Water Margin Survival

Chapter 510 4 Mingshan Pang Wanchun

After hearing the news, all the heroes in the Juyi Hall were filled with indignation, and the sound of throwing cups and bowls was endless.

Damn!After finally shifting the court's attention to Tian Hu, Liang Shanbo could stay out of the matter and go to conquer Goryeo with peace of mind. Why did a small Yang Youji come up and capture the Yubangan Mengkang brothers who bought the boat? It hindered Liang Shanbo's plan to conquer Goryeo, and now he has provoked public anger.

"What kind of bird is Yang Youji? If you want to find Huazhizhai to fight arrows by name and surname, you can go to Erlong Mountain by yourself. Make Liangshan a bird!" Qin Ming slammed his fist on the wine table, shaking the wine and food. Spill out the dishes.

"Brother, don't pay attention to this guy, just ask the young general and Deputy General Huang to lead the troops to cut off the head of this guy and return to his life!"

Before Qin Ming finished speaking, all the leaders started clamoring. Li Kui, fearing that the world would not be in chaos, took advantage of the chaos and shouted: "If the bamboo bar is hit on the head of Lord Hades, this guy really doesn't want to live. One million taels of silver, If you crush him, you will crush him to death! Even if you have life to take it, you have to have life flower! Brother, you don’t need to go out with the horse army, just tell me Tieniu to pick up these three dog heads and come back!"

When Qin Ming heard this, he couldn't give in. Bao Xu saw that Li Kui was arguing with Qin Ming, and hurriedly stood up to help. Ma Yiying only had two leaders, but Bu Siying had five leaders, and it was Fan Rui who fought, and there were four more. The barbarian was relentless, but fortunately Qin Ming's voice was loud enough to keep his momentum from being suppressed.At this moment, a loud "bang" was heard, which attracted the attention of all the leaders. It turned out that it was Master Guanghui who lifted the table, and Pei Xuan said loudly: "Brother is so noisy in front of you, how can it be proper! If there is any more noise Or, the Military Justice Division speaks!"

Everyone gave up, and Li Kui didn't dare to talk anymore, this long-haired bald donkey is not easy to mess with.The attack was tight, and he immediately sat down aggrieved. Hu Yantong stuck out his tongue and secretly asked Han Shizhong about the origin of this violent black man.

"It's a good thing to have a fighting spirit. It's just that it doesn't help to make a noise every time something happens. Everyone, don't be impatient, offer advice if you have advice, and listen to advice if you have no advice!"

Zhu Wu got up to try to smooth things over, after all, it was the banquet.It's not a formal discussion occasion. Although everyone lost their composure, it is understandable. After all, Brother Wang Lun didn't speak.Thinking of this, Zhu Wu subconsciously glanced at Wang Lun.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Wang Lun's mind was full of the image of this little Yang Youji.Including the information I had beforehand, plus the information I inquired from Deng Yuanjue.But it's strange, Meng Kang agreed to go to Mingzhou to buy a boat, why did he bump into Siming Mountain?Wang Lun of Mingzhou knew that it was the famous Ningbo in the future.Just now I heard from Deng Yuanjue that the Siming Mountain Range stretches for tens of miles and is located at the border between Mingzhou and Yuezhou, far away from the state city.And Meng Kang took the sea route, so it is impossible for him to pass by Siming Mountain!Could there be something else in it?It's a pity that now my eyes are smeared, and I don't know the situation over there.Fortunately, one thing is certain, this Pang Wanchun is a person with a high spirit. Such a person has a distinctive feature, that is, he will not keep his word under normal circumstances. Why?He will definitely look at his own face extremely high!

Looking at it this way, Meng Kang will not be in any danger now.And as long as Meng Kang is intact.There is no life-and-death feud between the two parties, so Wang Lun doesn't mind playing tricks with this little Yang Youji.

Don't you just want to compare arrows?There are many talents in all aspects of my cottage.There is no need to ask Pang Wanchun to name Li Guanghuarong, Luodiaogong Tang Bin, Pohan Wuhan Shizhong, and Qingmian Beast Yang Zhi are all good players in Baili Chuanyang.I don't believe it will not be able to satisfy this little Yangyoujiman's desire to find abuse in the world.

"This Pang Wanchun wants to compare arrows with Huazhizhai by name and surname, which shows that he doesn't understand the situation in our cottage. Brother Meng Kang is also good, and didn't reveal our truth to this person!" Lin Chong said at this time.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, they all praised Meng Kang.But fortunately, Deng Fei, a man with deep loyalty, went to Jeju Island not long ago, otherwise he could still be stable at this time?Everyone suddenly thought of the relationship between Pei Xuan and Meng Kang. No wonder he was so angry just now. It seems that this hard-faced person is not a heartless person.

Lin Chong looked at Wang Lun who was bowing his head in meditation, and said, "It's easy to wipe out Siming Mountain. He only has three to five hundred men on the whole mountain. He can't bear to let us go down to a camp. The key is that we have to Guarantee the safety of Brother Meng Kang! Another point is that Fang La must have some ability to make this small village fail to accept it several times! Our Liangshanbo is recruiting heroes from all over the world. If this Pang Wanchun is not so unbearable, how can we Do you think there are too many talented people going up the mountain?"

Xiao Jiasui and Xu Guanzhong smiled knowingly when they heard the words, secretly thinking that Lin Chong was still an old man, and immediately understood the village master's intentions.If it is only to capture Siming Mountain, does brother need to think so carefully?

"He wants to compare arrows, so let's compare arrows. Who hasn't been afraid of him? There's no need to go to Erlong Mountain to call my brother-in-law, as long as I go!" Tang Bin got up and said.This Pang Wanchun only knew Huarong alone, so how could he not arouse the anger of the world's best archers. Tang Bin is also a good bow and horse man, even when he competed with Huarong at the foot of Erlong Mountain back then.

Han Shizhong didn't speak at this time, but just looked at Wang Lun, thinking that if his brother wanted to kiss him, he would have a chance to teach him a lesson, and let him know what it means to be arrogant.

In the anticipation of the leaders, Wang Lun finally spoke, but what he said seemed to have nothing to do with the matter in front of him:

"In the maritime battalion of our current navy, there are ten ships in the hands of Hunhailong Li Jun, with a total load of [-] materials. The eleven ships in the hands of Huo Yanluo Ruan Xiaoqi, with a total load of [-] materials. There is also the short-lived Erlang Ruan Xiaowu who also has eleven ships with a load of [-] materials. In addition, the Shanzhai also seized Fei Bao's four sea-going ships with a total of [-] materials. Young master, if the brothers of Ma Jun are called to board the boat, the infantry colleagues will have to swim to Koryo!"

At this time, the crowd burst into laughter. Although they didn't know why Wang Lun suddenly made a case for the navy with everyone, they also felt that his words had hit the nail on the head.

Zhentianlei Lingzhen was secretly settling accounts in his seat. He was the leader Wang Lun personally promised to bring to Korea. The gunpowder is enough to fully load nearly ten sea-going ships with thousands of raw materials. If in the end, due to insufficient preparation of the ships, there is a scene where human lives are used to fill the city during the siege, this is definitely not what Wang Lun intended to see.

Not only Ling Zhen, but Wang Jin and Hu Yanzhuo, the middle and high-ranking generals of the former imperial court, are also well aware of the previous example of the Liao Kingdom's conquest of Goryeo. Although Goryeo is small now, it can mobilize 30 people with the power of the whole country. Soldiers came, and repeatedly survived until the Liao army, which was not good at attacking the city, retreated and returned to the court. It can be said that this small state is still quite resilient.If the Shanzhai underestimates the enemy this time and invests fewer troops, it will undoubtedly not be able to complete the planned strategic plan of the Shanzhai, and there may even be certain risks.

At this time, Wang Lun looked around at the leaders present, and when everyone calmed down, he said again:

"Brother Mengkang's errand of buying ships is actually an important guarantee for my next step in the cottage. The more ships we buy this time, the greater our chances of winning in Korea, so when Xiao Qi and the others come back, I will personally Go out to Mingzhou to rescue Brother Mengkang, and at the same time to finalize the matter of buying the boat! Of course, I also need to meet this little Yang Youji by the way!"

"So the commanders and deputy generals of each battalion must practice their troops at home with peace of mind and wait for the battle! Don't worry about other things that I don't even know. From now on, the village will stop all non-essential military activities." …

When everyone heard the news, they couldn't help talking about it. Wang Lun waved his hands and asked everyone to help themselves. Order [-] sets before night, and give them to Wang Qing, and let him pack them up and take them away tomorrow, and then you go to the stables to choose a good horse and bring it to Wang Qing, as a favor!"

"Even if they are all second-hand goods, they are worth tens of thousands of dollars! Even if they are cooked, they can be used as a dish!"

The first sentence is the truth, and the latter sentence is ridicule. Du Qian's occupational disease of bargaining has committed again, even in the face of Wang Lun.No wonder the nickname of "the most loyal and touching the sky" is gradually being replaced by "iron rooster".

"I'm a big deal, and you are a small deal. It's incomparable, and you can't compare it!" Wang Lun patted the old brother on the shoulder, seeing that he finally gritted his teeth and nodded, Wang Lun smiled, and gave Hu Cheng another order A few sentences, finally said:

"The first batch of refined salt can be bought on credit, but from the second batch onwards, money and goods are required, and some people are not used to it!" Although Fei Bao and Yang Lin both deal in different links of private salt trading, they do not touch Account, the official management of the trade is still the Flying Tiger Hu Cheng.

Of course Hu Cheng didn't have Du Qian's confidence to joke around in front of Wang Lun, so he clasped his hands together and left.Seeing that the business was finished, Du Qian was about to have a few private words with Wang Lun, but Tang Bin and Yang Zhi came hand in hand at this time, they both challenged Wang Lun and wanted to go to Mingzhou together, Du Qian shook his head, Looking at the two with a smile, Wang Lun invited them to sit down and said:

"Emissary Yang Zhi just came to help, and there is still a running-in problem. Seeing that the cottage is about to make a big move, I still expect you to follow me to Korea to make contributions. This trip to the south of the Yangtze River, don't participate in the war!"

Yang Zhi was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he had a sad face, he usually didn't smile, and now he just uttered two words: "Observe!" After he finished speaking, he turned his head and left, fearing that something unexpected would happen.Tang Bin was dumbfounded when he saw this, and said: "This guy is still a general, so disrespectful! Brother, I'm fine, I'm going back to practice soldiers and horses, and I'm waiting to go to Korea with you!"

Du Qian burst into laughter when he saw this, he was so happy that he immediately attracted the attention of a black servant, jumped up and said, "Iron rooster, why are you laughing?"

When Du Qian heard this, he was furious, and while Wang Lun was there, he wanted to reason with Li Kui, who knew that Li Kui only knew fist and Wang Lun, so how could he have half a word of reason in his mind?Immediately, Du Qian was very angry, Tang Bin quickly held up Du Qian who was about to lose his temper, and only heard Du Qian shout:

"Brother, you're in the cottage, and this guy is so rude! If you go to Mingzhou, he won't be overwhelmed, so you should quickly take this guy and take him with you!"

I still rush to finish writing and post it, so as not to delay the early morning Double Eleven snap-up battle for heroes.

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