Water Margin Survival

Chapter 561 Beheading

It has to be said that the officials of Korea are still very conscientious.

As the de facto leader of the Privy Council of Korea, Li Zide was the cousin of the most powerful official in Korea. ex conductor.Not to mention how high his command level is, but this attitude alone is probably enough to make Wang Yu burst into tears and call him a good minister.

Sergeant Wang, who received the order to defend the upper city, stepped up the city one by one in a hurry, and passed by this group of high-ranking officials of the Privy Council.However, this was not the time to show off, so Li Zide told his officials to put them on the left side of the horse path, leaving the main road for the soldiers to ascend the city.

Amidst the chaotic footsteps, Li Zide suddenly noticed something abnormal, looked around solemnly and said, "Why did the sound of gongs and drums in the Song Army camp stop?"

The left and right officials are not roundworms in the belly of Song people, so naturally they can't answer the boss's questions.Someone tried to ask: "Could it be that the people of Song Dynasty have seen the towering city and the majestic soldiers of my capital, and they don't even have the patience to bluff?"

Some people made a start, and of course there were a lot of compliments, and they all expressed their opinions on Song Jun's reaction of besieging and not attacking.It turned out that although the Song army did not attack the city in the past two days, they beat gongs and drums in the camp all day long, making a lot of noise.The Koreans, who are extremely adaptable in their bones, have changed from being unsuitable at the beginning to being accustomed to it now.

At this time, the sound of gongs and drums from the Song people stopped, not to mention the confusion of Li Zide and other senior officials, even the defenders on the city were also unaccustomed, and many curious defenders looked down the city one after another.

This look.Then I saw something unusual.

The originally low-key Song people are even more low-key now.Not only did the blustering drums stop, but the gates of the village were also closed tightly. The Song cavalry gathered from the south and north did not enter the village, but went west. Brave and unparalleled.It's a pity that there is no goal in the direction of their charge?The only explanation is that the Song army couldn't stand it seeing that there was no hope of attacking the city.to escape.

"Shangzhu Kingdom!" "My lord!" Seeing that Li Zide followed the reinforcements into the city, the generals stepped forward to salute. Looking from a distance on the city wall, after a while, he really couldn't see anything, so he breathed a sigh of relief and turned around.Pulling the only remaining General of the Dragon and Tiger Army out of the Eight Guards, he came to the side and secretly instructed him on the matter that Li Ziqian had entrusted to him just now.

"If the people of Song Dynasty want to withdraw their troops, it will undoubtedly be good news for the king. It's just that my brother was detained by them, and his life and death are still uncertain. The grand master's intention is to arrest a powerful general in their hands. Force the people of Song Dynasty to replace him! In this way, only the soldiers of the Dragon and Tiger Army are the most elite soldiers in the city, so I ask General Jin to help you with this favor!"

General Jin, who was over fifty this year, reversed his excitement just now, and his happy old face suddenly turned into mourning and embarrassment.He could only hear him complaining: "The people of Song Dynasty are withdrawing their troops, and they will not fall when the tiger dies. They have tens of thousands of cavalry there, and the last general here is only [-] soldiers. How can they take advantage of them..."

Li Zide didn't get angry when he heard the words, and he didn't try to force him, but just lured him: "This time, the leader of the martial arts class died in battle. The vacancy can't be too long. The grand master is very optimistic about the general, and I hope that General Jin will take care of himself!"

The generals did not dare to approach and disturb, but just watched from a distance, witnessing the long process of the General of the Dragon and Tiger Army from panic to excitement.I don't know what kind of chicken blood Li Zide gave General Jin, but the general who was over fifty years old walked over with great vigor, and immediately said:

"This is the capital of my Koryo country. It's not a vegetable garden where anyone can come and go whenever they want. The generals of the Dragon and Tiger Army obey orders. When the Song army pulls out their camp, they will all follow this general..."

Unexpectedly, General Jin's rhetoric hadn't finished yet, but hundreds of soldiers on one side of the city wall were clamoring, pointing to the houses outside the city that had already escaped, and shouting: "When did this group of Song people hide in? Him, shoot him!"

Li Zide frowned and looked in the direction the soldiers were pointing at. Sure enough, he saw dozens of unarmored Song people coming out of the houses and running away outside the city. They just watched from a distance for a while, feeling uninterested, and then signaled General Jin to continue.

General Jin nodded and was about to speak, but all of a sudden, he felt a surge of divine power from his feet and sent him upwards, and he felt as if he was riding a cloud.Unexpectedly, everyone suddenly changed. Including Li Zide, several generals and ministers near the outer city tower couldn't stand upright, and they were instantly confused. Li Zide was the worst. He leaned against the outer wall and was closest. The stringed kite was sent out of the city tower by a strong force, and the whole body fell freely, and fell straight into the urn.

Seeing this astonishing scene, General Jin's heart jumped into his throat. While he was still worrying about Li Zide's safety, he suddenly gave birth from the ground with a loud noise that he had never heard when he was beaten out of his mother's womb. The general felt his eyes go dark, and suddenly lost consciousness.

"What sound!" Li Ziqian, who was halfway on the way, was startled by the loud noise behind him. He was just about to call the driver to stop, but the driver's distraught trill had already reached his ears: "Teacher sit down!" Steady, the horses are crazy!"

Li Ziqian's reaction was not slow, and he quickly grabbed what he could to stabilize his body, but at this time, this beautifully decorated carriage was not just a mad horse. Li Ziqian still got hit with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his nose bleeds profusely.

Fortunately, Li Ziqian's coachman was not an idler. Seeing that he had lost his balance, he still did not give up the idea of ​​bringing the carriage back to a stable position. At this time, Li Ziqian's left and right guards were fighting with the frightened mount. No one could come to help him. The coachman was at his wit's end. He kept on doing nothing, regardless of the life and death of passers-by. Separated and sent to the shops on the street by inertia.

Li Ziqian, who was in a panic, turned out of the carriage, and he didn't care about the driver's life, just like all the people on the street who didn't know what happened.They all hurriedly looked in the direction of Xuanyi Gate.I saw a huge mushroom cloud rising suddenly in the sky, filled with gunpowder smoke for a while, gradually blurring the vision, at this time a heat wave full of burnt smell came quickly along the street, making it difficult to breathe for a while.What followed were all kinds of masonry fragments mixed in the smoke and dust, smashing into the signboard wooden walls of the shops along the street.

At this time, the guards who recovered their strength saw that the flying sand and rocks were coming too violently, and hurriedly protected Li Ziqian and rushed to the houses along the street to take refuge.Although this place is more than three miles away from Xuanyi Gate.But if the mortal body is hit by these bricks, nine out of ten will either die or be injured.

"Zide!" Li Ziqian yelled like crazy, his feet were limp, and he was about to sit on the ground. The guards quickly supported him, and Li Ziqian lost his composure and shouted: "Go, everyone, go and investigate!"

The guards looked at each other and waited until the flying sand and rocks on the street subsided a little.Some people took the lead and ran towards the city gate. At first, there were many Koreans who didn't know their interests and they ran towards the loud noise, but along the way, more and more panic-stricken people fled desperately, and the atmosphere of panic spread quickly. Seeing other people who were at a loss, they quickly turned around and ran wildly without purpose.

The guards saw a chaotic crowd on the street.It may be difficult to go to Xuanyi Gate.Fortunately, there were many Korean soldiers in the crowd, and the guards stopped a rout soldier from among them, and asked him about the situation of the noise, only to see the man lost his mind and said:

"It's miserable! It's too miserable! The city walls...the city walls are all collapsed, collapsed, and there are hundreds of dragon and tiger troops. If you say no, they will be gone! Song Army... Song Army is about to come in, run...run! !"

The guards looked at each other and couldn't hide the fear in their hearts. At this time, an officer was still thinking brightly, and asked Li Zide's whereabouts urgently.The rout soldier didn't know the details, and cried: "The villain only saw that the city wall next to the tower has collapsed. The tower and the tower are still there. They are all on the tower in Shangzhu Kingdom. They should still be alive, right?"

This man was about to run away after speaking, but he was caught by Li Ziqian's guards and dragged towards the master.

Li Ziqian, who had just stopped his nosebleed, couldn't hold back anymore after listening to this man's cry, and cried, "Goryeo's death is not due to the war!"

Until now, he still stubbornly refuses to believe that the collapse of the city wall has any necessary connection with the people of Song Dynasty, because in this world, it is impossible for any country to master such a terrifying power to destroy the city like tearing apart paper.Even the Song people who have always been ingenious and ingenious are absolutely impossible!

After a burst of hysteria, Li Ziqian suddenly came to his senses, slapped the defeated soldier hard on the face, and cursed: "When the Song army enters the city, you will all die! Send me an order, order all the troops in the city to go Assemble at Xuanyimen, we must not let Song people enter the city! Remember, it is all the garrisons!"

Hearing the words, the left and right didn't dare to ask, so they hurriedly sent an order. Li Ziqian glanced in the direction of Xuanyi Gate bitterly, and said to the guards around him: "Gather the remaining slaves in the mansion, go to Xuanren Gate, and protect me out of the city!"

The broken soldier was still being captured by the guards. When he met the prime minister in front of him, he said one thing and did another, and said at a loss: "Grand Master, you can't leave us behind!"

Li Ziqian forgot that there was this one extra person beside him, so he pulled out the knife abruptly, and the white knife went in and the red knife came out, causing a hole in the rout soldier's stomach, and the rout soldier fell to the ground, pressing the knife with one hand. Stirring his stomach, he pointed at Li Ziqian and said, "You...you can run, but we can't..."

At this time, not to mention the great commotion on the street, even Wang Yu in the royal city heard the movement, his heart sank for no reason, and he hurriedly ordered the guards to go out of the royal city to find out the truth. At this time, a group of civil officials headed by Han Anren were outside the royal city Seeking to see them, Wang Yu urgently ordered them to enter the hall to see them.

As soon as the monarch and ministers met, they didn't bother to hold their heads and cry. They saw Han Anren and others telling the king about the tragic news of the collapse of the city wall next to Xuanyi Gate. Upon hearing the news, Wang Yu sat paralyzed on the throne and murmured: : "I will die in the sky, and I will die in the sky!"

In the end it was Weng and his son-in-law, Wang Yu and Li Ziqian had the same reaction, but he connected the catastrophe with the defeat of the eight guards a few days ago, and he decided in his heart that it was definitely written by the people of Song Dynasty. All the courage in the body wrapped under him disappeared: because the Song people had such ability, even if he fled to any city or place in Koryo, he would not be able to stop the Song people's soldiers.

But in his despair, how did he know that the various gunpowder raw materials collected by Liang Shanbo for a year were exhausted in these two big explosions.

"Your Majesty, the soldiers of Song Dynasty have already started to rob Xuanyi Gate!" The news from the officials made Wang Yu collapse directly under the throne. In a moment of desperation, he rushed to the doctor and shouted: "Go quickly!" Please help Daliao!"

At this time, Han Anren's face was worse than crying, and he knelt down and said: "Daliao is far away in the sky, how can we get rid of the fire? Your Majesty, if we don't leave, we won't be able to leave!"

"Go, where are you going? Lord Han, the people of Song Dynasty have cavalry guarding the gates of the other 21 cities besides Xuanyimen! In this chaotic army, there is no distinction between high and low. If you encounter a group of stunned youths, the king will be in danger It is more important to send envoys to make peace! Could it be that the commander of the Song Dynasty dared to openly kill me, the king of Koryo?"

At this time, several civil servants came out to persuade them. These few were Han Anren's confidantes, so there was no question of their position. Han Anren could now face up to their remonstrance, and bowed his head in thought.

"Close the door, close the king's city quickly! Quickly welcome hundreds of officials into the city, and elect those who can speak well. The lonely king, the lonely king wants to make peace with the Song Dynasty! The lonely king is willing to sever relations with the Liao Kingdom, cut off... all contacts, and re-offer Song Guo is the suzerain, and there will be no second thoughts from now on! Jurchen...Jin Guo and the others will contact if they want to contact, and Gu allows their envoys to go through Koryo! Then...then Tamra...Tamra Kingdom allows Da Song to restore the country for him, we Goryeo dare not have any thoughts!"

These words were the last bottom line in Wang Yu's heart. He usually kept his secrets secret, but now he blurted them out easily, which shows that people still have to be forced. (to be continued~^~)

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