Water Margin Survival

Chapter 487 Old Wang, look after you!

Wang Qing is indeed a career-oriented man. After glimpsing his bright future from the agreement reached with Wang Lun, he immediately reversed the previous decline and became energetic.He also refused to go back to the Juyi Hall for a drink, but borrowed two torches from Wang Lun, and insisted on walking around the salt warehouse to calm his excitement.

Wang Lun knew that he had something to say to Li Zhu, so he didn't say anything immediately. He gave him a little private space, and simply sat at the door with Chai Jin to enjoy the moon, and chatted with the soldiers guarding the warehouse.He is no longer what he used to be at this time, with a lot of important things on his body, and he rarely has time to listen to the voices from the grassroots.Tonight happened to have this opportunity to make up for the shortcomings in my heart.

When Wang Qing walked into the room, he did not go any further. He inserted the torch into the slot by the wall, climbed up a pile of salt mountains, leaned on it very relaxed, and said impatiently: "Now we have these sources of salt in our hands. The treasure that keeps making money, the soldiers of the 28th Village have a stable heart! You say that among the people in the world, who would have trouble with money?"

Wang Qing was lying on the pile of salt, but Li Zhu didn't want to be rude, he was still standing in the aisle, but Wang Qing suddenly patted the sack and said, "The Taoist priest is a meritorious person in my cottage, what are you restraining? Come on Sit up and talk!" Seeing Wang Qing's determination, Li Zhu lightly jumped onto the salt pile, sat cross-legged, and said, "According to the Xiaodao, we must hurry up on this matter!"

"We must hurry up! With Daoist Lao, I will go down the mountain and return to the village tomorrow, and I will bring this good news back to Fangshan first. I see who the hell dares to rebel! The attitude of the leader just now is very clear, only recognize you and me! Besides you and me, who else can connect with Liang Shanbo? If they are overwhelmed, ask them to try it themselves!"

Wang Qing had a cheerful expression on his face. As Liang Shanbo's salt sales partner and first-hand dealer, he was very clear about his irreplaceable exclusivity.

Except Jingxi Road.Wang Lun waved his hand at Hedong, Jinghu Lake North and North Road, and the vast area west of Kaifeng Mansion in Tokyo.All assigned to myself.This is the place where he made his fortune, and he naturally understands the business opportunities and money opportunities contained in this fertile soil better than anyone else.Rao has never let down his guard against Wang Lun, but after this incident, he thinks that Wang Lun is really much more reliable to him than others.

The reason was that the other party didn't ask for anything from him at all. Maybe what Wang Lun needed was just to "live". Although it hurt his self-esteem to say this, even if there was no Liang Shanbo, wouldn't he be alive?the answer is negative.Not only do I want to live, but I also want to live better with the support of Liang Shanbo. "Your junior brother, you are so interesting! We will point him to get rich in the future, and we will definitely not offend him... If you fail him, Daoist, look at the stockade we opened with Liang Shanbo in Hebei, who should we send?"

Li Zhu didn’t know which question to answer with Wang Qing’s darting words, so he immediately said: “The lord is right. Don’t forget the well digger when you drink water! Liang Shanbo gave us a way to survive, we can’t kill him by ourselves .I wonder if we should negotiate with Boss Du of Mulan Mountain and ask them to sit in Hebei?" Wang Lun said the title of Boss Du that day.It can be said that Du Po's position in the green forest has been established, and now even Li Zhu is learning the same name from him.

Wang Qing smiled and said: "The Taoist priest and I thought about it together! Old Du... Boss Du is a mature and dignified man, and he is loyal. Although I can't bear this man, I wanted to keep him by my side, but this village in the mouth of the Yellow River in Hebei It’s important! It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s the seven inches of our Fangshan, and Hebei is one of the private lands designated by your junior brother for selling salt. I don’t have someone like him in charge. I don’t feel at ease! More importantly, he and Liang Shanbo’s The relationship is good. I will be able to handle the relationship with Liang Shanbo very well!"

Li Zhu saw that Wang Qing thought well, so he didn't need to talk too much.Speaking of another matter at the moment, he said: "I think it's better to send other people down the mountain. How can I leave the leader here alone?"...

"What am I afraid of here alone? You still don't trust your brother? Say something you don't like to hear, and I can't trust him now!" Wang Qing laughed, but in fact he hadn't finished speaking yet. That is, since he is the person chosen by Wang Lun, he will not be disgusted by others even if he lives here for half a month, let alone ten days and a half months. This is exactly where his confidence lies.

"Okay, just listen to the leader, I will go down the mountain tomorrow, leader, take care of yourself!" Li Zhu weighed the pros and cons in his heart, and finally agreed.

"After you go back, tell Duan Er and Duan Wu not to worry about money! First stabilize people's hearts, even if all the silver deposits are shining, we still have this way of making money. Are you afraid that the money won't come back? Don’t come here empty-handed. Didn’t your junior brother say that they collect as much grain as they have in Liangshanbo? We just sell grain when we come here and buy salt when we go. What’s this called? By the way, it’s the win-win situation that Wang Lun said! To be a bandit for his sake, I have opened my eyes!"

Li Zhu smiled when he heard the words, and Wang Qing blurted out even the market slang, obviously extremely excited.Li Zhu played the role of a fan very well. After all, the leader of his own family hasn't been so energetic for a long time.


"How long have you been in, why haven't you come out?" Chai Jin took a look into the warehouse, shook his head and said, "My brother, your cake is big enough to bring Wang Qing back to life! Physician An is no match for you!"

Chai Jin called Wang Lun "Brother" when there were people, and he was still the same as before when there was no one. Wang Lun kindly called Wang Lun "Brother". , and did not break away from the brothers around him. From the various titles that the leaders of the cottage called him, Wang Lun felt a strong sense of humanity.

"If you want to talk, let him talk to your heart's content. It's so easy to get over your heart. If you don't relax, we'll be in vain if it breaks!" Wang Lun smiled. Lun Du had finished talking with the two groups of brothers, but Wang Qing hadn't come out yet. It seemed that this man was really not just a bitter and bitter enemy.

"My dear brother, I can understand that you support this person, but we have allocated the area west of Tokyo to him, so you don't worry that he will end up in the future? He has low-priced salt in his hand, and the salt from all walks of life in the future Don’t Fan and Lulin Shanzhai compete for refuge? At that time, their power will inevitably expand rapidly!” Chai Jin expressed his worries.

"I got the salt from Liang Shanbo. If I give it to him, I will be caught blind. So in the future, this force will never dare to turn against us. How much he earns a catty of salt, and we Earn [-] or [-] yuan a catty, if he develops, we will already be stronger, unless I, Wang Lun, do the opposite, but don’t you have a group of good brothers to help and advise?” Wang Lun obviously thought about this issue very much It is thorough, and at this time it is only described in an extremely simple way.

"That's right, brother, you just know it in your heart, brother Yu is still pointing at you, avenge the shame of the Chai family!" Chai Jin waved his hand, and said: "I still don't know where the salt in our hands came from. here?"

"Sea!" Wang Lun laughed, picked up a branch, drew a frame on the ground, and said, "Let's find an island with flat tidal flats in the sea, build a salt stall, and bring in seawater. When it dries up, the salt will come out, which is much more convenient and quicker than cooking sea salt in Da Song. I have been preparing for this for almost a year, and I have been asking Fei Bao and Ni Yun to do this. Now Seven saltworks have been established in the outer sea, and now it is time to harvest!" Wang Lun didn't make it too complicated, and Chai Jin didn't understand it, but just pointed out some key points in simple terms.

"It's that simple!?" Chai Jin said in surprise.

"That's the reason, but it's a bit complicated to say. When the official recovers, I'll ask Fei Bao to take you to the island to see for yourself how the salt came from. Then, while the sea breeze is blowing, you can eat the salt." Grilled fish, you can understand!" Wang Lun laughed.

"It's just some flesh and blood wounds, and the imperial doctor said it's okay! When these four brothers return to the village, I'll see how you turn stones into gold! How come for thousands of years, there is no Someone thought of this idea!?" Chai Jin shook his head with eyes full of envy.

Chai Jin's reaction Wang Lun has already learned a lot from the three military advisers, so it is not surprising at this time.The advantage of a traveler is that his head is full of the experience of his predecessors. Although this kind of life cannot be copied, those precious experiences can be copied to solve one after another. problem.

From then on, Liangshanbo's financial situation will inevitably show a healthy development, and it can live a nourishing life without relying on attacking the state and destroying the government.In this way, there is no rigid demand for the prefectures of the state capitals. While reducing the movement of the cottage, it can move forward more safely and covertly.You must know that in the current season, the imperial court can obtain huge benefits of more than 2000 million yuan a year from the salt profit alone.And with a cheaper and more efficient method of drying salt than the imperial court, will Liang Shanbo's share of the huge pie of the Song Dynasty's salt profit be less?

Although such an approach may make the court feel even more heartbroken, and realize what it means to hurt muscles and bones.But Wang Lun had already laid out a "chess piece" in advance to attract the court's attention. Although it was somewhat impolite to call Wang Qing that way, he chose this path himself, and no one forced him.

Before that, Wang Lun had enough mental preparation. He didn't expect Wang Qing to be able to dance for a long time, but a few years would be enough.Believe in yourself, this wish is not difficult to achieve.

The painstaking planning of the past year has finally had an excellent start today. Wang Lun is naturally in a happy mood. During the pleasant conversation with Chai Jin, he did not forget to look back and look into the warehouse again and again, hoping that the intoxicated A handsome man in a state of excitement can once again show the world the tenacious vitality in him that doesn't take an arrow in his throat, and he can last longer on the path of heroism he chose.

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