Water Margin Survival

Chapter 609 "Dung Tyrant" Shi Wengong

When the sound of cock crowing sounded one after another, Shi Wengong, who had slept for four hours, woke up from his sleep, habitually stretched out his legs, kicked Su Ding, who was sleeping on his upper bunk, and was snoring continuously, and then shouted into the room: "It's time, get up!"

I saw that this room faced north-south, and it was very spacious. There were nearly a hundred people in it. After Shi Wengong yelled, amidst a burst of lazy complaints, the "roommates" gradually began to move.

Although the beginning of autumn is already here, the weather is still a little hot, so making the bed is not cumbersome.Not long after, Shi Wengong finished tidying up, and patted the bed board of the brother on the upper bunk. Then he took the basin, opened the door and went out. Just as he was about to wash up, he suddenly saw some movement outside the courtyard door.

It turned out that it was Tuo Guanghui, the double-knife head, escorting a group of dejected people, walking towards the courtyard.

When Guanghui saw Shi Wengong, he said "just right!", stepped forward to say hello, and said, "There are 87 captives here, and they are now included in your team. Here is the roster, check it out!"

Shi Wengong, who was acquiesced by both the prisoner and Liang Shan as the "Captain", didn't ask any more questions, but just took the roster in Guanghui's hands, flipped through it, and named them one by one.These people who followed Guanghui had been "educated" and knew that they would be called out by name, so they responded immediately.

The old people in several big houses around heard this kind of commotion and knew that newcomers had arrived, so they rushed out to watch the excitement, pointing and poking at these newcomers from time to time, and commented in a low voice: "It sounds like a Qingzhou accent, There are still a lot of people, and Qingzhou is probably broken!" "In my opinion, it's not just Qingzhou people, but the guy at the end speaks Zizhou dialect?"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Shi Wengong finished calling the names.Seeing this, Guanghui gave orders.Then he left: "When you're done with your work, come over and make up for the formalities, and I'll leave these people to you!"

Seeing Guanghui, who was in charge, took the people away, the old people in the yard suddenly became lively, and gloated and stared at the group of newcomers.I saw a ruffian wearing an old shirt coming up to a fair-skinned middle-aged man, and teasingly said, "Your Excellency, you haven't taken off your official uniform yet! May I ask what your name is? I'm called Mr. Zhizhou or Mr. Tong." Judgment, my lord?"

Speaking of corrupt officials.Not only the common people hate it, but also soldiers and hooligans, they have no color towards them. The ridicule of this ruffian immediately caused everyone to laugh in agreement. The ruffian was very proud, and said to Shi Wengong:

"Team Shizheng, ask this guy to follow me, and promise to call him that. Yes, change your mind and start a new life!"

Shi Wengong ignored him, and rubbed coarse salt into his mouth, the ruffian didn't get annoyed even if he made fun of it.But he spat at the man who looked like an official.Said: "Deserve it, retribution!"

However, the group of people escorted by Guanghui were not good at it. The old man’s bullying and molesting of the newcomers made them feel like they were fighting against each other. It's retribution! What the hell are you, you are all grasshoppers on a rope, making you look like good people!"

After the strong man finished speaking, a man in the ranks of the elderly grabbed him by the chest.Everyone thought they were going to fight, but the man said, "Lei San, why the hell are you here? There is one less disaster on Zizhou Road!"

When Lei San saw this, he was taken aback for a moment, then when he saw the face of the visitor, he felt a great surprise of meeting an old friend in a foreign land.Thinking to myself, "It turns out that I am not the only one in trouble, and I don't want to have company in Liangshan!" I saw him say with joy on his face: "Niu Si, you bastard, I haven't heard your movement for a long time, so you are also called Liang Shan is captured!"

This leper is a well-known Daoist elder brother in Zizhou City, but because he did not act as arrogantly as Qingzhou Ma Ye, and was not as good as rectifying Fa on the spot, he finally saved his life and became Sun An's captive, and brought him back to the village together. .

You must know that Liangshan has always upheld the attitude of fully absorbing the captives.Even if there are those who do not meet the rigid requirements of the Shanzhai, such as the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled without any evil deeds, they can enjoy the treatment of ordinary people and become part of the immigrants of the Song Dynasty to open up overseas and take root in the frontier.

At this time, these people who were locked up with Shi Wengong can basically be described in four words, that is, "clear deeds".The origins of these people are quite complicated. There are beetles from the government, soldiers from the defeated army, and local ruffians who oppress the people. Therefore, this place can also be called the Valley of the Wicked on Liaoerwa.

It is said that Lei San met an old acquaintance in a foreign land unexpectedly, and was waiting to go up to Niu Si to reminisce about the past, when Shi Wengong, who had finished washing, yelled and said: "The newcomers are waiting here, don't move around! What should the others do?" What are you doing, I'm going to work now!"

As soon as the old people heard Shi Wengong's words, they all hurriedly prepared to go, while the newcomers were a little at a loss for this honest leader.

To say that mature hooligans all have one distinctive feature, that is, they know who they can offend and who they can't.At this time, the third man had already seen that Shi Wengong was not kind, so he shrank his head immediately, not showing such limelight.

Not to mention the new corrupt officials from Zizhou and Qingzhou, these people are good at using their brains, but they are weak in their hands and feet. Now that they have no power, how can they dare to confront others head-on?At the moment, the flags and drums are also silent, and they dare not speak.Only among the newcomers, there were a few unruly soldiers, who looked very unconvinced, and at this moment they cursed:

"Which kind of onion are you? I don't care if I suffer from Liangshan. Could it be that I still want to look at you when I get here!?"

Shi Wengong looked at the four people coldly when he heard the words, but didn't reply, he just hooked his hand, turned around and went into the house with the basin in his hand.

Seeing this, the old people thought it was a big deal because they were all watching the theater, and they all said maliciously: "You are the master, I wonder if you dare to go in and occupy a good shop?"

Those few people originally intended to make a name for themselves here, so that they could live a more comfortable life in the future, and with some skill in their bodies, they knew that the group in front of them had bad intentions, but they had no reason to back down. The four of them exchanged glances for a while, Nodding to each other, they went in cautiously.

The old people smiled knowingly, and instead of approaching to have fun, they went to wash up with washbasins and cups, and kindly warned the newcomers, "It's better to stand still if you are sensible!"

The remaining 80 people are not staying here, nor are they walking around. When they were confused, they suddenly heard several muffled sounds from the nearest room. Not long after, Shi Wen saw Gong dragged a soldier ruffian who had just entered with one hand, and threw it casually outside the door. Behind him followed a burly man, just like him, dragging two men like dead dogs, and threw them at the door like an arhat. He cursed in his mouth: "What kind of bird bans the army, but also manages the army's emissary, bah!"

The newcomers looked at the two big men in panic, and they were standing straight at this moment, not daring to move, Shi Wengong turned around and said: "You look here, I will take someone to get breakfast!"

Su Ding nodded, turned back and took his own basin, and went to wash up as if nothing happened, everyone hurriedly gave up the middle position, and let Su Ding use it first if he wanted to please.

At this time Niu Si finished washing, took a basin, and went to Lei San's side, saying: "Shi Wengong and Su Ding from Zengtou City, dare you be easy to provoke?"

Ling San was startled when he heard the words, Lingzhou was near his house, and the names of these two people could be described as thunderous, and he immediately said: "Are these four people dead?"

"Since Liang Shanbo sent the lives of us people, who would dare to take them without authorization?" Niu Sishen muttered: "Here, you just remember one thing. If you don't cause trouble, you will be fine. If you cause trouble, you will come to trouble." Already!"

"Thank you fourth brother!" In the past, he would not have been able to say "fourth brother" anyway, but in the current environment, the arrogance accumulated in the past has become a burden, and the only thing left is the desire to live dominate them. "Fourth brother, do we still have a chance to go out?"

Niu Si was very startled by his "fourth brother" and said after a long while, "You said what did we two pinch at the beginning, but now it's fine, and someone took it all together! Brother, if you ask me if I have a chance to go out, I will go out with you." Tell the truth!"

Ling San heard the words and looked at Niu Si intently, only to hear Niu Si whisper: "People who have arrived here, there are only two ways to get out! The first is to rely on oneself. The second is to rely on oneself!"

Lei Sanjian said, secretly cursing that this is not nonsense, but holding back his temper, said: "Fourth brother, two rely on themselves, what's the point?"

"First, let's find a way to get out on our own! Second, wait until they let us out!" Niu Si said mysteriously: "In the past, there were two governors in Gaotang Prefecture who picked up shit with us every day. Later, we found an opportunity to Escape!"

When Ling San heard the words, his heart was moved, and he said: "It is Yu Zhi and Wen Wenbao who were killed by Gao Taiwei?"

"Ah!? Did Gao Qiu chop these two?" Niu Si was surprised, "I thought..."

Ling San nodded and said, "Fourth brother, how did they escape, let's figure it out!"

"This road was blocked after they escaped! Didn't you see it when you came in? There is a newly built military camp outside. The Toutuo who escorted you in just now is guarding us!" Niu Si sighed.

Seeing that Lei San was silent for a while, Niu Si said: "The escape of these two is also a coincidence. This Liangshan is full of people, and there is a vast expanse of white water outside. If you don't have that life, you'd better not try it, and be honest." After three or two years, if you perform well, you can go out early. In the first two months, fourteen or five people were released early. Damn, they are all weak bones in the government. They were released, and it is said that they were rewarded with a hundred acres of land, which is enough for them to live on for the rest of their lives!"

"I'll be locked up for another three or two years!?" Lai San yelled, and turned around accidentally, good guy, there are suddenly many ears around him, and everyone blushed when they saw this, "They are all brothers in trouble, please tell me again! Yes Now, is this Shi Wengong the leader of Liangshan, or who? I heard that he is unparalleled in the world and has few opponents. Why does he live with us? Could it be that he is also a criminal like us?" (to be continued~^~ )

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