Water Margin Survival

Chapter 637 The Unexpected Qiu Yue

"Brother, why did the other battalions have a fight, but they told us to stand still? They both carried a head on their shoulders. Could it be that our stepmother raised us to fall into the camp?"

The horn of the Liangshan army's counterattack has sounded, and even Li Kui can see that the officers and soldiers who were showing off their power just now have completely become grasshoppers after autumn, and it won't be long before they jump around. If they don't play again, they really have nothing to do with themselves up.

Is it the style of this black servant to watch others beat the dog in the water with wide eyes?I saw him stripped naked, running straight back from the front to challenge Wang Lun.

"You bastard's mouth is unclean, what are you talking about?"

Fighting wars with soldiers has always been about orders and prohibitions. How can there be any reason for temporary bargaining?When Wang Lun saw him leaving the team and running back by himself, how could he give him a good face?I am not used to this man at the moment, and shouted:

"The two armies are facing each other, and the outcome is still uncertain. What should you do for leaving your post without authorization? Hurry up and go back to your post, but if there is a problem, I will ask you!"

Xu Guanzhong saw that Wang Lun's tone was a bit serious, and he was afraid that Li Kui would not get off the stage, so he poked his head out, looked down and said, "Tie Niu, who said that you are the only battalion on standby? Look at Han Shizhong, all the water that was thrown out has been recovered. How can you say that brother ignores you and falls into the camp?"

Li Kui has always been a reckless man who acts recklessly, only after hitting a wall every time does he know how to turn around.Seeing Wang Lun's stern tone at this time, he thought that there was no room for counter-offering, but he was unwilling to miss the fight in vain, and was struggling there. Hearing Xu Guanzhong's words, Li Kui looked up and saw the horse The brothers in the infantry are all being sent out, only the guard battalion that has wiped out the vanguard of the official army is going back.Seeing this, Li Kui immediately felt balanced.He laughed loudly and said, "Since I have the unlucky Po Han Wu as my companion, I feel relieved! It's okay, it's okay, I'll go back and stick to my post!"

After Li Kui finished speaking, he didn't dare to stay for a long time, so Sa Yazi ran back.Xu Guanzhong smiled and said: "What good things are the people in the camp thinking about? It is obvious that they are going to capture prisoners. If this group of killers are released, it will add more murders for no reason! I don't think Fan Rui is here, so the brothers let the ducks go , just follow your temper!"

"He still knows how to come and ask for a fight this time. If this man's previous temperament is followed, he will do it earlier. In this way, it can be regarded as some progress!" Wang Lun's tense face finally returned to normal. Li Kui made a few jokes.

Until this time, he was relieved.

original.He didn't expect to be able to deal with the huge group of cavalry around Gao Yu today. After all, Qin Ming, Tang Bin, Xu Ning, Hao Siwen, Zhang Qing, and Lu Junyi of his cavalry army were not by his side. The real target was the imperial court's [-] infantry who were approaching Gao Qiu without the cover of the horse army.

Because the main force of the Ma army was not around, Wang Lun was on the defensive from beginning to end.certainly.This has a lot to do with the deliberate show of weakness of the cavalry who wanted to hold Gao Lian back.But in the final analysis, he still didn't have the strength to eat the opponent in one bite.

For this point, Wang Lun has a very clear understanding.

His principle has always been "how much rice you have, how much rice you cook!".For ordinary people, if you take too long a step, you will only get in trouble, and it will not harm others.But for Liangshan, an armed group with tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians combined, if the decision-maker is unrealistic and ambitious, then the people involved will be involved.Then go to sea.One or two times may not hurt the foundation of Liangshan, but if the forehead gets hot too many times, the family will not be easy to manage.

Therefore, his first step was just to bite the [-] infantry. As for the cavalry around Gao Li, Wang Lun and his three military advisers had already agreed on other ways to greet them. It is easy to be unwilling to fight a war of attrition with it.

But anyway, the battle was finally won.Although Wang Lun still felt some pity and pain in his heart.After all, no matter whether it was Lin Chong and Yang Zhibu who led the battle, or the elite cavalry of the army who Wang Lun regarded as possible targets, they all paid a heavy price.To be honest, Wang Lun really didn't want to fight more of this kind of battle.

"You can call back to Tianying to disembark, and quickly start first aid on the battlefield! Brothers from two battalions have gnawed a hard bone today!" Wang Lun withdrew his thoughts and told Xu Guanzhong, "In addition, explain to Doctor An and the others that the prisoners must also Work hard to rescue!"

Xu Guanzhong understood, and was about to convey Wang Lun's military order, when he heard a commotion coming from under the building car, Xu Guanzhong looked out and couldn't help being surprised.It turned out that Qiu Yue, the leader of the captured imperial guards, somehow broke free from the rope and injured five or seven nearby guards.Xu Guanzhong frowned, thinking to himself that this fellow, who had been knocked out of his heart shield by Wang Jin's shot and even fainted once, has such a great ability to suddenly attack him!It seems that he can take over Wang Jin's position as the head of the 80 Imperial Guards. This ability is really not a fake.

At this time, there was no leader on duty under the building car, Xu Guanzhong was afraid that the guards would suffer in vain, so he immediately grabbed the railing and was about to jump off.Unexpectedly, he was suddenly hugged by a person behind him, Xu Guanzhong looked back and saw that it was Jiao Ting, who was about to speak, but he heard the man shout: "If you want the military division to take action on such things, where will the face of our guard camp go?" Put it on? The military commander is waiting, I will clean up this fellow!"

Xu Guanzhong glanced at Wang Lun, saw him nodding his head slightly, Xindao brother, the leader of the personal guard, hangs out with Wu Song and Yan Qing all day long, leading someone to suppress an injured Qiu Yue on his own ground, it shouldn't be a big problem, so he immediately gave up personally The intention of going on stage was just to pat Jiao Ting on the shoulder, and said: "This guy is the successor of Coach Wang, he has a tough idea, and you have to be careful!"

Jiao Ting nodded his head full of fighting spirit, clenched his fists at Wang Lun again, and was about to turn over and go down to meet Qiu Yue.It's interesting to say that these two people are both skilled and bold. They are on a building several stories high, but they are not willing to walk up the stairs. They both chose to jump from the sky by coincidence.Unexpectedly, Jiao Ting was about to go down, but Wang Lun stretched out his hand to stop him, saying: "Wait a minute! This guy came up by himself!"

Hearing this, Jiao Ting poked his head around and saw that Qiu Yue had to get out of the shackles. In this gap, he didn't escape, but climbed up the building car. It seemed that he was planning a lot.Seeing this, the guards guarding the captives involuntarily dripped cold sweat from their foreheads. For them, this was a huge dereliction of duty!Although there are two masters, the Military Advisor and Lord Jiao, on the building car, the situation will not be out of control, but if the village owner is hit by half, where will their faces be put?

At this time, everyone was in one mind, even if the secret channel fell to his death, he had to pull this person down first.Suddenly, everyone pulled out their short knives and held them in their mouths, and they were about to go after Qiu Yue.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, several veterans who had been fighting against Qiu Yue suddenly became violent and blocked the front of the building car with their bodies, making it clear that they were going to make trouble.The guards couldn't help being furious. Seeing Qiu Yue climbing higher and higher, they warned the veterans sharply: "If you don't give way, you will be killed!"

"I'm getting old, I didn't expect to die to cover one of Gao Qi's dogs! Forget it, the master made his fortune in the green forest, and today he died at the hands of your younger generations, and it's a worthy death!" Wang Wende shouted loudly, Although his hands were bound and he had no strength to fight, his aura of wanting to die was astonishing.

His words resonated with the other Jiedu envoys. Yang Wen was originally in a dilemma and didn't want to get involved in this muddy water. After all, Yang Zhi had already given his advice, and his escape was a certainty.It's a pity that he really couldn't stand the contemptuous eyes of his colleagues, his face turned red, and he simply jumped forward, but shouted: "Qiu Yue! Don't be stupid and force Wang Lun to agree to send us out!" That's fine! Otherwise, if you do other things, you and I will die without a place to die!"

Qiu Yue received "support", but he didn't respond, he just climbed up with his head sullen. Although this person was defeated by Wang Jin, he was not a person who made a name for himself. The veterans cheered and held their bodies against the soldiers of the guard battalion. If Wang Lun hadn't ordered to treat these seniors in the rivers and lakes well, the guards who were full of anger would have shown their swords early.

Besides, Qiu Yue, who had no worries about the future, saw that the summit was just around the corner, and immediately exerted brute force, using both hands and feet, struggling to climb up, and his hard work paid off. When he showed his head again, he could already see the feet of the people above. on the boots.At this moment, suddenly, Qiu Yue felt something hit his head violently, his ears buzzed continuously, and he also felt the cool wind whizzing by, and his head was cool. He immediately realized that, I was hit by an arrow, and the helmet was probably shot away by someone.

Qiu Yue immediately froze on the building car, not daring to get on, and unable to get off, it was very embarrassing.At this time, Zhang Kai, who was holding back the three or five guards under the building car, shouted loudly: "How can there be an arrow back when you open the bow? Chief Qiu, as long as you have a little ambition, you will die on it! What the hell are you afraid of?" Bird Arrow, I think this person shoots very accurately, even better than Xiang Yuanzhen, if he wanted your life just now, you would be dead by now!"

"This old dog usually has no good words to say, but this time I will stand by him! Qiu Yue, if you are a man, you will fight hard this time. As the saying goes, if you lose your head and have a big scar, 18 years later Another hero..." Wang Wende's situation was not much better than that of Zhang Kai, but he also came forward to shout at this time.

Although the other veteran Wang Huan didn't say much, he showed his firm attitude with practical actions. At this time, the other Jiedu envoys were only blocking the building car with their bodies, and he used his head, elbows and other things that could When the body was used as a "weapon" to attack the guards, Mei Zhan immediately guessed what Wang Huan was thinking, and shouted: "General Wang, don't commit suicide!"

Yang Wen also saw this scene with his own eyes. It was unbelievable to see several guards with sharp knives being forced away by Wang Huan, but Yang Wen guessed that these people should not want to hurt others.But the key is that clay figurines also have an earthy nature. If they are worried about the safety of the boss, what should they do if they can't help it? .

To be honest, he didn't think highly of these bandit-born colleagues in the past, but after these months of personal contact, these six people left a deep impression on him. At this time, he didn't want to see Wang Huanxue On the spot, he gritted his teeth, and held up Yang Zhi's banner, ignoring his face, and issued a warning without internal logic:

"Liangshan Yang Zhi is my handsome uncle, hurting this person is equivalent to hurting Yang Zhi, you... think twice!" (To be continued~^~)

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