Returning to Liangshan full of unbelievable ideas, Wang Lun still wanted to laugh, especially when he saw Zhang San, the street mouse, and Li Si, the green grass snake, the two "culprits" with innocent faces.

The two were stared at inexplicably by Wang Lun along the way, and they were not easy to ask. Finally, when the boat was about to dock and thought about getting off the boat, Zhang San couldn't help but touched his face and asked, "Brother, could it be that the face on the face of the younger brother is not good?" What's wrong! Nurse laughed at me all the way?"

"Your face is very good, but your hand is a little short! When you cut it with a knife back then, did you ever think that you would create a little servant in front of the government today?"

Wang Lun did not play riddles with Zhang San, the "chief surgeon".Seeing that the boat is about to berth on the golden sand beach, the next thing will be piled up, and it will be difficult to stop for a while.

Zhang San and Li Si looked at each other in surprise, and within a very short period of time, from a few key words, they thought of the feat of their group when they left Tokyo.Seeing that Li Si was shocked, he said:

"This guy Gao Qiang has entered the palace!? When did it happen? Although this guy is a fake son, he doesn't know how happy he is to coax Gao Qiu. How about another powerful boy?"

"What Tongguan, has this guy seen blood? By the way, he did when I eunuched him! I think this guy is the most, and he is the fate of Liang Shicheng!" Zhang San was full of blood at this time. disdain.

Gao Qi, a towering tree, cut him down in front of his brother, so why should he worry about Gao Qiang, a little reptile?

"It didn't take long! Before going to the expedition, Gao Qiu deliberately imitated others to carry the coffin. He entrusted Gao Qiang to the officials. How could the officials not like this kind of retainers who are "loyal to the country"? Stay by my side and serve as an imperial servant, now inside and outside the palace, everyone calls him the head of the cabinet, and he is very popular!" Wang Lun knew that if he didn't interrupt the two people who were singing together, he might even say that even when they got off the boat. not finished.

The two were completely speechless.This Gao family is really a bit desperate, and it is really evil to follow Zhao Ji's appetite.Gao Qiu made the fake come true this time, and the coffin he had prepared came in handy. I am afraid that Gao Qiu's status in Zhao Ji's heart is different, and it is still unknown whether he will have a compensatory mentality.The two of them didn't expect that the act of righteous indignation back then would plant a traitorous eunuch out of thin air, and they couldn't laugh or cry at this moment.

Unknowingly.The ship has docked.

The leaders of the house, headed by Zhu Wu, a military strategist of Shenji, had gathered on the pier to welcome Wang Lun back to the village.But at this time, there was a man in the official uniform of the imperial court among the crowd, which was very conspicuous. Standing with the reckless heroes around him seemed very incongruous.

As the first time Shi Wengong appeared in public in the cottage as the protagonist, his eyes had been fixed on this person for a long time.It was as if nothing else could hold his attention.

Never thought about it.This person is also an obedient character, he could feel someone watching him from behind, and when he turned around, he found that it was Shi Wengong who had cheated on the two sons of Zhang Shuye's family, secretly thinking that he is now popular in Liangshan, so he should not be neglected, and hurriedly report it with a smile.Shi Wengong didn't expect this court envoy to be so polite, he clasped his fists at him with complicated complexion, the man smiled and nodded, then turned his head away.

The interaction between the two did not escape Su Ding's eyes.As Shi Wengong's loyal assistant, the boss's movements must be monitored in a timely manner, not to mention that at such a boring moment, idle is idle, because there is no other boss to take care of them.

"Brother, if you hadn't acted decisively back then, the person who died on the beach last night would have been you and me!"

For some reason, Su Ding felt panicked when he saw the regimental envoy. This feeling is hard to describe in words.

Shi Wengong didn't speak, but quietly walked towards the open space beside him, Su Ding followed without missing a step.When he found that he was almost at a psychological distance from the crowd, he spoke, his words were full of indignation and depression:

"Zhang Shuye still claims to be a good shepherd in the world, but who knows that he is muddled and has a false name! Even the commanders under him have secretly communicated with Liang Shan, and he still wants to pull us into something big? Pooh! It’s almost the same as being buried with him! Brother, tell me, is there anyone in Shandong who doesn’t know Liangshan? How can such a court ask people to put their wealth on him?”

"Do you know how I felt when I went to meet Wang Lun that night and heard him introduce this person to me? I wish I could go to Jeju City overnight and ask Uncle Zhang to understand !Ask him why he wants to harm me like that? You guys are not doing enough to accomplish anything, and more than fail! I almost told Shi Wengong that I have been living a dream for 30 years, and I have almost confessed like this in this life!"

It's good that Su Ding didn't mention this matter, but when this matter was mentioned, Shi Wengong couldn't hold back the unnamed karma in his heart.That's right, who can let this matter rest on who can be calm?It doesn't matter if the enemy is too cunning, the key is that pig teammates are the most hated.

Seeing that Shi Wengong got angry, Su Ding tried to persuade him even though he was also full of anger. At this moment, he remembered the question that had been simmering in his heart since last night, and said:

"Brother, why did you say that Guanghui stopped us last night, so as not to hurt Zhang Shuye's two dogs? They are obviously the culprits who attacked Liangshan, so it is impossible for Toutuo to deliberately spare them! This matter, Is that what Wang Lun meant?"

"It should be close to ten, this Toutuo has no qualifications to make his own decisions! You don't know, Wang Lun is always different from others! Look at Chao Gai, how did he end up strangling you to death with him? , We are as close as a family! I offended him a lot back then, but he knew that I was colluding with the government secretly, but he kept a door for me...Brother, to be honest, if this cottage wasn’t for Wang Lun Master, I would have died a long time ago!"

Although Shi Wengong deliberately suppressed his voice when he spoke, every word pierced Su Ding's heart and lungs. At the end of Shi Wengong's words, he let out a long sigh:

"Brother, intrigue, hypocrisy and hypocrisy are the most common things in this world. It's not easy to come across such a clean place. You and I don't have to say anything, we have to live here and take root!"

As if infected by Shi Wengong's emotions, Su Ding also sighed.He nodded and said, "Well! It's all up to my brother! I just don't know the job of picking up dung. How long will it last? You don't know, they call us two 'dung bullies' behind our backs!"

"I'm not deaf, why don't I know? But you and I are indeed carrying so many marks that cannot be erased. The mouth grows on other people, and they scream as they like. You just don't take it to heart! I think After picking up dung for half a year, I have gained a lot. I have seen many things that I couldn't see before. Remember, as long as Wang Lun has our place in Wang Lun's heart, we will be able to turn around in the future!"

After Shi Wengong finished speaking, he reached out and patted Su Ding, telling him to look towards the pier: "Our days of picking dung are over!"

Hearing this, Su Ding finally saw the sun through the clouds, and finally showed a smile on his face, and said: "Show it! I don't know which unlucky person in the army came over to take the dung ladle in our hands. This dung tyrant has such a great name. Give it to him!"

Seeing Wang Lun approaching, the two stopped chatting, looked at each other, and surrounded him.Just at this time, Wang Lun and Huang An finished their meeting, and Huang An couldn't stay for long.Then Chao Gai replaced Wang Lun.I personally sent him down the mountain.

Seeing this, Shi Wengong and Su Ding felt less intimidated, and calmly participated in the first Liangshan gathering after gaining the status of leader, and carefully felt the difference from the previous spectator status.

"When did Shi Dalang and the brothers go down the mountain? Did you get any battle reports?"

Sending off the only outsider present, Wang Lun's first major concern is the ongoing battle on the shore at this time.

"After the invading enemy was wiped out last night, the two battalions of the infantry took the time to rest and wait for orders. Later, as soon as my brother's order arrived, they boarded the ship quickly without any delay! As for Chief Xiao, there is no news yet. Here's the latest news! Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaoqi, and Zhang Shun, who were in charge of intercepting Gao Qi's abandoned son Wang Wenbin, have just made their triumphant return and are currently counting the prisoners on Yazui Beach!" Zhu Wu knew that this was not the time to chat, Be as concise as possible,

"Wang Wenbin's team is not a specialized naval force, and the boats they recruited are nothing more than ordinary fishing boats and ferries. They have no power to fight against our army, so this battle can be said to be bloodless! In addition, Zhang Shun brothers captured Wang Wenbin who was trying to commit suicide! "

Wang Lun listened quietly, and everything was expected. The two battles between Yan Ji, Shi Jin, the Ruan Brothers, and Zhang Shun were targeted ambush battles in advance, and victory was expected.Only he didn't expect Wang Wenbin to be buried with Gao Qiu.

Just when Wang Lun was slightly startled, he suddenly heard Guanghui say: "Brother, our pickets are also a battalion organization, and we have to be dragged to the battlefield to practice, otherwise we haven't licked blood on the knife edge, and our speech is soft, and we will be on duty in the future." At that time, it is difficult to convince the public without prestige!" It seems that he still has some "sorrows" about the fact that only the Shi and Li Erying were in the transfer order just now.

"Didn't you just have a small test last night?" Wang Lun couldn't help but ask for a fight when he saw Guanghui, who supervised military discipline. It can be seen how common it is for leaders to compete with each other in private. He smiled and said:

"Currently, the number of captives I brought back is no less than 2. The Ruan brothers and Zhang Shun's side are estimated to have nearly [-] people. Last night was another big battle, and you have experienced it yourself. If even you After going down the mountain, there will be no organized soldiers in the village. Brothers, the more this is the case, the more we can’t take our guard lightly. Your guard battalion has to work harder, and take the brothers guarding the island to watch over the prisoners!"

"Also, if you are afraid that the brothers in the battalion have never been on the battlefield, it is not easy to handle? Don't all armies and battalions have picket establishments? You can just do a rotation, and draw back those who have experience, and those who have no experience If you send them out, wouldn’t this problem be easily solved!”

When Guanghui heard this, he nodded again and again, and said angrily, "Why didn't you think of it!" Everyone laughed when they saw this, and Wang Lun said a few words to Guanghui, and then told him to lead troops to guard the prisoners.

Sending Guanghui away, Wang Lun inadvertently noticed that Shi Wengong and Su Ding were crowded around by the crowd and it was difficult to get close, so he stretched out his hand to call them over.The two men looked at each other, and squeezed in with great difficulty. When they saw Wang Lun, they were about to salute. After Wang Lun helped them up, he didn't pretend to be a joke, and directly said what they were most interested in:

"I didn't call you two out earlier because I was worried about scaring the snake. Fortunately, I finally saw the light, so I don't have to go back. The past has come to an end! From now on, the two of you must make preparations. For reference, the preparation of a new cavalry battalion is also part of the garrison. The specifics will not be finished in a short while, we will talk about it later! By the way, Brother Song Wan, give these two The family courtyard has arranged two suites for tonight's occupancy!"

When Shi Wengong and Su Ding heard the last sentence, they felt a little acid in their nasal cavity. When they were sleeping in the excrement shed at the foot of the mountain, the two of them listened to the crowing of frogs and looked at the starry sky. Having a house of my own in the Houshan Family Courtyard can be regarded as really stepping into the inner circle of Liangshan. It's really... not easy!

At the same time, Wang Lun asked the two of them to set up a battalion of cavalry in the same way as Lin Chong, and it was under the name of the garrison, which undoubtedly belonged to reuse.You must know that Lin Chong's Panshi battalion and Wang Lun's own personal guard battalion belong to the garrison formation.Compared with the number of the No. 11 Battalion of the Ma Jun, this arrangement obviously pleased them more.

In addition, and more importantly, the two of them are preparing for the new army. Even if they follow the Liangshan practice, they are both at the level of control and control. With such a high start, they have been wandering outside the court for many years. The two of them couldn't be more satisfied.

Not to mention that the two of them were crying and letting go of the excitement in their hearts. Suddenly, Wang Lun patted his head and called Song Wan to stop, "Wait a minute, brother! Another six suites are being prepared, and they are also going to move in tonight! Look at my brain! "

Hearing this, Song Wan said happily, "Brother, where are the six heroes joining the gang?"

Seeing that everyone looked over curiously, Wang Lun briefly told everyone about the five Jiedu envoys and Qiu Yue.Of course, Wang Lun felt that there was no need to say something about Qiu Yue, so he kept it silent.

All the leaders were amazed when they heard it, and they all said with a smile: "Jiedu envoys are all gone, when will the privy envoys go up the mountain!"

There was a lot of laughter and laughter on the pier, which was very lively. Wang Lun asked everyone to wait for the new leaders who had not yet landed. Taking advantage of this time, Wang Lun and Shi Wengong chatted about the details of last night's battle: "I heard that the Gaoliang family died in your hand?"

Shi Wengong nodded, and said: "At that time, her flying knife hurt Chief Li, and she wanted to take his life, so I didn't hold back!"

Fei Ge's biography only said that Li Ying was slightly injured, but it didn't say that Li Ying was injured by Gao Liang's flying knife. Wang Lun couldn't help being secretly surprised when he heard Shi Wengong talk about the details.I think the stunt that Li Ying is famous for is the five throwing knives behind his back.She actually missed on the flying knife, which shows how strong this woman of the Gaoliang family is.

Wang Lun understood the behavior of this couple, and they were used to domineering all their lives. Because of the imprisonment of Li Yun, they had already suffered a loss at Liang Shan's hands, but they still didn't know how to repent, and they seemed to be bewildered and wanted to seek revenge from Liang Shan.It seems that this kind of mad dog can only become a problem if kept, so he nodded and said:

"His husband and wife are at odds with me in Liangshan. Since he bumped into you, it is fate. The Military and Political Secretary will record the credit first, and rewards and punishments will be given after the battle is over!"

Shi Wengong heard that Wang Lun probably didn't know much about what happened last night, and it happened that he participated in the whole process last night, so he took the initiative to report without waiting for Wang Lun to ask again:

"Mr. Zhu managed this battle well, and the navy and infantry cooperated quite tacitly. At the beginning, when the militiamen came up and thought they had a plan, the trumpets rang, and the leader Shi and the leader rushed out together. They were shocked. He had no fighting spirit, so he turned around and ran away. Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers who had not landed on the shore surrendered without a fight, and the back road was also cut off by Li Touling and Hu Yantou. The team was in chaos for a while. Gao Liang died at this time. The leader of the scorpion fights, but later sees that the situation is over, unable to turn back, and kills himself. There is also a man named Shen Boer, who died at the hands of the leader of Tongwei!"

Zhang Bofen and Zhang Zhongxiong, who received special attention from Wang Lun, were captured alive by Shi Jin and Guang Hui respectively. Wang Lun knew about this.However, Shi Gugong, the mastermind of the militia, was not able to waste the limited space of Feige's transmission of letters because his identity was not obvious, so such irrelevant news was ignored.

At this time, Shi Wengong reported the military situation in front of him, and he didn't even forget the life and death of such a small character as Shen Bo'er, but he didn't involve the whereabouts of his uncle and brother in the same family, which is a bit interesting. (to be continued~^~)

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