The city of Kaijing under the night has faded away from the hustle and bustle of the day and returned to tranquility.At this time, most of the residents in the city did not know what kind of tomorrow this Song armed forces would bring them.

The tragic scene of the Liao army entering the city more than 80 years ago still left a scale and claws in the word of mouth of the older generation, but it was enough to make the people in the city shudder, fearing in the supposedly peaceful summer dream .

Occasionally, the sound of galloping fast horses from far to near indirectly disturbed the tense heartstrings of Kaijing residents. Fortunately, all of this was just their imagination, and not a single soldier of the Song Dynasty broke into the door throughout the night. And entered, revealing a ferocious face.The extremely long night driven by fear finally passed away in exhaustion.

"Hoo ho ho..."

The BMW under Tang Bin's crotch galloped for a while, and finally came under the royal city. The soldiers guarding the gate hurriedly stepped forward to lead the horse. Tang Bin asked Wang Lun if he had rested. Everyone shook their heads, and one leader said: "How can brother sleep? The leaders of the battalions came to discuss matters one after another. General Hao just left, and General Yang arrived again. I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep tonight!"

Tang Bin had already arrived at the door. Hearing that Yang Zhi had just arrived, he was not in a hurry to go in. He just said, "We detain all the surrendered soldiers here. You must not be sloppy!"

"General Tang, don't worry, brother and the others are absolutely safe! There are several palace walls inside and outside, and General Qin and General Huang are taking turns guarding! Besides, since we broke down the door until now, we have only fed these guys a poor meal, and now it's just Hanging their lives, how can they have the strength to make trouble?" The guards all laughed.

Tang Bin couldn't help laughing out loud.Said: "Which brother came up with the idea. It's just too bad!"

"There is no way to damage or not, but it works!" The guards laughed, "Let alone 7 to [-] pigs, it is [-] to [-] pigs. If there is a mess, it will be enough for us to keep busy, isn't it? Besides, the Chinese Army and Huitian Both the Battalion and the Shenji Battalion are here, something went wrong. We can't afford to put our heads on it!"

"Don't cover up! After talking for a long time, you just refuse to say who's idea!" Tang Bin pointed to a little leader of the personal guard camp and smiled, "I knew it was Han Shizhong who couldn't escape!"

The little boss suddenly looked at Tang Bin with an expression of "you know you still ask", only to see Tang Bin waved his hand, laughed and left.

Not long after, Tang Bin came to Wang Lun's temporary central army hall, and saw that the inside was brightly lit, crowded and busy.Tang Bin asked his relatives to wait outside, and entered alone with his hands behind his back.After looking around for a long time, Wang Lun was not found. After asking a small boss, he found out that Wang Lun and others were inside to listen to Yang Zhi's report.

"Brother. This time we are miserable!"

Tang Bin's words.This caused Wang Lun and the others to turn their heads, but Yang Zhi looked back at Tang Bin and said dissatisfiedly, "You're a granary guard, what's the military emergency?"

Tang Bin laughed, and said: "I am in charge of the granary, and you are in charge of the money storehouse. Tell me first, I'm not in a hurry! But I want to say something first, so that my brother and everyone are not in a hurry. The grain in the warehouse of the Korean people is fast. It’s piled up to the sky, my little brother probably won’t be able to transport it away in a short time!”

Everyone let out a sigh of relief.I thought it was some news, but it turned out that there were too many seizures!But no matter how much food there is, can it be more than Yang Zhi who came to report the situation before him?You must know that his task is to seize the Goryeo treasuries, and the money and goods accumulated there are the surplus of the Goryeo people for nearly a hundred years. Just thinking about it makes people excited.

At this time, Wang Lun poured a glass of water himself, handed it to Tang Bin, and said, "Take a rest first, and listen to envoy Yang Zhi finish!"

Seeing that it was time to talk about business, Yang Zhi looked calmer than Tang Bin at this time, but the excitement in his bones was not much weaker. If you look carefully, you can still find that his hand holding the tea is shaking constantly. The words that come out are trembling:

"My little brother checked out countless gold and silver from Fengxian and other treasuries. After a rough estimate, it is worth about 300 million yuan. Of course, this number will definitely vary, but it will only be more or less. The specific amount, Han Tao The brothers are still being thoroughly counted!"

With a bang, the silver cup in Tang Bin's hand had dropped to the ground. Facing the eyes of everyone, Tang Bin felt that there were thousands of words in his stomach but he couldn't pour them out. He wanted to make everyone happy, but Yang Zhi Zhi's news was even more explosive, and he lost his confidence for a while, and finally only popped out an emotional and concise sentence:

"I didn't seize anything there, only 300 million shi of grain!"

If everyone didn't listen to Yang Zhi's news, they would definitely blame Tang Bin for being hypocritical.However, with 300 million yuan of pearls and jade in front, no amount of 300 million stones of food can't help but be overshadowed.After all, even if one stone of grain sells for two guan, it is only around 600 million guan, which is only a quarter of what Yang Zhi confiscated.

"Okay, good, good! I am about to make a big move in Liangshan, and I am short of money and food to do things. This Korean man will send charcoal in a timely manner. God is helping me in Liangshan!" With a calm demeanor, he said three "good" words in a row.

Even Xu Guanzhong was like this, and the rest of the people couldn't help but whisper to each other, expressing their joy.Even Qiu Xian had a smile on his face, he took the white water in the cup as fine wine and sipped it slowly.

Wang Lun's index finger tapped on the wooden table rhythmically. Although he didn't make a sound at this time, his thoughts were already flying. money place.Although there is a small surplus in the cottage at this time, at the moment when the rebellion is developing rapidly, who would think that they have too much money?What's more, with this money at the bottom, even if he faces a national war in the future, he will have a lot of confidence in his heart.

"Can you sleep on the pile of money?"

Wang Lun got up immediately and asked Yang Zhi a question.Yang Zhi was startled when he heard the words, and then replied in a brisk tone, which is rare: "It must be impossible to sleep! Not only the little brother can't sleep, but the brothers in the little brother's camp can't sleep either!"

"Then work hard and pack all the gold and silver belongings! Didn't Licheng Port leave behind four large ships with [-] materials? You transported them there overnight, and I will ask Han Shizhong to send [-] cavalry for you along the way." Escort!" Wang Lun said. "In this royal palace. Three million gold and silver treasures were also found, and you send them along!"

When transporting gold, silver and other goods, soldiers cannot be surrendered with false hands.This matter can only be handled by one's own people, and it has been delayed for a long time. It is difficult to guarantee that reinforcements from all over Koryo will come to the city. When the time comes, they will find a way to transport the gold and silver out of the city. How can they be as calm as they are now.

"Brother, don't worry! My little brother will do it overnight. I guarantee that there will be no mistakes!"

Yang Zhi was unequivocal, clasped his fists and replied, Wang Lun was able to ask them to search the Koryo treasury, it was a kind of great trust, and now it is a time to test people, this kind of accumulation of meritorious deeds , Yang Zhi can't ask for more, never too much.

"Brother, this time our cottage is entirely dependent on you, so there is no chance of losing it!" Someone in the crowd said a witty remark, which made Yang Zhi's face instantly heat up.I think he is a man with money like dung, Liang Zhongshu's [-] birthday plan was at hand back then, and he never coveted it at all. The only thing he values ​​in this life is the word "fame".Listen to this joke.Yang Zhi suddenly became anxious and insisted on issuing a military order in front of Wang Lun.

"What kind of military order is issued! Don't listen to their nonsense! Brothers are just joking, don't take offense!" Wang Lun comforted the green-faced man with a few words, and then turned to reprimand everyone.Seeing Yang Zhi's reaction, everyone felt that the joke was inappropriate, and they all stood up to apologize to Yang Zhi.

Apart from fame, Yang Zhi is also a person who can afford to let go. He also knows that everyone is used to joking casually, and he no longer takes offense at the moment. He just said to Wang Lun: "The last general will go here. Please also invite General Han to come Join up with the last general in front of the Fengxian treasury next to Guanghua Gate, and the last general will strive to transport the property to the navy and naval ships before dawn!"

"Your minister will not go. I will ask Lu Fang and Guo Sheng to take the brothers and capture them in the palace. I will follow your arrangement!" Wang Lun shook his head.

Because on the stone tablet that Wu Yong made, Han Shizhong's name is higher than that of Yang Zhi, and it is not known who is directing whom.As for sending the brothers from the guard camp to escort him, it's not like Liang Zhongshu didn't trust Yang Zhi. It's more than 2000 million yuan in property. It's good that they can bring all the soldiers and horses of the battalion at once. How can there be room for them? Come on alert?

It is impossible for Yang Zhi, a fine person, not to understand the meaning of Wang Lun's words, so he immediately bowed down and thanked him.

At this time, Qiu Xian had already drawn up the paperwork for leaving the city, and handed it over to Wang Lun. Wang Lun filled in his name, and then handed it over to Yang Zhi. BMW, galloping away with its own soldiers.

Packing boxes and collecting cattle and carriages was busy most of the night. It was not until the fourth watch that Yang Zhi led his people to finish the work. At this time, Lu Fang and Guo Sheng had already arrived. Yang Zhi ordered Han Tao to be in charge of escorting the team. He and Lu and Guo are assigned to lead the team and are responsible for the safety of the whole team.

"It's almost dawn, what's the mission that makes you go out of the city?" Shi Jin stretched his stiff limbs, stepped forward to greet Han Tao and said.Both Chen Da and Yang Chun were transferred to defend the other two main city gates, so he stayed up all night.

Han Tao showed the military order to Shi Jin, and whispered a few words to Shi Jin. Immediately, Shi Jin's eyes widened, and he hurriedly said, "Do you want me to ask the cavalry to escort you?"

"No need, my brother sent a thousand brothers from the guard camp to escort along the way!" Because of Wang Jin's relationship, Han Tao also met Shi Jin, so he immediately declined the kindness of this famous teacher's disciple.

"Then General Han, get out of the city quickly, lest you have long nights and dreams, after all, this is not our territory! Besides, if you have anything, you can report it on a flying horse!"

Shi Jin personally sent Han Tao out of the city, and when he turned around, he asked someone to wake up all the sleeping cavalry brothers, just in case.

Yang Zhi followed the team out of the city with [-] riders, and immediately changed positions with Lu Fang, from the rear of the team to the front of the team. Lu Fang got Wang Lun's orders, and followed Yang Zhi's arrangements all the way. Of course, he had no objection, and led people to guard the back road. went.

Thirty miles away, whether it’s far or close, but Yang Zhi didn’t dare to slack off all the way, so he walked to a position about ten miles away from Licheng Port, and after meeting with the cavalry sent by Yuan Lang Only then did Yang Zhi let out a sigh of relief, but he was a caretaker, so he couldn't bear it, but he turned back and led the team to patrol the back of the convoy.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong along the way. After Lu Fang and Guo Sheng had brought people there for a long time, Yang Zhicai was about to take people away, but when the great achievement was about to be completed, Yang Zhi keenly caught a strange light in the woods, and immediately became vigilant. I pricked up my ears to observe for a while, and there was no other movement except for the sound of wind and grass.

His gut told him there were people in the woods, but not too many.Yang Zhi pretended to be nonchalant, and secretly ordered everyone to keep moving forward at a constant speed and follow his signals.

Besides, this blue-faced beast is also a bold man of high skill. He rode the horse alone, ran for a distance at a moderate pace, then dismounted lightly, and went around from the front to the back.Not long after walking, sure enough, under the moonlight, there were really three people peeping maliciously in the woods. Yang Zhichu was furious, and felt a nameless anger was about to burst out of his chest.

God!Every time I, Yang Zhi, escorted me to deliver something, something would happen, and I would let people live! (to be continued~^~)

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