Water Margin Survival

Chapter 660 Chao Gai's farewell

I don't know when, Liang Shanbo has quietly become an authoritative organization that releases news of the death of court officials.

Wang Lun didn't like this very much. After all, his cottage was not Fengdu City, and he was not Lord Yan of the Ten Palaces. His subordinates were full of disqualified leaders.

Of course, this is just a joke.The real adverse effect of this kind of thing on Liangshanbo is that every time the imperial court conquers Liangshan, the leading generals after the war will either disappear or die, which will cast a shadow of murder on Liangshan.

And once this kind of impression on the government is formed, the direct consequence is that the defeated army may rise up to resist because the ending is a dead word anyway, which will bring unnecessary troubles to Liangshan, not to mention, It is also extremely detrimental to dividing opponents.

But the eyebrows are burning, so I have to take care of my eyes first!In order to dispel the worries of every new leader on the mountain, Wang Lun had to hold his nose to do such a thing.

Therefore, Wang Lun still replied professionally to Chen Wenzhao's words that made his ears almost audible: "Don't worry, you are already dead!"

When Chen Wenzhao heard this, he turned around blankly, as if he was really dead.Chai Jin clasped his fists at Wang Lun and chased after him.Wang Lun shook his head, thinking that the current situation is still far from changing. It can be said that "the revolution is still successful, brothers still have to work hard!"

However, from the moment when Chen Wenzhao acquiesced to fall into the grass, Gao Li's massive crusade can be regarded as using his own head to draw a successful conclusion for Liang Shanbo.

From the time when the Liangshan army returned from Korea to today, a total of [-] new leaders have joined the army.It accounts for about [-]% of the original number of leaders in Liangshan.The gains are not insignificant.There were also two prisoners held in the cell.

Dang Shiying and Dang Shixiong have not surrendered yet, but Wang Lungao took a look at the two brothers.Especially after Gao Qiu gave the head, they still stubbornly refused to surrender. It seemed that compared to Liu Menglong and Niu Bangxi, these two men were more like soldiers.

However, Wang Lun is not in a hurry. After all, Liangshanbo is already a complete skeleton, and he doesn't expect these tough hands like Jiedu envoys and Dujiao to take the lead.Therefore, except for Chen Wenzhao, eleven surrendered generals were selected.Only Wang Wenbin joined the ranks of Liangshan's first-line fighters.Most of this is due to the face of Wang Jin's strong recommendation. After all, according to Wang Lun's original idea, he was going to take care of Li Zhu's nephew, Li Xuan, and let him learn from Wang Jin.

That is to say, even Wang Wenbin and Wang Lun did not plan to put him in the front line at the beginning.Having said that, it might stimulate some people's nerves. After all, these people are enough to be the first-line fighters, and Wang Lun has arranged them all to the second-line positions.If Tian Hu, Wang Qing, and Fang La heard about the training of soldiers and the teaching of teachers, their saliva would drip three feet, and they would have to scold Wang Lun for tyrannizing nature and ruining talents.Didn't you see that Tian Hu caught several people who were half-bucketed in the prison.It's like picking up a priceless treasure.The ecstasy caused their family to be ruined.

Wang Lun has always believed that there is no best arrangement in this world, only the most suitable arrangement.Letting people with outstanding talents who cannot be directly engaged in front-line work due to various reasons to engage in front-line security work is like a lion attacking a tiger. They are not vegetarians.

As for the only civil official among the 12 people, let alone the only one sentence: his joining is enough to offset Wang Lun's sense of loss after sending Zong Ze and Zhang Shuye away.

In fact, there are gains similar in value to these twelve new leaders.That is hundreds of thousands of well-trained captive soldiers.If Liang Shan could digest these people, of course, it would not be possible to digest them all, but as long as they digested [-]% or [-]% of them, Wang Lun would have to wake up laughing from his dreams.

Looking at the sparkling lake, Wang Lun is full of ambition, and his eyes drift to the east, where the hope of Liangshan lies.

"Brother, who is going to die?" It just so happened that a group of people came towards the ferry with a smile on their faces, and they didn't know whether they were going down to work on the mountain or they were here to talk to Wang Lun.

Wang Lun looked back and saw that it was Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu, two military advisers, who came hand in hand with Chao Gai, Wu Yong, Li Zhong, Xue Yong and Bai Sheng.When these two groups came together, Wang Lun immediately guessed their purpose.

"Chen Wenzhao, Governor of Yunzhou, he is still a little worried!"

Chao Gai sighed when he heard the words, and said: "If you want to say, the military generals of the imperial court are more straightforward, and they go up the mountain when they say it. They don't have so many tricks. However, these civil servants are afraid of wolves and tigers, so they will not do it!"

"Who told us to have the reputation of being a bandit on our heads?" Wang Lun smiled and said, "Heavenly King is here, is he going to go back to his hometown, or is he looking for something to do with Xiao Ke?"

"You really can't hide anything from my virtuous brother. Brother Yu has both. But the matter of the two military advisers is important, let them talk about it first!" Chao Gai replied, looking at his posture, it seems that the matter is not small, and he wants Wang Lun to make a decision .

Wang Lun nodded, motioned Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu to speak first, and Zhu Wu said, "This is not enough if you don't take the rout soldiers who came up the mountain. The three of us discussed it. Firstly, these people are an excellent source of soldiers. Secondly, we are afraid of these people." People have nowhere to go, endangering the village. In any case, I, Liangshan, have the responsibility to clear up the wandering soldiers, so I want to make a joint announcement with the fellow villagers in Yunzhou to arrest the rout soldiers!"

Wang Lun said "Yes", expressing his affirmation, and then asked: "How many prisoners are estimated to have escaped and scattered in Yunzhou?"

"After an all-night search by Tang Bin of the Ma Jun, Lu Junyi, Luan Tingyu of the Infantry, and the Fourth Battalion of Ma Xie, more than 4000 people were caught in the past few days. It is estimated that there are still this number of broken soldiers out! Brothers, continue to search! "Zhu Wu replied.

"Tell Zhang Qing and Hao Siwen of the Ma Jun, Sun An and Bian Xiang of the Infantry, go down and replace the brothers from the four battalions and go up the mountain to rest!" Wang Lun heard that the brothers searched all night, and worried that they would not be able to bear it. The tired teacher.

Wu Yongjian said, smiling flatteringly: "Brother Liu Tang still said that his bones were itchy today, isn't this useful? My younger brothers also hate not being able to report to the cottage, and wish to fly to the south of the Yangtze River to recruit for my cottage." A hero!"

After Wu Yong finished speaking, Li Zhong and Xue Yong seized the opportunity and said: "I have been in Liangshan for the past six months, and I have grown fat. I just hate that I have nowhere to contribute!"

They rarely had the opportunity to get close to Wang Lun in such a small area. They usually saw Wang Lun in the Juyi Hall.A large group of people are still separated by a long distance.Although they live together in the family courtyard.But he didn't dare to visit her door rashly.At this time, it happened that Wu Yong opened the conversation, why didn't they seize the opportunity.

Bai Sheng realized later that he was a step too late, and immediately declared that going to Jiangnan would make a difference!But at this moment Chao Gai waved his hand and said: "The village owner and the military advisor are discussing important matters, our matters are small. I will talk to the village owner slowly later!"

Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu looked at each other, and both looked at Wang Lun, but he smiled and said, "It's a good thing to have fighting spirit, but I want to listen to what you have to say later!"

Wu Yongjian clasped his fists together, and took a step back, expressing his intention not to interject.How did he know that he opened his mouth.There was a group of people waiting behind, almost leaving an impression that I didn't know how important it was.

"Don't transport the food and grass that the officers and soldiers took back to the village. I asked Pei Xuan to go down the mountain and preside over the return of the people. This was written together in the notice to arrest the rout soldiers, and it was stated that the people should act according to the village, otherwise they would be family by family. I don't know when it will be! Xingren Mansion and Puzhou must not forget either. After all, Gao Qi was snatched all the way!"

When Wang Lun said this, he looked at Zhu Wu and said, "Don't worry about the affairs at the foot of the mountain, and do your best to do a good job in the work of the prisoners in the cottage! As for the elimination of the imperial court and the return of money and food to the people, and the aftermath of the two cities of Ji and Yun, you should do your best at the foot of the mountain." Please ask Mr. Xiao to take over this mess!"

Zhu Wu and Xiao Jiasui both nodded when they heard the words, at this time Xiao Jiasui said: "I have something to report to my elder brother, and the people who volunteered to jump into the mountain these two days are in an endless stream, far exceeding the previous level by more than ten times! The younger brother reckoned .It’s Gao Qiu’s nonsense that made the common people fear that the court will have a next attack! My younger brother suggests that, take advantage of this opportunity, and use Yun and Ji prefectures as the center to vigorously attract people from several prefectures around Liangshanbo to go up the mountain!”

Xiao Jiasui is laying the groundwork for emigrating to Korea in Japan, why does Wang Lun refuse?Immediately agreed: "According to your ideas, just let me know if you have any difficulties! The same is true for Master Zhu. I will go with you to chat with the prisoners sometime!"

Zhu Wu was overjoyed, he learned from Wang Lun how he did the work for the surrendered soldiers, if Wang Lun came forward in person, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort?Immediately welcomed, but heard Wang Lun said:

"Currently Wang Huan and other veterans, plus Qiu Yue, Zhou Ang, and Wang Wenbin, you can invite them to work together. After all, the prisoners are all soldiers brought out by them. They should know it well. In addition, let them rest assured that they were not captured. The sergeants we selected will be sent to Jeju Island, some of them will be incorporated into the engineering battalion under Tao Zongwang, and some will be sent to the land to be disarmed and returned to the fields, so that they don't have to worry about leaking the news that they have fallen into grass!"

Both Xiao Jiasui and Zhu Wu were shrewd and capable people, and they left after receiving Wang Lun's instructions.Now it was Chao Gai's turn, but he didn't speak much anymore, his eyes were slightly red.Seeing this, Wu Yong said: "Baozheng discussed with us, and today we are planning to go to Dongxi Village. Now that Liangshan is so prosperous, we should find a way out for the villagers in the village!"

"Baozheng is a person who values ​​righteousness. This is what should be done. If the folks want to go up the mountain, just invite them. The most worrying thing about Liangshan is that there are too many people! By the way, Jialiang, go to Xixi Village for me to give to the old lady. Say hello and tell him, the two boys in his family are very promising now!" Wang Lun looked at Wu Yong very naturally.

"Since we're at the door, how dare you not go in and say hello!" Wu Yong agreed with a smile, without any embarrassment on his face.It turns out that the old man is a man who can see things openly, and Wu Yong can flatter him. Those misunderstandings at the beginning are probably dissipated long ago.

"Brother, Gao Qiu has been here for the past few months, and brother Yu has been eating leisurely food for the past few months on the mountain. Now that Gao Qiu is conferring on you, brother Yu is bidding you farewell!"

Wu Yong made Chao Gai calm down from his emotions, and he took Wang Lun's hand and said sincerely.

"What did Baozheng say? When Uncle Zhang attacked our Liao'erwa, you didn't help? Brother Li Ying was injured because of it. Fortunately, he looked good last night, otherwise how would I feel at ease!" Wang Lun patted Chao. With the back of Gai's hand, he said again:

"It's just that Baozheng can't go now. The navy that Gao Lian recruited for the second time in the south of the Yangtze River has not yet been seen. If you ask you to meet in the middle of the road, it's not safe! Baozheng and wait for a few days with peace of mind, waiting for me in the government The undercover agent has news, it won't be too late for you guys to mention the departure!" (to be continued~^~)

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