Compared with the summer night of knowing Changming, the winter night in the Central Plains seems a bit lonely.

In this dark wilderness, except for the weak grass plants swaying in the wind, it is difficult to see a glimmer of life.Fortunately, there was a waning moon hanging high in the sky, which finally brought a touch of color to this lonely night.

After waiting in this cold wind for an unknown amount of time, a carriage approaching from a distance finally appeared in the sight of the one-armed blacksmith, but under the faint moonlight, its outline could not be seen clearly.

Even so, the heart that Tang Long had been hanging around finally fell down.He glanced gratefully at Wang Lun beside him. Seeing this, Wang Lun patted him on the shoulder lightly. He didn't speak, but only signaled him to concentrate.

The carriage stopped a few feet away from the two of them, and a young man got out of the carriage, and smiled at the person in the darkness, "I've made you wait for a long time!"

Wang Lun replied: "It's okay, I'm just ashamed to ask Xiao Guanying Xingye to come here!"

Shi En laughed, and waved his hands freely, expressing that it was all right, and then patted the car twice, only to see two men jumped off the car first, and then helped another person to get out of the car.

Shi En said to the hooded man: "Teacher Xu, go all the way! Don't blame the younger brother for being ruthless. The Shangguan persecuted him too hard. Please forgive me. I just hope that the teacher will not blame me when he goes!"

Xu Ning, who was bound all over his body, was horrified when he heard this, and thought to himself, could it be that he brought me here in the middle of the night to end up?Regardless of not looking at things at this time, he just shouted towards the voice: "Little Guanying, I have never had any grievances or enmities with you, why are you going to do this?"

Here Tang Long heard his elder brother screaming, and couldn't bear to hear it, so he couldn't help saying loudly: "Elder brother, it's me!"

When Xu Ning heard his brother's voice in this desperate situation, he immediately had mixed feelings and said, "Could it be that you told me to meet my brother in my dream!"

After hearing this, Tang Long couldn't bear it any longer. He rushed forward and took off the headgear for his elder brother. Seeing that Xu Ning was tied up with ropes, he was furious and asked Shi En, "Little Guanying, it's already been agreed." , Zensheng made my brother suffer this crime again?"

Shi En cupped his hands and said: "It's a last resort to cover up people's eyes and ears! In order to prevent the walls from having ears, it's hard to speak clearly, so I had to turn the teacher's attention first, and I hope you don't blame me!"

Tang Long turned his head angrily, and took a short knife to cut the rope for his brother. Xu Ning had to be unshackled, and hugged this good brother who had been by his side since he was killed. Open, surprised: "Brother, where is your left arm!"

Tang Long smiled lightly, and said: "This is a trivial matter! It's not worth mentioning! It's good that brother is out of trouble!"

Xu Ning couldn't contain the astonishment in his heart, and lost his voice: "Uncle asked you to vote for me, but now you are disabled because of me, how can I tell uncle!? But I sent you brother!" Said He hugged Tang Long and howled loudly.

Seeing this scene, Shi En coughed, and felt that it was not good to disturb the brothers who had been reunited for a long time, so he said to Wang Lun: "Master Xu, please give me a token of Teacher Xu, so I can explain it to you!"

Seeing that his request was reasonable, Wang Lun nodded, walked to the brothers who were embracing and crying, and patted the shoulders of the two of them comfortingly. Only then did Xu Ning realize that the man surnamed Wang from Jeju who was sending him off to the palace, Shocked and said: "I don't want the officials to be here..."

Wang Lun nodded, stepped forward and held his hand and said, "Teacher Xu is suffering!"

Xu Ning was about to bow down in a hurry. With the scene in front of him, why couldn't he think of the beginning and end of this time?Should it be this good man who donated righteousness and wealth to rescue him, so that he can survive from the desperate situation?Thinking of this, Xu Ning immediately went to pay respects to Wang Lun.

Seeing that Xu Ning didn't seem to be very familiar with Wang Lun, Shi En had some doubts in his heart, but he was also experienced, so he didn't ask each other.Now that things have come to an end, it's pointless to dwell on these furs.

I saw Wang Lun quickly helped Xu Ning up, and said: "Teacher, don't be too polite. This place is not a place to talk. I hope the teacher will take out something that can prove his identity and give it to Xiao Guanying to take it back. It's better to call Gao Qiu That guy dies!"

Seeing this, Xu Ning nodded repeatedly, reached into his bosom and took out a jade pendant, handed it to Wang Lun and said, "This was specially rewarded to me by the former emperor when he saw me respectfully. It has my name engraved on it. There is no second piece in the world. When Gao Qiu sees it, he won't be suspicious!"

Wang Lun nodded, took the jade pendant, and handed it to Shi En, but at this moment Tang Long rushed back to the carriage, took something, put it in the hand of Shi En's confidant, and said: "add this thing, Gao Qiu The old thief must be satisfied!"

Everyone looked at the things in the man's hands, and the man also lowered his head to peek, and was shocked when he saw the man, and said: "Arm...Arm!?"

Tang Long sneered and said: "I have a birthmark on my left arm. Everyone in Li's blacksmith shop in the South Gate Market in Tokyo recognizes it! Xiao Guanying just needs to tell the people in the Taiwei Mansion that I, Tang Long, have heard the news of my brother's death. Come to take revenge and ask you to cut off your arm, then old Gao Qiu will never suspect you again, so you can rest easy!"

Shi En laughed awkwardly, and hurriedly said, "Brother, you are overthinking!"

Tang Long didn't reply, just sneered.Seeing this, Shi En knew that it would be useless to talk too much, so he asked his subordinates to take a sack from the cart and put it on the ground, and said to Wang Lun, "This is the man who was dispatched in the afternoon! It's such a big deal, and it's inconvenient for me to stay for a long time. Get over it!"

Wang Lun nodded, cupped his hands and said, "I'm sorry to send you off!"

Shi En saluted everyone, then got into the carriage with his two confidantes, turned around and drove away, but suddenly the carriage stopped again, Shi En waved to the window, and immediately three or five men with bows and crossbows came out of the dark He ran out and got into the carriage, and this person started on the road again.

Tang Long saw this scene.Cursed: "My brother really guessed right, this guy must have bad intentions!"

Wang Lun patted him on the shoulder and said, "He's just guarding against me. If he says he wants to harm me, he won't dare to borrow his courage!" Lu Zhishen, who was in ambush, came back with Zhang San and Li Si, and heard Lu Zhishen say from a distance: "This is a worthless bird, even if there are archers in ambush, they dare not hide away. The Sa family can hear their hearts beating!" Shout out, if it wasn't for my elder brother's order not to act rashly, the Sa family would have beaten and killed these fellows!"

Wang Lun laughed and said, "I don't think there are any sharpshooters in this small Anping Village!"

After a while, Lu Zhishen came running over. When he saw Xu Ning for the first time, he asked, "Could it be that the good guy is Mr. Xu from the golden gun class that Coach Lin often mentions?"

Xu Ning hurriedly said: "It's Xiao Ke! Don't dare to ask the master's name?"

Tang Long said: "Brother, this master is not an ordinary person, he is one of the old master's men, who beat Lu Tixia to death with three punches!"

Seeing that Xu Ning hurriedly saluted again, Lu Zhishen laughed and said, "The emperor's guards in Tokyo are just extraordinary. They are so courteous that they compare to my fellow soldiers in the Western Army!"

Seeing that Xu Ning felt sour, he said, "What kind of emperor's guards! Ordinary farmers will look for it for a long time even if they lose a chicken or duck. Your Majesty without me is like a brick falling from the Wende Palace. He won't even look at it!"

Lu Zhishen sighed and said, "Brother, I heard that you are also a good man, so let's lose the job of serving people! Why don't you go up to Liangshan with us, and the brothers get together, but you don't have a good time?"

Xu Ning was surprised when he heard the words, and said, "What Liangshan?"

"Brother, this official Wang is Wang Lun, a white-clothed scholar who is under the jurisdiction of Jeju and the leader of Shuibo Liangshan. When he came to Tokyo this time, he took the family members of Coach Lin out of Beijing!" Tang Long explained beside him.Immediately afterwards, he told how he was paralyzed on Shizipo and how he was rescued by Wang Lun, which made Xu Ning very sad.

"In the past, when I heard that everyone was innocent, and I was pregnant with the crime, I always felt that it was the one who said something about others. With my own ability, Xu Ning, I should be able to keep the family heirloom armor? But I don't want to go straight to this now. Bu Tiandi! Thinking that I was devoting all my energy to the royal family of Zhao, but who would say a word for me when I was in danger? Just let me be manipulated by that fellow Gao Qiu, let alone take away my armor, and now I will be put to death. It wasn't the leader Wang who rescued me from the sea of ​​suffering, I was already a ghost this time! Xu Ning only wants to join the leader's command, and he will be satisfied as a pawn!" Xu Ning confessed.

Seeing Wang Lun saying this, he sighed and said, "Mr. Xu, Xiao Ke has one more thing to say. After listening to it, you can worry about it!"

Xu Ning hurriedly asked what was the matter, only to hear Wang Lun say: "In fact, Gao Qiu didn't intend to put the teacher to death at first, it was just because one incident touched him, and this incident has something to do with Xiaoke!"

Xu Ning's heart was half cold when he heard the words, and many thoughts flashed in his mind like flashes of lightning. He suddenly thought, why is it so coincidental every time, but he met Wang Lun twice in the accident. Could it be that this person in front of him designed it?

Thinking about God abandoning him, his boss harming him, and this "benefactor" in front of him actually has ulterior motives, why don't he make him lose all hope?I saw him standing frozen in the cold wind, staring at Wang Lun in a daze.

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