His head was still dizzy, and although his consciousness had recovered, his limbs were still unable to move. Han Cunbao only remembered that he had just loudly warned Gao Qiu, and the son of the Huyan family had poisoned him. Darkness.

When he found out that he couldn't move his limbs, it wasn't because his body hadn't recovered yet, but because he was tied like a rice dumpling and fixed on the back of a horse as a trophy, this kind of humiliation made Han Cunbao, who came from a famous family, burst his head!

Who is he?

His grandfather was Han Qi, the father of the two dynasties, who could cause an earthquake in the officialdom of the Song Dynasty by stomping his feet, so it goes without saying.And his uncle Han Zhongyan (the eldest son of Han Qi) never embarrassed his family. Servant shot and servant, Feng Yi Guogong.

Thanks to the blessings of these two, Han Cunbao has already taken the position of Jiedushi when he was young and strong (compared with Hu Yanzhuo and Guan Sheng, who have just stepped into the general threshold, Han Cunbao has already been the head of the military region ), it can be said to be the pinnacle of military generals. If you go up any further, your eyes will be on the positions under the buttocks of the big guys like Tong Guan and Gao Qiu.

Therefore, among the ten festivals, his life is the most carefree.After all, his grandfather was a general and a prime minister, and his uncle had been in power for many years as a minister. Civil officials and military circles were inextricably linked. At this time, he was like the Yuan family of four generations and three princes in the Han Dynasty. All over the world, it's just that, compared to Yuan Shao, the son of a son, Han Cunbao is much more up-to-date.

Not to mention the level of leading troops to fight, but relying on personal martial arts.It can also be called Hu Yanzhuo, a general of the Five Tigers with real material, secretly complaining (not that Han Cunbao has a level above the Five Tigers. It’s just that he happened to "keep" Hu Yanzhuo. It should be said that this person is very good at using dual weapons. The generals in the army are still very knowledgeable, but if the other two five tiger generals of the horse army are better than Hu Yanzhuo in spear skills: Lu Junyi and Tang Bin, I am afraid that the ending will be different).

These show that this person is a person who is willing to work hard and can sink.But no matter how hard it is, it's because of my birth.Many people who climbed from the bottom hit the wall and suffered difficulties and sufferings. Because of the towering tree of the Han family, he avoided everything that could be avoided. As a result, he found himself thrown on the back of a horse like a prey How could he still control his emotions when he was on the stage, and suddenly became furious.

If his mouth hadn't been gagged, he would have cursed out loud.It's a pity that Huyan's family is very considerate, leaving him no chance to vent.

"Do it!" Han Cunbao cursed in his heart, and thought to himself: "This group of rebels broke out in internal strife after meeting Hu Yanzhuo. First, more than a hundred people died, and then they were released by Hu Yanzhuo. Those who follow him fall into the grass. Calculated in this way. With more than 2000 cavalry in his area, what impact can it have on the battle situation? The official army has no infantry, and they are all light cavalry. As long as Gao Lian is not a stupid pig, send three or two thousand Qingqi, drag and drag this group of people to death, like this, a man can bend and stretch, and I will bear with him for a moment of humiliation!"

It's a pity that he tolerated it.Almost never see the light of day.

"There is an order from the commander in chief. From now on, I will take care of Han Cunbao. You and the other fifty cavalry will follow my orders. Now leave the brigade and go to Liangshan Pangtou to meet up!"

When this blood-stained general appeared in front of the team, the officer leading the team hurriedly greeted him. Although he was not his immediate superior, he also served as a commander before Huyan Dutong left office. He belonged to his old superior. A general raised with one hand.Since he came to deliver the order, everyone said nothing, immediately slowed down their horses, and gradually left the team.

"Commander Lei, what kind of thing did Liangshan use just now? The explosion made such a loud noise that even the horses were startled after we were so far away. It seems that this time Gao Qi is in a terrible situation!"

Just listening to the officer's words, he didn't have the slightest respect for Gao Qiu, the third Ya Taiwei.You know, the army is no better than the local government. The authority of a leader depends not on the official position behind your name, but on whether you can be convinced.It is obvious that Gao Lian made an obvious mistake in this matter, and the final consequence is to lose the morale of the three thousand heavy cavalry.

It turned out that when he asked Hu Yanzhuo to come over to fight for him, he valued this heavy armored cavalry, but after Hu Yanzhuo was dealt with by accident, I don't know if he is a nobleman who forgets things too much, or he is busy and slips out every now and then." The officials who "understand the people's sentiments" let the air go, in short, they forgot about this team of 3000 people.

Three thousand heavy riders, just the logistics supplies that people eat horse chews every day, is an astronomical figure.At this time, the team that lost its immediate commander was unable to advance or retreat in the suburbs of Tokyo.In the end, it was the officers in the team, all of whom were Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, trying to find a way to go around the capital to ask for advice, and to raise the situation of this team to high officials and dignitaries. Only then did Gao Qiu remember that the team brought out by Hu Yanzhuo was still " Drying" in the suburban counties.

At this point, Gao Qiu simply didn't do anything, and kept going. In the next three to two months, he sent more than a hundred officers to join this heavy cavalry team.His thoughts are well known, and that intention is to control the team.But he didn't realize that these more than 100 people were more than 100 time bombs, which aroused the contradiction between the takeover faction and the original officers to the peak.Maybe.Without external intervention, although this integration process is painful, it can gradually heal itself with the passage of time, but the key point is that before Gao Lian completely subdued the team, he took them on a journey with the goal of It is also the current residence of the old boss of this group of people.

What played a role in fueling the flames was the Diting Camp of the Liangshan Army. After figuring out all the numbers of the expeditionary army, Shi Xiu took the initiative to ask to work hard on this heavy cavalry. They cooperated so closely that during the months when the team arrived in JD.com, they worked non-stop in secret.

"I don't know either. Anyway, I heard that Ling Zhen from the Tokyo Jiazhanku's 'Bombing Thunder' went up the mountain and fell grass. He must have created these things, right?" Commander Lei replied.

The officer obviously didn't have the mansion of a big man, and he stuck out his tongue and said, "Who knew that Liangshanbo is so powerful now! It can eat up our 10,000+ army in one bite? Thanks to the support of General Hu Yan, otherwise. If we go all the way to the dark, the situation I'm afraid I'm like these people, reduced to fish and meat!"

Han Cunbao heard more and more wrong, what does it mean to "eat 10,000+ troops in one bite?" Could the official army be defeated?Thinking of this, Han Cunbao couldn't help struggling. The knight was caught off guard for a while, and Han Cunbao fell off the galloping horse. He shouted in fright: "Get out of the way. Don't trample this guy to death!"

The speed of the heavy cavalry army is not very fast, everyone is experienced riders, and the team of fifty riders is also very easy to adjust at this time, Han Cunbao has no other injuries except for some pain from the fall. Turning back, he jumped off his horse and yelled at Han Depository: "You guys, when you are still a husband? If you want to die, tell me sooner!"

Ordinary soldiers only know that this person is the high-ranking Jiedushi, but who knows his true identity?Because of Gao Lian.With Hu Yanzhuo being framed in the past, everyone had long lost confidence in the upper echelons of the army, so they found an opportunity at this time and used it to vent their anger.

"Don't be rude!" Commander Lei is someone who knows the inside story, secretly thinking that this person is the descendant of the Han family in Xiangzhou, with a deep background.Can not blame.Best not to offend.

After turning back, he stopped the soldiers, dismounted himself, and helped Han Cunbao up. Seeing his friendly attitude, Han Cunbao yelled "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" After taking out the things, the first thing Han Cunbao did was to spit.Cursed: "What kind of grandson, what kind of filth is used to block the handsome mouth!"

"Han Jiedu, the young general dare not stop talking to you, but please don't make trouble for the young general!" For the time being anyway, the identity consciousness of this group of heavy cavalry is still relatively disordered, and for a while because of righteous indignation, they are hostile to Gao Li and his lackeys After a while, because of the sense of dignity and inferiority cultivated in half his life, he can't be tough on people like Han Cunbao.Therefore, we had no choice but to be ambiguous and muddled.

"Help me! I want to get on the horse!" Han Cunbao's style was born, and even though he was a prisoner at this time, he still dared to command the guards.

"Han Jiedu, what are you doing here?" Commander Lei asked.

"I don't want you to let me go privately! The commander-in-chief is not so stupid. Hu Yanzhuo can ask you to come and watch me, you must be his confidant! Let’s face it!” Han Cunbao became angry at the end, thinking that as a senior officer of the military command, his experience in this rare cavalry decisive battle was actually: fainted, it started, woke up, it ended.How could such a result be accepted by the arrogant Han Cunbao?

Commander Lei was a little embarrassed, but when he met Han Cunbao's angry eyes, he gave in. He lowered his head and thought for a while, called a big guy, and said, "Let Han Jiedu ride on your neck..."

"Shit?" Unexpectedly, the big man was impatient, and he subconsciously said, and immediately got a whip on the head from Commander Lei, only to hear him shout: "You are smart! Stand up straight! You guys, come and help!"

Seeing this, Han Cunbao thanked Commander Lei, and with everyone's help, he stepped firmly on the man's shoulder. After watching for a moment, he immediately cursed: "Damn it! How did Gao Qiu fight this battle? Thirty thousand men under his command The cavalry, being chased and fought by less than half of their troops, what kind of battle is this fighting? It's so fucking suffocating!"

"Report! We found a group of cavalry, about a hundred or so, whose identities are unknown, approaching us!" The sudden warning from the knights on the side made Commander Lei nervous, and asked, "Is it the Liangshan troops?"

"Liangshan's men and horses are dressed the same as our imperial army, and they didn't raise their flags, so we couldn't tell them apart!" the knight replied.

Commander Lei thought to himself, except for the [-] light cavalry sent by the government army to deal with the heavy cavalry just now, all the other establishments were in a mess and were rushed to pieces by the Liangshan army. Could this group be Liangshan troops?After all, the scene where the heavy cavalry crushed Gao Qi just now at least told everyone in Liangshan that the heavy cavalry was a friendly army and there was no threat.

In the end, Commander Lei still invited Han Cunbao, the father, and ordered all his subordinates to start. The cavalry who lost their speed were lambs to be slaughtered. In any case, Commander Lei had a complicated task for himself.

"Swoosh..." A rain of arrows hit, Commander Lei yelled at the situation, "It's the officers and soldiers who are assholes!" This kind of word is actually very embarrassing for one's own identity. In this critical moment, The comedy effect is no longer enough. These fifty people are trying to avoid arrows in an emergency. In fact, among the enemies that heavy cavalry are least willing to encounter, light cavalry is definitely among the top troops. After all, these guys don’t want to fight. Chasing but not being able to catch up, throwing but not being able to get rid of, and also likes to shoot cold arrows, it is really a headache.

Seeing the hundreds of light cavalry biting fifty or so heavy armored cavalry, Han Cunbao saw a glimmer of hope for escape, even though the arrow rain of these bird men did not have eyes at all, and they almost hit him just now.

"Du Tong, Commander Lei's team is in trouble!" Still, the old subordinates used it smoothly. When Hu Yanzhuo devoted all his energy to defeating the counterattack team temporarily organized by the officers and soldiers, the reminder from the lieutenant general brought him back to his senses.

"Even if Gao Lian runs away, Han Cunbao won't let him go!" Hu Yanzhuo ordered, "You personally take a hundred brothers, cut off the horse's armor for me, lighten the weight, and go to rescue .Remember, don't worry about casualties, I will replace as many horses as you lose, and they are all good Northland horses!"

The chief general said so, what else can the subordinates say, only to see that the assistant general left the team without saying a word and summoned his troops.Seeing the former old subordinates return to his side again, Hu Yanzhuo felt that the day when he could feel proud was coming.

Stimulated by this series of good things, the gloom since he went up the mountain was completely swept away.Of course, the melancholy here does not mean that someone is angry with him, but that when other leaders have made great achievements in foreign lands, he still leads a team of newcomers to practice how to walk there, so that people don't feel depressed ?

Others make meritorious deeds by destroying as many enemies as possible, and capturing as much as possible, but if you want to make meritorious deeds, you have to go out and challenge others in person. Who knows that when people recite, drinking cold water will stuff your teeth, and you will meet Han Cunbao, the evil star, and you will almost be in front of him. In front of more than 2000 recruits, I can't get off the stage.

But the person he should thank most now is Han Cunbao. If he hadn't forced himself, how would he have met his old army?To be honest, he didn't expect to be able to surrender before the battle. After all, it was a matter of everyone's wealth. Although Shi Xiu's work was done well, the suggestion he gave was to surround him with several times the troops (light cavalry) , and then forced to land.

Is it really very peaceful!Hu Yanzhuo thought excitedly, ignoring the forces sent by Gao Lian to contain him. Now he and the rout soldiers have formed a crisscross state, and the enemy has become his best cover instead.Of course, it is also good for me to be able to attract the other party. When Lin Chong or Yang Zhiteng makes a move, it will be the end of this group of people.


"Villager, the battlefield is in chaos, what should we do?"

At the edge of the battlefield, a team of Rangers was wandering, and the leader was Pang Wanchun who was ordered to meet Hu Yanzhuo. He did not follow Hu Yanzhuo to charge, because none of his men were heavy cavalry, and acting together would delay the opponent. Therefore, it is only free at the edge.

"What village master? Calling that in front of the brothers again will make people laugh! We only have one village master in Liangshanbo, brother Wang Lun, and I will be called Pang Dutong from now on!" Very serious, when talking about his official title later, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Zhai... Dutong, we came from Jiangnan. We only train all day long. When will we be able to make meritorious deeds! It will also show the majesty of our Siming Mountain!" Hearing the tone of this person, one knew that this was Pang Wanchun from the four One of the few riders that Ming Shan brought over.

"Do you see the Shuaizi flag over there! We either don't play, or play a big one!" Pang Wanchun laughed. (to be continued~^~)

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