Water Margin Survival

Chapter 489 Why is the Liangshanbo market so awesome now?

It was also fortunate that Wang Lun was not here, otherwise, seeing such a scene, he would probably have to look up to the sky and sigh, in vain.It seems that the note he passed on to Yang Xiong at Chai Jin's mansion back then didn't work at all, it could be said that he was blind.

It is naturally impossible for Yang Lin to know the complicated truth behind this incident, so he just laughed it off as if he was just watching the excitement.However, this matter became the best topic of conversation between him and Li Xiaoer. Along the way, the two chatted speculatively and quickly became acquainted.

Back at Chai Jinzhuang, it was already dark, and the four people smelled a burst of fragrance when they entered the house. It turned out that the old man killed five fat cows and asked someone to roast them in the courtyard. A lot of wild game that had been harvested in the past was cooked at this time.There were also many years of cellars, all of which were moved out and opened, and all of a sudden, the smell of wine and meat came to the nostrils.

Although Li Xiaoer and his wife opened a shop to sell wine and meat, it was not easy to maintain the small shop. They relied on hard work to manage the house, and they were used to saving money on weekdays. Can't help swallowing saliva.

Seeing that Yang Lin came back, the old man rushed to greet him. At this time, he saw the faces of the people, and said with a smile: "If you don't ask the good guys in the village to endure these things, they will be difficult to take along the way. I'd better put them in everyone's belly." , just on the way!" "Ah, this old man really doesn't know! Fortunately, there are a lot of fields in my village. There are also about [-] cattle, so I brought them to the village as a gift to the king!" The old man took pictures. Said with forehead.

"Very good, very good! Elder Duomeng cares about his kindness!" Yang Lin said happily, he was also considered a copycat old man.Knowing that although Liang Shanbo is unwilling to accept the gold and silk belongings from the leader of the new mountain.However, for the food, livestock, chariots and other materials donated by the leaders, they will still take into account the wishes of the leaders and accept them as appropriate.It's a compromise.

Seeing that Yang Lincoln was willing to accept his intentions, the old man laughed and said: "My place is close to the Liao Kingdom, and cattle and horse dealers often come from the north to sell these livestock, so the price is very cheap, so this old man has the guts to make decisions for the officials. Let’s go along the road and buy as many livestock as you can, and donate all of them to the leader of Liangshan King, as a reward for continuing my Chai family’s bloodline in your village!" Xiaozhuang has no money, and he told me to find a way to express it, but how can I ignore the meaning of my family's master?" The old man said angrily: "Young son, listen to me for a while. We are not ordinary people. In the future My Patriarch also wants to sit in the top spot under Chief Wang, why is the distinction so clear?"

Yang Lin wanted to decline, but he didn't know that the old man insisted on this matter, so he had no choice but to thank him now, but the old man turned his anger into joy, and said: "In the past, money was spent, and there was no reason for it. Now it’s hard to do something serious, why don’t you obey my old man?”

Old Du Guan shook his head and laughed, looking at the restored mansion compound, sighed, and invited Yang Lin and Li Xiaoer to sit down for dinner. Li Xiaoer knew that he was in Lin Chong's favor, but he didn't dare to act rashly at the moment. Pretentious, he brought his wife to fight, the old man looked at the backs of the two, and sighed: "This kind of person who knows the cold and the hot, is not in vain for Teacher Lin's heart!"...

Yang Lin also echoed a few words, and immediately called the brothers to enjoy the food, and then ordered everyone to help Chaifu clean up after eating.But I didn't know that this clean-up didn't stop until midnight.Only then did Yang Lin, whose muscles and bones were weak, deeply realize how much this high-ranking Chai official who generously donated money is worth.

It is said that everyone rested in the village for one night, and got up before dawn the next day. The old man naturally entertained everyone with great hospitality. He entertained everyone with big fish and meat in the morning, but Yang Lin's words were in front of him, but he did not see him After killing the cattle, dozens of fat sheep are enough, and everyone's mouths are full of oil, and their mouths are slippery.

After breakfast, Du Guan reluctantly took a look at the house where he had lived for most of his life, bid farewell to this manor, and finally headed south with Yang Lin, nearly 300 people, and hundreds of carts to Liangshan.

Although the wealth carried by this convoy is enough to make countless powerful people jealous, there is no major event along the way. After all, the leader of Liangshan Botou personally escorted the convoy, and what he carried was the family wealth of the famous Chai Daguan in Hebei. Small and large cottages, even if they have the heart of a thief, they don’t have the guts to be a thief, but there are still a lot of green forest heroes, three to five, or five to seventy people, who come to vote, and there is even a group of more than 70 people, pointing to vote for Liangshan. Yang Lin accepted the decision with a smile, and the team suddenly became more bloated, and the number of people was steadily over a thousand.And the old Duguan said it beforehand, and he kept buying cattle and horses all the way.Along the way, those who knew it knew that it was Chai Jin who moved, and those who didn't know thought it was the relocation of the county.

The old man thought that this journey was regarded as an old man chatting with a teenager, but the old Jianghu Yang Lin faintly felt that it might not be appropriate to go on like this. With so much property, the people who came to invest were complicated, because there was no time to carefully screen it, I am afraid it would be indispensable. A spy sent by someone with ulterior motives, so he was very vigilant and released carrier pigeons on the way, asking the cottage to send people over to meet them.It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, it's that he has too many responsibilities, and he's afraid that he will accidentally betray Wang Lun's great trust.

Speaking of going to the territory of Dezhou this day, Yang Lin felt even more uneasy, because further south is the boundary of Jingdong. Last chance to make a move.

"Report, a group of local bandits was found blocking the way ahead, the number of them is about 700, call to see Brother Yang Lin!" The brother sent to investigate galloped back, interrupting Yang Lin who was in deep thought.

Apparently the old Du Guan also heard the report, hurried over and said: "Boss Yang, what should I do?"

Although Yang Lin has always been worried about this, but he has been on the mountain for so long, and he has a demeanor of "no trouble, no trouble, no fear of trouble". His face turned serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"I'll take care of you and keep your mind to yourself! On our way, even the officers and soldiers dare not come to ask for death, because I'm afraid that my Liangshan army will come to the city and call them to settle accounts! Since these people are local bandits, they have nests and lairs. If you don’t believe it, his eyeballs just fell into the pile of money!”

"It's good that leader Yang has an idea in his heart!" Seeing that his expression didn't change, Old Du Guan felt relieved.

"The boss is in charge, take your people, watch the chariots and cattle! Brothers, come with me to meet this group of people!" Yang Lin obviously said this to the brothers directly under him who brought him from Liangshanpo, but who knows? At this time, a cold-faced man in the motorcade ran out of the team, came to Yang Lin, and said, "Brother Yang Lin, since you promised my younger brother to go to Liangshan, at the critical moment, you just left my younger brother aside to watch the excitement?"

Yang Lin looked back, and saw that the person who spoke was a small village owner taken by the Yongjing Army, and he brought the most people from the rivers and lakes forces he had taken along along the way.It is said that this person's surname is Leng and his name is Ning, which is the same as his name. His face is always cold and quiet, and there is no trace of a smile on his face.Yang Lin was a little surprised that this person could step forward at such a critical juncture.

"Since that's the case, brothers from the Leng family will go with me!" Yang Lin glanced at him and said.

Leng Ning let out a "huh", still lukewarm, with a gesture of his hand, two hundred or so men jumped out of the convoy and followed behind Liangshan's horses. In Wuli, there was indeed a group of people sitting cross-legged on the ground. The first man, with thick heads and tiger brains, was visiting there. When he saw someone coming, he said in surprise, "Old Leng!?"

"I guessed it was you! Besides Niu Geng on the Pianshi Mountain, what other well-known villages are there in Dezhou? Why, Lao Niu has grown his business now and robbed Liangshan Park?" Leng Ning met his old friend, and his words were good There is some sound.

"Damn it, we haven't seen each other for a long time, and you're going to accuse me as soon as we meet! Who wants to rob Liangshanbo? The heads of Gao Lian and Zengnong are still hanging high. I'm obviously going to go to Liangshan!" Niu Geng said angrily. .

"You are comfortable here as the head of the village, and you are used to yelling. If you go to Liangshan and be the leader with us, will you be willing?" Leng Ning challenged him again.Seeing Yang Lin said, he paid more attention to this man's reaction.

Yang Lin is a man with self-knowledge. He knows that if he hadn't gone up the mountain early, even with the recommendation of Deng Fei and others, if he went up the mountain at this time, he might not be able to become the leader.After all, if you miss the good times in the past, you will miss it. Now the Liangshan Bo family has a great business, which is not as good as it was in the past. Which one of the new leaders who came up to the mountain now does not rely on his excellence?It is certainly impossible for anyone to gather a group of people and be able to go to Liangshan to be a leader.

Right now, Zhang San, the street rat, and Li Si, the green grass snake, are still the leaders, which is the proof.So when it comes to being promoted to the leader, no one except Wang Lun will presumptuously decide on this matter.That's why Yang Lin made it clear to the people who took refuge halfway in advance: he can't recommend the leader, and the leader is still fine.

"Ah?! With my 700 people, I can't sit on the top of the mountain?" Niu Geng was extremely surprised. One should know that a person like him can go to Tian Hu or Wang Qingjun who passed by here not long ago. Among them, at least one leader's position is absolutely appropriate. How can such a bull be born in Liangshan Boxing Market?Even the threshold has become so high.

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