Just when the two Jiedu envoys were serious about their "secret division" opponents, the parties in their mouths: Lu Zhishen and Wu Song, were calmly observing the battlefield situation in front of their respective positions.

For these two five tiger generals of the Liangshan infantry, fighting horses really didn't make them very interested.After all, the former has a big waist and is too burly (fat). Although Ma Zhan is not afraid of anyone, it is not an advantage after all. There is really no need to avoid weaknesses.And the latter, who has the shining aura of "King of Foot Fighting", is often known for his dexterity and strength, and naturally does not like to be restricted by horses.

What's more, no matter whether these two are on Liangshan or in the green forest, they are already well-known, and they don't need to use any extra things to prove their bravery.Moreover, as the backbone of the Liangshan infantry formation, the two of them focused more on the sergeants under their own command. After all, there were many new recruits in the Liangshan army who had entered the battle for the first time. When the cavalry charged into battle, Wang Lun also counted on these old men to play the role of "Dinghai Shenzhen".

So at this time, although the two battles were fiercely fought before, neither Lu Zhishen nor Wu Song planned to join the battle, they just left the chance of getting famous before the battle to the other leaders.

However, how did Zhang Kai and Mei Zhan know this?

Thinking that the two of them are in high positions, if they know that there are Lu Zhishen and Wu Song in the Liangshan infantry, they are considered down-to-earth. How can they be strict with these two veteran generals?

Let's say that these two people have fought with their respective opponents thirty or forty times, seeing each other's martial arts proficiency, both of them are secretly amazed in their hearts.Especially Zhang Kai, the titan who dared to charge alone.Seeing this for a long time, the discount on the opponent is less than half a cent.I couldn't help becoming anxious in my heart, and shouted: "Lu Da, since you are from the Western Army and received a salary from the imperial court, if you don't abandon your secrets at this time, when will you wait?"

It is said that the old general shouted loudly, which immediately made the generals in Liangshan feel very funny.Even the commander-in-chief of the army, Gao Qiu, couldn't help shaking his head, and said to himself: "This one is open and confused, what a brave man!

Gao Qiu understood better than Zhang Kai, although he had never met Lu Zhishen himself, he knew that this man was a monk who had placed orders in the Daxiangguo Temple, and he even made people look for his bad luck in private.But the person in front of him, from top to bottom.Where is the slightest characteristic of the flower monk?

Not to mention that Gao Qiu secretly laughed at Zhang Kai's recklessness, but said that the "Ruda" who was fighting Zhang Kai didn't reply at all, but just pressed the fine iron spear in his hand towards the opponent's vitals, one shot at a time. Rao opened the gun to make it elusive and airtight.Can't find the opponent's flaws in a hurry.Look at the two gradually becoming an impasse.Zhang Kai couldn't help groaning secretly: "How can an infantry general in the Western Army charge so finely with marksmanship? If I knew this before, I should use the strategy of dismounting and mounting. I'll meet Wu Song!"

Zhang Kai wanted to return to this way of thinking, thinking that "Wu Song" was a soft persimmon that was easy to pinch, but unfortunately, the actual situation was different.

At this time, Mei Zhan's situation is not as good as his. He is still unable to win for a while, but Mei Zhan is in crisis.It turned out that the three-pointed two-edged knife in this good old man's hand was completely suppressed by the opponent's big axe.Anyone with sharp eyes can find that he has already fallen behind.

To be honest, if Mei Zhan hadn't been worried about retreating rashly, Zhang Kai would be trapped in a desperate situation, so he would have withdrawn a long time ago.

"Hate without a ring! Hate without a ring!"

At this time, bursts of very rhythmic cheers broke out in the Liangshan formation. It turned out that Sun Xin, the new deputy general of the Seventh Battalion of the Infantry Army, took the lead in shouting.Today is the first battle Xiao Yuchi has experienced since he was transferred from the intelligence department to the field battle sequence.

Wherever males get together, there is a smell of "competition" everywhere.Originally, there were so many talented people on Liangshan, so the battalions (armies) competed with each other openly or secretly.How can Sun Xin, who has only joined for a month or two, be exempt?Seeing that a majestic Jiedu envoy of the imperial court faced his own general this time, but lost only in an instant, with this prize, one can imagine the excitement in Sun Xin's heart.

But seeing that he took the lead, the sound of spears and large shields smashing to the ground from the seventh infantry battalion gradually infected the entire infantry formation.At this time, there were many recruits who were entering the battle for the first time. The fear in their hearts gradually dissipated, and their morale was like a rainbow, shouting the nickname of Bian Xiang.

The gap is there, how can it be easily reversed by luck?Mei Zhan, who was at a disadvantage, gritted his teeth and fought hard with his opponent for more than [-] rounds on the horse.The burly general of the opponent, who was sure of winning, was willing to give up, saw the timing, and swept across with his axe, but suddenly a cloud of blood appeared in the air, and a severed leg of a horse flew out across the air, startling everyone in the army. They all gasped.

Hearing the wailing of Mei Zhan's crotch mount, he sent it straight forward. Mei Zhan, who lost his balance, was thrown to the ground, and fell into a daze. Who knew that he was unexpected, and he didn't care about the pain at this time, so he got up Just as he was about to run into the formation, he suddenly heard a voice behind him warning: "If you take another step, the next ax will fall on you!"

Mei Zhan was startled when he saw that, and wondered to himself, could it be that he had shown mercy just now?He didn't run anymore, he was quite a bachelor, he stood still, turned his head in disgrace, stared at Sheng Yue himself and said: "Today I believe in the rumors that Your Excellency beat tigers!"

"The one who beat the tiger on Jingyang Ridge was Wudutou! But it wasn't me!" The burly man flipped the bloody ax and shook his head.Because of his power to cut off the horse's hind legs with an axe, no one in the army dared to step forward to snatch him.

Li Kui came out happily again, and personally grabbed Mei Zhan. Mei Zhan's mouth was still open at this time, obviously not believing the fact, until he was dragged a few steps by Li Kui, before he asked aloud: "Duan you are not Wu Song? Is it Ruda from the Western Army?"

"Which stupid bird told you that there are only Lu Zhishen and Wu Song in our Liangshanbo?" Li Kui screamed strangely, pulled Mei Zhan, and urged, "Follow the master! You are only a consultant! Do you want to recognize relatives? Defeat you This big man is named Bian and named Xiang, and he was born in a farmer! How about it, he is better at chopping firewood than you bird masters?"

To be honest, Bian Xiang, who was famous in the east of the country in his trajectory, really didn't have much fame at this time. The only outstanding one was a draw with Guan Sheng, but Guan Sheng also belonged to the kind of people who were buried. At the beginning, it was recommended by Xuan Zan, who knew that there was such a number one person?

"It seems that there are new people coming out of the green forest now, and I am old!" Mei Zhan was willing to admit defeat, and did not struggle. I can only rely on you!"

At this time, Zhang Kai was sweating profusely.It wasn't that he was inferior in skills and fell into a disadvantage, but because Wang Huan hadn't been rescued, and now that Mei Zhan was sent away, he couldn't take down the opposite person for a while, which made him extremely anxious.But no matter how anxious he was, the opponent responded calmly and calmly, and he never felt anxious because his companion captured the enemy and he didn't make any credit. It is said that Ruda is hot-tempered?"

Seeing that his old friend was about to be dragged into the battle by Li Kui, at this moment, he suddenly saw Zhang Kai struggling to force his opponent's spear away, and suddenly turned around and roared: "Big stubborn who killed the old man, how long are you going to see! Don't come to save people!"

Zhang Kai shouted loudly, causing people in the two groups to look at each other, they didn't understand what Zhang Kai said, only Gao Qiu had a playful smile on his face, obviously he knew the inside story.At this time, many people in the Liangshan Army whispered to each other: "What is this guy talking about? Who killed his old master (stepfather)!"

Just when the vast majority of people were puzzled, they suddenly saw a general flying out of the army formation at this time. If you look carefully, you can find that his face is already flushed, and he can almost bleed out. He gritted his teeth and scolded: "Open me up and see your ancestors!"

Just when he was furiously cursing, he suddenly heard a person behind his own square yell loudly, "General Wang is here, don't show off your bravery!"

It's a pity, how can there be any reason to turn back when you open the bow?Even if the general Wang heard that it was Yang Wen who had just disappeared, he ignored it and galloped out to grab Mei Zhan.Bian Xiang was not in a hurry to return to the battle at this time, he rode his horse to block the opponent's only path, waiting for the arrival of this big stubborn.

Zhang Kai saw that Bian Xiang, who was threatening to win, was waiting for his man, and couldn't help being annoyed. He scolded himself and said: "If I don't force you, you won't come out! It's not as good as the seven of us in the past. Good job! No matter how strong the water puddles are, there is no way they can gather seven Lin Chong at the same time!?"

It seems that when you open your mouth to be poisonous, you still regard the future as one of your own in your heart, unlike the sad Qiu Yue, no one cares about whether he is dead or alive at this time, I am afraid that even Gao Qiu will scold him to death in his heart up.

"This battle is over, I will settle accounts with you again!"

At this time, General Wang rushed to him, even though he was angry, he had to admit that Zhang Kai's last complaint was very reasonable.If the seven Jiedu envoys of one's own side fought together at the beginning, at least how many games would there be to win?How could it be like the current situation, the old brother called the opponent to capture one after another, and he had to face the strongest martial artist in Liangshan who made his hand free.

Thinking of this, the General Wang frowned, thoughtfully, looked at Bian Xiang and shouted:

"Wu Na man, I thought you had just had a fierce fight, and I didn't bully you, so I allowed you to retreat and rest, and by the way, tell your Liangshan Bozhu that only the new force that has never been in battle, pick one to fight with me !"

"You are showing off your lips and tongue, why should I cherish this strength? Thank you for your kindness, there is no need to change people, just me!" Bian Xiang smiled and responded.

Seeing that the other party was not fooled, Wang Jiedu just frowned slightly, but he didn't take it too seriously. After all, there were no parallel imports in Shijiedu, and he didn't regard Bian Xiang as an impenetrable moat. The long gun is about to catch up.

Bian Xiang also waved his big axe, and rushed out aggressively. Suddenly, he heard a shout from the Liangshan formation behind him: "Brother, I, Liangshan heroes picked you to dismount after nine festivals. I don't like doing it again." Drop! Kidnapper, it’s convenient, just leave this stubbornness to brother!” (to be continued~^~)

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