Water Margin Survival

Chapter 612 "Dung Tyrant" Shi Wengong

The time spent waiting is the hardest, especially watching others chatting and laughing happily, and their words are full of longing for the future, while I am imprisoned with unique skills, and I can’t extricate myself from being with scum and dirt every day. The stimulation brought by the comparison is not something ordinary people can bear.

Shi Wengong is not an ordinary person, but he is a person who is unwilling to be lonely, otherwise, when his official career is hopeless, he will not settle for the second best, and come to Zengtou City, which has a great relationship with the imperial court, and serve as a private teacher.

But right now, the two governors who raised troops to conquer Liangshan both chose Luocao, which was not an ordinary blow to him.It's like something that one has been pursuing so hard, in the eyes of those who have already obtained it, it is thrown away lightly, as if it is worthless.This kind of "easiness" made Shi Wengong doubt his obsession. Is it really as beautiful as he imagined?At this point, he couldn't find the answer.

Wandering in this fiery recruiting site, which symbolizes progress and expansion, Shi Wengong, who was walking on the beach, was already in a state of confusion.

"Brother! Brother is here!" Ruan Xiaoqi yelled, making Shi Wengong unconsciously turn his gaze to the first gate of Liangshan, and saw a white-clothed scholar with a calm smile on his face, surrounded by many big men, appearing Golden Sands.

Shi Wengong had something on his mind, so he felt a little guilty when he saw this person, and subconsciously wanted to look away to avoid this person, but the other person happened to be looking at this room, and when their eyes met, the scholar unexpectedly nodded slightly, as if paying tribute, Shi Wengong Dazed, the ghost also nodded in response, the man smiled, and his eyes shifted to the people in front of him.Go back to the hustle and bustle that belongs to him.

"Brother. They're back with their carts, and it's time for us to go!"

Fortunately, Su Ding's timely reminder gave Shi Wengong a fair and honest reason to avoid this place, but a trace of reluctance flashed in his heart, and he secretly assumed: If this kind of excitement belongs to me, what will happen in the future?

The full dung truck made a "squeak" sound.Being carefully pushed by the team members to the water army camp next to the beach, Su Ding saw that Shi Wengong was absent-minded, so he stepped forward to negotiate with the people in the water army. : "Boss Wang is not in the water village, and without his warrant, he dare not send ships ashore!"

Su Dingjian said that he was anxious, but he didn't dare to show it.Keep calm as much as possible, and said: "I hope the hero will do it conveniently. Today is already a delay. If it is later, I am afraid that the people on the shore will wait too long, and it will be Dazhai's credit that will be lost!"

The little leader thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute. I'll send someone to Yazuitan. Ask the king for instructions!"

Su Ding thought to himself how much time would be wasted going back and forth to Yazui Beach, but unfortunately he had no other choice, and any further urging would inevitably reveal his flaws, so he had to bow his hands and thank him.The little boss was about to order people to look for Wang Dingliu, when an old man came out, looked with his head, and said, "Did the two teachers who put shit come?"

When the little leader saw the old man, he respected him very much, and hurriedly said: "Grandfather, it's them! It's not that sixth brother has gone out. The villain dare not make decisions without authorization, and is about to send people to find him!"

Seeing this, the old man shouted: "Don't bother, here is my son's warrant, saying that two teachers want the boat, you can handle it yourself!"

The little boss stepped forward to help the old man, took the warrant, and glanced at it like a formality. After all, this is the father of the sixth brother, how could he pass the military order indiscriminately?Immediately, he called two attendants and said: "As usual, order a hundred boats, and three hundred sailors are waiting for orders!"

Su Dingjian said that he just let go of his heart, thinking that he could leave immediately.Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, only half of the boats were assembled, his face was anxious, the old man was very kind, seeing this, he said: "Teacher, don't worry, just wait!"

"Grandpa, there are all boats here, why can't I find anyone?" Su Ding imitated the title of the boss and asked Xun.

"The teacher doesn't know, what we are short of now is manpower! The navy dispatched a large number of people to go there earlier, and the fresh fish that the kitchen needs every day is indispensable, so it is not as fast as usual!" The old man laughed.

Su Ding was keenly aware of the information hidden in the words, thinking that there were tens of thousands of soldiers surrendered on the shore, and the navy had to transfer people from the camp responsible for fishing and transportation. It seemed that its expansion was not small.It’s just that with the current strength of the Liang Shanshui Army, it is more than enough to dominate Liang Shanbo, and further expansion is completely useless in the Song Dynasty, but Wang Lun and his group will not do things in vain. Rest assured:

It seems that the rumors are true, and Wang Lun's ostentation overseas is probably not small!It is strange that they have to stop recruiting people to go up the mountain, and there is no land to cultivate here, presumably it is preparing for the establishment of the country in the future.

Thinking about this section clearly, Su Ding turned his head to look at Shi Wengong, and found that he was calm, secretly thinking that his city is still too shallow, and immediately thanked Wang Dingliu's old father, and talked with him about the daily life.

After another incense stick of time, three hundred sailors were gathered together. Su Ding led the men to push the dung truck onto the boat. Since there were a lot of newcomers, a lot of dirt was spilled on the boat. They immediately became unwilling, and immediately cursed, pitiful for this ruthless character who came from all directions to dominate one side, at this time, he was scolded so badly, but he didn't even dare to speak back.In the end, it was the old lady who came forward to make peace, and calmed down the anger of the sailors.

"Grandfather, they are just prisoners, why are you so polite to these people?" The little boss waited for Shi Wengong and the others to row out of the shore, puzzled.

"Young people, don't look at people just for a while! It's common for ten years in Hedong and ten years in Hexi!" Old man Wang stroked his gray hair, and said in an extremely firm tone: "Don't you see that halfway up the mountain is broken gold?" On the pavilion, there are one hundred and eight names written, and there are two of them? This is God's will. Even if all the organs are exhausted, they will never be disobedient. If you don't believe me, wait and see. These two teachers will sit in the top spot in Juyi hall sooner or later !"

The fleet sailed on the wide lake for a long time, and finally entered the labyrinth of lake branches, with reeds taller than people on both sides. If you don’t know the way, you will definitely get lost in this water area. Sidao: "Bring us ashore like this, won't we be afraid that we will run away?"

Niu Si looked at Lai San as if looking at a fool, and warned: "Don't do anything stupid. Several counties around here have always treated Liang Shanbo as a land lord. If Wang Lun said something, it would definitely be men, women, old and young Mobilization of the whole people, even if we escape from the lakeshore, we will definitely not be able to get out of the two states of Yun and Ji! It’s not that no one has thought about it, and the result is, hehe!”

"Is it really as suspenseful as you said?" Lei San asked in disbelief.

"There is only one sky here, and that is Wang Lun in white! The officials here are just assesses. Apart from the officials offering this clay statue, who would take him seriously? Don't be surprised, let me tell you." Forget it!" Niu Si snapped his fingers and said:

"Liangshan Boli has 10,000+ stuttering, clothing, and supplies, as long as he can't supply them, he will neither borrow nor rob, and buy them all from the nearby people with cash. The price is really fair, so not only our businessmen from Jingdong often come here, but also Merchants in Hebei and Huainan can't let go of the business opportunities here."

"Also, they provide free medical treatment on the shore all the year round, and they don't charge any money for medical treatment. Your family is not good, and the medicinal materials are given away for free. Damn, when it comes to seeing a doctor, I hate it too! If my father hadn't been seriously ill back then, nothing would have happened. Money for medical treatment, I will not just get ruthless and walk on this path!"

Seeing that Niu Si seldom showed his true temperament, Lai San held back for a long time, and then squeezed out two very humane words from his own mouth. After persuading him for a while, Niu Si wiped his eyes and cursed into the sand , slowed down and said:

"Liangshan not only has a free clinic, but also sets up a public court at the foot of the mountain to accept complaints from the people and punish people like you and me for them. Those who have committed the most serious crimes are executed on the spot. Those who have committed lesser crimes, such as you and me, will be fined to pick manure, feed horses, etc. To be a coolie... You say, there is such a strange person as Wang Lun, who do the people not turn to him? You still want to escape, unless you grow wings, otherwise if you fall into the hands of the people, it will be strange not to be beaten to death on the spot! Look at those Shi Wengong and Su Ding, they are very capable and have no shackles on their feet. Why don't they run away? Are they stupid? I advise you not to treat Wang Lun as paper. He can make such a scene, you I still have some idea in mind!"

After listening to Niu Si's detailed explanation, Lai San also gave up the idea of ​​running away. If even the people in the surrounding counties became non-staffed prison guards, then the prison escape would undoubtedly become a joke. The sentence was shortened.

Unknowingly, the fleet landed at one of the four major hotels around Liangshan. On this day, it was the turn of the people from Shouzhang County, Yunzhou to come to collect fertilizer.

Because the smell on this ship was too strong, the fleet chose to unload the ship at the downwind pier, but the busy scene in front of the North Shore Hotel could still be glimpsed.

I saw that the baskets and bags of seasonal vegetables, Liangshan collected as much as they had. After checking the quality, they sent them directly to the hotel.There are also large-scale transactions, such as horses and livestock, pig iron and wood, grain and medicinal materials, animal skins and mountain goods, and so on, they go to another dedicated wharf.

At this moment, crates of silver ingots are piled up next to the pile of copper coins like a hill, and you can check out with the vendors who have delivered the goods at any time. The sea of ​​silver and money in the sun shines dazzlingly, which seems to have a visual impact. force.

"Damn, for being a bandit, you are the first in the Great Song Kingdom!" Lai San said with a lick of his lips.

Not to mention that the newcomers were all there to watch and see the world, Shi Wengong, who was used to it, had already begun to direct the crowd, handing over to the people who had been waiting here for a long time.For convenience, Liangshan built a batch of dung trucks and distributed them to the people in the surrounding villages. The process at this time was to replace the empty trucks with full ones. After the people pulled them back and unloaded the empty trucks, they handed over the empty trucks to other villages that needed fertilizer. This cycle is endless, and no village will be left behind.

However, every time the common people come here, they don't come empty-handed. They often give the treasures that they are reluctant to eat, such as eggs and duck eggs, to the children of Liangshan who are closer than their relatives.Although there are not many things, they represent the hearts of the people.After Guanghui took office, he issued an order that things can be collected, but the unified distribution of manure picking teams to improve food also made them feel the feeling of being a good person.

"Borrow, borrow, ouch!"

At this time, a man in his 40s accidentally slipped his foot and bumped into Shi Wengong's arms. Shi Wengong hurriedly helped him up. The man was careful, and then disappeared among the crowd.Everyone didn't take this little episode seriously, and immediately went to their own business, only Shi Wengong calmly clenched his right hand into a fist, and there was already a note in his palm. (to be continued~^~)

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