally getting through the limelight of the Liangshan army joining forces, Liu Min finally waited for Li Zhu, who had been waiting for him for a long time. To be honest, it was the first time that he had such a strong desire to see his military adviser.Perhaps, it was stimulated by Liang Shanjun's unparalleled momentum.

Yuan Lang took refuge in Liang Shanbo, and at this time he was completely out of it.Not to mention the subordinates who flaunt their might and led a large number of mixed horse infantry, they just nodded when they saw him.I don't remember at all that in the past, he was on Mulan Mountain, but he only took the fourth place!

Luan Tingyu and Bian Xiang are two newcomers.Like Shi Wengong, Luan Tingyu is a long-term worker of a wealthy family.Bian Xiang was even more ridiculous. When he joined Tianhu, he couldn't even see his boss, so he could only do odd jobs.A month or two ago, after he played against Pudong Guansheng, he was immediately rumored to be miraculous.Liu Min actually tended to be a little watery in this, but imagining Tian Hu's expression after knowing this, he still wanted to laugh out loud, I'm afraid this guy would regret it.

It just so happens that such people are reused by Wang Lun.The three of them alone are enough to match half of Fangshan's strength, and I really don't know what to say.

However, Liu Min is a clear-headed person, even though he felt very uncomfortable in his heart, he secretly warned himself that if he could not turn against Liang Shanbo, it would be best not to turn against him.Fighting against Wang Lun, the pressure is too great.

Liu Min shook his head, put Wang Lun out of his mind, quickly walked up to the happy Li Zhu, clasped his fists and said, "I wish the military commander a triumphant return!"

"Uncle Zhi, we are old brothers, why are you so polite?" Li Zhu took Liu Min's hand and asked again: "My junior brother is not here?"

It was true that which pot was not opened and which pot was lifted, Liu Min was quite tired of it, but his face was still calm, and he said: "They have seven or eight thousand people from Liangshanpo, and they have just been welcomed into the city by the king!" Liu Min didn't even bother to speak out on purpose.

Li Zhu let out a "huh".He sighed: "I don't want Brother Yuan Lang and the others to come so fast!"

As soon as Liu Min heard this, she knew that Wang Lun had communicated with Li Zhu in advance, but she was still kept in the dark, showing an ugly face in front of Wang Lun, and couldn't help being a little annoyed.

But Li Zhu didn't notice his expression, he just took his hand and said, "Uncle Zhi, we've got a good fortune this time! Guess how much brother Yu gained in Zengtou City last night!"

"It won't be less than beating the city of Lingzhou!" Liu Min pointed out, after all, Wang Lun is not allowed to snatch Lingzhou.It is not allowed to take it. There is a golden mountain in vain, and only a few ladles of water are taken, which is not enough for everyone to moisten.

Li Zhu laughed, waved his hand, pointed at the motorcade behind and said, "Look for yourself!"

Liu Min glanced at Li Zhu and followed the direction of his finger, only to see dozens of carts creaking under the heavy load, but there were not many wooden boxes on them.Liu Min was startled, subconsciously said: "Could it be all gold and silver!?"

Li Zhu raised his beard in high spirits and smiled, and said: "Zengtou City in the dog days is a golden mountain. Every household is well-off. I worked hard all night to scrape down these three thousand households one by one, at least I got this amount, just a lot more!" Li Zhu stretched out a palm and said.

"500 million guan!?" Liu Min was completely shocked, and couldn't care less about losing his composure at the moment, and said in disbelief.

Li Zhu nodded calmly.The excitement in his body has gradually dropped from the peak, and he said: "It seems that the dog raised by our court is not only vicious, but also very fat! In the past hundred years, I don't know how much wild food has been swallowed!"

Liu Min nodded again and again, without any doubt about the ability of this group of people to make money. After all, horses were extremely scarce military supplies in the Song Dynasty, and large-scale horse transactions were often priced but not marketed.It's just that although Liu Min had such a psychological preparation, he couldn't digest the good news for a while, and couldn't help but angrily said: "This gang of thieves, every family is worth thousands of dollars!"

Li Zhu smiled, because he was in a good mood at the moment, corrected Liu Min and said: "The Zhang family has 1000 million riches, and the nine neighbors are poor. On average, all of them are Zhang million! Uncle Zhi , your calculation is wrong, the combined total of the Zeng family mansion and more than a hundred wealthy households among them account for the majority, and the other two thousand ** hundred households can only be considered as well-to-do families!"

How could Liu Min have the mood to argue with Li Zhu about this matter, the money is in the pocket, and he hurriedly said: "The military adviser is right, right! Besides gold and silver, is there anything else?"

"In addition, there are seven to eighty thousand shi of grain, and a lot of horse feed, no less than [-] shi, and nearly ten thousand cattle, sheep and livestock! There are countless saddles and harnesses!" Li Zhujian asked with a smile, Count with Liu Min with your fingers.

Listening to these figures, Liu Min kept swallowing saliva, as if he had never had such a good harvest since falling into grass!After a burst of surprise, I suddenly felt something was wrong!What is Zengtou City most famous for?It's a horse!Why didn't you hear about a single horse from Assistant Li? !Immediately, he said anxiously, "Military division, where are the horses?"

But Li Zhu shook his head and said, "The old Zeng family wants to show his strength in front of Liang Shanbo. Yesterday he pulled out all the horses that can be ridden! At this time, there are only a hundred stallions in the village!"

Liu Min let out an "ah", punched his right hand with his left fist, and said bitterly, "God is not fair!"

Li Zhu patted Liu Min on the shoulder and said, "If you have money, why don't you have a place to buy horses? Didn't we buy more than a thousand horses from Xixia privately last time? Just keep buying! Uncle Zhi, you are a sensible person." The attack on Zengtou City this time was sustained by my junior brother. Our troops alone are not enough for Zengtou City. You didn’t see the scene of the battle yesterday. 5000 people were dispatched!"

"Didn't we also work hard and kill him three thousand pawns?" Liu Min said immediately.

"It's true that we beheaded the [-]-level army! The key is that Liang Shanbo didn't hold back their horsemen. How could we do these [-] infantry? Besides, Liangshan still had Hao Siwen and Shan Tinggui's first battalion of horsemen not dispatched. They Does it mean that we can’t do anything without our army of thousands of horses? Have you ever thought about it?” Li Zhu sighed. In fact, it was very difficult for him to be caught between Wang Qing and Wang Lun. If things don't go well, all he can do is to help the manager and not to help the relatives.

Sure enough, Liu Min looked at Li Zhu with strange eyes, but then it disappeared, and Liu Min took a long breath, and said in a trembling tone: "Then these more than a hundred stallions should be compensated to us. Well? Well, I’m not greedy either, at least half of it should belong to us!”

Seeing Liu Min like this, Li Zhu couldn't help shaking his head secretly. This person is considered a rare wise man under the leader, but he also lost his grace in the face of huge benefits. Li Zhu pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said, "The stallion... Liang Shan The army wants it all! Others seized, the three families will share equally!"

At this moment, Liu Min couldn't hold back any longer, and jumped up and said, "The three families share equally!? Why did a third family pop up!?"

"What does the leader mean? Our Erlong Mountain is not human?" Wu Yong took Bai Sheng passing by at this time, and happened to hear the conversation between the two, and Bai Sheng couldn't speak.

Wu Yong was afraid that Bai Sheng would quarrel with Li Zhu. This is Wang Lun's senior brother, so he immediately smoothed things over and said, "Brother Wang Lun in Liangshanpo is the only one who follows the lead. We will do whatever Brother Wang Lun says! Leader Liu Don't be impatient!"

Although Liu Min was furious, she still knew the bottom line, and she didn't dare to drag Wang Lun. She just said, "Mr. Wu, tell me yourself, what did you do at Erlongshan?"

Wu Yong was afraid of throwing rats, but because he was in the way of Li Zhu, he bowed his head and said nothing at this time. Bai Sheng was born in a leisurely man, and relying on Liang Shanbo's invitation, he immediately said relentlessly: "You Fangshan have put in a lot of effort! Zeng You were the one who overthrew the main force in Tou City? You were the only ones from Fangshan who ransacked the house in Zengtou City?"

When Liu Min saw that a little-known person dared to act presumptuously in front of her, she immediately became furious, "Go to Zengtou City to raid the house and we have enough people all the way to Fangshan, and you don't need Erlongshan to be followers!"

At this time, Wu Yong was pointed at his nose and scolded, but he was expressionless. He was from Erlongshan, but he had long regarded Liangshan as his real owner. How could he offend Wang Lun's senior brother because of a small loss?But Bai Sheng is different, he only has one boss, Chao Gai, how can anyone underestimate his elder brother, and immediately retaliates: "Only Liangshan road troops are enough to break Zengtou City, you don't need Fangshan to be followers!"

Liu Min was "returned to others in his own way", his face was so red and purple with anger, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed Bai Sheng, saying: "Do you dare to mention Liang Shanbo without saying anything, just the two of us, Have a good time?" But before the words were finished, there was a sharp pain in his wrist, Liu Min quickly let go, looked at Li Zhu in disbelief and said, "Military teacher!?"

Li Zhu didn't even look at Liu Min, but just cupped his hands at Wu Yong, who hadn't spoken all this time, and said, "We are heroes in the Jianghu, we mostly talk and do things for the sake of pleasure, but we don't really have much hatred! We are so rude this time, please invite Wu Military strategist Haihan!"

Wu Yong didn't want to cause trouble, let alone offend Li Zhu. When he saw that the other party gave him a step, he immediately smoothed things over and said, "Mr. Li is right. The brothers in our village sometimes disagree with each other and use knives and guns. Afterwards, it's not like that family?"

"It is said that Junshi Wu is a sensible person. When I saw him today, he really deserved his reputation. No wonder my junior brother praised him so much in his spare time!" Li Zhu could see Wu Yong's intention to curry favor with Wang Lun. Although he didn't know his motive, but at this moment , Let's put more hats on the other party.

Wu Yong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said a lot of conciliatory words, and then dragged Bai Sheng and left cursing.At this moment, Li Zhu's smiling face turned dark, and he shouted at Liu Min:

"If you don't like it and feel that you are at a disadvantage, just go and negotiate with the leader! I don't care about anything! This time I invited the Liangshan army to rescue the siege and save the lord. I don't think I owe anyone a cent! Whether it is to the lord , or to the brothers in the sixteen villages in front of me, or to you Liu Min and Liu Zhibo, I have a clear conscience! But you **** bastards, apart from poking me behind me, who remembers me at all? My junior brother gave me I don’t want all these faces, in the future, whether Liang Shanbo allocates a tael of silver or a million taels of silver, it will be your ability, and it has nothing to do with me!”

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