Water Margin Survival

Chapter 596 Those who offend Liangshan will be punished even if they are far away!

To say that among the leaders present, Sun An was the one who reacted the fastest. He understood Wang Lun's intentions in a very short period of time. Just as he was about to open his mouth to ask, he suddenly saw Wu Yong who was opposite him eager to try. Sun An couldn't help but think to himself: "I put the three of them under house arrest before, so I don't want to compete for this moment, just let it go!"

Sun An smiled and said nothing, only Zhi Duo Xing Wu Yong looked around nervously, seeing that no one wanted to speak, he said cautiously: "Could it be that Chief Wang is going to take this opportunity to kill chickens and scare monkeys, Set up a charter for the princes of the state capitals of the imperial court?"

After Wu Yong finished speaking, he suddenly saw dozens of eyes focused on him, with surprise, encouragement, and disdain. Wu Yong was well aware of his reputation, so he couldn't help lowering his head at this moment, secretly regretting that he was being smart up.

"The pedant is thinking about it with me! If that's the case, why don't you tell me what you think!"

Something unexpected happened to Wu Yong without warning. Wang Lun actually encouraged him to speak at this moment. Wu Yong couldn't help but feel hot in his heart. Facing the supportive eyes of Chao Gai and Gongsun Sheng, he said excitedly:

"Guizhai... No, I, Liang Shanbo, have never sent troops to invade the state capital for no reason since Wang Lun's brother established the village. This is evidenced by the close proximity of Jeju and Yunzhou. But tigers don't eat people, and they are easy to be attacked by some unscrupulous people. People who are enlightened are treated as sick cats. This time, Zizhou and Qingzhou joined hands to ambush my Liang Shanshui master. A warning from the government, that is, those who openly offend Liangshan will be punished no matter how far away they are!"

Wu used this famous saying adapted from Chen Tang, a famous general of the Western Han Dynasty, to win surprise and praise from around.Many leaders looked at Wu Yongshi again.I don't think he's that bad anymore.In fact, there are benefits to joining a person like him. At least it is something to look forward to, at least to use the sword to take the slant, or to fight the poison with the poison.

Wang Lun didn't have the idea of ​​beating Wu Yong to death with a stick, so while punishing him, he didn't mind giving Wu Yong a stage to display his talents.Of course.This person, whose advantages and disadvantages are equally obvious, can only be used in a limited way at present.

Wang Lun understood very well in his heart that the stalls in Liangshanpo are now so large that they are no longer as pure as they used to be. There are life and death brothers who get together because of loyalty in the village, and of course there is no shortage of people who go up the mountain to chase fame and fortune. As the saying goes, "When the water is clear, there will be no fish." This is also a necessary stage for Liangshanbo to become bigger and stronger (of course, it is absolutely impossible for Tian Hu and Wang Qing to pull it by themselves. It made the old nest full of smoke ).

Therefore, while pursuing the development of the cottage, it is also a severe test that Wang Lun will face.

"Those who offend Liangshan will be punished even if they are far away! Wu Jialiang's words are good! Director Qin, Zi and Qing prefectures deduct the troops that have been pulled out, how many percent of the troops are left in the city?" Wang Lun explained his intention to Wu Yongliang at the right time. manner.Immediately without leaving any traces, he led the conversation to the main topic.

"There are not many troops in these two prefectures. Now Brother Sun has wiped out eight battalions of troops, and I can't wait to be naked! The younger brother just asked about the soldiers. The four battalions sent by Zizhou are all Wuwei battalions of the infantry. The city is alone. There is only one Xuanyi Battalion left, Qingzhou... Huh, there is still Pang Yi's sixth infantry battalion, which is worth three thousand!" Qin Ming got angry when he heard that Qingzhou was going to be attacked, and he couldn't help cursing: "Old thief Murong, your retribution has arrived!"

"I just received an urgent report from Jijiu. Pang Yi died in Erlong Mountain, and all the troops from the fourth battalion brought out have been dealt with!" Wang Lun informed everyone of the latest military situation, and then said: "Then that is to say, Zizhou is still on the way." There are 500 troops, and there are only [-] infantry left in Qingzhou. So, all generals obey orders!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and they all listened attentively to Wang Lun's military order.

"Order Tang Bin, Sun An, Hao Siwen, and Fan Rui to lead the troops of the headquarters to Zizhou, and order the four battalions of Lu Zhishen, Qin Ming, Wu Song, and Yang Zhi to attack Qingzhou immediately! Sun An is the commander of Zizhou, and Qingzhou is handed over. Lu Zhishen is in charge!"

As soon as Wang Lun's words fell, everyone clasped their fists to accept the order, but Sun An stepped forward to resign as the coach: "Tang and Hao are both civil and military generals, and the younger brother is not talented enough to take on the big job! Let's help them For good!"

"Brother Sun has not taken office yet, why are you complaining? Our brother looks like a thorn, which makes you so afraid!" Tang Bin said with a smile, "Brother's military order is like a mountain, Brother Sun, don't bargain, little brother and brother Siwen will definitely help each other to you!"

Sun An hurriedly cupped his fists to express his thanks, only to hear Wang Lun's final word at this moment: "It's right or not, you'll know once you do it!"

Wu Yong secretly observed Wang Lun's expression, and found that his eyes were full of respect, so he couldn't help but feel lucky. Fortunately, he had seen Wang Lun's heartfelt joy for joining this person in Lingzhou, otherwise it would be so. Wouldn't it be bad for an unknown person to take him to hell.

Regarding the appointment of the interim coach, there were some twists and turns along the way in Zizhou, but no one spoke on the way in Qingzhou.Lu Zhishen is the leader of the infantry, and has a high status in the village. Even before Qin Ming went up the mountain, he was the military commander of Dazhou. At this time, he didn't need to say anything. He just wanted to rush to Qingzhou to avenge his revenge, so he didn't care who was the commander in chief?

"Both of these two prefectures have brothers Zhu Gui's subordinates who set up shops in the city. You can contact them in advance so that the inside and the outside can cooperate. It is best not to attack the city by force, so as not to increase the casualties of our army. Don't be in a hurry to come back after breaking the city. Try to get down there All counties, recruit more people to go to the mountains, and immigrate to Korea in the future, which is also a major event related to the future of the country!"

It is an obvious purpose to set an example for the chief officials of the states in the Song Dynasty. Wang Lun is more concerned about attracting the people as much as possible to expand the territory. Only when more than half of the people of the Song Dynasty take root on the Koryo Peninsula will this place become a real home in the sense.

"Brother, don't worry, the brothers have broken the city a few times, what to do, how to do it, even if you read it, you are familiar with it, and I promise not to discredit Liangshan and embarrass my brother!" Wu Song laughed.

Wang Lun nodded, took out a letter from his pocket, handed it to Lu Zhishen, and said, "This is a family letter written by Brother Qiu Xian, and the address is on it. Bring it out together. But it can’t be forced. But it’s voluntary!”

"You can save the family, don't worry, brother!" Lu Zhishen took the letter and put it in the monk's robe.

Wang Lun gave a few more instructions, telling everyone that he would sit in Erlong Mountain and wait for the good news from the two.Then he asked Jiao Ting to inform Han Shizhong that he was going to take the prisoners, and they all bid farewell.Turn around and get ready to go.Just like what Qin Ming said, Wang Lun had no intention of conquering the two cities whose troops were so weak that they could almost be called empty cities.

During the period from the order to when everyone left, Chao Gai did not ask for a fight for the first time, which surprised Wang Lun, but when he thought of his eagerness to see Zhu Dian and Lei Heng, he suddenly understood.

Although Wu Yong was a little moved, but seeing that Wang Lun didn't go to fight himself, he wisely chose to remain silent.At present, his position in Liangshan has not been secured yet. If he serves as an advisor to these famous leaders, even if he has the opportunity to speak, few people will listen to him.Therefore, he just suggested to Wang Lun that he should take Li Zhong, Xue Yong, and Bai Sheng to help escort the prisoners.Unsurprisingly, Wang Lun agreed, and once again gave Wu Yong a clear attitude.The latter went away happily.

Handover took a lot of work.After all, more than 3000 soldiers surrendered is not a small number.Wang Lun and Chao Gai talked about the Eastern Expedition for a long time, and Chao Gai couldn't help asking Liangshan Army's big moves in Korea. The pace of Liangshan is no longer there, and it looks very vicissitudes.Wang Lun didn't take it to heart at the time, but Chao Gai gradually started to retreat in his heart at this time.

During the conversation between the two, the leaders of the Eighth Battalion who were about to go to the expedition came one by one to bid farewell to Wang Lun and send them off.Wang Lun didn't stay here for long. After the soldiers buried the corpses of their companions, the army rushed to the place where the navy battle was tens of miles away.

On the battlefield at this time, the morale of Liang Shanshui's army was mopping up like a rainbow.If it is counted, the annihilation of [-] sailors can be described as the first large-scale water battle in the history of Liangshanbo. Winning the initiative on the battlefield: It's useless if you come, I'm not ready, so you have to wait.

Without a boat, Gao Qiu, let alone 13 soldiers and horses, even 130 million, would not be able to swim to Liangshanbo. , to ease the tense atmosphere that enveloped the cottage before.

"Brother, is Chief Sun okay?"

Seeing that Wang Lun escorted more than 3000 captives back, and the [-] troops who had previously reinforced Sun An were gone, Li Jun who came forward at this time expressed concern.

"The garrison in the state government has been relaxed for a long time, and there is an unknown professor. How much threat can there be! Beating children on rainy days is also idle. I sent brothers to attack Zizhou and Qingzhou!" Wang Lun returned with a smile. In one sentence, he asked Li Jun with anticipation: "How many seaworthy ships have been seized?"

I think it took me a lot of effort and preparation for a year or two before I gathered more than 80 sea-going ships for an expedition to Goryeo. Fortunately, Gao Lian ordered a hundred and ten sea-going ships with more than a thousand materials to go to Korea. The ship, speaking of the stark contrast between the hard work of the entrepreneur and the profligacy of the prodigal, makes people feel sad for no reason.

Hearing Wang Lun's question, Li Jun, who has always been seasoned, couldn't help but smile, and he said with a radiant face: "I probably counted it, and there are about [-]% of the ships. They only need to be repaired by our navy before they can go to sea. , In addition, about [-]% of the sea-going ships have to go to the shipyard for repairs!"

Fifty percent of the ships are [-] to [-] sea-going ships with more than [-] materials. It is conservatively estimated that there is also a capacity of [-] to [-] materials. Wang Lun is worried that it will be difficult to transport the grain and grass in Korea for a while. With these ships, it is like falling asleep and meeting pillows. , couldn't be more comfortable, it's really fate that Gao Qi, a prodigal son, meets himself, the one who takes over.

"Then speed up the repairs and send the ships that need to be repaired in the shipyard back to the cottage as soon as possible. In addition, your maritime battalion should not participate in the war against Zizhou and Qingzhou, and leave it to Lao Liu and the others to use river boats to respond. You are done. Go straight back to the mountain, and ask Military Division Xiao to distribute the captured ships to each battalion. After the whole army has rested for two days, they will continue to go to Koryo to transport food and grass. It’s not a problem for us to lose a lot of money on that deserted island!”

At this time, the oupeng camp of the navy and the Yuan Lang and Shi Jin battalions of the infantry were guarding the food and grass on the unnamed island of Koryo. The doorway is inevitably coveted, and it is extremely detrimental to the division and fermentation of Korea's domestic political situation.

"Well, brother, we won't be able to leave for a while!" Li Jun sighed and said, "After this battle, no less than forty boats from both the enemy and our side sank to the bottom of the river. At this time, the river was completely blocked. Cleaning up is not something that can be done in a short while!"

Wang Lun was startled when he heard this. The golden waterway in front of him is the lifeline of Liangshanbo. If it is blocked, Liangshanbo will not be able to take the "internationalized" route. Wang Lun immediately instructed to speed up the process, and ordered: "Then the wounded and prisoners Leave it all to me, and your navy will free up manpower to clean up the river! At the latest, at the latest, you will set sail to sea in three days! Can you do it?"

Li Jun nodded again and again, patted his chest and assured Wang Lun. You must know that Liu Menglong's naval army, which was captured in this battle, was as high as 800 to [-] people. It would take a lot of energy to guard these dishonest guys. Li Jun is confident that he will complete this task before noon tomorrow, so the whole army still has two and a half days to rest and reorganize. For those of them who have come down from the battlefield, it seems so precious.

"Baozheng, Baozheng!" Chao Gai, who was standing next to Wang Lun, had been distracted, and he said "ah" after he called out twice.Wang Lun saw that he was out of his mind all the way, so he simply said: "Why don't you take people back to Erlong Mountain first, and meet Zhu Dian and Lei Heng!"

"No, brother! I'd better go with you!" Chao Gai's gaze was full of deep meaning at this time. In his heart, perhaps, this was the last time in his life that he would march with Wang Lun. (to be continued~^~)

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