Water Margin Survival

Chapter 476 Betrayal, Is It Good?

Three days passed quickly. Except for several individual conflicts with the Liangshan Army when the coalition forces withdrew the day before (the coalition forces were killed and two injured, and the Liangshan Army lost a horse), the next two days were uneventful.

This time, because Zengtou City, which caused the local people a lot of pain, was taken over in one pot, the work of recruiting the people went extremely smoothly.In the end, in this small Lingzhou, more than 3 people from more than [-] households left their homes with the old and the weak, willing to tie their lives and wealth to the chariots in Liangshanbo.For a while, it was said that the tenants in Lingzhou were as valuable as gold, but there was no market for the price.

At this time, many big local households regretted selling their farm cattle to Liang Shanbo because they were greedy for the price difference. Now that the servants and cattle are gone, who will plow the good land?Fortunately, many people turned their attention to the neighboring state capitals, hoping to alleviate the imminent manpower crisis.

But these things are not what Wang Lun wants to consider. The things that make him feel happy and urgent now come from the same thing, that is, the progress of recruiting people after breaking through two states is very gratifying, but their shelter is now Not yet delivered to Bangzi.

In fact, Jeju Island can accommodate a population of 20 million people, but the quality of life will inevitably be affected.What's more, when I recruited people, I stated that each family would distribute a hundred acres of land. Now I coax the whole family into a boat to sail across the ocean, and then give a discount at the end, which is too shameful!To say a thousand words and ten thousand is still the pace of Liangshanbo's expansion and expansion, which needs to be accelerated.

But then again, the battle between Liang Shan and Bangzi must be a big scene, because if you don't give him some ruthlessness this time, if you don't completely scare him, Liang Shanbo will definitely be dragged into the tug of war in the future. This is Wang Lun It was the scene I didn't want to see the most, so I had to gather strength and try to give him a thunderous blow, so that it would be best if he could not breathe for three or two years.

In this way, the prerequisites are much stricter.For example, Liangshan Benzhai should be in a temporarily peaceful environment, and it will not be threatened by the imperial conquest army for at least three to five months.There is another one, and that is the battle against the stick, which is a cross-sea battle.All the supplies of soldiers and horses need to be transported by ships, which is also a severe test for the number of ships in Liangshanbo.

These objective facts are all difficult problems facing Wang Lun.It can also be said to be the "main contradiction" of Liangshanbo at present.Where there is a major contradiction, there must be a secondary contradiction. For example, Wang Qing is begging for nothing this time and wants to go to Liangshan to recuperate. What is his real intention?Another example is whether Wu Yong can fully carry out his will after returning to Erlong Mountain?Deng Yuanjue's injury had to be bedridden for at least a hundred days. What kind of appearance should Liang Shan appear in front of Jiangnan Mingjiao to maximize his benefits?And the three captives caught this time, how should they be dealt with in the end?Wait, wait, there are too many.

Despite the chores.But Wang Lun can be regarded as open-minded, after all, it was so difficult when he first crossed over, didn't he survive it?What's more, there will be more complicated problems waiting for me in the future, so what are these things in front of me?

Eat food one bite at a time, and do things one by one.There is no rush to be anxious.

"Brother! After receiving the news from the infantry in front, they have entered the territory of Qingzhou. There is a supply point for the army set up by Erlong Mountain along the way. Several leaders have come to ask brother for instructions!"

As usual, Wang Lun led the cavalry to break the rear, including Wang Qing and Li Zhu, who followed the infantry troops Luan, Yuan, Bian, and Sun Siying to escort the people ahead. At this time, Han Shizhong received the news from the scouts.Pegasus came back to report to Wang Lun.

If Lu Zhishen and other veteran Buying encountered such a thing, they would naturally have their own opinions.Right now, the three and a half battalions of infantry, except Yuan Lang's half-new battalion, the others are all new battalions, so it is inevitable that they are a bit unfamiliar with things.It's better to be cautious.Wang Lun ordered:

"King Chao Tian is an old friend, but the people under him will inevitably be a mixed bag. It's almost hot, so tell everyone to take a snack! You tell the scouts to tell them seven words. Don't have the intention of harming others! They will understand when they hear it of!"

Han Shizhong wanted to leave when he heard the words, but was stopped by Wang Lun, and ordered: "Take the command arrow, order the scouts to send the order to the infantry, and please send the cavalry to lead Yu Bao to my place!"

Jiao Tingjian said that he asked Zhang San to take a command arrow and hand it to Han Shizhong, who took it and went away.Zhang San talked a lot, so he hurried forward and asked, "Why did my brother take this person here? But he wants to surrender to him? I don't know who this guy is. If it's a disaster, it's useless to take it!"

Wang Lun smiled and didn't answer him directly, but just said, "Zhang San, how about I let you be the full-time flag master!"

Zhang San stuck out his tongue, and said: "The villain really wants to, but I'm afraid it's not the material, or I'm afraid I'll miss my brother's business at the critical moment!"

Li Si leaned over at this time, and said, "Brother, do you want this Yu Baosi to raise the flag for the army? Brother Duan's good eyesight will not insult this man's good body!"

"It's useful to be strong, the key is to see the character of this person! If the fight has not started, this fellow will flee with the command flag, and the army will not disperse?" Zhang San glared at Li Si, accusing him of flattering .

"It's just that you think too much, but brother doesn't know? Since you and I went up the mountain, who do you think brother has misjudged?" Li Si argued unconvinced.

Li Si's question made Zhang San speechless. At this time, he somewhat missed Feng Tailai on Mulan Mountain. Although this man looked bluffing, he was definitely a good listener. How could he be as tricky as Li Si? ?It's a pity that I have already returned to Jinghu at this time, and I don't know when I will see you next time.

Jiao Ting squinted his eyes and listened to the two people's quarrel, just as a pastime during the boring march, Wang Lun seemed to be smiling, and had nothing to say along the way.The army marched for half a day, Wang Lun saw that it was getting late, and ordered the army to set up camp. At this time, Yuan Lang's cavalry commander personally escorted Yu Baosi, the god of danger, to the guard camp. Wang Lun told him to rest for a night before going back. The commander happily followed Lu Fang.

"You are from Qingzhou, Shandong, and Erlong Mountain is very close. If you don't agree with each other, why do you go to the Zeng family instead?" Wang Lun asked Yu Baosi.

Ever since Yu Baosi was betrayed by Zengtou City and asked Liang Shan to capture him, no one cared about him. He had already expected that there would be bad luck, but at this time he was brought to Wang Lun by Liang Shan's army, and he let him go, saying: "Chao Gai one The lord of the stronghold can't bring harmony between the upper and lower levels, causing Song Jiang to sit on the throne and surpass the other. I will vote for him and be caught between the two of them. Who am I going to help?"

Wang Lun didn't want Yu Baosi to have such insights, so he couldn't help but look at him with admiration.Zhang San was arguing with Li Si just now, feeling upset, and now he interrupted: "Then Liangshanbo is not far from Qingzhou, and we are recruiting heroes from all over the world. If you don't come to vote, that's all. We don't miss you in the village! But you How dare you rob my boat and provoke Dazhai?"

"Originally, Dong Ping, the general who attacked the army and horses in the Qing Dynasty, was my old friend. He led the troops to conquer Liangshan, and the two sides have already forged enmity. If I vote for Liangshan, I will definitely make my enemy... I also know that it is too late to say anything now. But that night, I really didn’t know that the boat belonged to Liangshan!” Yu Baosi kept his head down when he spoke, but suddenly raised his head and said: “If you want to kill or cut, please feel free, anyway, I, Yu Baosi, I was born without knowing people, and caused all my brothers to die at the hands of the five dogs of the Zeng family, so it is meaningless for me to live alone!"

Wang Lun nodded his head when he said that, Yu Baosi's words of self-reproach at this time are really right, he has suffered all the losses of the so-called old friend in his life.

Yu Baosi invested in Zengtou City in the original trajectory, but was tricked by Zeng, and was tied up and sent to Song Jiang to calm down.Later, when he went to Liangshan, when Song Jiang attacked Dongping Mansion, he volunteered to be an envoy to Dongping because of his friendship with Dong Ping. Before he could say a word, he was almost pushed out by Dong Ping to sacrifice the flag, but Cheng Wanli, the prefect, stopped him. According to the ancient convention that the two countries did not kill each other when they quarreled, it took twenty sticks to exchange for a glimmer of life.Later, Dong Ping turned his back on the water, and Song Jiang respected him like a guest of honor, and he didn't have a word of condolences for Yu Baosi.

In this way, Yu Baosi was still quite loyal to Liangshan. When the Tianhu was conquered, Song Jiang's army was defeated by the Northern Army, and several fierce generals in the formation missed and were captured. After shooting two arrows, Wu held the Shuai flag upright, and followed Song Jiang closely, not far from the size.Seeing that the Shuai flag was not down, the Northern Army did not dare to step forward indiscriminately.That's why Song Jiang escaped with his life.

Wang Lun is a person who can rule the front and back, combined with the situation at this time, looking at the giant man who knelt down and blamed himself, he sighed quite a bit: "Is it good to be betrayed?"

"I was betrayed, so that's all, I'm sorry for my brothers!" Yu Bao looked around Beixing and sighed. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to cleanse all the brothers, but he didn't know that everyone was washed away. up.

"If you don't want to be betrayed again, then I will give you a way out! At this moment, I still need a flag bearer by my side. Tell me now, can I rest assured that I will hand over the handsome flag to you?" Wang Lun asked as he got off his horse. .The people who hijacked the ship that day had all passed away at this time, and it was considered retribution, and only Yu Baosi was left at this time, it would be a pity if they were killed just like this.To be honest, Yuxi's ability to let go so quickly this time has a lot to do with this person in front of him.Without his full "cooperation", Liang Shanbo's painstakingly prepared grand drama of Li Daitao's stiffness may not have started yet.

Yu Baosi looked at Wang Lun incredulously, and said in shock, "You...you won't kill me? Do you want me to hold the handsome flag for you!?"

Wang Lun nodded and said, "Can I trust you?"

Yu Baosi struggled up from the ground, he stood up, his posture was really extraordinary, he gritted his teeth and said: "God is trying to trick me, so that the old man is unreliable, who knows that the enemy is willing to take me in, let it go Chief Wang, if you lend me a thousand pieces of gold as you wish, I will sell Yu Baosi's life to you!"

"If you go up the mountain, you go up the mountain. If you don't go up, you don't go up. What does it have to do with money? Why are you talking about money in front of your brother? No wonder Zengtou City sells it cheap! Do you think this is a business, selling animals?" Zhang San Once I got angry, no one has ever wanted to go to Liangshan and ask for money.

Wang Lun waved his hand, his face was calm, and he asked, "What is it for?"

"Atonement! My brother..." Yu Baosi had just opened his mouth, but Wang Lun stopped him with his hand, and said, "This money is just for your sake, I won't ask how it is used!" After Wang Lun finished speaking, he looked back With a sharp look, he said:

"Lend it to him!"

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