Water Margin Survival

Chapter 498 Tokyo Liaison Station

"Singing and dancing in Liang Yuan is romantic,

Fine wine is like a knife to relieve sorrow.

I remember the joys of youth,

In the middle of the night, the lights go up to Fanlou. "

This poem was composed by Liu Zihui, Zhu Xi's teacher, when he returned to Fujian as an official and gave lectures after the Jingkang Incident, recalling his childhood in Tokyo, and he became very popular in poetry.

The Fan Tower mentioned in this poem is the number one luxury hotel in Tokyo right now, located in the bustling street outside the Donghua Gate of the Imperial City: Donghuamen Street.Back then when Yang Zhi was down and selling knives, he met Taiwei Hua'er Wang here.And according to the rumors circulating in the official circles, there are many officials today who have a tryst with the famous Tokyo prostitute Li Shishi here.

There are thousands of large and small hotels in Tokyo, but there are only 72 genuine hotels that are truly famous and can be equated with high-end top-notch hotels in the hearts of the people and officials in the capital.Each of these hotels has its own characteristics, but none of them can threaten Fanlou's top position in the industry.

However, this situation continued until the spring of this year, and some subtle changes occurred.

It is said that at the intersection of Quyuan Street in Tokyo City, there is a Yuxianlou, which was originally considered a top ten old hotel in the industry, but because a servant from a certain backer was old and retired last year, the owner of the hotel was eager to sell the shop. In the past few years, it is enough to pretend to be a grandson by serving people, and secondly, I have earned enough money, so I simply go back to my hometown and enjoy the happiness.

However, due to the high price of the store, there was no one to take it over for a while, and the owner of the store had no intention of running it, which made the store go from bad to worse. After half a year of delay, a hotel that was originally in the first-tier echelon was now reduced to a second-rate hotel. Stop the downward trend.

In the end, when the Chinese New Year was approaching, Kong Mu from Kaifeng Mansion acted as a middleman, and a merchant from Shandong was offered at a more reasonable price, but the price made the owner almost vomit blood, because it was far from what he expected. The reserve price is less than [-]%.

There is no way, who told the shop to delay for half a year.The popularity is gone, and the officials of Kaifeng Mansion are trying their best to help bargain the price. The store only needs to make less money, and the money and goods will be settled before the Spring Festival.From this incident, people who are knowledgeable have seen some tricks. This young businessman from Shandong may have the shadow of Tengfu Yin behind him. It is very likely that this person has shares in this store.Otherwise, why would the people of Kaifeng Mansion try so hard to haggle over the price, and not long after the store reopened, there would be troubles.The yamen servants from Kaifeng Mansion came faster than anyone else, and they were more poisonous than the thugs in the shop?

Just like that, the store has been reopened, without even changing the name of the store, it is still called "Yuxianlou". This merchant is from his hometown, but all the original singing girls have stayed.They even spent a lot of money digging a lot from other stores, which caused many store owners to complain. Unfortunately, after three consecutive days in Teng Ya Nei, they brought different wealthy friends to this hotel, and gradually the scolding became much less.

If only the Fu Yin of Kaifeng Mansion or his son took a stake in a hotel.This is nothing, and it has no impact on other top hotels. After all, the new owner of this hotel is still very discerning, and the poachers did not go down to them.The point is that when this store is not long, some new things come out, which attract the attention of drinkers and have already begun to affect their business.

For example, something called cross talk.It is similar to or similar to the current popular Baixi theory, but it is also very different when it is said. Although they all set up a platform, there may be one person, two people, or three or five people on it, but this shop presents current anecdotes through art. If it is solved, it will be compiled into a joke and used to speak vividly.As for the effect, at the beginning Teng Yanei, who had seen the scene, just came to support and maintain the store, but later he didn't need to be called. He spent a whole day in the hotel, and he had to listen to people talking about cross talk, and he never got tired of it.

This is the second thing, and what's more terrible is that the singing girls in this shop often have a lot of new words flowing out of their mouths, not only exquisite, but also different styles, people will never tire of listening to them.People who are arty for a while, go to this store to open their eyes.In less than a month or two, some officials from the DPRK and China gradually began to get involved and lingered.

This kind of situation makes all the singing girls in other shops envious. Even Xu Poxi, Feng Yinu, Sun Sansi, and Wang Jingnu, the top names in Fanlou, all expressed their distress on different occasions. Good words, but come out of the mouths of those vulgar fans, what is it?

Everyone was not reconciled, and used their own channels to try their best to get close to Yuxianlou's Dongjiale brother, just to get an excellent new song from him, hoping to beat the crowd.

"You Ba!" (a slang term used by Tokyo citizens in the Song Dynasty to express their appreciation)

Hearing the ingenuity of the cross talk on the stage, everyone couldn't help applauding. At this time, they saw Lao Wang, the shopkeeper of the hotel, passing by. A rich man stopped him with a smile on his face and said, "Old Wang, is your boss someone else? I haven't seen you for a long time." There's a figure!"

Seeing that it was Teng Yanei who was asking the question, shopkeeper Wang rushed forward and said with a wry smile, "Don't you know Le Dong's family? I'm thinking of words behind closed doors. Li Xingshou asked someone to bring me a word, and I want a new song. Our boss can't shirk it, so it's not just hard thinking!"

Teng Yanei was startled, interrupted the shopkeeper Wang and said, "Which one is Li Xingshou?" The friends around him also stopped talking after hearing this, but opened their ears like rabbits.

Shopkeeper Wang looked around mysteriously, and approached them, not avoiding these people, but whispered: "Mr. Li!"

Teng Yanei showed a look of surprise on his face, and immediately covered it up, but there was still a sourness in his words: "The scene of your boss is getting bigger and bigger, I see, this Tokyo city will be let him down sooner or later! "

"Isn't it the blessing of the yamen? Besides, the yamen is also the owner of our shop, so you can't treat yourself as an outsider!" The shopkeeper Wang said with a "blame".

Teng Yanei laughed loudly when he heard the words, feeling that he had a lot of face in front of his group of people, and immediately said: "Speaking, talking! Well, do your work, don't worry about us, we are all from our own family!"

Shopkeeper Wang left with a smile, but he heard Teng Yanei's voice calling his friends from behind, "What kind of Fanlou, you can't even afford to support a talented poet, I think it's interesting for us here, bro, come more in a few days Congratulations! But it’s okay, you can’t follow the cross talk: eat monkeys for free (eat free food)! Also, don’t make trouble, or you won’t give Teng some face!”

When shopkeeper Wang heard the words behind him, the smile on his face became a bit mocking, but he didn't look back, and walked to the corridor at the back of the hotel where there were two waiters serving him, and went to a back building that was not open to the public.Walking to the front of a room, he knocked on the door five times anxiously and then slowly, the door opened from the inside, and a handsome white-faced young man walked out, but wasn't it Liang Shanbo's head of visitation, Tie Ming Zi Lehe?

Le He let shopkeeper Wang in, poured him a cup of tea, and asked, "How is it?"

"I've found out. It happened that the two prime ministers of Dali Temple were drinking outside at noon. They said in their words that the officials had no intention of killing Hu Yanzhuo, so the case was passed to Dali Temple. Listening to the tone of the two prime ministers, the most important It's just a punishment of stabbing!"

"It's better for my brother to guess correctly. Although this official is a fool, he is not a tyrant. This will make it easier for us!" Le He sighed and said, "Notify the people in the action team and tell them to accept their own money." Stall, stay at home and wait for my news these days!"

Liang Shan's personnel lurking in Tokyo.They are divided into two categories, one is those who follow Lehe to open the hotel, they are smart and reliable people selected by Zhu Gui himself, the biggest characteristic of these people is their alertness.Except for the 20 people watching the scene, the other juniors have never practiced kung fu, fearing that the public will see through.The other category is people with martial arts.On the surface, these people have nothing to do with the hotel, and live in this Tokyo city with their own small businesses.Only when there is a task.will be summoned.These people have a total of 50 people, which is Lehe's secret weapon.

Shopkeeper Wang nodded, and said, "I'll ask someone to inform them! It's just... my boss, I always feel that this matter is not that simple. Why do you think Gao Lian slapped himself? Recommending Hu Yanzhuo but reporting on them? Don't you have other hidden secrets! Master...you said that if Gao Lian wanted to kill these people halfway, what would happen?"

Hearing this, Le He frowned, sat back on the chair, pondered for a while, and then said: "What you said is not unreasonable, if Gao Lian wants to harm the three of Hu Yanzhuo, he will definitely send his confidants to go on the road, our brothers in the capital are afraid Opponent! Those two Tui Cheng said they didn't say when they would be judged?"

"I've said it, I've said it, within three or two days!" Shopkeeper Wang hurriedly replied.

"Only three or two days? How come so fast!" Le He frowned, and said to himself, "It's too late to invite two powerful leaders from the village, it's going to be difficult!"

Seeing Lehe lost in thought, shopkeeper Wang didn't dare to press him.Originally, the old people in the cottage hotel looked down on Lehe, a small prisoner from a remote state capital, but under the strict orders of Zhu Gui, they reluctantly let him do his bidding. Within a short period of time, he stood firm in this Tokyo city, which not only made them old people look at him with admiration, but also won their confidence and support.

"Let's go and find out what's going on in Teng Yanei, and see what kind of enmity Gao Qiu has with Hu Yanzhuo, and why he has to do such a thing that hurts his face!" After finishing speaking, Le He got up, ready to go out with shopkeeper Wang , Suddenly stood still and said: "What is Peng Qi doing now?"

"Boss, this Peng Qi is the one who invited people from Dali Temple to dinner at noon!" Shopkeeper Wang replied.

"Then you didn't say it earlier?" Le He was a little dumbfounded, seeing the innocent look on the shopkeeper Wang's face, he said: "I almost missed the big news, so it shouldn't be like this in the future! Let people follow him, just don't follow him too closely! "

"Yes, yes, it was the negligence of the villain!" Shopkeeper Wang clapped his hands hurriedly. He really didn't want to deceive Lehe, but this matter was not important, so he didn't talk about it for a while.At this time, Le He reprimanded him a few words, thinking of making amends, he stepped forward and said, "Boss, there is another matter. The villain found something abnormal in the shop!"

When Le He heard it, he felt that the matter was a little serious, so he hurriedly closed the door and asked, "What happened?"

"It's not our business, but it's related to the guests! It's like this. There is a Taoist whereabouts mysteriously, as if he was following a court lady. From yesterday to today, when the woman comes, he also comes, and the woman leaves. , he also left, and judging by the woman's appearance, she didn't know her at all. I have followed Zhutou since before Wang Lun's brother was struck by lightning. I have seen this kind of ghost tricks in the Jianghu a lot. question!"

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