Water Margin Survival

Chapter 554 Beheading

No matter how the Liangshan army controls the news, after all, Licheng Port is only 22 miles away from Kaijing, the capital of Koryo, and the small court of Koryo still heard a little bit of news, and dispatched troops from the city and six Ji counties overnight (originally Seven, Licheng Port was occupied by forces of unknown origin), gathered 6000 Baosheng troops (infantry troops) from the Eight Guards of the capital, and thirteen leaders of the Jingyong Army (Ma Jun), and opened the eight guards of the capital. The highest Yingyang army (first leader), with a total of [-] troops, came to Lichenggang in mighty force.

Combined with the previous intelligence, it is definitely not the strength that the internal rebels can possess to make the three elite cavalry go away forever and win Licheng Port in one fell swoop.So there are nothing more than the two great powers of Song and Liao, as well as the newly rising Jin people.

However, Liao and Jin had almost no naval divisions. Although the Song Dynasty had the strength to recruit civilian ships across the sea on a large scale, they definitely had no motive to attack themselves.As the saying goes, "Kick the coffin, and the dead will know it in their stomachs!", Gao Liguo knows who he has offended recently, and he knows very well.In the end, the enemy was locked by the Koreans on the group of unknown forces occupying Tamna Island.

This group of pirates was a force that should not be underestimated. They almost wiped out the entire army of the Goryeo Navy, so the King of Goryeo Fan had no choice but to go to the Song Dynasty to ask for a reward for the warship.However, judging from the current situation, the envoys of this country may be in danger.This group of people is so familiar with the internal affairs of Goryeo that they put the army at the door of their hometown. This kind of naked threat made the king furious. Li Ziqian launched an attack, saying that the envoy sent to the Song State was suspected of defecting to the enemy. It turned out that the envoy was Li Ziliang, Li Ziqian's younger brother.

Who is Li Ziqian? He is the flag-bearer of the generation of the Li family in Incheon. Several daughters of the Li family were married to the kings of the Goryeo dynasty. At this time, the scenery is so beautiful, how can you easily admit it in the face of trouble?Right above the court hall, they attacked each other with Han Anren.

Han Anren is a close minister of the King of Koryo, who was raised from the local area. He was specially used to check and balance the power of his relatives. There are not many wise and powerful masters, but the founding ancestor of Goryeo was blown into the sky, and after his death, he still left a mess. It didn't take long for his children and grandchildren to suffer from the power and wealth, not to mention his No.15 generation successor?

So there was a lot of contention in the court, but in the end no one was able to lift the table, and an agreement was finally reached to get rid of foreign troubles first, so the martial arts class leader made his debut, and gathered [-]% of the elite from inside and outside Kaijing, all of them came to Li Chenggang.

It is said that this group of people killed to the outside of Licheng Port, only to hear the report from Tanqi, saying that all the gates of Licheng Port have been sealed, and only the east gate can enter and leave. If you want to fight, but you are timid, our army will attack the east gate, why not!"

Everyone from the left and the right said what the general said was true, only to hear the squad leader added: "Send more sentry cavalry to monitor other movements!"

After hearing the news, the soldiers went away, and saw that the army continued to advance. They did not meet a single soldier on the road, and the Korean soldiers became more and more contemptuous. Among them, several generals of the guards whispered, which seemed to mock the left and right guards who were wiped out in a battle. He is the head of the six guards in the Koryo Jing Army except for the Yingyang Army and the Dragon and Tiger Army. Feeling angry.

Let’s say that Goryeo’s [-] troops approached the city, but there was not a single person on the city, not even a flag. The leader of the Koryo squad looked at the strange situation in front of him, held his beard and pondered, and saw the generals of the left and right guards took the initiative to invite Ying and said: "Squad leader, this general I would like to lead the soldiers and seize the city first, so as to rectify the name of my left and right guards!"

Seeing that he took the initiative to ask for a fight, the leader said: "That's fine! But since these bandits can swallow my three thousand cavalry in one fell swoop, they must have their abilities. General, don't underestimate the enemy!"

The generals of the left and right guards heard the words and bowed to accept the order. When they returned, they assembled the archers under their command and ordered them to cover and shoot at the city wall. After entering the position, he shot the arrow in his hand directly towards the city. After shooting for a long time, his arms became numb and unbearable, but there was still no movement on the city tower and the city wall. The army, the ants attached to the city.

At this time, the Koryo soldiers and the general were in the same mind, thinking that this was a section of unguarded city wall, and the shouts of killing were so loud that they all scrambled to pick up this fat leak.I saw a series of ladders on the city wall, and countless Korean soldiers climbed up one by one.

Unexpectedly, just when the victory was in sight, the situation suddenly changed. Suddenly, countless big men appeared on the city wall, holding strange weapons in their hands, looking at the ladder and shooting. Before he had time to snort, he stumbled and fell off the ladder, causing the people behind him to stagger. More people just felt a pain in their bodies, and they died before they could see their opponents clearly. This time I feel so regretful that my intestines are green.

"Slow down, slow down, slow down the pace, you are so fierce, what should you do if you scare these guys away!" Shi Yong, the deputy general of the Second Battalion of the Infantry Army, kept emphasizing from behind, "You can't be too much, you must Give them a little hope, what if they see that the city can't be defeated, and they all retreat? We can't make a one-shot deal!"

Everyone wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, but the rhythm of the rounds of shooting could not help slowing down a bit, but the power of the God Arm bow is there, such a short distance, one arrow can pierce two or three people, if the arrow is not too short , I don’t know how many more meat skewers will be produced under the city.

"Suppressed by archers!" General Goryeo at the base of the city almost yelled out his throat. Under the devastating blow from the crossbow on the tower, he gathered a lot of archers to fight back, but immediately they became the priority targets of the guards. At this time, Shi Yong's teaching suddenly became ineffective, and the crossbowmen no longer showed mercy, and one after another quickened their pace, desperately shooting at the archers on the flat ground below the city.

"Team leader, it's really... really the Song army! With so many god-armed bows, which country can get them apart from the Song Dynasty?" General Left and Right Guards wanted to cry, looking at the master general, and cried, "Leader, please hurry up!" Quickly send archers to support, or our left and right guards will be wiped out!"

The Koryo soldiers who rushed up the city wall like a tide retreated back like a tide, leaving the corpses of their comrades all the way. Many of them were not hit by arrows, so they could only drag their heavy bodies and climb back on the ground. Sometimes, no one is willing to stop and give his comrades a hand, because stopping is undoubtedly a death sentence for him. The Koreans who collapsed in front of the god's arm and bow all fled to the front of the army crying for their fathers and mothers. For them, the distance of hundreds of feet is the distance between life and death.

The purgatory-like scene in front of me stunned the other Koryo soldiers who were still watching the battle from a safe distance. These elite Koryo Beijing soldiers, who had been at peace for a long time, finally saw what is called the world's strongest single-soldier long-range weapon. Wei's generals opened their mouths so wide that they could swallow a fist whole. Some of the generals who were the first to wake up were admonishing the leader that they must not send archers to support them.

The reason is very cruel and intuitive, that is, the distance of the bow and arrow cannot reach the murderous weapon in the opponent's hand no matter what, and sending people up will definitely not do anything. Fold in.

"Shoot the farthest one, let's shoot the bastard who runs first!" Shi Yong shouted as he ran along the city wall and bumped into a strong man. It was too late to apologize, so he turned around and left, still shouting hoarsely at the top of his voice.

Although the regulations on how to select shooting targets in the melee have been written into the rules, he is still worried that some people will forget the regulations because they are so red-eyed at this time. After all, the eyes are full of vivid targets at this time. Once people are excited, it is easy to get carried away .

The cruelty of the battlefield seems to extend the time greatly. In such a short time of advancing and retreating, from the perspective of both the attacker and the defender, there is an illusion that the days are getting older, and finally the blood is soaked into the dark black land. , the horrific corpses in different shapes and the painful screams of the soldiers who were not completely dead, called the four generals in the Goryeo army, and the five generals were stupefied, lost their souls, and no one could say a word for a long time Come.

This is a whole ten-leading infantry. In the blink of an eye, except for four hundred broken soldiers who were neither human nor ghostly, most of them became the souls of Song people. The tactics are really terrible!

"Dongyi in the city listens, and has said since ancient times: Two armies confront each other, and there is no selfish enmity! My heavenly dynasty has the virtue of being good at life, and I graciously allow you to take in the wounded soldiers, and I will never shoot you in the back! If you are not convinced, just clean up the battlefield again Do it again, you are a coward!"

Shi Yong's loud voice finally came into play at this moment. After all, whether it was the Xie brothers, Chen Da, or Yang Chun, they couldn't compare to his throat.Jiang Zhipeng's voice was comparable to his, but his status was lowered by a notch, so it was not his turn to speak out. Of course, the words were uttered in Song dialect, and he believed that someone in the group could understand them. .

"Of course we can't stop you from being cowards, but you guys listen carefully, Wang Jian's former residence is in good condition at this time, and we haven't demolished it. If you escape, go back and explain to your king yourself!"

He is worthy of being the head of the Koryo military officials, but he can understand Shi Yong's accent of the Daming Mansion. Hearing this, he feels that he is riding a tiger. It is obvious that the people of Song Dynasty want to blame him for destroying the former residence of Taizu. It would be strange if he didn't blame himself. Faced with such a situation, he only felt extremely difficult. After a long silence, he finally uttered four words: "Push the catapult!"

The left and right were shocked when they heard the words, and they all persuaded: "Team leader, think twice! The etiquette is no better than others, but it is my founding ancestor..."



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