Wang Lun watched Cheng Wan'er's convoy go away with disappointment, and was silent for a while, when Han Shizhong approached with a shy face and said, "Brother, it's really none of my business!"

"Why is it none of your business? My brother clearly agreed with that little lady, take her for a ride! But you like to show off your archery skills, now it's all right, let me get rid of your popularity! Po Han Wu, let me tell you, If brother doesn't get married, those people in the cottage will kill you alive!" Jiao Ting said aggressively.

"Stop coming!" Han Shizhong waved his hand and said, "That little lady is not worried about her brother, but her prefect father. I didn't see that little girl come over and say hello, what kind of shit are you talking about!"

When Han Shizhong said this, he saw that Wang Lun was still immersed in the feeling of parting, and he didn't listen to the two of them. He yelled that he was not good, and asked cautiously: "Brother, in order to marry this little lady, don't you really agree to recruit her?" !?"

"Could it be that I'm helpless if I don't recruit? I don't know!" Wang Lun subconsciously said, suddenly seeing the two men staring at him with wide eyes, he glared at them and said, "I know what's going on with me. Don't worry about it!"

Han Shizhong was bored, and he didn't dare to provoke Wang Lun. After all, Mrs. Yazhai left in anger just now.Unexpectedly, Wang Lun stopped him at this moment, and said: "I asked Ye Chun to come out this morning to deliver the order. Have you received anyone?" "Is Zhang San here?" Seeing him talking about Li Si, Wang Lun thought to himself Going into the city to contact Shi En, you can't do without a confidant and delicate person.

"I only brought five or seventy people out to inspect, and I never expected to meet my brother. Zhang San is not here, and Ji Ji and Yu Baosi lead the team behind!" Han Shizhong replied.

"Go, go back!" Wang Lun waved his hand, at this time two sergeants led the horses over, and Wang Lun and Jiao Ting rode for the time being.The two sergeants got on the horses of their companions, and saw that the fifty or seventy riders headed straight for the team.

It didn't take long on the road, and everyone came to Han Shizhong's temporary residence. It was a village with simple folk customs, and Han Shizhong was willing to give money. A Tanqi report was reported to the two leaders, and Ji Ji and Yu Baosi rushed out to meet him.Wang Lun and the others met and did not say a word about what happened just now. He just called Zhang San and told him:

"Golden-eyed Biao Shien is the county magistrate here, and he has agreed to give me Liangshan as an insider. Now I have news about a batch of ships, but I haven't figured it out yet. You brought five or seven fine brothers, carrying money and goods. Go and negotiate with him. In addition, the mounts of Jiao Ting and I were left behind in the Red Lotus Pavilion in the city. I am afraid that they are in the hands of the government at this time. You ask Shi En to find a way. Bring my two horses out! Also, ask him to inquire about it. Have Deng Yuanjue and Wu Yingxing asked the government to take it? If there is news, immediately pass it to Siming Mountain. Also ask Shi En to find a way to rescue him!" I will order Shi Xiu to send someone to replace you!" Wang Lun instructed.

When Zhang San heard it, he said with a sad face: "Isn't it because I, Korea, can't go?"

"We keep you here because you are reliable, when can't you go to Korea?" Wang Lun hated iron for steel.

"What I hate is that I'm reliable!" Zhang San muttered, and before Wang Lun's face changed, he hurriedly said, "Go, go, go now! Don't worry, brother, I'm the best at dealing with people like this!"

Wang Lun just gave up, and told him some precautions, and told him to go to Han Shizhong to collect the money.At this time, Wang Lun called Ji Ji and said, "I'm going to leave soon. Wan Chun will go to Liangshanpo with me this time. You are the only one left here to guard the village. In this way, I will leave the four brothers Yu Bao here. How about being a companion with you, when Wan Chun and Lei Jiong come back, and then go back to the mountain for him?"...

Hearing this, Ji Ji glanced at Yu Baosi, seeing his bitter expression, he hurriedly said: "Brother is about to hit Korea, and the four Yubao brothers have just thrown themselves into the mountains, how can such a big move be delayed because of my younger brother?" Him? Don’t worry, my brother here. I’ll close the door once. If I don’t cause trouble, I won’t cause trouble. No one will open the door. I’m enough alone!”

Wang Lun looked at Yu Baosi, then at Ji Ji, and said: "Since that's the case, when Wan Chun and Lei Jiong come back, you also come to the village to stay for a while, and meet the brothers, and it will be lively! "

"I've wanted to pay my respects to Dazhai for a long time!" Ji Ji laughed boldly.

At this time, Wang Lun did not delay, so he directly invited him back to the mountain, and informed Pang Wanchun, Hua Rong, Lu Fang, and Guo Sheng to take the remaining brothers from the guard camp to the shore and board the boat. With three or five confidantes, I went to Siming Mountain.

"Let's go too!" Wang Lun didn't know why, when Jiao Ting said this, he was extremely melancholy and just wanted to sigh.

Seeing this, Jiao Ting sent an order to go. After a while, the troops had assembled. Wang Lun told Han Shizhong to bid farewell to the villagers and left some belongings behind. Then the brigade headed northwest.


The horses Ji Ji and his confidants rode were all plundered from the south of the Yangtze River. Not to mention they were short, they ran slowly. They didn't rush back to Siming Mountain until noon that day. Pang Wanchun, Lu Fang, Guo Sheng got the news and opened the door to greet him. At this time, Ji Ji and the others jumped off their horses. Before they could answer, they heard a long hiss from behind. It turned out that one of the entourage's horses was exhausted from the rapid march.

Pang Wanchun saw his flesh hurting, and hurried forward to check it out. After a while, he sighed and said, "It's just a loss of strength! Hurry up, push the cart and drag it in!"

A few minions rushed in when they heard the sound, Lu Fang saw that Pang Wanchun was just distressed, and hurriedly said: "It's a pity that my battalion is full of people when we come here, so it's not easy to allocate horses, but when we get to Liangshan, I will definitely talk to my brother and ask him Get the horses!"

Pang Wanchun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then he heard Ji Ji say again: "Thank you brother Lu Fang for your kindness. When I came here, my brother ordered that [-] horses will be transferred to my village in Siming Mountain soon. Don't worry, brother Wanchun!"

Pang Wanchun was filled with emotion when he heard the words, and said, "Brother, did you really say that? Five hundred cavalry is enough to run rampant across the state capital in the south of the Yangtze River!"

Ji Ji laughed and said, "Isn't it so? My brother's battalion of two thousand cavalry is more than enough to break ten Mingzhou prefectures!"

"These two don't know. Now that the court's eyes are fixed on He Dong Tian Hu, my brother is going to prepare a big business. At this time, breaking Mingzhou's tax land, Tian Hu will wake up from his dream, but still Don't accept our favor!" Guo Sheng said with a smile, "It's not that we are short of the two money, let's just leave it alone, there will always be a time to take it! Let's all do what my brother said, let's make a fortune in silence!"

In the past two days, he and Lu Fang have gotten to know Pang Wanchun well, knowing that this guy is cruel to the enemy, but he treats his brother with the word "pro", so he can speak freely.

Sure enough, everyone laughed when they heard the words. After laughing for a while, Pang Wanchun asked Ji Ji why he came. Ji Ji told Wang Lun what to do. Pang Wanchun said: "Then what are you waiting for? I will go to Liangshan with my brothers." !"

Everyone split up, Pang Wanchun went back to pack his clothes, Lu Fang went to gather the brothers from the guard camp, Guo Sheng went to invite Huarong to go on the road, after half an hour of busy work, everyone met at the gate, Ji Ji didn't even have time to eat, I personally sent the new and old brothers out of the customs, only to hear Pang Wanchun ask him:

"Brother, I'll come back as soon as I go. You are here alone, so you have to take care of this small village for Dazhai!"

"Brother, don't worry, after you leave, I'll close the door and go to sleep every day. Is the head office okay? A lot of words," Ji Ji joked.

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, and even Huarong made a few jokes, but Pang Wanchun waved his hands and said, "That won't work, we raised the flag of Liangshanbo, that's to attract heroes from the south of the Yangtze River, you can't fall into Liangshan Dazhai And the prestige of our small village in Siming Mountain!"...

"Cheng Chengcheng!" Ji Ji smiled all over his face, and personally sent the army out of the customs.

Unexpectedly, a strange thing happened at this time. I saw a man standing not far away and looking towards the pass. I saw that this man didn't matter anywhere else, except for a pair of arms, which were so thick that they almost reached a pair of ordinary people's calves. up.At this moment, a large group of people came out from the gate, this person just avoided it a little bit, but he still didn't leave.

Among the people staying at Siming Mountain, except for the guest Hua Rong, who respected Pang Wanchun vaguely, he walked up to the man without hesitation, and shouted: "Man, just look at it!" He knew that only fishermen who had been fishing in rivers and lakes all year round had this smell.

The man was not afraid when he saw strong men mobilizing, he just said: "I have heard that this Siming Mountain is occupied by a magic archer called 'Xiao Yangyouji', this man is not afraid of heaven and earth, Fang La recruited him How come the flag of Liangshanpo in Dazhai in the north is suddenly hoisted at this time?"

"You man is quite knowledgeable. My small village in Siming Mountain is the foundation laid by brother Pang Wanchun, and now I have invested in Liangshanpo!" Ji Ji said with a smile: "You man does not look like an ordinary fisherman, why? Why don't you come up with your name? If you are a fellow in the world, I will invite you in for a drink!"

"Ashamed! I, a nameless and hopeless person, how dare I declare my name? Don't get in your way!"

Although the man said so, he didn't move a step. He just looked at the faces of Lu Fang and Guo Sheng. The imposing man will turn his head to look at these two people consciously or unconsciously, obviously he attaches great importance to these two people subconsciously.

Lu Fang saw that this man was quite up for grabs, he felt amused in his heart, thought for a while, took a step forward and said:

"Xiao Ke is the personal leader of the leader of the Liangshan Po Lord. His surname is Lu and his name is Fang. If you are really a hero in the Jianghu, no matter whether you are famous or not, as long as you have a heart for Liangshan Juyi, Xiao Ke is willing to recommend you in front of the village owner!"

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