Water Margin Survival

Chapter 484 I Can At Least Choose One Right Way For You

As soon as the ten or so people were appointed, the one who attracted the most attention was no longer the well-known little Xuanfeng Chai Jin, but Tuo Guanghui and the guard camp he was about to establish.Although everyone was a little caught off guard by this news, smart people can guess what this battalion is used for without even thinking about it.

Looking around at all the green forest cottages in the Great Song Dynasty at this moment, Liang Shanbo's military discipline is undoubtedly the best.Even compared with the imperial guards of the Song Dynasty, the spirit and spirit on his body is more like a violent organ representing the state machine.

But good military discipline does not mean that anyone is willing to have multiple mother-in-laws in charge of him.Self-examination and self-correction are fine, but it is inevitable that the chief officers of each battalion are a little uncomfortable with the investigation by other departments. After all, it is fine for their own children to beat and scold them by themselves, but if others say something more, they will definitely feel a little uncomfortable.

I heard that this Shuangdao Toutuo has a strong background, when there were less than a dozen leaders in the village, he was personally recommended by the village owner to go up the mountain.Speaking of which, many heavyweight leaders in Liangshanbo have a great relationship with him, such as his apprentice and now Wang Lun's confidant Han Shizhong, and Wang Jinwang's coach who was found by him to find his lost mother, and the Shanzhai military adviser at this time Zhu Wu ranked third.In addition, the three chief and deputy generals of the [-]rd Battalion of the Infantry Army, as well as Sun An, the dragon slayer who captured Shi Wengong alive, had a deep relationship with him.

Therefore, no one dared to despise the old leader who had just come up to the mountain, but no one approached him too enthusiastically.Of course, the above-mentioned people are not among them.

After discussing the business, Wang Lun sent a message, telling those with family members to go back and invite them to come over for a drink.At this time, the remaining bachelors all gathered together to chat.At present, Chai Jin, Shi Yong, and Lin Ren are surrounded by the most leaders. After all, the current Lord Mengchang who has "removed" the "suspect" is still very eye-catching.

The second is the Ma brothers. Ma Xie has been coming to Liangshanbo for more than a year, and he is very popular in the cottage. Now that he officially joined the cottage, many leaders naturally came to congratulate him.Just because they were worried that their father would be thinking wildly in the back, the two dutiful sons bid farewell to everyone and followed the family leaders back to the back mountain.

Let's say this group of bachelors is meeting here.Only Qin Ming, who had a family and a family, did not go back to the backyard, but walked through the crowd, as if looking for someone, and Huang Xin, who couldn't help laughing, followed closely behind. At this time, Wang Jin saw the two of them. , and asked: "General Qin, who are you looking for in a hurry?" Wang Jin's old mother is much better than before, but she doesn't participate in this kind of gathering very much. For dinner.

"Ask for brother!" Qin Ming said loudly.The voice fell.Guang Hui, Sun An, Shi Jin and others who were talking beside Wang Jin all turned their heads and looked straight at the burly man.Han Shizhong whispered in the master's ear, "This is the helm of the first battalion of our Shanzhai Horse Army, the general manager Qin Mingqin known as Thunderbolt!"

Hearing what he said, Wang Jin of course paid attention to it, but seeing Huang Xin holding back a smile, he felt that it would not be a big deal, and asked, "Why do you have to pick this time to talk about it?"

"No way! If you don't talk about it, you won't enjoy the wine! I just want to compete with that Shi Wengong!" Qin Ming said angrily, "You don't know, Coach Wang, why my brother told people everywhere. I, Qin Ming, am not that Shi Wengong. opponent? I don’t even know this person!”

Hearing that it was such a thing, Wang Jin couldn't help but smile, and stopped Qin Ming to analyze: "It must be that the village master warned everyone not to underestimate the enemy before the battle, just this little thing. Are you still thinking about it, General Qin? Having said that, the village master just used you as an example, and didn’t mention other people’s names, which means you. You have weight in the village master’s heart!”

When Qin Ming heard this, he looked at Wang Jin for a long while before uttering a sentence: "I heard what Teacher Wang said. I feel much more comfortable in my heart!"

The crowd burst into laughter, even Qin Ming laughed foolishly. They thought it was over, but Qin Ming had his eyes on Sun An again, and only heard him say: "I heard that Brother Sun captured Shi Wengong alive, so he must be capable. Impossible! Let's go, while everyone is interested, how about you and me fighting each other!"

Sun An was not a showy person, so he was not willing to accept Qin Ming's challenge at this time, and immediately evaded it, but he couldn't resist the booing from the crowd who wanted to watch the excitement, and finally he had no choice but to agree, but he said in advance that the banquet would end immediately.Of course Qin Ming agreed, and turned around and asked Huang Xin to go to the family courtyard to invite his sister-in-law to have a drink, Huang Xin shook his head and left.Seeing the remaining group of people leaving the Juyi Hall in such a hurry, Han Shizhong also smiled and went to borrow weapons from Sun An.

There were many people in Huang Xin's family, he was afraid of delaying the banquet, so he ran along the mountain road for a while, not long after, he caught up with a group of leaders who came out first, everyone talked and laughed, and entered the family courtyard.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zheng Qian, the leader in charge of money and food, commanding the garrison to carry a lot of boxes into the courtyard. Coach Zhang also heard the sound, and was talking to Zheng Qian at this time. Seeing this, Xu Ning smiled and said, "Zhang Old man, don't be so busy, go out for a drink with your aunt!"

"Don't be in a hurry to drink, these things are not light, I have to keep them safe for you!" Instructor Zhang said with a smile, pointing to the boxes that the soldiers were carrying.

At this time, except for the Ma brothers, the other leaders knew the reason, but no one took it seriously.At this time Zheng Qian saw that Jiao Ting had also come back, and stepped forward and said, "Brother Jiao, the new Yu Bao four chiefs haven't returned to the mountain yet, we should take his share back and keep it, or you should take it for him first." with?"

Jiao Ting thought for a while, and said: "You guys are complicated, so let me go here first, and I'll take care of him when he comes back!"

Seeing that Jiao Ting was willing to help, Zheng Qian thanked Jiao Ting immediately. He took the autograph book and asked Jiao Ting to sign it on his behalf. Then he asked someone to deliver the box to Wang Lun's room. Jiao Ting instructed: "I will take mine myself!"

Zheng Qian was taken aback when he heard the words, but he understood immediately, and suddenly smiled slyly, and asked the two sergeants to follow him with the anxious one.Ruan Xiaoqi from behind laughed loudly when he saw this, and stopped Lin Chong who was about to enter, and said loudly, "Coach Lin, your family has a double job, I really don't know where to find such a good son-in-law!"

Lin Chong looked back and saw that Jiao Ting was really coming to his home with a sergeant carrying a box. It was not easy to stop him or invite him, but he just stood aside, shaking his head and smiling wryly.At this time, Jiao Ting gave Lin Chong a silly smile, ignored the laughter behind him, and went to Lin Chong's house sullenly.

The person involved left, but everyone was not in a hurry to go home. They just took advantage of the opportunity to hold on to the kind man Lin Chong, and the momentum attracted Coach Zhang to come over.Wu Song was not in the mood to join in the fun, and seeing that the Ma brothers were worried about their father, and because they were afraid of not getting along with others, they left alone, he took the initiative to invite the two to leave first.The Ma brothers glanced at Wu Song gratefully, and the three left side by side. On the way, Ma Jin cupped his hands and said:

"Second brother Wu, you are famous for fighting tigers on Jingyang Ridge. We Jinghu heroes admire you when we hear about it, and even gave you the nickname 'Drunk Fuhu'! When will second brother be free, and teach brothers how to do it?"

"Oh!? Is there such a thing?" Wu Song was quite surprised. If you think about it, it hasn't been long since I met Wang Lun in Chai Jinzhuang.It has only been more than a year or less than two years since I have done my best. I don’t want to be famous, but when I think of this, I am ashamed and proud.

Seeing that he didn't know the news, the Ma brothers hurriedly nodded to confirm. Wu Song shook his head and smiled, and said, "I miss the three bowls of old wine at Jingyanggang! If it wasn't for drinking the fragrance from the bottle, that big bug would be afraid." I really can't hold it down!"

"Has this magical effect?! Then why didn't someone send someone to invite the wine maker up the mountain?" Ma Jin's glutton was hooked out, and he slapped his thigh and said.

"Show it! Tell me why I didn't think of this!" Wu Songfan suddenly realized. "This time when I came back from Gaotang Prefecture, it's a pity that I passed by Yunzhou, so I don't remember it? Let's go, let's drink later. I'll go talk to Brother Cao Zheng and see if I can invite the store owner to come up the mountain!"

"That couldn't be better! I haven't drunk our Shandong famous wine yet!" Ma Jin laughed, but the laughter stopped abruptly in the middle, it turned out that he was hit by a chestnut on the head.I saw that the old man Ma had already opened the door and came out, saying: "Drink, drink. You know how to drink! How is your talk with Chief Wang? I will die in a hurry!"

Ma Xiejian said that he hurriedly stepped forward to support his father, and was about to speak when he heard Wu Song say: "Old man, the two sons have been officially appointed by Brother Wang Lun, and they will be serious Liangshan heroes from today on." !"

The old man Ma lived on the mountain for a year, so of course he knew Wu Song. Hearing his words, the pores of his body stretched out. He immediately pulled his two sons to greet Wu Song, and said in his mouth: "Second Master Wu, you are very famous. What a good man! In the future, we must take care of the old man, these two useless dogs!"

Wu Song is a good man who knows how to be courteous. Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Don't dare, how can there be a seat for a boy in front of the elders? The two sons of the Ye family are heroic, and my brother admires them very much. In the future, when they are in the cottage, the old man can feel at ease." !"

When Wu Song was talking, Jin Lian heard the sound and came out. Seeing that Mr. Lang was talking to someone, the woman stepped forward and greeted him with the Wanfu salute. The father and son Ma panicked and returned the salute.It is said that among the father and son, only Ma Jin saw Jin Lian's face for the first time, and sighed secretly in his heart, "After all, he is drunk and subdued, and only such a woman is worthy of him!"

When Wu Song saw that his wife came out, he calmed people down. He was always prudent, and he couldn't help but feel a little proud. He smiled and introduced the identities of Ma Xie and Ma Jin to Jin Lian. Jin Lian was surprised and said, "Uncle Ma has also gone up the mountain? Congratulations." Congratulations! I always see my uncle visiting my uncle, but he is a filial man!"

Ma Xie hurriedly returned the gift, Jin Lian greeted the three of them very decently for a while, and turned to Wu Song to talk about business: "Master, you go back and have a look, I don't know if Boss Zheng and the others made a mistake, I opened the two boxes and took a look." , There are more than 4000 taels of silver! You don’t think our family has added up this much in the past six months! It’s dazzled my eyes, if I send it to the wrong one, I have to give it back to Uncle Du!”

When Wu Song saw this, he had a good idea in his mind. He chuckled and said to Jin Lian, "That's right! Just keep it!" Seeing Ma's father and son looking at him in puzzlement, he explained, "This is our cottage. According to the established rules, 810% of it will be put into the treasury every time it is seized, the other half will be given to the leader, and 4000% will be distributed to the soldiers of the whole village. The two brothers were there just now, knowing that this time our cottage seized more than [-] million guanwen. It happened to be more than [-] guan for each leader!"

"Half achievement is 4000 taels of silver?" Although Ma Jin is not good at numbers, he is also a boss. In fact, the current law of dividing money in the green forest is that half of the seized money is put into the warehouse, and the other half is shared by the leader and minions. Half-to-half, the leader will generally get about [-]% to [-]%.Even so, as far as they know, there are very few cases where the leader of the cottage gets [-] guan at a time.

Wu Song smiled and said: "This is also a confiscation from two prefectures and three places. Usually, it is not so much. This surprised my wife!"

Only then did Ma Jin feel relieved, nodded his head and said in agreement: "Sister-in-law, don't be surprised, the scene in Liangshan will only get bigger and bigger in the future, so sister-in-law will count the money for the second brother at home!"

Wu Song laughed, exchanged some greetings with these three, and told them not to forget to attend the reception banquet. They were about to leave, and Ma, father and son hurriedly bid farewell to the two neighbors.The three of them were on the way back to the house, only to hear Ma Xie say: "Father, this time I have done what you want, in the future, I hope you will not force your son on this kind of matter again!"

The old man Ma didn't speak yet, only listening to Ma Jin's interface: "But I think Daddy is good at forcing, if you don't force it once, you can't see the true colors of some people!"

"The leader also has his own difficulties!" Ma Xie sighed, obviously not as radical as his younger brother.

After Ma Xie finished speaking, Old Man Ma stopped talking.The three of them went back to the room where the old man Ma had been living in. Ma Jin came in and out very freshly looking at the new house in the future. Ma Xie sat in the living room and stared at the old man. When the sound sounded, Ma Xie thought it was Wu Song who came to urge everyone to go to the banquet, but he didn't know that it was a few soldiers carrying four big boxes, resting at the door, and they met each other.He said: "Bosses, here is 210 taels of silver, please sign for it!"

Ma Xie was stunned on the spot, he knew that his two brothers were just new leaders.How did he expect to enjoy the treatment of the leader of the cottage immediately?Thinking about the bumpy road to Liangshan, the feeling in my heart was extremely complicated for a while, and I just looked at the sergeant carrying the silver box, speechless for a long time.The atmosphere suddenly fell into embarrassment.Fortunately, Ma Jin and Ma Laohan also heard it at this time, because of Wu Song's precedent, both of them understood what was going on.Seeing that his brother was silent, Ma Jin guessed what was going on in his heart. Ma Jin didn't want to accept the money either, so he said: "Brother, we just went up the mountain, and we didn't deserve the money. We don't accept it." no?"

The leading sergeant said, "My brother is an errand runner. It is useless for the two leaders to tell me this. If you have any doubts, you should talk to the brothers in charge. Don't embarrass me!"

"Then take it first, I'll tell Brother Wang Lun!" Ma Xie said, signed for it immediately, and asked them to put the cash box outside the house, and the soldiers took the order and left.Ma Jin glanced outside, and said with disdain on his face: "So much money, the elder brother sent a little guy to send it. If the leader of the king is changed, he will definitely send it to sell it himself! From this point of view, it's a good idea to stand up and down. Sentence!"

Ma Xie didn't answer his younger brother's words, but just looked at his father, and said coldly: "This is why you want our brother to go to Liangshan?"

"Fart!" Seeing that his son still couldn't pass the hurdle in his heart, the old man Ma cursed: "Who do you think I am? You go and pay it back, go and pay it back to the king, and see if I don't feel bad!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was abnormal, Ma Jin stopped talking, and only listened to the old man Ma pointing at Ma Xie with hatred for iron and steel: "I am such a person in your eyes, huh? Come to this? Why can’t I explain it to you? You look at the scenery now, eat meat, and wear silk, but what about the future? Can your son and grandson live like this?”

After yelling at the elder son, the old man Ma said to the younger son: "People talk about feelings with you, and you talk about money with others! Wang Qing talks about money with you, and you are so stupid to talk about feelings with him. How did I give birth to you two? Are you a fool?"

Ma Jin knew that his father had misunderstood him, but he couldn't utter an excuse, so he had to bow his head to listen to the training, but the old man seemed to be tired, and sat down on the ground, muttering:

"If I don't think about the children and grandchildren of my Ma family, would it take so much trouble? I originally wanted you to serve the country, have a good future, seal your wives and children, and keep my Ma family prosperous. No less than the two of you, you fall into bandits, and I recognize your father, but even if you fall into the grass, you should have some eyesight? What does that guy Wang Qing use to fool people, just by opening his mouth! Look at the leader again, there are ten people on this mountain. Why do thousands of people obey him?!"

"I don't know the big truths! Whether it's loyalty or love that you youngsters talk about, I'm old, and I can't understand it, and I don't talk about it! But I dare say, none of them don't like it in their hearts. Do you think there is something to look forward to following the leader of the king? You are full of passion and only talk about loyalty, regardless of other things, but your father and I have lived for decades, so I really care about hope! I hope you are all well, and that your children and grandchildren will be well in the future , is this wrong?"

The old man Ma got up from the ground at this time, and said excitedly: "I don't understand, this person has the loyalty you value and the hope that I value, why are you making it look like I forced you to go to the execution ground?" You..." Before the old man finished speaking, he suddenly coughed violently. Ma Xie and Ma Jin panicked, and Ma Jin hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, what the old man said, is it okay if we are wrong? How do you feel... My brother, please go and ask for a miracle doctor!"

The old man Ma grabbed the eldest son who was about to turn around and go out, and said: "In my life, I will use this one time to be strong. My life is mediocre, so I can't give you any guarantees, but at least I can choose the right path for you. !Listen to me, not only have to go on this road, but also go well!"

Seeing that his father's weather-beaten face was full of old tears, Ma Xie's heart softened all of a sudden, and he shouted at his younger brother, "Bring the box in, wash Daddy's face, and I... let's have a drink!" (to be continued..)

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