Bowling down in exchange for Song Jun to stand up for him, with great ambitions in his heart, Gong didn't feel humiliated, but rather proud of his ability to bend and stretch.Although Wang Lun clearly told him to "send troops at the right time" that night, Gong had already made up this sentence in his own mind as a promise to "solve Tuo Junjing for you".

Since then, Gong has ordered all of his loyal soldiers dispatched by heaven to hide in the city, no longer contact with the nemesis Tuo Junjing, and only wait for the Song people who have been flattered by two flattering words to work for him. People from the upper country should look like people from the upper country, and they should cover the lower country, right?

Unexpectedly, five days have passed, and the people of the Song Dynasty chose the right time and the right time, but they have not yet chosen a good time. On the contrary, the six Kaesongji counties under the control of Dawei Kingdom have already lost five counties in succession under the pressure of Tuo Junjing. seats, one per day on average.At this time, Gong's actual control of the city was the last county town closest to Licheng Port.

At this critical juncture, if the opponent is allowed to successfully break through the city again, there is no suspense, and the monarchs and ministers of the Dawei Kingdom may really die without a place to bury them.

The wilderness on the outskirts of Kaijing has just witnessed the scene of the Song army's attack on the army, but now it is experiencing the purgatory of the Korean dynasty changing.This offensive and defensive battle is destined to be different from the previous five battles, because this is the city that Dawei must defend, and it is also the place where King Qin's army must go down.

At this moment, the monarch of Dawei Kingdom climbed onto the tower and looked at the enemy army from a distance. Among the dense crowd, there was a person who was destined to be his lifelong enemy.

"Song people are unreliable! Master, they are sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, and want to watch us die!" Miao Qing originally had an inexplicable hostility towards the people of Song and Liao.At this time, he was cornered by Tuo Junjing.It even aroused the hostility in his heart.

"There is a famous saying among the Han people, the birds are good enough to hide their bows, but the cunning rabbits are dead and running dogs. We have blocked the reinforcements outside the city for them for half a month. I am afraid that they can move almost as much as they can move now. We... It's worthless!" Zheng Zhihan rarely agrees with Miao Qing, and now he looks sad.

"Who says we are worthless! I am the lord of the heaven-given Dawei country, the person who will inherit the destiny of Korea! If the destiny wants to abandon me, let me die here!" Gong has spent his whole life doing this. Dream, no one can wake him up.

"Without the king, there would be no such thing as a minister today! No matter what the fate is, this minister is willing to meet the fate with the king!" Zheng Zhihan is worthy of being Gong's number one confidant civil servant. , or he had already given up on Gong, and chose to fight to the end anyway.

"Okay, what Zheng Zhizai said is good! The little monk is willing to live and die with the master! Don't worry, the master, the little monk's two thousand subduing demon army has not yet come in handy. If Tuo Junjing dares to come, the little monk will definitely behead him!" Miaoqing also confessed.

Unlike the vigilante soldiers above the city, many people in the Chinese army on the attacking side of the city couldn't figure out Tuo Junjing's intentions.

"General, why don't we go to recover Kaijing, but fight these monsters here?"

Looking at the gang of rebels guarding the city.Tuo Junjing's general expressed the doubts that had been buried in his heart for a long time.Before they attacked five counties.Although the resistance encountered was very slight, it is impossible to attack the city without loss. Everyone is dissatisfied with gnawing the hard bones by themselves and handing over the huge halo of the Qin King's Division to other troops.

"Bastard! How dare you question the general's strategy!"

Tuo Junjing's lieutenant yelled angrily at the generals and suppressed the momentum of the crowd, only then did Tuo Junjing say in person:

"You think that the general doesn't want to attack the city in one fell swoop? But according to the news from the grand master in the city, the Song army will abandon the city and return to the country in a few days. Although their strength is not strong, they wiped out the eight guards of our capital after several battles. The strength should not be underestimated! Our best choice now is to let other friendly forces drag them into the city, and find an opportunity to deal with the gang of rebels in front of us first. After all, the Song people will not stay long, and the purpose of the gang opposite us , but if we want to subvert our national foundation and solve them, the important ministers in the court will not fail to see our achievements!"

Tuo Junjing's mind is very clear, he doesn't want to easily wipe out all the elite soldiers and Song people he has accepted from his teacher, it is really meaningless to do so.No matter what the purpose of the Song army in the city is, they are already going to leave now, and it is a mediocre idea to focus on them.

"I hope the grand master knows the sacrifice we have made!" said the left and right, sighing.

Although Goryeo is a royal country, the kings of Goryeo have not had absolute power to control the situation in the country for 200 years. Instead, they have been used as puppets by powerful officials from time to time, resulting in a weak sense of existence.At this time, the Goryeo people did not feel like the sky was falling when their king was captured. Instead, the Song people announced to the world that they could choose their own master, which made many people's hearts flutter.

Whether it is the powerful people who think they have the hope of ruling the world, or the military leaders and local tyrants with a dragon mentality, they are secretly calculating what practical benefits they can get from this change of dynasty.

"What I want now is victory! It's the monsters in the city who are caught without a fight! You'd better put aside your distracting thoughts for this general. I will try my best to win the honor that I can win for you from the Grand Master, but the premise is that we have to win these traitors." The army's last entrenched place!"

Tuo Junjing's expression was extremely stern, which made the generals shudder. This superior officer has never spared no effort to fight for the interests of the lower-ranking officers, but you must first satisfy him before everything is easy to talk about.

"Is there any change in the Song army who opened the capital?" Before ordering the attack, Tuo Junjing checked again, for fear of being ripped off.

"Don't worry, general, our friendly troops have surrounded the city of Kaijing. The people of Song Dynasty can't fly out even if they grow wings!" I knew it the first time!"

Tuo Junjing nodded in satisfaction, and ordered: "By the way, generals, each army goes to the city one by one!"

"Boom, boom, boom..." There was a burst of drumming from slow to fast and more and more intensive, creating a tense and exciting atmosphere.Immediately afterwards, the sound of the excited bugles and the sound of neat steps gave people a feeling that this army was not easy to deal with.

The four armies of god step, jumping swing, stem bow, and fine crossbow are the important capital left by his teacher Yin Guan to become a famous general.The soldiers of these infantry troops were just in their twenties when they joined the army.Ten years have passed, and these men's physical strength has not weakened, and their combat experience has doubled. It can be said that they are a rare elite soldier in Korea who can attack fortifications and defend the city. Capital.

"The Bow Army leads the way, and the Crossbow Army dominates. The Dancing Army waits for an opportunity to seize the city!"

Amid the beating drums that shook the sky, three elite phalanxes approached the city imposingly. The stalked bow army and the elite crossbow army skillfully marched to the designated area. The jumping army seized the city and cleared the obstacles.

The crossbow arrows shot from the crenels of the city wall caused the guards to retreat one after another. Qi Yi saved his life in this dense arrow array, but the arrows all over the sky followed like a celestial maiden scattered flowers.Seeing the section of the city wall covered by arrows, corpses were strewn across the field, wailing constantly, while the defenders guarding the other city walls saw this appalling scene, couldn't help feeling timid, and many people began to drop their weapons.Collapsed towards the boarding road.

Gong saw this scene.His heart tightened, and he blamed himself very much. Originally, he begged a lot of beast cards from the Song people, because the Song people were very generous in distributing weapons at that time. He thought that the Song people had no reason to cut off his military aid, so he took some of them. More than half of them were allotted to the newly surrendered soldiers. Who would have thought that the Song people were angered by the interception and killing of the serfs, and they were cut off from military aid.At this time, he told him that he didn't have much left.


Tuo Junjing is very clear about the background of this loyal army sent by heaven. Most of the archers are hunters from the mountains. After the consumption of the five cities, there are very few survivors left.

Under the cover of the Skeleton Bow Army and the Jingnu Army, the three thousand Tiaodang Army rode the ladder and rushed towards the city wall extremely bravely. In the past five days, they have become accustomed to similar battles. The number of archers is pitifully small, and their bravery is not reflected in this situation, is it still reflected in the moment when the arrows are like locusts?

The bowmen and crossbowmen under the city were calm as if they were practicing, but the city was already in chaos. All the loyal soldiers sent by heaven who had fled to the climbing road all turned around and ran into the jumping army climbing up the city. If it was just two armies When we meet, this group of loyal soldiers sent by heaven must surrender, but there is still a force behind them at this time. The sound of thousands of people chanting sutras and mantras is like a knife hanging over their heads. Surrender on the narrow city wall, immediately He would be caught between the two armies and die at the hands of the merciless monks.

The two are in a dilemma, so I have to look back at the original intention. They are all dead soldiers raised by the master for many years, and they can't die like this. Even if the legendary jumping soldiers all have special skills, it is better than dying on the charge of defectors!

The chaotic battle of the Koreans continued amid the yelling of the soldiers on both sides. At this time, the crossbowmen under the city stopped shooting arrows, but just watched the battle situation on the city wall with wide-eyed eyes. More and more people stood on the city wall. It seemed that this battle would continue the glory of yesterday.

Great for the country, it's over.

"Ask the god infantry to prepare. When the city gate opens, the whole army will attack! Gong Qi will not be left alive!" Tuo Junjing still had a stern face.

Left and right were startled when they heard the words, and reminded: "General, this is a kingly monster, catching him alive must be a great achievement!"

"I can only obey the grand master's orders!" Tuo Junjing explained the reason in one sentence.

Seeing it from left to right, they couldn't stop their surprise in their eyes. Unexpectedly, Grand Master Li would be so jealous of this Gong Qi, he would not even meet him face to face, insisting on putting him to death!


The fierce battle on the city was still going on, and somehow the city gate was opened from the inside, and a jumping flag bearer with both legs broken was seen kneeling at the city gate and vigorously waving the flag at his own people. They swarmed up and joined the dozens of jumping troops inside who were guarding the door. Seeing that Dawei's national fortune had come to an end.

Seeing this, Gong Qi, who was trapped on the tower, couldn't help crying loudly: "The destiny will abandon me!" Zheng Zhihan was also heartbroken at this time, and persuaded Gong Qi: "Master, to avoid being captured and humiliated, it is better to be with the subordinates." Jump into the city together to commit suicide, and leave a way out for the soldiers who follow us!"

Gong Qi is also a ruthless person, he immediately kicked Zheng Zhihan to the ground, and said: "After the orphan dies, collect the corpse for the orphan!" After saying goodbye, he said goodbye to Wang Tubaye who was behind him, and he was about to let go. Jumping to the bottom of the city, unexpectedly running halfway, he was swooped aside by a man and hit the edge of the city tower, making his royal robes stained with dust. When Gong Qi looked back angrily, he found that it was his personal guard captain , was about to yell, when he suddenly heard the man pointing to the outside of the city and saying:

"Master... Your Majesty, Tuo Junjing and Tuo Junjing have escaped!" (to be continued~^~)

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