The vicious fight between Li Ziqian and Han Anren hadn't even started yet, but this Gong so-and-so made his debut, which surprised Wang Lun a bit.But he doesn't mind adding this guy who claims to be the grandson of the former dynasty to make the Korean political scene more lively.

However, giving this person the opportunity to play does not mean that Wang Lun must endorse him, so there are some things that must be said first:

"The emperor of this dynasty has made a decree that Wang Jian's lineage is not allowed to ascend the throne and disrupt the country. If you have the popularity of the people, our army will naturally not interfere!"

Gong was a little disappointed when he heard the words. He fully understood Wang Lun's subtext. If he doesn't interfere, he just doesn't care about it. He has nothing to do with the Song Dynasty. As long as he pays tribute on time, he doesn't just choose Wang Jian's heir. The chance of getting help from Song people is really too small.

Thinking of this, Gong couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. These Song people are really rigid, and they can stay out of the matter completely at this time. Is it more important to support an obedient vassal king than their poor name of benevolence and righteousness?I really don't know what these so-called Holy Dynasty monarchs and ministers think!Could it be that the matter in your Central Plains is the only thing that matters, and the change of the king is out of your sight in this land beyond transformation?

Gong wanted to think about it, but he didn't dare to say it directly, he just hesitated for a while, and said: "I have a great wealth, I dedicate it to the emperor of the Holy Dynasty, and talk about it as a gift to meet you! I don't ask for anything else, but the marshal. Raise your hand high, and you can become a small minister in a trivial matter!"

After getting the opportunity to talk to Song people, Gong has unknowingly stopped calling himself a villain in his words.

"Conditions?" Wang Lun smiled when he said that, after all, only 600 million yuan of property came into the account.At this time, what kind of wealth can dazzle his eyes?At the moment, he said very easily: "If it's your business to be the commander in chief. If you offend the officials, do you think this makes sense?"

"Your servant must never dare!" Hearing this, Gong Mou hurriedly bowed down again, secretly thinking that the other party would not let go if he didn't confide in hard things, and said immediately: "Marshal, please listen to my words, I will not let you down." Dare to make things difficult for the marshal! The little minister has heard that the country is short of horses, and if the marshal brings back [-] good northern horses for your country this time, the monarch of the Shang country will definitely not blame the marshal! And the villain doesn’t want many, It’s just a little false name!”

Ten thousand good horses?Everyone couldn't help being moved when they heard this number. After all, as long as war horses are on a large scale, there is no place to buy them with money. Especially the ten thousand horses, plus the seizures from the previous battle, are enough for Liang Shanbo to expand his army this time. up.At this moment, Xu Guanzhong's expression changed, and he secretly nodded towards Wang Lun.

"What do you want?" Wang Lun nodded slightly.After responding to Xu Guanzhong, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his eye sockets. He hadn't slept all night, and he was indeed a little tired. At this time, he didn't want to make circles with this person anymore, and directly wanted to see the opponent's cards.

"I saw it with my own eyes. Not only did the army of the Holy Dynasty not disturb the people, but they even distributed food to the people in Kaijing City. The villain dared to ask the marshal, can he put this false name on the villain's head..." Gong observed cautiously Wang Lun's face said, "After all, it's not very useful for Shangguo to have such a reputation, isn't it?"

"No!" Wang Lun flatly refused.This man's eyesight is considered poisonous, and he actually wanted to get a share of his grand plan to appease the people. He was simply tired of his work, and immediately said: "The heavenly soldiers' crusade against Wudao, although it is in harmony with the way of heaven, still inevitably disturbed the residents of the city. These actions It's all the Long En that my holy court emperor appeases the people of the vassal. How can you covet it?"

Since Gong entered the palace, it was the first time seeing Marshal Song's behavior, and he couldn't help but panic, but at this moment, Qiu Xian came forward and said: "We don't have the guts to take the Holy One's will as a favor, if your Excellency comes back in the future After becoming the ruler of a country, you must not be able to bear the behavior of your generals, can you?"

"Yes, yes, what your lord said is true! The minister didn't think carefully, and the marshal made it difficult for him!" Gong Mou got the step of Qiu Xian, and quickly put down his body and apologized to Wang Lun.

Wang Lun didn't speak, but waved his hand, expressing that he didn't care about it.At this time, I only heard Xu Guanzhong's very tacit words:

"Ten thousand good horses from the north, are you afraid that you are using Wang Yu's background as a favor? I heard that the area near Kaijing is a rare plain in the land of Sanhan. I'm afraid there are only one or two horse farms. Strange! Thank you for your reminder, I will find the two Korean ministers tomorrow and ask them, I expect they will rush to inform you!"

Gong was shocked, he couldn't figure out who Xu Guanzhong was, but he was able to infer other things from one example, and even made him lift his last hole card all at once, and was immediately dumbfounded.Seeing everyone looking at me with disdain, I was afraid that I would not get support from them, so I hurriedly said:

"The villain dare not negotiate terms with the Marshal of Shangguo! The villain came here overnight just to inform the Marshal that the northwestern edge of Kaesong is Wang Yu's imperial horse herding land, where there are countless good horses, cattle and sheep. The guards and officials have already heard the news that Kaesong has been broken, and they are a little ready to move, I am afraid that when the Tianbing gets the news, the horses have already been sent away by this group of people!"

It is said that at this time, he was in a mess, and he was downgraded from a "little minister" to a "little man".Wang Lun saw that he was terrified, and secretly thought that it would be of no use to suppress this person blindly. If he was really powerful, he would still be useful, so he said tentatively: "Wang Jian has usurped the throne for almost 200 years. Among the people, only the Gong family is remembered. I'm afraid there are only a few, so why do you think that all the civil and military officials in Korea can convince you?"

Gong couldn't help feeling lucky when he heard the words, and immediately said: "After more than ten generations of Gong's persistent secret preparations, the villain has a secret weapon in his hands, which can be transformed into a restored army at any time. The villain supports a little bit, no matter whether the capital of the capital is surnamed Li or Han after the Song Dynasty withdraws in the future, it is still unknown who will win the deer!"

"How many private soldiers do you have?" Wang Lun asked with great interest, "What kind of support do you need?"

"The villain can gather 2 to [-] people even if he is at the bottom of the boat!" Gong finally showed a confident smile on his face, and at this time he was a little bit of the momentum of the restoration of the country, "Marshal, please forgive the villain for being bold. When you return to the country, can you hand over the capital city to the villain!"

"Handing Kaicheng into your hands is different from making you king?" Wang Lun felt that the man in front of him really dared to open his mouth, so he couldn't help but say, "At that time, others will say that my Song Dynasty is unfair. , I return to the court, and my colleagues will impeach me for being a king!"

Gong was stunned when he heard the words, and was speechless for a long while, when he suddenly heard Wang Lun say another sentence at this time, which made him feel overjoyed as if he was saved from a desperate situation. It turned out that the original words of Marshal Song were: "But , I can hand over Li Chenggang to you!"

"What the marshal said is true...really?" After Gong was ecstatic, he couldn't believe that the tight-lipped Marshal Song actually let go and handed over Li Chenggang to himself.

But I heard Wang Lun say: "I don't have time to have fun with you! You should know that Licheng Port is the number one good port in Goryeo. More than [-]% of the trade between Goryeo and my Song Dynasty passes through this port. Your Goryeo is an aristocratic government. Jointly controlling this country with the king is deeply rooted in local power. However, if they want to conduct foreign trade and increase their wealth, they must go through Licheng Port in all likelihood. Therefore, whoever controls Licheng Port will have It is the capital of making friends with most of the local forces on the Koryo Peninsula! Is that what you say?"

"Marshal...knows Xiaoguo very well!" Gong swallowed, saying that people in Song Dynasty value culture over martial arts, and this marshal in casual clothes doesn't look like a military official at all.However, this feeling passed by in a flash, Gong settled his mind, what he urgently needs right now is for the other party to let go of Li Chenggang to himself, and said quickly:

"No matter what the marshal needs the villain to do, the villain will go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate!"

"Soldiers from various state capitals in Koryo don't know the good intentions of my Song Dynasty emperor. It is said that they are still gathering here. If you really want Li Chenggang, you'd better deal with them one by one while I am still in Beijing. Drop it, because when you can't keep it, I can still give you a hand. Otherwise, even if I give you Li Chenggang, you won't be able to keep it when I leave!"

Wang Lun's words turned the speculator Gong into a party concerned about gain and loss, just like the bitter role of stockholders in later generations. Hearing this, he was stunned for a long time, and finally couldn't resist the temptation of Li Chenggang's fat, and finally said: "Wealth and honor come from danger, and villains rely on the marshal for everything!"

Seeing that he was still biting the hook, Wang Lun comforted him and said, "Don't worry about summoning people here. I will equip you with as many swords, guns and armor as I meet. If you are on the battlefield, there is really nothing you can't get around. Kan'er, I won't see you being beaten for nothing!"

When someone Gong heard Wang Lun's words, he immediately felt more relieved, and said: "My elite soldiers in Korea, apart from the Beijing army, belong to the two most elite soldiers in the Eastern and Northern Territories, because they have been bordering Daliao and Jurchen for a long time. Naturally, friction is inevitable. Most of the army is people who have fought wars. However, they are close to the border, and the north is mountainous. It is impossible for them to mobilize a large army in a short time. Except for these two soldiers, others are not worth mentioning. The villain also has confidence Deal with it, but if these two armies are really coming, the villain is afraid..."

"Of course I still have my commander!" Wang Lun said with a smile, "There is still [-] shi of sea salt in the warehouse in Kaicheng. I don't plan to bring it back to Song Dynasty, so I will donate all of it to you for military expenses. It is also a little expression of our joint efforts against the enemy." But you have to understand that this commander-in-chief has already completed his merits and virtues at this time, and he left as soon as he left, and there is no problem of losing anything! But if you are half-hearted and hold back, you will suffer in the future! Blame me for not speaking clearly at this time!"

"Don't dare! The villain is willing to fight side by side with the marshal!" Gong has obviously made up his mind. If he doesn't seize this opportunity in this life, won't he die of depression like a dozen generations of ancestors?It's better to fight hard than spend the rest of your life in regret.

"Listen up, both of you, go and get rid of all the hidden clues within a radius of two hundred miles. This time, we don't need to leave a way of retreat. If we win, we will die!" Gong said goodbye to Wang Lun, Invited two loyal and loyal buddies, straightforward.

These two warriors with good martial arts, looking at their master who was bloody like a chicken, looked like a gambler who was about to bet all his chips, and he didn't know how he was fooled by the dealer just now. (to be continued~^~)

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