Water Margin Survival

Chapter 491 A roar of injustice on the road

Where are people's beliefs that are easy to change in a moment?I saw that Sanlang struggled to break free from his uncle's shackles, and rushed to the north with a stick in his hand, leaving only one sentence: "Uncle, stay away for a while, and I will come when I go!" His uncle sat on the ground with his buttocks, With tears in his eyes, he said, "Seeing the injustice on your way, you drew your sword to help! But you have fallen so far, who has taken a look at you?"

San Lang heard the cries of his uncle behind him, his heart froze, but he still refused to back down, looking at the noise and rushing away.As soon as he came to the front, he saw a big man fighting with two masked men at the core.Most of the people guarding the convoy fled and were chased by the two men, and the rest of them hid behind the chariots and resisted desperately. Seeing that the situation was urgent, Saburo didn't care much, so he dragged down a person beside him. The knight, even the horse and the weapon, took it over, threw down the club, turned the horse's head, and charged into the center.

The two masked men were about to capture Niu Geng alive, so as to coerce his followers to surrender, when they saw a man coming out halfway, they looked at each other, and saw that one of them left Niu Geng and came to fetch Saburo aggressively, This Saburo was not afraid at all, he shouted loudly, and fought with the comers.The masked man originally looked down on this young man who looked like a businessman, but after taking over, he tasted the weight and was shocked in his heart, secretly said: "Where did such a hard idea come up!?"

This young man is called "Desperate Saburo", which originally meant that he has identified his opponent and will not retreat. At this time, he saw the long spear in his hand, and greeted the opponent's vitals with a straight move. He saw the two fight for more than twenty rounds. , the masked man was off guard for a moment, caught the hands and feet of the young man, and was shot off the horse. The young man pulled the rein, and the poor horse under him immediately told him to pull up high, and then stomped heavily on the ground in an instant. On the face of the man's leg.There was a crisp "click" sound, obviously his leg was broken, and the young man pointed a gun at his throat and shouted: "Stop all of them, or he will be killed immediately!"

The other leading masked man who was fighting with Niu Geng over there was shocked, grabbed Niu Geng's weapon, and shouted anxiously: "Man, let me go, brother, you will share half of the treasure here!"

"I'm good at hands and feet. If I want money, I won't earn it myself? But I want to share your stolen goods!" The young man was unmoved, and the spear in his hand was a little closer.Immediately, a smear of bright red blood flowed down the tip of the gun and burst out of the throat.Seeing this, the horse thieves slowed down a bit, after all, the life of the second leader was in the hands of the other party.The masked man was very unwilling, seeing that he had gained the upper hand, except for a small group of stubborn enemies, the rear of the convoy was almost wiped out, and Niu Geng was also suppressed to death by himself, seeing a great situation.But being implicated by his fallen brother, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's all about good fortune, and one careless move. The whole army is wiped out, brother, don't blame me!"

As soon as Niu Geng heard this, he knew it was going to be bad, and secretly complained: "I didn't take the top spot. I'm about to die!" But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly said to his subordinates: "Don't fight recklessly, just hide Behind the car battle, wait for leader Yang to come to help!" It's strange to say that after fighting for a long time, Yang Lin from the front team has never shown his face.

Sure enough, what Niu Geng expected was right, he saw that the other party no longer cared about the safety of the hostages, and he slashed like a storm with a wind knife in his hand. Seeing that the opponent's knife was as heavy as a knife, Niu Geng's hands and feet were sore and numb, and he was struggling more and more. Seeing that he couldn't hold back the enemy, he shouted: "I will die for him, and I can always fight!" Sit in a top chair!"

"Dream again in the next life!" The masked man pushed away the weapon in Niu Geng's hand, aimed at his neck, and slashed it down. Long knife, but refused to close his eyes.It was too late to say it, and suddenly, Niu Geng's eyes suddenly blurred, and his cheeks were burning with pain. It turned out that a long spear was thrust straight in, and he pushed away the wind knife. Before Han had time to react, his pupils dilated suddenly. It turned out that the gun had not been retracted, but was slammed towards him. |…

The masked man was shocked, and he didn't care about the pain on his body. After landing, he rolled to prevent the gun from following him. Unfortunately, his thoughts were a bit redundant. It turned out that the gun shaft was made of ordinary materials. The man exerted so much force that he could no longer stretch himself and broke in two.But from this we can get a glimpse of how much strength the gunman used.

"A good man takes the gun!" Although Niu Geng didn't know the man, but seeing that he saved his life and the weapon in his hand was broken again, he immediately offered the white wax spear in his hand, and the man took it. Saying "Be careful", he galloped his horse and rushed to kill the horse thieves. At this time, the masked man had already retreated behind under the protection of his subordinates, and the remaining two hundred horse thieves also gathered spontaneously. As long as this problem is solved first strong enemy.

"Brother, it's all right!" Several of Niu Geng's confidantes gathered quickly, trying to pull Niu Geng off his horse to avoid him, but Niu Geng's eyes fell on the young man who saved his life. Using the greatest advantage of an excellent weapon, but seeing stabbing, chopping, and returning the spear, every move and every move all revealed the background of a good marksman. He picked up a weapon, and watched the younger generation rushing away in the crowd, all the minions looked at each other in blank dismay.

Niu Geng was no match for the masked man, but he still had a great advantage against ordinary horse thieves. He joined the battle formation, dashing from left to right and killing from the right, but the young man fighting alone in the formation shared a lot of pressure. The masked man put on his cloak again, seeing that the great situation turned the world upside down for this man, one can imagine the anger in his heart, he immediately led his confidants to find trouble for San Lang.

At this juncture, he no longer respected the rules of the world, and a group of people surrounded the young man with guns and poked them. Even if the young man was a hero, he couldn't summon so many weapons. The figure of the horse thief, the horse under him is not a famous horse, it is the first time to ride it, it is very unusable, Sanlang lost his way, suddenly felt that his center of gravity was lost, and his body was about to fall to the ground. Still counting shots, foaming at the mouth, unable to hold on anymore.

All of a sudden, I saw that the young man's leg was pressed under the horse monk, unable to move away, he just gritted his teeth and swung his gun at random.The masked man withdrew his knife and said angrily, "Travel this fellow to death!" All the horse thieves heard this.They all returned to their horses and gave way to the front. They didn't want to but exposed Niu Geng who was fighting behind him. Not far away, Niu Geng also heard the masked man's voice. "Jinding dog thief, if you hurt half of his hair, I will chase you to the ends of the world in Liangshanbo, and I will kill you!"

The masked man was about to ride his horse.Hearing this, he couldn't help being shocked, he pulled the rein of the horse hastily, and said, "You know me?"

"Fuck you! I'm not a young child. Why don't you know Fenglongshan's Jinding and Huangyue? Don't say you are covered, even if you turn to ashes, I will know you two dead eight!" Niu Geng's ability Ordinary, but in the past few years in Luocao, Hebei, my colleagues on the road still recognize all of them.

All the horse thieves changed their colors when they heard the words, and they all looked at Jinding.He panicked and said, "Your Majesty, your identity has been leaked right now, and Liang Shan's revenge will arrive in no time!"

"Then kill them all!" Jin Ding simply pulled down his mask, gritted his teeth, and said, "Tell them to go to the underworld to testify against us!"

"Kill! Kill!" All the horse thieves shouted suddenly.Niu Geng was taken aback, there were two choices before him at this moment, one was to abandon the man on the ground and turn around and run away, the other was... the choice he made now.Don't retreat but advance, and go through the catastrophe with the savior, and take advantage of this gap at this time.Saburo had already got up from his horse, but he looked a little limping, obviously his leg was injured.

"Well done, I'm afraid you have no loyalty..." Jin Ding yelled, and was about to wave his army forward, when he suddenly saw a minion in front of him suddenly fall off the horse, and an arrow was hit in the face, Jin Ding was shocked, subconsciously shrank his head , I saw another magical arrow passing over his head, and then there was a scream, I don't know which unlucky ghost made him a scapegoat for him.

"Tang Bin of Liangshan is here, don't let the thieves run wild!" There was a loud roar from outside the formation, and a general of the magic arrow was seen galloping towards him. Nearly, Jin Ding is a veteran bandit. Hearing this voice, he knew how many people were coming. He gritted his teeth and pointed his long knife at the young man who ruined his good deed. Jinding remembers you!"

"A man can change his name or surname when he walks or sits. My name is Shi Xiu!" Shi Xiu limped, standing in the limelight without any fear.

"Let's go!" Jin Ding waved his hand, turned the horse's head first, and ran back and forth. When all the minions saw this, they dared not stay, leaving behind the desperate Huang Yue, and followed the boss to flee the scene in a swarm.

At this moment, Tang Bin came on a flying horse. He was going to chase the gang of horse thieves, but when he heard the conversation between the two, he stopped the BMW and thought of the people in the world that Wang Lun usually criticized. He looked straight at the blood-stained two people and asked Said: "You are the desperate Sanlang Shixiu? The family of Jiankang Mansion?"

"A hero in the Meng Jianghu fell in love with the wrong person, and gave me the ugly title of 'Desperate Saburo'. In front of the three heroes of Pudong, 'Luo Diao Gong', it is really not worth mentioning!" Shi Xiu turned to look at the famous Tang Bin, and saluted with fists. .

"It's really you!?" Tang Bin jumped off his horse and said, "My elder brother has heard a lot about your name and sent people to inquire about your whereabouts! Six? Even your Jiankang genius doctor, An Daoquan, also mentioned your heroic name, you stand still and don't go, wait until I catch this group of people, come back and talk to you!"

Shi Xiu heard a surge of heat in his heart, but his face was still steady, and he clasped his fists and said: "Brother Tang Bin, be careful, Jin Ding has some skills, and he has two hundred horse thieves under his command. It's not too late to go when the team comes up!"

"It's okay, I'll take care of myself! If I waited for the brigade to come up, they would have run away long ago! Shi Sanlang don't go, wait until I come back to talk! By the way, what is the name of this good man?" Tang Bin looked at Niu Geng who was beside Shi Xiu.

"Pianshishan Niu Geng!" Niu Geng said angrily. Tang Bin is famous, but he just ignores himself, which hurts his ambition to sit in the Liangshan Juyi Hall.

Tang Bin laughed, and said meaningfully: "You are Niu Geng? Sure enough, you live up to your name! Brother, tell Yang Lin to let him keep Shi Sanlang for me, and I owe you a great contribution!"

Hearing this, Niu Geng's heart moved again, and he was so sullen that he had already left for the country of Java. He licked his lips and asked, "How much credit do you have? Can you take another seat?"

Seeing that Tang Bin laughed out loud, nodded at Shi Xiu, and got up on his horse, only one voice echoed in the air: "Anyway, it's a great contribution, but as for whether I can take the top spot, I can't make the decision... ..."

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