Water Margin Survival

Chapter 542 There is a thunder on the flat ground, and there are waves in Liangshan

Is this the underworld? !

Wu Yong woke up faintly, and found that the surroundings were pitch black, eerily quiet, and could not hear any sound at all, and suddenly panicked.

"Why don't you even kill Song Jiang, but kill me!" Wu Yong's first reaction after "death" was extremely aggrieved. He had imagined Wang Lun's countless reactions after he learned the truth, but he only estimated the final reaction. The impossible killing to silence has become a reality.

"I, Wu Yong, have never met a convincing and wise master in my life. Who would have thought that just after I met him, he chopped off my head, but it was not wronged?"

The words came from the heart, and the words came out unconsciously, who would have thought that Wu would startle himself with this action, how can a person still talk after death?When he was panicking, he only heard a "squeak", like the sound of the door of the sun room being pushed open, and then a ray of light shone in, piercing him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

"Looks like he woke up early!"

Even Wu Yong could recognize the voice of the speaker, it was not Yan Jun but Wang Jun.

"I'm not dead!?" The voice stirred in Wu Yong's heart, resisting the discomfort, Wu Yong opened his eyes and looked towards the bright place, only to see two familiar faces in his line of sight, and suddenly said excitedly : "Boss Wang, I knew you were not the one to kill and silence!" "You are half right, although I am not the one to kill and silence, but there are people who use ghosts and gods to interfere in my affairs and mess up my plans, and so do I." You won’t be soft! Wu Yong, I didn’t kill you at this time, it’s not that you shouldn’t die, but that you shouldn’t die whole. At this time, the three of us are on the six sides, and I’ll give you a chance to speak!”

At this time, Wang Lun and Xu Guanzhong withdrew from the wine table ahead of time. First, the battle was imminent, and they wanted to make the brothers feel at ease, so that they could have a drink. Second, they wanted to see if Wu Yong, who had fainted from fright, woke up. It's time to make it clear to my face.

After Wang Lun finished speaking, he picked up a chair and sat down.After Xu Guanzhong arranged the lights, he stood behind Wang Lun and looked at Wu Yong coldly.

"Xiaosheng was wrong, really wrong! But Xiaosheng is really thinking about the leader of the king! I hate that even Tian Hu, who is overbearing, dares to use the destiny to confuse the world. How can the majestic Liangshanbo fall into the hands of such a mediocre person?" Behind? Leader Wang, Brother Wang Lun, I, Wu Yong, did not have the slightest selfish intentions to pull off this miracle! You can see that the inscription is full of words, not to mention that Xiaosheng has put in all his heart and soul!"

Wu Yong knew that this was the last chance Wang Lun gave him.How could he dare to sell again, as straight as a bamboo tube pouring beans, he revealed all the details: "From top to bottom, the entire ranking is arranged according to the ready-made defenses, horses, infantry, and navy in Liangshan Po. Behind the coach is the infantry. Lu Tijutsu of the army, followed by Lu Yuanwai of the horse army, and Li Jun of the navy army behind Lu Tijutsu, one chain after another, and this cycle is endless. And the other leaders of the four armies. It is like a flower arrangement, inserted in the middle of this ring. After the leader of the Fourth Army is the world-famous Little Xuanfeng Chai Jin. This Chai official has a kindness to the king. I dare not rank him second, as the saying goes. It is very hopeful to look at the second and the first, only a few loyal and unpretentious military advisers can be ranked behind the king's leader! I always think about my brother. I dare not hide the slightest selfishness, even if the three heroes of the Ruan family are my old friends, I don't dare to sell this. I put them behind Li Jun because Xiaosheng tried his best to figure out the heart of the king! Otherwise, when Liang Shanbo was selected to travel overseas, why did he leave the Ruan brothers at home and send them Such a person who just went up the mountain?"

Wu Yong swallowed back a mouthful of saliva, and with this breath, he simply expressed his thoughts thoroughly:

"Some leaders who go up the mountain first are not as good as those who go up the mountain later. That's because the villain is taking care of the king. The most obvious thing is that the leader is the king's confidant, and his status in Liangshan is far better than that of the later. Sun An and Bian Xiang, but the hero is a man who doesn't care about his status. If he is placed in the back, not only will he not have any opinions, but Sun An and Bian Xiang will be convinced, grateful for the destiny, and loyal to their elder brother! Jiuzhilong entered the mountain very early, and he could have entered Tiangang and squeezed out Ma Xie, but in this way, people will inevitably think that God's will is unfair. After all, it is well known that Ma Xiong's methods are superior to his, let alone the leader of the king. It is Wang Jin who is the most important coach, already in a high position, this apprentice will not have any other ideas... Xiaosheng's starting point for everything is for his brother's consideration, for the great plan of Liangshan harmony!"...

When Wu Yong said this, he was so wronged that he howled and burst into tears. He burst into tears and continued to say:

"Little Li Guanghuarong is brother Wang Lun's confidant, but he just recognizes Song Jiang as his eldest brother. Although he cut his robes with Song Jiang this time, Xiaosheng is afraid that he has other thoughts in his heart, so he just uses the destiny to make him recognize the reality. He is the only one on the list in the entire Erlong Mountain, even...not even the younger brother dares to list his name on the list, coercing...coercing my elder brother to kill me..."

"In addition, the younger brother... also intentionally exposed a few flaws, and did not write the name of that thunderbolt Lei Lingzhen. He is an honest man, and he definitely dare not argue about the merits. There are a few people who should not be on the list but are on the list In order not to let them be in Cao Ying, the heart is in the Han, the younger brother will not do anything, and use his own life as a gamble, so that people in the world will not mistakenly think that the king is pretending to be the destiny, and it is all for the sake of setting aside elder brother's relationship!"

After Wu Yong finished speaking, he fell to the ground, still muttering in his mouth: "This list has devoted all my efforts and concerns to the younger brother. If any leader thinks that his ranking is low, let him count down the list." Let's see who he can squeeze out of the same military and department in front of him! Of course... If the leader of the horse army wants to compare with the leader of the navy and infantry, the villain will have nothing to say! But I dare It is said that it is the elder brother who ranks this list, compared with the villain's list, it is definitely the same! Because, because I am all public!"

Wu used this unscrupulous yelling, which made his mind agitated, and he was already a little insane, and he actually groaned bitterly: "Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say what I want..."

"So when you were in trouble, did I ask you if I wanted to thank you!"

When Wu Yong spoke, Wang Lun never said a word.Seeing him like this at this time, as if he had suffered endless grievances, he was really sad, and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Xiaosheng knew it was wrong, it was really wrong!" Wu Yong regretted immediately, if his hands and feet were not bound at this time, he might have to kowtow again to confess his guilt.

"Wu Yong, don't tell lies in front of a real person. You avoid the important and light, no matter how much you say, it is of no use! You are an outsider, and you do things that are not in line with your own status. No matter how hard you do it, it is a mistake! I miss you bold, Under the guise of destiny, you are not a fool to meddle in my Liangshan personnel affairs, you should know the consequences! What are you trying to do by doing this?" Xu Guanzhong shouted.

Wu Yong fell to the ground at this time.His face was pressed against the cold floor, looking at the condescending Xu Guanzhong standing next to his enlightened master, the man sitting firmly on the top chair looked disgusted at himself again, and endless sadness arose in his heart, thinking that he had already died After walking through the gate of hell, there is still nothing to say right now, so I said sadly:

"Wu Yong is no more talented than a petty official, nor is his life more valuable than a petty official. He can only live in the village school all his life. He lives by teaching urchins, and finally meets Chao Baozheng and guides him. Wu Yong is not endless. Heart strength. But he is a leader who cannot be supported, and the ability of Xiaosheng is completely incapable of displaying. I think that as soon as a small official comes out of the rivers and lakes, he will meet a wise master like the king. How can you understand the sorrow of people like me? and why?"

Man is about to die.His words are also good.Although Wu Yong did not die, he also walked through the gate of hell, and the words he said were still contagious.Although Xu Guanzhong didn't say a word at this time, he subconsciously glanced at Wang Lun.

"Everyone in this world has nobles, petty officials, Chao Baozheng, Hua Zhizhai, and even the red-haired ghost Liu Tang, all have nobles to help! But I, Wu Yong, have a long way to go. Back then, Song Jiang wanted to win me over. If there is no such person as the leader of the king, Song Jiang is a person who can rely on him, but the leader of the king turned out to be born. How can someone like Song Jiang have a bright future in Song Lulin? I, Wu Yong, left Baozheng and voted for him. Put on the hat of betraying the Lord and seeking glory, and you will inevitably end up in misery in the future!"...

"What are you talking about! You keep saying that your brother is the master of the Ming Dynasty. If that's the case, didn't you go to Liangshan with Chao Baozheng now? Besides, you have done a great job in saving Chao Baozheng this time, and your brother will definitely reward you for your merit. Why don't you let him join you?" Lord? Say it yourself, do you speak well?" Xu Guanzhong frowned.

"Now that the matter is up to now, there is nothing to hide! Chief Wang, you may not like to hear what I say next, but at this moment, I suddenly want to say something. I wonder if Xiaosheng can say it..." Wu With a miserable laugh, he looked at Wang Lun and begged.

"Say it! As long as it's the truth, there's nothing you like to hear or not!" Wang Lun interrupted Wu Yongdao without the slightest hesitation.He is very clear about the scheming of Zhi Duoxing in front of him. What he said before can only be called "truth" in a hurry, but it is far from what is in his heart.

"Thank you, Chief Wang! I know you don't like me. Xiaosheng felt it when we met for the first time in Xixi Village. Later, a series of things happened by accident, and finally asked Chief Wang to look at me. There is a little use, but this is only temporary. I keep Chao Baozheng safe, and my mission is over. As the saying goes: The cunning rabbit dies, and the lackey cooks. Without Song Jiang, I, Wu, will use Liangshan in the future and enjoy There is no more glory than Du Qian, Song Wan and others. Following the honest man Chao Baozheng, watching your leader dominate the situation, and always being excluded from your core group of people. On such days, I am a village scholar, and I am sincerely grateful, but not rare! "

Speaking of this, his expression changed, his eyes became hot, staring at the jumping candles, Wu Yong's tone became hasty:

"On Liangshanbo, you are no better than Wen Huanzhang to govern the state and caress the people, no better than Xiao Jiasui to be both civil and military, and no better to strategize and win thousands of miles than Xu Guanzhong, but the only thing missing is Chen Ping, who doesn't care about fame but wants to do things. I, Wu Yong, though It's not surprising, but other than these three, even Zhu Wu and Gongsun Sheng are not as good as me!"

"You want to be my Chen Ping!?"

Wang Lun completely understood what Wu's plan was for this fight. He helped Chao Gai with all his heart in Erlong Mountain, including creating this superfluous farce, all of which came from such a dumbfounding idea.

Just watching the scene where Wu Yong made his own rhetoric so exciting, Wang Lun felt a little bored again, so he asked him: "Have you ever thought that the jade seal was actually given to Tian by me?" Tiger!"

Hearing this shocking news from Wang Lun's mouth, Wu Yong was stunned for a moment. The rising flame in his chest was suddenly frozen by the cold air from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly realized that he had done something stupid. It's like a golfer risking his life and money to finally get Cuju into the goal, but suddenly finds that the goal is his own. (.)

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