Water Margin Survival

Chapter 593 Huyan Family, Why Are You Going Back?

The suspicion of Liu Menglong's confidant is not unreasonable.When the two armies confront each other, it is common for them to set up an ambush or sneak attack on land.Only the Beiqing River flowed into the sea and went all the way to the end. It was absolutely impossible for the Liangshan army to fly past the official fleet that could block the river. After all, tens of thousands of people here are not blind.

"Could it be that the Taiwei didn't trust us, and sent another navy to come to the tent to listen to the order?"

The conductor wondered.This matter is not impossible, after all, the Shangguan in front of him is really not Gao Qiu's confidant, but because of his outstanding military exploits, Gao Qiu got into his eyes, so he got a transfer order.The key to this is that Gao Qiu dispatched three other confidant generals, named to assist in the battle, and they were actually supervising the battle, so that one could get a glimpse of the mind of the Sanya Taiwei.

Seeing that Liu Menglong's complexion was complicated at this time, he didn't even care about commanding the battle, he turned his head and pondered for a long time, and then said: "You go over and ask yourself, which navy is the other party? And pass on my military order, tell them to wait for the order, don't Disrupt my formation!"

"As ordered!"

They are all paid by officials. The commander naturally knows that the bigger the official position, the greater the pressure from all sides. This battle is not over yet, and those who grab the credit will come, but who to turn to for this kind of thing? Reasoning?The commander did not dare to offend his boss at this time, and after asking Liu Menglong if he had any other orders, he prepared to slide down the mast.

"Wait a minute!" Liu Menglong stopped his confidant, and said with a look of hesitation: "Quickly order the former army to speed up the pace, how can you give up the credit for this easy-to-get credit!"

The uproar on the front line did not diminish because of the accidental knock-out of the fleet, because the official army and the Liangshan army had never discovered this change that could affect the battle situation.At this time, Hu Yanqing was still strongly "persuading" Zhu Wu to withdraw first.But Zhu Wu resorted to a strategy of slowing down the army.Taking the opportunity to break away from the little boss beside him, he said:

"It's reversed, it's all reversed! Order the infantry to go ashore, and the infantry resists orders, and you are forcing me here again! I think my brother has only left for a few days, why is Liangshanbo now rebellious and doing his own thing? How can I have the face to explain to my brother? !?"

"Military division! Now that the fire is imminent, why are you still making trouble with me? Didn't you just agree! If you don't withdraw, I can't let go!" Seeing Zhu Wu, Hu Yanqing regretted it again.Feeling very anxious, he simply inserted his saber and went forward to "capture" Zhu Wu himself.

"Be on guard! Picket! Are they all dead? Show up quickly!" Zhu Wu was single-named with the word "Wu", but he is not good at force. After being "captured" by Hu Yanqing, he shouted this gun An independent force assigned to each battalion by the garrison battalion to be responsible for military discipline.

"They have already been sent by my younger brother to other ships to supervise the battle. It is useless for the military commander to break their throats. I have no choice but to accept me this time. All the crimes will be borne by my younger brother!" Hu Yanqing explained earnestly, then turned around and shouted. Call: "Rope!"

Looking at each other in dismay, he was hesitating whether to carry out this military order, when suddenly he saw a small boat rowing into the gap between the gang boats, and a big black man climbed onto the boat, and saw Hu Yanqing holding Zhu Wu.Shouted: "Damn! The backside is more lively than the front!"

Zhu Wu saw this big black man.As if seeing a savior, he shouted: "Tie Niu, come and help me out!"

Li Kui ran to him when he said "Deng Deng Deng", but he didn't help. He just stretched out his hand and scratched his stomach, and said playfully, "Huyan's family, why are you going against the water?"

Hu Yanqing blushed when he heard the words, and said angrily: "What the hell are you going to do? After this bloody battle, how many people will be left? How can I ask the military division to die here! You quickly pull the military division back, and I will bring someone to fight for you!" Time. Remember to tell Junshi Xiao, don’t avenge me! Keep the stronghold alive, and wait for my brother to come back before making a fuss!"

Li Kui didn't look like a messenger, he suddenly took off the ax around his waist, and the soldiers around Hu Yanqing suddenly felt like they were facing a formidable enemy. Everyone knew that this big black man was not a person who played cards according to common sense, and they were afraid that he would When he got angry and hurt the general, he was secretly on guard.Unexpectedly, Li Kui walked up to the two of them, chopped both axes on the deck, and shouted:

"Old Taoist Zhu, have you ever seen someone who disobeys orders first and then arrests them! I'm not a picket, so why bother with that business? Mr. Sun asked me to bring my brothers who know water to cover the retreat of the navy army, and the zhusha man is right behind. , you go with him first, and wait for Brother Hei to cut off your queen!"

Hu Yanqing laughed when he heard it, and said: "Military commander, what's the matter, I am not the only one who violated the order!" Seeing that Zhu Wu's face became more excited, Hu Yanqing asked Li Kui: "Have you discussed any regulations for the infantry? "

Li Kui was focused on waiting for the fight, and his words were very concise, "The big man Sun took Chao Gai to rescue Erlongshan, and told us to leave him alone, he has his own clever plan to protect himself! You all return to the cottage, and we will wait for my brother to come back and then worry about it!"

"Success! Send the military adviser away first! Let's force these fellows to retreat, and then discuss the way out!" Hu Yanqing secretly thought that he couldn't persuade Li Kui, a reckless bastard, so why not join forces with him, and simply solve the urgent need first.

Zhu Wu, who was subdued by two generals under his command, was annoyed and moved at the same time. When he was dragged away, he still yelled on the way: "Come back alive, I will settle accounts with you!"

"Go, go!" Li Kui swung away the sailor who dragged Zhu Wu away like a fly, and said to Hu Yanqing, "What are we going to do now!"

Hu Yanqing didn't waste any time, pulled Li Kui over, bowed his head and asked for a while, Li Kui nodded again and again, and finally said: "Run if you can't win, I'm not an idiot!" The brothers who knew how to walk in the camp went.

After seeing off Zhu Wu and Li Kui, Hu Yanqing can finally give it a go.The purpose of this battle is to delay the time as much as possible, because he has to leave enough time for Sun An and Chao Gai to grab the beach.I saw Hu Yanqing standing on the bridge to observe the battle situation for a while, then immediately turned around and called for several future officers, and gave the command very quickly.

At this time, the river channel was already blocked by warships from both sides that were entangled end to end.However, the advantage of the number of officers and soldiers cannot be reflected in local hand-to-hand combat for the time being.The sailors of the [-]th Battalion of Liangshan, who had not waited for the retreat order, formed formations one after another under the leadership of the leaders of the ships, and fought bloody battles with the officers and soldiers who boarded the ships.Occasionally, soldiers who fell into the water also fought to the death with the officers and soldiers who had stumbled in the river.Although this battle is the first time they have entered the battlefield with real swords and guns.However, the subtle words and righteousness that have been heard in the cottage on weekdays have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Everyone understands that this is not only a fight for the cottage, but also a fight for themselves and their families.

As the time passed, the river passing east was stained a permeable light red by the blood of the dead soldiers of the two armies, and the fighting on the battlefield gradually became more intense.

The team under Liu Menglong.As expected of those who have experienced actual combat, they are very experienced in the battle to seize the ship. Often after they capture the Liangshan ship, the vanguard does not continue to charge, but the new blood added from behind takes over the ship. The benefits of this are self-evident. For example, it is fully guaranteed that the main force of each ship capture is the new force, and the veterans also have breathing time during the replacement of the old and the new.In this way, the advantages of the strong military strength of the officers and soldiers will be fully brought into play.

Therefore, under the pressure of the opponent's wheel war.Liang Shanshui Division, who was weak in succession, gradually fell into a desperate situation. At this time, even the pickets in charge of supervising the battle began to draw their swords to help in the battle, which shows the urgency of the situation at this time.Fortunately, nearly [-] infantry troops led by Li Kui and Liu Tang joined the battle in time, which greatly relieved the pressure on the fellow sailors who were caught in an unfavorable situation. Fell into a desperate situation of defeat.

"Damn it! Why can't you finish killing me!" Strong as Li Kui.At this time can not help panting.Coupled with the various discomforts of infantry water warfare, he couldn't help complaining even though he regarded fighting as his life.

"I am such a smart person, after all, I have been fooled by Big Sun! This guy chops melons and vegetables on the ground, but makes us stagger here, and we will suffer if we try to stand firm! Brothers, remember Go back and remind me to settle accounts with him!"

"Brother Hei, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back!"

The great sword of the Sangmen in Bao Xu's hand was already stained with blood, and his hands were already soaked in the blood of the enemy, and he saw more and more enemy soldiers coming from the lost ships.This man, who is used to galloping in the green forest, already smelled the smell of death.

"I've run out of flying knives! Brothers, I'm going to draw my gun!" Xiang Chong touched his empty waist and abdomen. The sharpened gun handed over by the soldier gave a warning.

"I only have two javelins left!"

At this time, Li Gong also pulled out the autumn wind sword on his body. He didn't want this battle to force the well-prepared "Best Combination of Four Fighters" to change the combat mode that has always been invincible. The way is full of bitterness.

At this time, the surviving sailors on the ship all naturally approached the four gods of death with respect on their faces. There is no distinction between sailors and infantry around Li Kui. As long as they are brothers on Liangshan, they all rely on each other for support. Crisis.

"The thief who can't finish killing! It's coming again, everyone get ready!"

Just as the four were preparing to meet the next wave of officers and soldiers' charge, they suddenly saw a big man with a red mole on the adjacent boat hissing, "Brother Li, retreat, retreat quickly! Leader Huyan is about to burn the boat!"

"Get rid of him! Who did we fear on land when we were trapped in the camp, but suffered such a big loss on the water? I'm leaving, who will avenge the children! If you want to leave, go, I won't go!" Li Kui sent Out of savagery, he refused.Hu Yanqing's instructions just now are in vain.

Seeing this, Bao Xu hurriedly advised: "Brother Hei, it's okay for the four of us to die here! I'm afraid Brother Huyan won't be able to burn the boat if we don't leave, and it won't be in vain to ask these fellows to kill him all the way. Take his life?"

After Bao Xu finished speaking, he winked at Li Gun and Xiang Chong. The two understood, and one of them held the general's arm, and they were about to drag back desperately. Li Kui yelled and refused to retreat.

At this critical moment, a series of huge and continuous explosions overwhelmed his shouts, and suddenly exploded in the rear of the army. Li Gong and Xiang Chong, who were dragging Li Kui, turned their heads to visit without knowing what happened. something happened.

At this time, not to mention the Liangshan army, even the imperial army's charge suddenly slowed down, and many people turned their heads to watch in horror. They were like frightened birds when they heard this sound, because it was this that made the eighth battalion of the former army cry and howl just now. A terrible movement.

When everyone was puzzled, they suddenly heard cheers coming from Li Kui's side. Li Kui looked at the weeping sailor beside him and said in a daze, "What's going on!?"

"Thunderbolt fireball, it is the thunderbolt fireball that our navy has! It is our people who have come, and the village master has returned!" The joy of turning a corner appeared on everyone's face, and quickly infected every Liangshan present hero.The unknown infantry gradually began to cheer together with the sailors, and the excitement made the officers and soldiers even more panicked.

As if to confirm the words in their mouths, someone in the officer's army shouted miserably, "I was fooled, we were fooled! Thieves, thieves have ambushes, hundreds of ships!"

Li Kui was startled when he heard the words, and then laughed wildly. Seeing this, Xiang Chong and Li Gun couldn't help looking at Bao Xu, as if they were asking the next move. Bao Xu didn't know whether to retreat or advance at this time, and suddenly heard Liu Tang over there Shouted: "Chief Huyan ordered the whole army to stand by and wait for reinforcements!"

"He is also the god, and he is also the ghost! He is the one who retreats, and he is the one who defends! If he still defends his mother, even the bird, I will cover and kill him!" Before Li Kui finished speaking, he was already holding two axes like a gust of wind. Killing forward, Xiang Chong and Li Gun were stunned, and then rushed to protect them. At this moment, Bao Xu shouted, "Brothers, it's time for revenge!"

The Liangshan soldiers who had been suppressed for a long time finally broke out at this moment.However, Liang Shanshui Division's charge horn was sounded first on the infantry, which made people sigh. (to be continued~^~)

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