The black man did not avoid the ax blade, but raised his left and right arms, seeing that his hands were bleeding profusely, he turned his head to the side and remained silent.

Seeing that this man was strangled by an ax around his neck, he still felt strong, and immediately became interested in this big black man, so he withdrew the long axe and said, "Man, stand up and speak! Everyone in the world says 'a man, a man! Don’t change your name if you’re going, but don’t change your surname!’There’s nothing to tell!” Wang Lun couldn’t help laughing when he heard this sentence from the side, thinking that when he met him outside Tokyo that day, how could he be like this? This man usually dies and refuses to tell his name.

Hearing the words, the black man raised his head and said: "You have taken advantage of the weapon, and I am not convinced that I lost to you!"

Yan Jiao laughed loudly, and said, "It's not like you, it's not an axe, what's taking advantage of you! Don't say you still use two!"

The black man was silent when he heard the words, at this moment Jiao Ting listened to him and said, "Wu Na Hei Si, how about I fight with you?"

Seeing this, the black man shouted, "Afraid you won't come?"

Jiao Ting chuckled and said, "It's a lottery in this way. Those who lose have to ask questions and answer them. Do you have the guts to gamble?"

The black man heard this, came up with his surname, and yelled: "Bet it! If I win you, I don't bother to ask you anything, just give me a box of gold and silver from the livestock!"

Everyone here laughed out loud, and Wang Lun said, "If you can catch my brother's three tricks, I'll share with you! What are you talking about?" , and Jiao Ting used two moves to subdue him in the original trajectory, so he spoke aggressively.

Seeing the smiles on the faces of these soldiers, the black man thought he was waiting to see his own jokes, so he couldn't bear it anymore, so he got up and rushed towards Jiao Ting, who immediately stepped aside and reminded: "Brother, This man is full of brute strength, without any tricks!"

Jiao Ting let out a chuckle, and said confidently: "Brother Li, don't worry, I'll take care of him!" He went up to meet the man, and just as the two met, Jiao Ting punched him straight at the gap in his body, Throwing the black guy on a block, the black guy fell to the ground, startled, and said to himself: "This guy is really good at punching, no wonder the white-faced scholar dared to tell him to beat me with three moves!"

Jiao Ting saw that he was sitting on the ground for a long time and couldn't get up, so he said: "Isn't that black fellow of yours going to admit defeat?" The black man was furious when he heard this, he jumped up and tried desperately, Jiao Ting saw that his footing was not stable, Li Luoli only He kicked the man to the ground again. The black man saw that he was knocked down again and again with two moves, and remembered what the white-faced scholar said. He became angry and got up and wanted to fight again. Jiao Ting had been prepared for a long time, so he slipped into the In the man's arms, a back fell, and the black man fell to the ground, Jiao Ting smiled and said: "If you still want to fight, I will play with you too! It's just that you lose every time you hit the ground!"

The black man didn't struggle anymore when he heard the words, he just lay down on the ground and shouted: "Unlucky! Where did these two come from! If you want to ask me, you have to ask me! I am the most straightforward, but I will not lie to you !"

"Li Kui! You beat someone to death in your hometown. Although you were pardoned, how dare you block the way and commit murder? This place is at the foot of Liangshan Mountain, how can you be called to harm people indiscriminately!" Wang Lun saw that this barbarian was actually justified, Immediately gave him a blow.

The black man was really shocked when he heard it, and hurriedly asked: "You white-faced scholar, how do you know my name?"

"Not only do I know your name, but I also know that your nickname is 'Black Whirlwind'. Seeing that I am a prisoner with Dai Zong in the prison city of Jiangzhou today, there is a brother in your family named Li Mingda who is responsible for your crimes. As a result, he was wearing shackles and chains, and your old mother missed you day and night, until she cried blindly! You only know how to bump around, but you don’t know how to go back and see your mother?"

When Li Kui heard this, he was stunned, and said straightly: "My lord, who are you? How do you know me so well? Why are my mother's eyes blind?!" Suddenly he patted his head and said, "I'm not stupid. Look at your outfit, you must be an acquaintance of Professor Wu!" Then he said to himself: "No, no, Professor Wu doesn't know my brother's name..."

Seeing Wu Yong's name came out of his mouth, Wang Lun instantly figured out why Li Kui is here now. This Zhi Duoxing really spared no effort to assist Chao Gai at this time, even using his relationship thousands of miles away.It's really ironic, if Wu Yong has such a heart for Chao Gai in the future, he won't ask his old benefactor to be forced to death by his new benefactor.

At this time, Wang Lun shouted again: "Since you are called by Dai Zong to help Chao Gai, why don't you stay in his village and come out to rob? It disturbs the neighbors around this pond!"

When Hei Xuanfeng saw this person, he acted like a fortune teller. He had calculated everything, so he dared to speak nonsense, and said honestly: "Don't talk about Chao Gai, he is so angry! I came from thousands of miles away to help him , help him guard against a bird man called a white-clothed scholar, this guy not only disrespects me, but also is so stingy, I have no money to use, so I come out to cut the path!"

Sure enough, I made myself guess right!It's just that although Chao Gai's way of making friends is inferior to Song Jiang's, and he is a bit outspoken and lacks flexibility, he is not too stingy, otherwise he would not spread his fame to Hebei, and he would call Liu Tang and Gongsun Sheng to compete. cast.He knew there must be something inside, and continued to shout: "Then Chao Gai is not a stingy person, I think you did something to displease him!"

When Li Kui saw what he said, he froze immediately, and muttered: "You scholar, can you see through people's heart and lungs? I didn't do anything, but beat that Han Bolong. You think this guy is a joke, but he is actually a fool." Little boy, he didn’t seek revenge from me when he was beaten, but ran to Chao Gai to complain, and made everyone in the village look at me with blank eyes! If it wasn’t for Professor Wu’s persuasion, Chao Gai would actually drive me away! Just come and leave, brother Dai Zong must not look good in front of him, so he has to stay here for a while, and let it go for three to five months! I just don’t want to ask him for money, so I came out to ask for money!"

Li Kui hit Han Bolong?This black fellow took Han Bolong's life with an ax in the past, but he didn't expect to beat him up again after meeting him for the first time.Thinking of this, Wang Lun shook his head secretly. The relationship between people is so peculiar. Some people can trust each other with a single glance, while some people, no matter how they match them up, it's just not the right way.

When it comes to money, the black guy in front of him is really from the Chu River and the Han Dynasty, and he sees Song Jiang in the same eye, and he is smiling when Song Jiang and him have a penny. Willing to pick it up, I would rather come out and rob by myself!This person has a cruel surname and treats human life like nothing. He is actually a born killer.But his mind is simple, like a piece of white paper, he just let his convinced boss smear on the paper, if Song Jiang wrote the word "courage", he would have nothing to fear, and swore forward to the death, if Song Jiang wrote a With the word "loyalty", he is determined, preferring to die rather than complain.Such a person is born with a bad fate, and even meeting the two bosses is not a simple person. First he was a horseman for Dai Zong, and then he was a thug for Song Jiang, and he directly became a tool for their selfishness. Isn't it sad?hateful?Poor again?

Looking at this reckless man lying on the ground with a confused face and not knowing his fate, Wang Lun suddenly felt a kind of embarrassment and regret in his heart because of the tragic fate of the characters in the play only after the film ended. He secretly thought, such a If a man is used in the battle against foreign races and defending his home and country, he may not fail to become a real man who is admired by others.

Wang Lun sighed, squatted down in front of the black man, put 30 taels of garlic gold into his arms, and saw his hands were split, so he tore off his coat and bowed down to wrap it up for him, saying: "The people here are my food and clothing parents. You are not allowed to rob here in the future. The money is enough for you for three to five months. I only hope that you will learn well in the future and let your old mother feel at ease at home. I will be proud of you from now on! "

Li Kui was shocked when he saw this. He has never encountered such a thing since he was a child, and he has never heard such a thing said to him. Although he is a bit stupid, he is not mentally retarded. He has an intuition to know people in his heart. .I saw that his eyes were as wide open as the copper bell at this moment, he even forgot to pick up the gold, and let it slip from his arms to the ground, just stretched out his hand in a daze and let the scholar in front of him bind him.

Wang Lun wrapped his hands for the reckless man in front of him, picked up the gold, put it in his hand, and said, "I'll do it for myself, think about your mother first!", then got up and greeted everyone, the team started again, Everyone embraced Wang Lun and headed towards Xixi Village.

The black servant sat on the ground, watching the scholar who didn't even leave his name gradually disappear from sight, feeling lost.Sitting like this for a long time, I saw this reckless man who had never had anything on his mind get up, stroked his chest and rubbed his lungs, and suddenly said a word: "Do it!"

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