(I want to hear more of your voices and receive more of your suggestions. Now search the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, so as to give more support to "Water Margin Survival"!) Xu Ning recognizes the person who spoke , but Jing Zhong, the envoy of Qinghe Tianshui Festival.

This person is ten years older than himself, and he was also a ruthless character in the Jianghu back then.Later, he was recruited by the imperial court, and finally rose to the high position of Jiedushi.

However, Xu Jing, who is good at observing the strengths of others, has a bad feeling about this person. A series of facts later proved that because of his greed for power, this person did not hesitate to take refuge in Gao Qiu, took the people of Yunzhou as his vote, and owed a debt of [-] yuan. Ass blood debt.

Wang Lun made it clear in the pre-war meeting that he should try to capture the other leading generals of the imperial court, such as Wang Huan and Mei Zhan, without threatening their own safety.But this person, together with Gao Qiu, Sun Jing, and Wang Wenbin, is on Liang Shanbo's must-see list.

Xu Ning is an honest person. Under such a major premise, facing Jing Zhong's request, he couldn't make this promise.

Flatly refuse?Or should I stabilize this guy first, and then make a fuss?

Xu Ning frowned, and before he had made up his mind, suddenly, a man dressed in Taoism leaped out from the Liangshan formation, and came to Xu Ning in the blink of an eye. Xu Ning didn't know what he was going to do. What, looked at this person with some puzzlement, but saw that the leader leaned slightly on the horse, and said in a low voice:

"Poverty has overstepped!"

Although Xu Ning is kind, he is also a figure in the officialdom in Tokyo for more than ten years. Hearing this makes him feel bad, but he has no time to stop him.Then he heard the Taoist leader's promise and shouted out loudly: "Jing Jiedu. Let's open the city! Pindao said on behalf of Liangshan: Brothers in our cottage, I will never fight you!"


As an important prisoner of war, Li Congji was not mixed with the [-] to [-] miscellaneous soldiers in Zhujiazhuang, but was sent to Liangshan at the fastest speed.When he woke up, he was already on the ship.

Finding himself trapped in the pitch-black cabin, Li Congji struggled to get up.Finding that his hands and feet were bound, but fortunately his mouth was not stuffed with hemp walnuts, he said a little anxiously: "I'm so naive! I'd better sell my father! It's a waste of more than 20 years of being a courtier!" mutual affection!"

At this moment, a voice came from the corner, which almost made Li Congji jump.I just heard this human say: "Old man, take a break! I don't know if we will survive after going up the mountain!"

Li Congji was taken aback for a moment, not thinking that he was not the only one in the cabin, when he heard the voice clearly.Immediately he laughed and said, "Teacher Zhou! Isn't Jing Zhong the best with you? Why doesn't this guy take you with him when he leaves?"

"Nowadays everyone is in trouble, why should the old man make fun of me? It's not because of the Taiwei that Jing Zhong is willing to get close to me. Now that the Taiwei is gone, I have no use for him at all. How can he watch it Half-eyed?" Zhou Ang woke up on the way.Li Congji didn't need to remind him at all.He had already made a good guess about what happened to him.

"It's only my fault for being careless and following this guy's way! Otherwise, with the [-] troops in Zhuangzi, even if I stick to it, I can still consume this Liangshan!"

Li Congji said angrily.Jing Zhong is a surrender faction, but he is definitely a staunch main combat faction.Not to mention the truth, he would do anything for the blood feud of the old brothers who died at the hands of Liang Shan.

There was no response from Zhou Ang from the other side, Li Congji sneered, and said ironically: "It seems that even if I didn't suffer from Jing Zhong's black stick, I couldn't escape you!"

"Don't talk about me, I just want to ask you one thing. You said that you want to defend Zhuangzi to the death and consume Liangshan's bottom. Do you think it is realistic? We have no strength to attack, no reinforcements to defend, and we don't know how long we can last with food and grass. You this desperate family How to play, what do you think everyone is planning?" Zhou Ang finally responded positively to Li Congji:

"Old man, as the saying goes: 'He who understands the current affairs is a brilliant man', his forehead is so hard, what use is it other than being struck by lightning? You are an official who rose from the previous dynasty, and the late emperor wanted to restore Yanyun. But here we are For a lifetime, what is the use of having a whole body of skills? Up to the government, down to the prime minister, and then to the princes of the state capitals, who are not waiting for a group of people begging for mercy. You say, the country is like this now , what good is it for you to scold me a little instructor here?"

It was dark all around, and Zhou Ang had no scruples in his heart.Anyway, the man in front of him has arrived in Liangshan. With his bad temper, Zhou Ang dared to write his name upside down if he survived.

He had already considered it at this time, and surrendered when he saw Wang Lun.He heard people talk about Qiu Yue's surrender on the road just now, and his heart was alive at that time. Since Qiu Yue surrendered, why couldn't he surrender?Didn't the old saying still say that it's better to live than die!

Li Congji told Zhou Ang that he was speechless.He snorted angrily, fell to the ground, and simply stopped talking.Zhou Ang didn't look for trouble, and was also silent, secretly thinking about how to reverse the unfavorable situation he was facing.

After an unknown amount of time, the ship finally landed, the hatch opened, and a ray of fire tore through the darkness.Li Congji and Zhou Ang narrowed their eyes and were brought out of the cabin.Zhou Angyue felt that the back of the leader looked familiar, and asked cautiously, "Is your surname Wei?"

"Wei Dingguo of Lingzhou!" Wei Dingguo turned around and replied indifferently.

"Oh! It's really a general! The young general had a very deep impression on General Wei when he said goodbye to the Tokyo Imperial Academy. I wonder if the general still remembers Xiao Ke?" Zhou Ang said excitedly.

Wei Dingguo gave a "hmm" and said, "You are the deputy coach of the 80 imperial army. I dare not call yourself a young general in front of me, the former regiment training envoy!" Then he turned around and stopped talking, just leading the way .Zhou Ang didn't feel embarrassed at all, and babbled on some old things behind.That's right, if his face is not up to a certain standard, how could he get under Gao Lian's command and become the commander of You Yiwei's army?

"This is not Wei Tongzhi! Hurry up, sit down and rest, drink some wine to relieve fatigue!"

Because there are still tens of thousands of brethren performing missions in Yunzhou, there is a special visiting leader on Jinshatan who is on duty here, responsible for communicating and receiving matters.At this time, it was Mrs. Gu, the big worm, who was on duty. Seeing Wei Dingguo from Ma Sanying brought someone back.Very enthusiastic.

"Sister-in-law, don't yell like that! It's called that in the army. It's because you have to lead soldiers. But sister-in-law yells like that, and you'll kill me!"

Everyone on the island does not like this warm-hearted sister-in-law. After Sun Xin asked to be transferred to Bian Xiang's subordinates, Mrs. Gu returned to the island from Koryo, and she was transferred to Zhu Gui's subordinates to help.

"Okay, Brother Wei, drink a bowl of wine first! Where are you going?" Mrs. Gu handed over a bowl of wine.laughed.

"I'm under the military order, so I dare not drink alcohol! By the way, I don't know where my brother is now? I have something important to tell you!" Wei Dingguo asked.

"At the moment it's either in the Houshan Family Hospital or in the Juyi Hall. Brother, you don't know, it's just because some imperial physicians from Tokyo called Imperial Physician Mou persuaded them, and promised to fall grass in my cottage. Brother, for this matter I don't know how happy it is!" Mrs. Gu laughed.

When Wei Dingguo heard it, he felt better, and thanked Mrs. Gu.He went up the mountain with two captives.At this time, Zhou Ang heard that several imperial doctors had also fallen into trouble, and he was very happy.But he was not happy about anything else, but the joy that Wang Lun had when he accepted him.It's just a few doctors, and it doesn't count as a fart in the court (doctors in the medical bureau are generally of low grade), he is so happy, so it seems.My own 80 imperial army deputy coach took effect.Thinking about it, it must be treated favorably, and the status is worry-free.

Like Zhou Ang, Li Congji also heard Mrs. Gu's words, but he put everything aside, but it was very strange to see that there was a woman in charge of Liangshan.He also came from the green forest, and he knew that where men gather together, women are generally rejected, let alone asked to show their faces.Because it will disturb the morale of the army.This Liangshan Park is really different, with weirdness everywhere.

Along the way, the three of them walked up the mountain road without saying a word.Liangshan Island is bustling at night. From Golden Beach to Wanzi City, there are dots of torches lit up on the ridge of the beach, and finally they converge into a line of fire, reflecting the prosperity of Liaoerwa in autumn night.

On the way down the mountain next to it, from time to time there are teams of minions, carrying meals and the like, heading towards the beach.Wei Dingguo ran into an acquaintance of a small leader to greet him on the way, Wei Dingguo shook his head and said: "Our brothers outside have never had a bite of hot rice, and what they ate were cold and hard dry food. Those prisoners are blessed!"

Li Congji saw that he wished to spit out a mouthful of old blood, and shouted: "The surname Wei, let's change! You will be a prisoner, and I will feed you with big fish and meat!"

The little leader was taken aback, stared straight at the veteran who was tied up the mountain, and said: "This official from the court is small everywhere, except that he has a big temper!"

Li Congji thought to himself that Lao Tzu is a person who has reached the gate of hell, so why should he be wronged by the little devil?Immediately shouted: "I came from the imperial court, but when I was in the world, your mother didn't know your father! Now in front of me, how can you, a bastard, have the right to talk!"

A word of "bassy" ignited the anger of the little boss, and he is not easy to bully, "You have surrendered to the imperial court and become a dog, and you are still talking to your young master about the prestige when we were in the green forest! If you think the world is good Why do you eat dog food from the imperial court? The young master said that you come from the imperial court and you don’t live up to expectations, so I’m not wrong!” As far as Song Wan’s subordinates are concerned, at least their housekeeping skills are specially used to greet them other people's mouth.

Wei Dingguo wanted to laugh when he heard that, but he didn't want to embarrass Li Congji too much. Seeing him blowing his beard and staring in anger, he just wanted to persuade him, when suddenly he saw a few old and strong old men running down the mountain road, and instead asked him to be in charge of receiving them Officer Chai fell far behind, and seeing that he could not catch up, he stopped panting, and shouted: "Wei...Brother Wei, the village master has an order, hand over General Li to these seniors!"

"Damn it! You are not dead for a few days!? Huh? You are...Xu Jing!? You are so fucking alive!? Why are you on Liangshan again?" Li Congji saw clearly who had rushed over A series of questions blurted out from the faces of several people. At this time, I don't know whether it was shock or anger, and I almost jumped up.

Xu Jing cupped his fists towards Wei Dingguo, and said: "General Wei, the leader Wang has agreed, let's persuade this old stubborn..." After speaking, he pointed to the rope on Li Congji's back, and looked at Wei Dingguo with a smile.

It has to be said that a person's background has a profound impact on his life. Xu Jing is far beyond Wei Dingguo in terms of age and qualifications. Wei Dingguo secretly thought that the more such a person, the more he should not be underestimated, so he stepped forward and cut the rope behind Li Congji, saying: "Since there is a military order from my brother, everyone, please do what you want!"

"Why are you so confused! We don't compare ourselves to others, it's like a prostitute gets married, but then goes into the water..." Before Li Congji could finish speaking, Xu Jing interrupted him and dragged him away.

The little leader who talked back to Li Congji just now shook his head and said, "People can be ignorant of praise, but they can't be shameless!" After speaking, he sighed with emotion, saluted Wei Dingguo, and went to his own business .

When Zhou Ang heard it, didn't the two sentences before and after these words clearly mean the same thing?It's just that he couldn't laugh at this time. Seeing that several old guys came out to persuade Li Congji to join the gang, but Qiu Yue, who was like them, didn't come to persuade himself. Don't take this matter lightly, there is a big problem inside!

"General Wei, the young general is willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, I hope the general can recommend someone for the young general!"

After following Wei Dingguo to the third pass, there were brightly lit buildings in front of him, but Qiu Yue, whom he had been looking forward to for a long time, still did not appear. It seemed that this was by no means a simple delay.Zhou Ang saw the opportunity quickly, and decided to grab Wei Dingguo at the straw before meeting Wang Lun, who had a clear attitude.

Hearing this, Wei Dingguo turned his head to look at Gao Qiu's celebrity with playfulness in his eyes.Zhou Ang lowered his head, sighed secretly, and said bitterly in his heart: "When sailing in the rivers and lakes, you can't watch the wind and steer the rudder. If you refuse to follow the current, the boat will capsize. I'm so aware of current affairs, why should I capsize?" (My The novel "Water Margin Survival" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) (to be continued~^~)

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