Water Margin Survival

Chapter 512 Li Kui's Hit Nemesis

In addition to Xiao Li Guanghuarong, this time the fleet also carried a "foreign aid", that is, Mingjiao Dharma King Deng Yuanjue who acted as a guide. ?. .

Because of him, the fleet had to take a detour.Originally, on the way, he would definitely pass by several salt-dried islands owned by Fei Bao, but it was because of this special status of the guide in the fleet that he had to make this journey southward mysterious.In ancient times, Yu the Great passed through the house three times but did not enter. Today, the owner of the Wangzhai can only avoid the cornucopia of his own house and take a detour.Fortunately, Chai Jin was not on board, otherwise he would have cried out what a pity.

Speaking of the method of drying salt, it is actually an extremely important and stable source of finance for the future development of Liangshanbo, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is top secret.After all, Deng Yuanjue was not comparable to Hua Rong. Fang La's protector of the Dharma King was naturally included in the list of "the sharp weapon of the country should not be shown to others".

The method of drying salt cannot be shown to others, but regarding the benefits of salt, Wang Lun is still willing to share it with Fang La.Similar to the agreement between Liangshanbo and Fangshan, Wang Lun is also willing to sell his own sea salt to Dongnan Liulu through Fang La's hands. He just heard from Deng Yuanjue that Fang La didn't seem to have a hand in the sale of illegal salt, but Wang Lun didn't believe such a thing. Fang La will not be tempted by the way of money!Wang Lun is very clear about Liang Shanbo's shortcomings. At present, the forces can only be said to have decisive influence in Jingdong, Hebei, and Huainan roads, but outside these roads, it seems a bit beyond his reach.This is also one of the main reasons why he recruited Wang Qing to sell salt in the west of Beijing.

"I don't dare to agree to the village owner, but I will work hard to make it happen!" Deng Yuanjue patted his chest and promised Wang Lun, "Whether this matter can be accomplished or not, I am willing to provide all conveniences so that the affairs of Guizhai in Mingzhou can be completed." Get twice the result with half the effort!"

Deng Yuanjue knew that Liangshan wanted to buy a large number of ships, but Wang Lun didn't say much about the purpose of buying ships, and Deng Yuanjue didn't ask too much.In fact, for the old Jianghu Deng Yuanjue.This matter should be obvious. Liangshan's private salt business is now in full swing, and Wang Lun is ambitious to compete with the imperial court for salt interests across the country. It seems that he will definitely expand the scale of buying salt to the Liao Kingdom in the north.After all, is there any other place that can afford Liangshan's huge demand for private salt?

After thinking about this section clearly, the problem arises again. Wang Lun can organize a fleet to sell salt in Liao.So why can't you teach yourself?How could Master Fang, who is so clever, be willing to take second-hand goods from Wang Lun?Because Wang Qing lives in the mainland, he has no influence at all on Binhai Road.It is too risky to take Xixia's private salt, so they all rely on Liangshan.But the foundation of Mingjiao is in Liangzhe.Whether it's ships, ports, or sailors, they all have advantages that Wang Qing can't match.It's just that it takes a little effort to get through the joints of the Liao Kingdom, and nothing else matters.Therefore, Deng Yuanjue was not optimistic about the private salt trade between Liangshan and Mingjiao from the bottom of his heart, so he added at the end that he would like to help Liangshan on this trip.It can also be regarded as a return to others for saving their lives.

Deng Yuanjue is a straight person.Although he could hide his words, he couldn't hide his attitude.Judging from his negative attitude towards the two parties' private salt trading, Wang Lun was puzzled at the beginning, and later got some clues from the other party's words, and finally he was a little bit dumbfounded. They are all from Liao Kingdom.

I can't help but praise this monk for his profound knowledge. The price of salt in the Liao Kingdom in this era is indeed much cheaper than that of the Song Dynasty.But that’s because the Liao Kingdom embraces the Bohai Sea, and its total population is only about 1000% of the Song Dynasty (up to [-] million people), so salt is cheap. It doesn’t mean that it has more advanced salt-making methods than the Song Dynasty.

But Wang Lun couldn't tell Fang Laming these words, so it seemed that his plan to use Fang La to open up the private salt market on Southeast Sixth Road seemed impossible, so he had to make another plan.

Worried, Wang Lun was asked to relax on the deck more and more times.It is said that when I first left the coastal waters of Shandong, not to mention normal sea trade ships, even smuggled sea ships were rarely seen, but the further south I went, the more likely I was to encounter sea ships. When the sea was open, countless ships came and went. At this time, Wang Lun had a taste of the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, a powerful trading country in the world.

Looking at the grand scene in front of him, what Wang Lun knew was that after a few years, due to the loss of a large area of ​​land in the north, tax sources would be greatly reduced, and the small imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty would be more dependent on trade with other countries. The golden age of the two Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangnan three-way maritime trade is coming.

But what Wang Lun doesn't know is what kind of changes he can bring to this era.Calculating that the time I traveled here was too short, and it was only a little over two years, but the Kingdom of Jin had already risen in the Liaodong Peninsula, and Wang Lun really felt an urgent feeling that no one could wait for time.


One morning, Liang Shanbo's fleet finally landed on an inconspicuous barren beach along the coast of Mingzhou. Due to the lack of a dock and the draft problem of seagoing ships, the fleet could only ferry back and forth by small boats.However, there is no way to do this, because the place is too lively, and there are endless ships on the route. If you don't want to attract too much unnecessary attention, you have to suffer this crime.

After working hard for a long time, Wang Lun finally rode to the shore with five hundred spirits. In the Jiangnan area where there is a lack of horses, Wang Lun didn't want to be too flamboyant, and there was no need to bring the whole guard camp with him.

With the guide Deng Yuanjue leading the way, this army horse definitely does not look like it is the first time it has set foot on the beautiful land of Jiangnan. Wang Lun asked Deng Yuanjue why he was so familiar with this place. Years later, Wang Lun suddenly realized that he stopped talking at the moment, and just looked at the scenery of this place.

I saw a huge mountain range, and I couldn't see the edge at a glance.Looking up, the mountains are undulating in the thick fog, and the hills are layered. Under the fog, the forests are dense, the flowers and plants are fragrant, and the cliffs and boulders often appear among the pines and cypresses, just like a fairyland.

Wang Lun didn't know that Siming Mountain had the reputation of "Little Lushan Mountain" later, but he secretly sighed in his heart that Pang Wanchun actually found a five-a-level national forest park with good eyesight.

After walking like this for a long time, everyone bypassed the mountain in front of them, and suddenly felt enlightened, and saw a piece of terraced fields with distinct layers in front of them, which was so green that it was fascinating.

"Not far ahead is Pang Wanchun's old lair. There is a checkpoint at the foot of the mountain. It is very dangerous. It can be said that one man guards the gate and no one can open it. Moreover, this is the hinterland of Siming Mountain. The officers and soldiers should not go around to the back of the stronghold through it. Therefore, the state government sent troops to conquer many times, but they all ended in failure. Because Pang Wanchun's arrows seemed to have eyes, several officers who led the team were folded in his hands, so although there were only three to five hundred people in his place, the government did not. Don't even dare to open him up!"

Deng Yuanjue did not hide his secrets, and came one by one in front of Wang Lun.Although Pang Wanchun is a talent that the sect wants to recruit, he failed to talk about it after three or five times. circle.

Wang Lun nodded, and looked up to find that there were many people working in the terraced fields nearby. Obviously, he did not regard Pang Wanchun, who fell here, as a serious problem. It seemed that this man was crazy, but he still had a bottom line.

"Brother, be careful! There's a thief on the tree!" When Wang Lun was wandering, he suddenly heard Li Kui, who was at the front of the team, shouted. When Wang Lun looked up, he saw Li Kui climbing up a big tree by the side of the road. Wang Lun subconsciously jumped off his horse, met Jiao Ting who rushed over to protect him, and told him, "Go and see Monk Deng, his legs and feet are not flexible!" …

How could Jiao Ting leave Wang Lun's side at this time, and waved his hands to call the two guards to go, looking very vigilantly at the tree in front of him, only to see the luxuriant branches and leaves, where can he see anything?At this moment, a sound of bowstring was heard, and the man who had been concealed extremely cleverly on the tree fell down, fell to the ground with a muffled grunt, and fell unconscious.

Li Kui was very surprised when he heard the sound, and shouted: "Why is it a female when you hear the sound?" Han Shizhong, who was rushing to check, shouted, "Be careful, Tie Niu, this guy is not dead!" Han Shizhong called him, so he turned around and went to Zhang. Unexpectedly, the man on the ground seized the opportunity and stood up, put a dagger on Li Kui's neck, and said sharply: "Whoever steps forward will kill the cattle thief!"

It was only then that everyone realized that the person lying on the tree was a woman. Although this woman was not attractive, she dared to hold a big man with a knife at this time.

Everyone was stunned, and Han Shizhong also opened his mouth wide. Although Li Kui was taken hostage by the other party, for some reason, everyone had an urge to laugh out loud. It has visual impact.

Besides, although this woman's appearance and behavior are hard to be hooked with gentleness and beauty, her body is still feminine. At this time, she used a dagger to hold a man like a beast, not to mention the contrast.At this time, even Wang Lun, who rushed over, couldn't help shaking his head, thinking in secret that he wasn't filming "King Kong", so he needed to be so frantic.

When has Li Kui been bullied by a woman like this, he suddenly became angry with embarrassment, his face was hot like a fire, and he wanted to fight that woman desperately, but the woman couldn't help but be surprised, and suddenly changed Feeling a little overwhelmed, during the scramble, the sharp blade avoided the man intentionally or unintentionally.

In the blink of an eye, Li Kui had already snatched the dagger, but he couldn't stab it for a long time. He killed a lot in his life. Except for the life he caused in his hometown, the others were all on the battlefield. He had killed a woman before, but his brains were not enough to deal with this situation.

Just when everyone didn't know what Li Kui was up to, he suddenly made an astonishing move, dropped the dagger in his hand, looked around and said:

"Where's the axe? Where's my axe! How can this knife be used for killing people! That woman, if you have the guts, don't go away. I'll take your life after I get the axe!")

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