In a sense, Yuehu culture is a microcosm of Mingzhou's development over the past thousand years, and its importance is no less important than that of West Lake in Hangzhou.At this time, Wang Lun was walking on the small road by the lake, appreciating the beautiful scenery of the south of the Yangtze River, which is different from the style of Jingdong.

"If you haven't been to Moon Lake, you don't count as coming to Mingzhou!" Deng Yuanjue said with a smile when he found that Wang Lun was enjoying the beautiful scenery of Moon Lake.

"Oh? There's another saying?" Wang Lun said with a smile. At this time, a large courtyard appeared in front of his eyes. He saw that the shape of the courtyard was very unique, and it had the same origin but different results from the surrounding architectural styles. There is a touch of exotic style, but it is not obtrusive on the shore of this beautiful lake.

"Where is this?" Wang Lun turned to look at Deng Yuanjue, a competent guide.

"Oh, this is the Korean embassy! It just moved into the city not long ago, and it used to be placed in the suburbs. The new prefect here, Lou Yi, is a descendant of the four local families of Zhao, Lou, Shi, and Feng. He was transferred to be the magistrate of Suizhou on Jingxi South Road. He wanted to return to his hometown to be an official. He also found out that the imperial court was worried about the cost of moving the Korean embassy. The expenses of the envoy. In the end, he was asked to mobilize the officials, so Guangde Lake is now gradually becoming a fertile field, and the Korean embassy has also moved to the shore of Moon Lake!" This is indeed Deng Yuanjue's home field. He spoke logically, but unexpectedly, Wang Lun's thoughts had already diverged, and he didn't take the following words to heart at all.

It turns out that this is the foreign affairs agency where the imperial court received Samhan!It hasn't been a day or two since I was going to whip the sticks, but I bumped into them again in this Jiangnan place, what a fate!

But a good meal is not afraid of being late, and this kind of political institution in front of you cannot be visited casually.Wang Lun didn't want to make troubles, so after walking around outside, he asked Deng Yuanjue to lead the way, and went directly to Honglian Pavilion.

Deng Yuanjue became addicted to being a tour guide, and there was something more to say when he spoke.Along the way, we introduced the Persian Pavilion, which is as famous as the Korean Pavilion.He was happy to say it, and Wang Lun was also happy to hear it, so he walked leisurely all the way to the Red Lotus Pavilion.

Wang Lun has seen a few of the prosperous hotels of this era in Tokyo, and he owns a copycat one. Now he is probably already famous in Tokyo, so he is naturally not very interested in Honglian Pavilion at the moment.They reserved a room and agreed that Deng Yuanjue would stay here and wait for his fellow believers, while Wang Lun took Jiao Ting and Meng Kang out to meet Ye Chun.

Ye Chun is still waiting for news at his aunt's house.How could he miss such a great craftsman?Immediately asked Meng Kang to lead the way, and the three of them went straight to where Ye Chun was staying. "The house in front belongs to Zhao Xiang's family!" Everyone walked through the streets and alleys for half an hour, and finally came to an alley, Meng Kang pointed to the front.

"Speaking of which, Ye Chun's aunt used to belong to a well-to-do family, but she had no choice but to die a man. The land was taken over by his brothers who were in charge of the family, so there was no income, and only this house was left. Let's talk about it."

Meng Kang went to the door and knocked on the knocker a few times. After a while, a thin man opened the door from the inside. Seeing that it was Meng Kang, he was overjoyed and looked out quickly.It was found that there were two more strangers, but no cousin was found.Then his expression dimmed.

The outside of the gate was not a place to talk, so Meng Kang invited Wang Lun and Jiao Ting inside first.Then he helped Ye Chun close the door, and then said: "Fortunately, brother Ye, your cousin is fine, let's go, let's talk inside!"

Hearing this, Ye Chun looked at Meng Kang suspiciously, and seeing Meng Kang looking at him with a determined smile on his face, he hurriedly said that he was being rude, and invited the three of them into the hall.

At this moment, a plain-clothed woman in her 40s came out and poured tea for everyone with a forced smile. Jiao Ting thought she was a servant of the family, and thanked him carelessly. Seeing this, Meng Kang quickly introduced that the woman was Ye Chun's aunt.

After Meng Kang introduced the woman's identity, he consciously stood aside. Wang Lun greeted the woman without saying much, took out her son's letter, and said straight to the point: "Xiao Ke Liangshan Wang Lun, this is from your son. Letter from home, Madam please read it!"

How could this woman know who Wang Lun was?It was just that when I heard that my son who was on the run sent a letter from home, two tears overflowed from the corners of his eyes, he grabbed the letter and opened it tremblingly, no longer caring about others.

Ye Chun was different from his aunt, who was also a traveler. Hearing Wang Lun's name, he swallowed nervously, and stammered: "Wang...the leader of the king is here. The villain, the villain can't entertain you." Zhou...the hospitality is not good!"

Seeing his nervousness, Wang Lun smiled understandingly. After all, this man is not from the Jianghu. He is obviously a craftsman who relies on his handicrafts for his livelihood. He, the bandit leader himself, is standing in front of him. How can he not be surprised? ?At the moment, he turned his back on the guest and said, "Master Ye, please sit down, let's talk slowly!"

"Yes... yes!" Ye Chun sat back on the chair very nervously, as if he was afraid of Wang Lun, but sat so hastily that he almost knocked over the chair.

Jiao Ting couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and pulled him down, pressed him on the chair, and muttered casually: "The stool can't sit still, can you still build a boat?"

Ye Chun trembled even more when he heard the words, and looked at Wang Lun even more fearfully. No matter how famous this man is for benevolence and righteousness, he is also a strong man!If a craftsman like him was not forced by his cousin's affairs and life, how would he be willing to throw himself into a den of thieves?

"Brother Jiao, don't scare people!" Meng Kang stepped forward with a smile to smooth things over, and then gave Ye Chun a thumbs-up, "This master Ye's craftsmanship is this! I can only compete with him, so I have to be an apprentice!"

"Don't dare, dare not!" Ye Chunjian bounced up, hurriedly cupped his hands at Wang Lun and Jiao Ting.It seemed that he was not afraid of Meng Kang.That's right, although Meng Kang was tall and big, he was born fair and easy-going, so it was difficult for people to equate him with the strongman who killed officials and rebelled in the mountains.

Wang Lun saw that he was as fearful of himself as a tiger, and secretly wondered if he was that scary?The people at the foot of Liangshan are not like this. Although they dare not say that they are closer than seeing their relatives, they at least avoid it. How come they spread such an image of themselves when they are thousands of miles away in the south of the Yangtze River?Although Wang Lun was a little depressed in his heart, he said to comfort this person:

"Your cousin is fine. I've already negotiated with Master Pang of Siming Mountain. He can be picked up at any time, so you don't have to worry about it! You can take him to Jeju on the boat of the Shanzhai whenever it's convenient for you. island!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Ye Chun still looked trembling. Seeing that the conversation could no longer continue, Wang Lun decided to give Ye Chun a buffer time. Some things should be discussed in detail after he gets used to it. Ting gave a wink.

It's been a long time since Jiao Ting revisited the old story of slapping gold in front of newcomers.

After all, which of the leaders who went up the mountain later was not famous in the world?There is no need to hand out gold in person.In fact, this principle is also easy to understand. For example, if you say that you are shooting 100 taels of gold in front of Lu Junyi, what effect will it have?He doesn't think you are humiliating him!Therefore, all the settlement expenses were handed over to Du Qian to make up for it, and a small leader sent it to him. After explaining the origin, it was clearly stated that it was a cottage practice, and people usually accepted it.

But when it came to a craftsman like Ye Chun who lived by hand, the situation was different. Why did he have to go up the mountain?It's not for life, since that's the case, let him feel at ease.

This can also be regarded as one of Wang Lun's benefits. If you talk about feelings, he will also talk to you about feelings. If you talk about money, he can also talk to you about money (except garbage).

It is said that Jiao Ting was revisiting his old business at this time, full of energy, and quickly took out two ingots of 50 taels of gold ingots from the bag, and slapped them on the table, feeling very comfortable, only hearing the sound of "dong", which scared Ye Chun With a jump, Meng Kang smiled and said: ...

"The settlement fee, the settlement fee! Brother Ye took it, so we can go up the mountain! Don't worry, my brother knows what I promised you before, and I will never go back on it!"

"My poor son, I thought I would never see him again in this life! King, old man... when can old man see him?" Before Ye Chun could speak, his aunt was crying and begging to the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Lun hurriedly stepped forward to help the woman up, and said kindly: "You can leave the city now, how about I ask Meng Kang to take you to meet each other?"

At this time, Meng Kang had already stuffed the gold into Ye Chun's hand who was rather blushing. Ye Chun saw that his aunt was eager to see his son, so he put two ingots of gold into his aunt's hand and said, "This is the gift from the leader of the village king." Auntie has collected the settling-in allowance of our family!"

This woman has seen money before, otherwise she would not be able to help her elder brother's family all the time. At this time, she can handle it, but she is grateful to Wang Lun for letting his mother and son reunite, and she kept yelling "Tao ancestor manifests spirit" and "living Bodhisattva" .

"Brother, it's nothing if I send Brother Ye's family out of town, but there is no one around who knows how to do it, what should you do if you are tricked by a profiteer?" While speaking, Meng Kang fixed his eyes on Jiao Ting.

"What are you looking at me for? Are you staying to protect brother?" Jiao Ting said angrily.

Hearing this, Ye Chun, who was secretly ashamed at the side, mustered up his courage, and stepped forward, "Why don't Brother Meng escort my aunt to see my cousin, and the villain will stay here with Chief Wang to buy a boat?"

Jiao Ting agreed immediately when he heard the words, Meng Kang couldn't help but think to himself, this guy who was trembling and fidgeting just now, why did he suddenly become bolder?

Wang Lun chuckled. It seems that Neixiu's people really can't force him. In fact, they know it well, but they are not good at acting according to other people's ways.Wang Lun said with a smile: "It's so good. Master Ye is also a knowledgeable person. With his advice, brother, just put your heart in your heart!"

Meng Kang spread his hands and said: "Since that's the case, do as my brother said. I'll send my aunt away. Brother Ye, please accompany my brother. Don't let profiteers bully us from the north who don't understand the market!"

"Brother Meng, don't worry, other villains can't guarantee it. If this matter is not handled well, the villain deserves bad luck for the rest of his life!" When Ye Chun said this, a confident light burst into Ye Chun's eyes, It made him look less cowardly.

Thank you Yan Yanxuan for the [-] reward!There seems to be a custom that the leader needs to add more. There are still two chapters left this month, and there are three chapters in the chapter of adding eaves to the hero. Try to complete it within this week.

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