Lin Chong's words fell to the ground, and seeing these two loyal brothers who dared to trust each other with their families hugged each other, everyone was moved by this kind of brotherhood.Xiao Jin'er at the side couldn't help wiping away tears secretly, when she suddenly saw something like a handkerchief being handed to her, that Xiao Jin'er felt ashamed for a while, stopped for a while, but quickly took the handkerchief over and wiped it secretly Tears on the face.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Lun patted Lin Chong on the shoulder, and the two let go. Wang Lun pointed to Xu Ning and said, "Mr. Xu, I don't need to introduce it to my brother!"

Xu Ning took off his mask, and looked at Lin Chong, and saw that the eyes of these two former comrades-in-arms friends in the Forbidden Army were generally profound and vicissitudes. Thinking about the incomprehensible fate, they were actually killed. The same person harmed for no reason, was helped by the same person, and met at this moment, here, here, how could it not make people feel sad and happy?

Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Xu stood hand in hand, each feeling the joy, anger, sorrow and joy on her husband's face.

After staring at each other for a long time, the two nodded at each other, finally filled with smiles of reunion after a long absence.Seeing this, Wang Lun pulled Tiao Juan again, and introduced him to Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen, before the two of them could open their mouths, Tiao Tiao said, "Monk, we haven't decided the winner that night, how about another fight! Lu Zhishen laughed loudly, and said, "You can fight anytime you want, the Sa family can't stay idle anyway!" He was overjoyed, and said to Lin Chong, "This brother is so strong, brother Jiao Ting and I can't help you. !" It was obvious that three people supported Lin Chong just now, but this straightforward guy directly filtered Wang Lun.

Lin Chong smiled subtly, and said: "I also heard from my senior brother that he met a hero with excellent ax skills on the road. I don't think it's you, brother. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Seeing that they had finished their conversation, Wang Lun said to Lin Chong again: "This is a good man I met on the way to Tokyo, and he will walk with me in the future!"

"His name is Jiao Ting, and everyone calls him faceless!" Seeing that the big stupid man just looked at his officials and giggled, and didn't speak, Xiao Jin'er was worried for him, so she blurted out.

Seeing that Lin Chong glanced at his maidservant in amazement, he took a good look at Jiao Ting and said, "The hero that my brother likes is really extraordinary!"

Finally, Wang Lun invited Wen Huanzhang, and said: "This is my younger brother's senior, who has the talents of Sun Wu and Zhuge. This time, he hit it off with me, so he went to Liangshan with us! That day, I escaped from Tokyo with my sister-in-law and her family. , is living in this senior's house!"

Lin Chong hurriedly bowed after hearing the words: "Could it be Professor Wen? I am so grateful to the professor for protecting Lin's family! When Xiao Ke was in Beijing, he also asked the professor's name a lot. I don't want to see you today, it is really fate!"

Wen Huanzhang replied: "I have heard for a long time that Instructor Lin is an outstanding talent in the Forbidden Army. Unfortunately, he was killed by Gao Qiu in the past. The villain only regrets that he has no help, alas!"

Lin Chong hurriedly thanked him when he heard the words, and when the two of them finished talking, he only heard him say: "Brother Lin Chong, why didn't Wang Lun come down to welcome my military advisor back in person, does this person really have no courage?"

Lin Chong was taken aback when he heard the words, Wang Lun said with a smile: "The leader of the king thinks that he has important things to do on the mountain, why is brother just caressing, isn't it just like him if it goes on like this?"

Hearing the words, the man said, "I knew it, he just can't tolerate my elder brother!" After finishing speaking, he went back to the hotel, everyone laughed when they saw this, only Lin Chong and Lu Zhi were kept in the dark, and asked: "Brother, what's going on?"

Wang Lun explained to them what happened on the road with a smile, and Xu Ning and Coach Zhang also laughed and said a few words beside them. The two of them suddenly realized it, and they all laughed loudly, straight to the point that this guy is so cute!After talking and laughing for a while, everyone invited each other into the hotel.

At this time, in a forgotten corner by the side of the road, Lei Heng, who was lying on the ground waiting to die, opened his eyes, and saw that there were people on Liangshan in the quiet surroundings?He subconsciously touched the head on the neck, only to feel that he had walked through the gate of hell, and only then did he pick up this life.After looking at the man under his command who had been stabbed to death, he looked at the hotel where the scholar was with complicated eyes. With mixed feelings in his heart, he got up with all his strength and limped away on the country road. superior.


"I have to learn how to ride a horse this time. Now I just hate that these two legs can't become four. I'm so anxious!" Ruan Xiaoqi, who was striding at the front of the team at this time, said.

"Brother, you are the only one who is in a hurry, everyone is in a hurry! Look who is willing to stay in the cottage at this time, because he is eager to see his brother early!" Du Qian replied with a smile.

"Haha! Fortunately, Brother Zhu Fu returned to the mountain today, we caught him on a job and told him to watch the house in the cottage!" Song Wan laughed.

Zhu Gui coughed when he heard the words, Song Wan smiled and said, "It's just that I said something wrong, I should be punished!"

Ruan Xiaoqi sighed: "Who told us these six unlucky ghosts don't know how to ride a horse, otherwise we could go to see brother with Brother Lin Chong and Master Lu earlier!"

Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu couldn't stop laughing at the sidelines, and they felt very full at the moment, thinking that they could finally repay their brother's high hopes.Now the water army in the Shanzhai has begun to take shape, and there are 500 soldiers alone, not counting those family members who can swim and can go fishing on weekdays.

These six people walked and laughed all the way, followed by more than 1000 young people.The passers-by on the road were not afraid when they saw it, they all gathered around and competed to see it, talking and saying: "Which one has been murdered by the sky is going to be unlucky again, please let the heroes on Liangshan go down the mountain to eliminate the evil!"

The crowd hurried away for more than an hour, and finally arrived at Zhu Gui's new store, only to hear Xiao Qi say: "Brother Zhu Gui, how did your store open so far away, if it opened in Tokyo, Xiao Qi and I would Both legs are going to break,"

Zhu Gui laughed. Seeing that Xiao Er, who was looking outside the shop, saw the people here, Zhu Gui hurriedly waved his hand, and the Xiao Er hurried into the room to report the letter. Soon Wang Lun took everyone out to greet them. , When the people on both sides got together, I just heard Du Qian say: "Brother, you went out as soon as I was overjoyed, and you will definitely not be allowed to go down the mountain next time, but I am so worried brother!"

Wang Lun laughed loudly and said, "When my eldest nephew puts out the moon wine, I will definitely not be absent!"

Song Wan smiled and said: "I was looking forward to my brother's return day and night on the mountain, now it's all right! Otherwise, I always feel that I have no strength in my heart and no backbone!"

Du Qian said with a smile on the side: "Brother, you are looking forward to my brother coming back and marrying you a wife!" Everyone burst into laughter when they heard the words, at this time the Ruan brothers stepped forward and said: "Finally, I have lived up to my brother's high expectations. Now the sailors are gone. With a scale of 500 people, the three of my brothers have lived up to my brother's great trust, and they can go on business!"

Wang Lun looked at Ruan Xiaoqi and said with a smile: "Your second brother and fifth brother want to lay down the burden, no! Five hundred is just a start, and there will be fifty-five million in the future. I don't think you brothers will be free!"

What Wang Lun said made the three heroes of the Ruan family laugh. At this time, Zhu Gui also came forward and looked at Wang Lun sincerely. It's as if I feel at home!" Zhu Gui quickly thanked him, the two said a few words, and Wang Lun introduced the new leader who joined him. Everyone had already heard about Lu Zhishen, and they were not surprised, but just looked at him. "I haven't heard Master Lu say this man, but he is so majestic!"

Na Yu hurriedly asked the crowd, "Then why hasn't Wang Lun come down to meet my brother-in-law? Is this man so arrogant?"

The six people who just arrived just looked at each other, but they didn't understand what it meant. Isn't Brother Wang Lun right in front of you?But they all wondered in their hearts, could it be that this guy has an inseparable relationship with Wen Huanzhang?But that day I heard Lu Zhishen say that Mr. Wen is not in the top position, how did he become a military adviser?At this moment, they were confused, but Ruan Xiaoqi said: "Hey! Are you looking for Brother Wang Lun?"

That guy said loudly: "Yes! It's that guy, why is he sitting in the cottage waiting for my brother, the military officer, to worship him?"

"Which one is your brother-in-law?" Ruan Xiaoqi asked.

Na Yu pointed at Wang Lun and said, "Isn't this the brother of my military adviser! Why don't you know, why do you want me to tell you?"

Wang Lun said helplessly at this time: "Brother, don't blame me for lying to you, I am Wang Lun! You also know that if I had told you the truth at that time, you would pat your ass and leave, and I would be missing You are such a good brother!"

The scorpion was so surprised that he turned around and went to the hotel without saying a word. Everyone guessed the inside story and hurriedly stopped him. You persuaded him one sentence at a time. There will be a second time every time, this is what my mother said!"

Seeing this, Wang Lun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Brothers, be a witness. If I cheat Brother Lian again in the future, I will let him go down the mountain without hindrance!"

Suddenly I saw that Yan Jiao looked up at Wang Lun, and said seriously: "You lied to me because you love me, and I don't care about you anymore! Then I will keep calling you brother military adviser in the future, so you are not cheating on me!" "

Everyone was shocked when they heard it, and then a burst of earth-shattering laughter came.

Note: I recommend a book from my friends: "The National Beauty of Jiangshan". Those who like to read the Sui and Tang Dynasties can go and watch it. The link of the book is on my author's recommendation. Here is the introduction:

The seven years of Sui Daye, at first glance, seemed to be the year of prosperity.Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty conquered Liaodong, and wanted to become the emperor of all ages. In a blink of an eye, the flames of war were everywhere, and the smoke was everywhere.

The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the beauties are overwhelming the country, attracting countless heroes to fight.Traveling through the time and space of thousands of years, in this magnificent era, young people rise from the grass, shake the three-foot long bow to pick up the stars and the moon, stir up the mountains and rivers with heroic sticks, and sing eagles, wolves and hummers to compete for the deer, overlooking the two capitals and bowing their heads.Ten years of flicking the fingers, the commoner is proud of the prince.With a pipa, all the world's beauties and nobles come from the west.

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